HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-09-16, Page 7WEDNESDAY, SEPT: 16th, 1959 WHITECHURCH. • Mr, and Mrs. ,A,.. Loug►heed and family visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Fisher' over the week -end.. . Mr. and.. Mrs. Charlie :11/fartin spent ,Sunday at the , home of their daughter,. Mr. and Mrs. C. Simons of London. ,Mr. and Mrs. Don Ross ,attend-. ed a lwedding in Barrie on Sat urday, Mr and Mrs. Albert Coultes, and family. will attend the grad. nation, ' of their daughter, Mar- jorie, at': the . Guelph General Hospital,' on .Wednesday. ,.-;• • Mrs. A. Dowling visited at .t home of her ..daughter,: 'Mr. ' an•" Mrs. ''Robert Aitchison; of• Luck now on Sunday. . Kir. and Mrs. E. Scholtz spent. Sunday in,,London with Mr. and THE L1 .TC Mrs. C. Simon s. Mr. and Mrs. H, Etiokton and son spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, A. E • Buckton, Mrs. G. Hamilton and Bruce vis- ited there also. DIED SUDDENLY. Robert • Bates passed away suddenly at noon on Friday, September 4th, at his home in •Kinloss. He' was in' his 36th year. . Mr. and .Mrs. Bates purchased the Ralph Caskanette farm .over •a year ago and moved to this district from Shelburne. Two 'of his brothers also located in this district. Four years, ago deceased suf fered "a . heart. attack. He became ill 'while harvesting With his 'brothers. Mrs. Bates and a: son survive, r.... :.•: r.': {,... rrr.>i:i r+'/'.: 4? .:/r>er+>:} SPECIAL AT LUCKNOW, CO-OP WATCH NEXT WEEK'S PAPER FOR DETAILS AND REALLY SPECIAL PRICES:`. Some of the. items that will be -slashed' in price: • REFRIGERATORS,- ` . CHEST FREEZERS A.UTOMATIC'. WASHERS AND DRYERS. UNIVERSAL MILKING EQUIPMENT HARDWARE LINES Such as, pails, tubs, wheelbarrows, paint, paint brushes, ratkill and brushkill • SMALL 'APPLIANCES • Vaccuum cleaners, steam and dry irons,. electric kettles SNOW TIRES 'BATTERIES GREASE GUNS: and, GREASE ' Your $ • $ $ will make sense ate. the Lucknow. Co-op September Sale • ' Distri SENTINEL,. LUCKNOW, . QNTARIO PAGE SEVEN: SHOW SL' IDES AT WPI. SEPTEMBER MEETING Lucknow Women's Institute met in the Town •Hall, Friday, September „11th with a. very good attendance. After . the bus- iness arid reports we were fav- ored' with a solo by Miss Marg- aret Rae accompanied by • Mrs. R. .Cummings. The motto "The man who . pulls , the oars has.' not time -to rock the boat", was prepared by Miss Ada Webster and capably : given. by Mrs.• R. Robertson. Mrs. B+. . Gammie spoke on . the. Monthly theme, "Agriculturq, and Canadian ` In- dustries," ,,. stressing everyone must play their part- in the ' de velbpments. • of our country; The ro ll call was answered by an agrict4ltliral clipping. :Mrs. 11.. Robinson showed, slides of her daughter's trips in Holland and France, ,and •Mrs. C. 'Bristow of her. western trip; 'this 'past sura mer which was, . enjoyed very much. The meeting .closed with the .,Queen and a delicious lunch was served . 'by .the . committee. ' ST. HELENS Mr and, Mrs., George. Sillers of Walkerton and . Mr. Norman 'Cunningham of North' Bay -were recent callers on their cousin, Mr: and' Mrs. W. A. ,Miller: ' Mr: George McQ.uillin has re- turned to li'amilton after' spend-. ing ' the vacation with • • Mr. • and Mrs. William Purdon, and other relatives. His sister Marilyn was a recent visitor here ,too. ' Mr. and Mrs. Allan Milier ac ' • companied Messrs. Richard . and Ellwood .:Elliott to. Alliston on. Sunday for': the. •funeralof. Mr. ..Elliott's •' a brother-in-law, Mr. James !McCormick. ' ' M. and Mrs.Jas. 'Douglas, their daughter, • Mrs. Dave Bart and Mr. Bart and Brenda . and 2 .Bryan were recent.' • guests of Mr; and. Mrs. John Cameron. MAGIC' 'MARKERS, two, prices to choose from; eight colours; .teen time hasty notes for 'the teenager, real cool, ;' 25c.,• thank You' notes, large .-selection, 25c; -file • folders; 4c each;, receipt books, 15c; ca4'bon • paper, wed- ding place• dards,. 'wedding • thank you notes, ala types. of greeting cards at all prices; .