HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-09-16, Page 6PAGE ' A .A4 •f ••..„ . • •• • .yr THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, WC KNOW, ONTARIO. Miss Sinipson, two of our miS sionaries. W. Russell gave a very interesting 'talk on the North American Indians, includ- ing personal experiences. The Prayer Circle was taken by Miss Mary MacLeod, Mrs. McClean and Mrs. Russell. Miss Dorothy Douglas, who returns to her work in Formosa next week, exPressed her '.appreciation of her. contacts with the W.M.S. while home on furlough and Group W.A, Group 111 met in the Lucknow United Church With 17, roeinbers present, Mrs. B. Elliott presided and •introduced the theme of the devotional period' • "Love your enemies." Mrs. H. Robinson read the scripture,Matthew 5; 43-48 closed the 'meeting with prayer and Mrs. Vightman the 'med- itation and prayer. Mrs. Tay- . lor gave treasurer's • report and -• made. .conunents ori the bake , sale-, held at , the lake. in July; Mrs. WightmanThwsday• for the Christian Fellowship. c Mrs. Elliott reminded members' .14g opened with the theme the 3. groupmeeting on Sep- tember 22nd; and also . that the ; fin • rally for ,South Presbytery W.A. would. 'be ' our church,' Thuraday, October 15th. Miss M. Rae presided for the following prograra. Mrs. E. Thom reviewed the chapter in Our study book "Stewardship of time in, the life of women." 'Mrs., G. Saunders gave two readings and Miss ;M. Rae a so16. A hymn, was sungl and the inisPah bene- diction closed the meeting. A contest and -a , time were then enjoyed., •• • ' • . , . The afternoon ' 'Auxiliary of the PreSbyteriari Church, met in the Sunday School room on the afternoon of . September 9th, • With an attendance of 19, • and with, Mrs. P. Stewart ;in,. the chair.' After the ;opening hymn, this time. ;An announcement/ was • Mrs. Stewart , Ied in prayer, fol-•. made of the three ;groups meet - lowed by •the scripture reading ing to lbe held September 22nd • in unison. Mrs.; C. Cooke read at which a good attendance is .• a chapter from the Study Book requested: Mrs. , :Harold Btchie on the •life of Mary of Rome. presided for the prograni. Mrs. ' After :the, singing of a hymn, Gordon Montgomery, played ,a • the • Purpose was , repeated, in pleasingpianosolo. Mrs. Ritchie • unison. . Mrs. J. F'011ock gave an then introduced the ,giiest Rev. interesting ' talk.. • During; the Jennings; who 'showed -us 'some .business session it was decided very interesting slides ang told to ask the girls to meet us of his experiences in -his • with ,us for the October Thank- first • parish .in the northern offering. meeting. Mrs. aVtorgan Presbyterian Church W.M.S. • WEDINTEItSPAY, SEPT. 16th, 1959 I foir ONE to FIVE years to .earn. Group 1 United Church W.A.' • The first meeting for the fall •season was held .in the'Church - season 'Rooni ,,with .an ' . . tendance of .eleven, The Meet- h.yxnri., motto, and prayer: •MrS. Alex MaoNaY had charge. of the devotional . section, the motto' being "Lowe Your enemies." The scripture was read by :Mrs. John Nicholson 'which ••was fol- lowed Fh,y a hymn. The treasur- er's ; report showed $73: had been raised to date. Mrs. White of the Christian Fellowship com- mittee reported several calls made and cards sent. The• sew'- ing conrinittee, headed by Mrs. VernonHunter, ,reported that six More blocks were, needed to complete the . quilt, also that the Red Cross !quilts had been fin- ished in June: Mrs. Alexflay- ens,• group leader, • moved . a • vote of thanks to all. who had help- ed put the flowers in the church during ' the Summer. ;The relig- nation of the. secretary, Mrs. JIM Boyle,' Was,accepted, but no successor was 'aPPointed at Henderson,gave a resume of. North West Territories., He told - us when he went there fresh out ' the work of Miss Cherry and of . -college, his duties -with the FOR PRODUCTIVE HAY AND PASTURE • * • Mixed hay and pasture yielding 2 tons dry matter per are requires approximately 90 lbs. nitrogen, 45 lbs. phosphorous and 90 lbs. po- tassium. . * With an application of 8 tons manure per acre, approximately 24 lbs. nitrogen, g lbs. phoSphor- ous and 32 lbs. potassium is all that will be made available the first year. Legumes can / supply some of the nitrogen lacking, but. phos- phorous and potassium will have to be supplied supplementary. • * For example, where grasses dominate on heavy land which is manured once every three years, " there should, be a fall application of 5-10-15 at 300 to 600 lbs. per acre every 3 years . . . For further recommendations consult your local 'Agr. Rep. or CO-OP. • • CO-OP Has the Analysis YOU NEED Lucknow District Co op Phone 71, bicknoW •• • in British Mortgage & Trust Company Guaranteed Certificates. . ,.. i :To invest 7 just send 'us your cheque or see your local agent.