• A Complete Stationery ' Supply at The Luck- now Sentinel,': phone' 35, Luck - new. ANK The •Lucknow Bowling Club wishes'. to sincerely thank. the fol lowing merchants . and manufac- turers . who contributed so gen erously to . their Labor . D.ay tour-, namerit. • AIek Andrew, Omar Brooks,; Jack MacDonald, SpenceIrwin, Ted Collyer,. George .Elliott, Dr. Corrin, Roy, Havens, Gordon.,, Brooks, . Harold Ritchie, Noble Johnston, •Les: Purves, Kneehtel' Feeds, .Bank. of ;Montreal,. , Torn; Hackett, Dr. Little, Jack Stuart, John W. Henderson Lumber Ltd.,: Ross` Cuniming, Treleave.n Mill, Anderson Flax Products, Art Gilmore,' The Lucknow Sentinel,' Gordon Fisher, ..Johnston's`,•Meat Market, Comimunity. Sales Barn; Jack sMcDoragh, Dr. M. Raithby, / '.Bud .Hamilton, Mayfair Restaur- ant, Howard Agnew, Gordon Bailey, MacRae's Fina Station, Beatty' Ladder Co., Ford. Garage, Silverwoods, Johnstone Furni. ure, Murdie's Hardware, Henry's Fruit Market, Siegtists, McLen- nan and. MacKenzie, Brown's Fruit Market, .Mason and Cooke Imperial Oil; Isaac .Miller,. Hun- ter's Fina Station, D. R. Finlay- son, Lucknow District Co-op, Sand.erson's, Webster arid urae. Kinnon, Umbach's Drug Store, Hall's 'Red and White Grocery, •Rathwell's Shoe Store, Wm. A. Schmid, Sepoy Store, Ashton's, Short's 1G A, Market' Store, Greer TV and ' Electric, Muliinrs Bakery, Eob Finlay, Allan' Reed, Button's Meat Market, Joe Mac-• • Millan. TRI -COUNTY CAMPAIGN FOR THE BLIND Huron County Objective - $6,000 Send Your Donation Today To: H. D. THOMPSON, LUCKNOW, :ONTARIO. KINLOUGH • • 'Miss Margaret ' Schneller • left on `Tuesday for Belleville. ; where. she • returned to T the • Ontario School for the Deaf. Mrs. Roy Scheller• 'accompanied her ,to Kitchener where she visited with her mother, Mrs., Reick.• .. ' The W.A.. met on Thursday. with Mrs. William' Cox hostess. The • opening: .hymn was ' "The love • of :.Christ Constraineth".• The scripture was read by Mrs. Howard Thompson with • prayers following.. The . roll ' call was "temple'. The meditation was giver!', by. Mrs. Ralph Hill. •Read- ings followed by: Mrs.. J. W. Colwell, • Mrs. Tom Hodgins and kiss May .Boyle. ' "Work- for the :night is coming" was sung . Mrs. Gerald., Rhody thanked, the , hos- tess who was assisted :.by her daughter, Ms. 'Zahn Scott The meeting closed with' prayer . and lunch was served. This being a work meeting `a quilt was' quilt- ed • during.. the, afternoon., • Mrs. J. •W. • Colwell spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs ' Don McCosh • and family at Purple Grove. - We are pleased -to port that i Mr. Tom ' Hodgins' rnprp'ving and was'' able to returhome on re n Saturday. . .Miss May: Boyle returned from the Rest -A -While 'lodge at, Bruce Beach where she: spent the summer. / Mr: Eric Holt of ' New York called in the village' :during the week. Mr.,. Holt , is a nephew of the Paxtons who owned the gen- eral store here a nummber of years. ago: ;He ,spent his boyhood days. •her'e and 'notes marked changes. He remembers the .store. wihicn• • is now: ;closed and the Presbyterian ;Church and the house ..beside the store .,which belonged to ,.the 'Paxton family. The teacher, Mrs. K Collins and pupils, of theschool„ enjoyed a (bus trip to Kitchener ° on. Fri- day,. when. they visited several' places' of- interest.': Many' were delighted to see some. of the pup.. ils 'on. the T.V. program "bazaar'' Mr. . William Wall has been spending 'awhile at the home of Mr, arid . Mrs. Jack .Sohuniacher. .The Right Reverend. , W. A. Town'sherid't Suffragan Bishop , of. Huron will be, here on. Sunday next, September. •20th for Con- firmation at 11 a.m.' Congratulations .to ' 1VIr. .and Mrs. ;, Jack Walsh • of Melfort Sask on the •. arrival of their twins, Randa and- Randal. Miss May Boyle is 'caring for Mrs. Thos. Harris at Holyrood while • Mrs.• : Howard Harris is. visiting with her sister, at 'Sask.. atoon. Visitors with Mr: sand ,Mrs. Williarh Cox and . Rev. Benson' Cox were Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Lloyd and. Doris,,, Mr. and Mrs. ' Kar , Boyle: and. Carol of- London. .Mr, and Mrs. Harold Slessor •and family. of Glamis visited an Sunday with" Mr.' and Mrs. Bert Nicholson and family. ' 'Met Lucknowite At . Vimy• Last week: the Walkerton Herald .Times.reported on. a trip. that Mr. and Mrs.' :Warren . Mc.. Burney ;had to the Old Country and. Europe. At the Virny ':Meir orial they met. a' Lucknow resi-- dent Sgt.George Rppbertson, - has s served .in Gerfriiany for'• some. four .years: • TYPEWRITER RIBBON'S Typewriter ` ribbons': for' ' any make of machine are now avail- able at' 'the ' Lucknow Sentinel. No 'matter what' the machine, •we have .the; ribbon. Phone 35, Luck-. now. . . SIGNS FOR .SALE—"No Tres 'passing" "For• :Sale"' and "For Rent" signs available at 'The Lucknow Sentinel; ' phone 35. • • YOUR OWN See how this .smart, :fash-' ionable, Raised Letter Printing reflects dignity • and quality: • . ADDS PRESTIGE BUILDS- BUSINESS INCREASES. PROFITS . Specially •Priced. per thousand plus • attractive wallet type case for the cards Free THE. ' LU.CKNOW SENTINEL • Phone 35 . MONUMENTS For, Sound counsel sand a fair price on a monument Correctly designed from- quality material, • rely on • ;SKE.LTON• MEMORIALS • Pat O'Hagan, Prop. ,Established Over Sixty Years Walkerton . Phone 6384 Ontario ,r ..sN.akar.Kr:Fs��1► rc.s�N 040,70 4ri,.• .0 r