- . .• , . Out-of4Own cheques are accepted at par. • . • ,.. • , . ., . :BRITISH. .:MORTGAGE :8T. TRUST • Founded In 1877- • , . ! Head Office: STRATFORD .',. ' ••::, 's . . , 1 ' I . • 1 a : BitrnSil NORTGAGE..& TRUST COMPANY, STRATFORD . . . . .• : 1 enclose ,my cheque for $..;. .. ....... – for in vestment in a BritiSh Mortgage, ,Certiticate. 11:: . . CA• ▪ , a. . . . NAME _n • ...• • manta irearsa ... aortae .. , era ..... iarroorror r . .......... 'af afa•••••••••• , • , • • " • ADDRESS. • • • LI; Please send jokier giving information about • British. Mortgage' & -Trust certificates. ' ▪ . .... o 000 o 0000 aasui. o o o o oo • 000000 OOO OO Local Representative, • Indians .were. riumerOuS, includ-, and Carpenter. A hymn.. and the Mispah benediction , closed : the meeting. Refreshments were ser- ved 'by the. committee in charge. '' ' . • ; 'United Zion Church ilv . 3/ W.M.S. Mrs. Charles, ;Wilkins held the September 10th meeting at her Ihome With 22 ladies, ; visitors i and A children. 'present ! The. Meeting •opened;• in the • usual. 'manner and the .rolla, call . was answered with .a commandment. Devotional was taken by Mrs.. George Hunter with Mrs.. Earl Swan 'reading • • the scripture. ViSitOrs. for • shut -Ms are Mrs. Graydon Ritchie and Mrs. • Eari Swan. • To get the programme is Mrs. Harvey Ritchie. The Chap- ter from the Sagebrush Surge* study book was taken by Mrs.' D. A. Hackett. An innteresting talk and shoWing of slides of, the West including, the Calgary stampede' was 'told ,by 1 Mrs. Gordon Kirkland who had spent .ths. month of July there,: while Mrs. John Ritchie ' showed the ' *tures on ' the 'screen. IRev. Kaiser •closed With prayer., The Octdber meeting will be at the hoine of Mrs. D.\ ,A.• Hackett. ing minister; teacher, janitor, • ' ., • • • • THE PARSON'S 'PEN . • • Undoubtedly my readers have often heard the phrase "picking -up loose ends." In our household, it refers :usually to the hair• . But the ,thought comes to me that this is whk rnatiqt ' of • us are doing as we resume our fall work During the summer, holi- ,days from school, from employ- ment, lead us into many paths • of4ctiviety:mBusutumeour t r•thesetimoecOmes when w ends,' . Istemightds,'be . lielnfuIto each of act- ivities in school,' in church, in comniunity.' We• in "pick. up • 16) I i us .to do some serious thinking , • . about , the type of • "picking up". which we do.. For. We usually. have some choices which we can' make.,' Take your ;speech habits, for examPle. As you resume your accustomed ' routine, is your ;speech just what is was? Or does it include more words of commendation, of thankful- ness, of encouragement? What of your aim. in life?. Do you have a .broader understanding of the 'importance of your 'work or activity? Does „Your anibition produce more incentive to .work earnestly. arid hard?. • "Loose ends" is suggestive'al so. of, things left undone,. of tal- tewart •• :have such areas in your life? I „ dare; say .that 'it won.14 not be hard. for any of us to think of some work We have not • corn... •pleted, or done 'thoroUghly, Like- wise, we 'could think of a gift :•that God has given us that we. • have not developed, or that we may/ have used only in part, . • From day, ,to. day, each of us does well to keep check On the loose ends of life: For it. is the • little things in life that combine toproduce the events 'important to' mankind. Don't take yourself for -granted.' Everything in your life can aid in the discipline that A well 'developed life must have cents not wholly, used.. Do you; for orderly growth. • ; WALTER. BRECKLES labilLOUGH, ONTARIO Phone 18-20 Ripley Your John Deere Dealer — Automotive. and Tractor Repairs Arc ,and. Acetylene welding . . Machine Work . . Pioneer. '• •••Chain Saws, Lawn and Garden EquiP*14 For your best buy in diesel tractors, see the "David Browne' • 10 algal .111111114#111110.04/11• 4111111#0•00.111111111.01M1a0114/#4#0.01#4.1#1).M.1)..M•04/Mg1.6.#11.1110.0,11"., • • • Y HAVENS PLUMBING and HEATING . • 4" • ESSO OIL BURNER SALES AND SERVICE , Phone 73 ' , ' • Lucknow . . . „ _