HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-09-16, Page 3• 'WEDNESDAY:, 'SEPT. 16th, 1959 . LUCKNOW SENTINEL, .L,UCKNOW, COMM• SAVES YOU. MONEYEVERY DAY EE ane pair F of . E with eac sh: Register Slips MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE ... 69c lb. WHITE SWAN TOILET TISSUE• Eddy's. Save 9c. . . .. 4 for 49c ONTARIO BLUE GRAPES 39c 6 'qt.. bskt. .. .. Attractive Price INSTANT OR •QUAKER OATS large, pkg . i 'PHONE 26 hite. Food Store FREE DELIVERY •. BRUCE SITE FOR General Electric .Company Limi ed, �CANDU will be Canada's NUCLEAR STATION : first: large-scale nuclear;plant a, . � n Local..� � Gener�l.��. ' I Thissite is better : suited to A. 2,300 -acre : site. for, Canada's the needs of Ontario Hydro than first large-scale nuclear power any other we have investigated, station .has been selected on the • 114r. Duncan said, 'and• we: be- / shore, of Lake Huron nine 'miles lieve it will nieet the require-' north • of... Kincardine, Ontario merits of the Atomic Energy :Hydro Chairman James S, Dun- Control Board." can has announced. Pending - the Noting that .Ontario - Hydro had' results of the sub strata drilling ,investigated ossibl the official announcement seem- • e slins .I n the Blind . River,- Manitoulin Island;.. ed little more than a formality Owen ,Sound and Parry . Sound Mr. Duncan said ...the ..Brace .,.areas:, as well as .the Lake "Hui- County Site, lying almost mid7 on shoreline ''between . Goderich way 'between Kincardine and . and Sarnia, Mr: Duncan said the Port: Elgin, was -Chosen follow- '• ,location :finally chosen .possessed • Dr. and Mrs: John, Crispin of Red Lake,. Ontario, 'shave ,been een holidaying at. the•.Stether's cot- tage ..at' Kintail. Mrs. • Marion : Harris of . H'oly rood .` left ,on .Wednesday for . a months visit with her sister.,: Mrs. C. E. Wilson..••at Saskatoon. iMr.': and • Mrs, Donald TFarriSh. and . two children, Donald Rae, and David have returned `from' a motor trip to Florida. We, look; forward' to .;getting iru 'intensive field investigations. -ail the riecessar the paper each, week, 'says Arth-. , y characteristics Ur H: 'Graham of Sault Ste in many :parts of.••rthe province: for a nuclear -electric station.' Marie, in renewinghis. Bounded on the south'by In , subscrip 'Water for cooling purposes is tion. verhuibn Provincial Park, It is available in large quantities,the a rd ky promontory of bush land Mr: and Mrs. R. J Dixon of bedrock• 'foundation is. suitable, C•aledon and ' Mr: • and Mrs. jutting out into Lake Huron and highway and rail `transportation " Wilson of J. includes Douglas and MacPher-Florida, were visitors is nearby, the surrounding dis last* week with Flora.'and Olive son points. - ti ict is lightly populated, and Webster. • If approved '.by the Atomic the f site is not too remote, from Ehergy.. Control• Board, the : site the transmission network of mfr.Mrs. 'T S. Reid' of Orillia .is • willbecome the location "of. the Southern Ontario . System,". ,Mr. 200,000 kilowat 'CANDU (Cana, 'Duncan .explained. dian Deuterium ' Uranium) nu clear -electric generating : station. The . $60,000,000 project *ill.be ::built by. Atomic Energy of Cn- ada. Limited. Although a srnali prototype nuclear station, , is now , 'under construction by AECL, Ontario Hydro ,and . Canadian PAGE THAW) ) anderson 's LADIES' and MEN'S WEAR—FASHION MILLINERY DRESS UP FOR FALL IN New colorful WINTER COATS in glamorous shades of brown, green, blue, red, tan. Materials 'are silky, light and• easy to, wear in sealskin, Elysian, Mohair, etc., in all. sizes .for' Grandma, Mother and daughter. $29.95 4° $99.00 Use Our Layaway ,I'I"an. MANY LOVELY FALL HATS to MIX and ° MATCH DRESSES Many to choose from for weddings and travelling • in tailored . and fussy styles. SPECIAL CLEARANCE RACK, at .. .... $ .5.00 SPECIALS MEN'S TROUSERS ' in hard wearing fabric ... FALL UNDERWEAR . Penman's 95 and 71, all • sizes, blue and' . red label. Stanfields shorts and longs. T-shirts and ' briefs. - SUITS HALF PRICE' Few samples and clearances on. all wool, good ,size range. All new materials: WINTER HATS'. These are samples, factory clearances. in . all colors and sizes for all .the family.Most are higher priced from, $3.00 to '$7:00. Exceptional.. Values. Just the hat for any occasion ON. SALE, FRIDAY and SATURDAY .. , . $2.00 LISLE. • HOSE .. * . '.... :75c WOOL HOSE : .. $1:00 ORLON CARDIGANS -i e s z s 12 to 20, all colors, spec- ially priced$2.98 FI ANNELE TfE:.GOWNS & PYJAMAS full • . ulli • sze range for `. . $2.98 LUCKNOV :..UNITED CHURCH:`�� Minister.: '•° Rev:. Gordon R. Geiger, _ B.A., . RD. • SUNDAY`, SEPTEMBER <20 10:00 a.m. • RALLY. DAY in the Church School.. • ' 11:00 a.m Divine worship Nursery during church Thought For; Thee. Week: - men speak ill of you, • live so that no'13Qdy will be- lieve 'them. Hydro announced in July that 'options had 'been taken on sev- eral properties in the. -area north .of, Kincardine. Tet drilling to a depth of 110 feet proved found- ation conditions 'satisfactory. • The site ` cdnsists of aboiit 19 Lots between concessions 3 and• 6 in the Township of Bruce. Mainly . cedar bush, the ' area is not used for farting and habi tation is limited to two Summer. cottages • along the :flat, rocky shoreline. • Shoreline conditions were an, important factor in selection oi;. • the site as sand would clog the water , intakes of. an .operating station.. The CANDU plant Will visiting in ` London • with her son, Austin and Mrs. Reid. She cal. led on Mrs.•'T. H. 'Alton who, re- cently observed her, 94th birth- day and found her very bright. Mrs.. R. Nelson is at present visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Eugene, McGrath and Mr. .Mc- Grath in Toronto. Mr. and; Mrs. McGrath (Jean Nelson), ' will •.shortly be moving! ;tp ,Winnipeg to 'maketheir home. • • Mrs. Win. Murdie has: gone to .1Vljtchell, where she plans: to reside' ,'for , the time being- . at. least. She accompanied, her. bro- then -and his wife," Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hardin of 'Milton, to ,Mit- chell on Saturday. Sunday visitors•'with Mrs. Ed Thorn were 'Mr. and Mrs. George Nor - use 300,000 .gallons of water a Sillers •of Walkerton and. Nor-. .minute for cooling .purposes. Man Cunningham of Kirkland Since the' cooling water will not Lake.:• come in contact with radio actaliallenimmaggigniginuagge - ive, materials,` it will be return= `ed to the lake in a pure: condi- tion. ondition `The Lake 'Huron site ••is close to •Highway 21 and both Kincart dine' and. Port Elgin are .served by the Canadian .National Rail Lyceum Theatre W iNGHAM, • ,Two shows each night' First at, 7.15 . ,.n. r .. , p ide Thursday, Friday, Saturday, As Ontario Hydro will:provide the transmission facilities to feed • September 17, 18, 19. Lucknow the station's electrical output to Rosalind • rRussell•. • m Southern Ontario, the fact that Presbyterian Church ' in transmissioril: facilities at Han- TIE , MAME" Minister: i over are only 30 Chiles awaywas ' ".A4IN ME" Rev, ! another/ important factor in °sel- (Adult Entertainment) 'Wallace . McClean ection rof the site. o . SUNDAY,' SEPTEMBER 26th . Design work is fully under A —fast and furious comedy way but actual 'construction witha glamorous background 11:00 a, .. • , t m Sunday School Z! work ora the CAND:U. project is and based on the highly.sucess- Ra llvv Dacr C.•....a __ School!, not likely to begin before r._ :....,` fii1 stage play, N1)1'8 meet at 10:45, The project will probably em-' Admission 75c 35.0 25c ploy a peak work force of 1,000 to. 1,200 , construction workers. ' 9:30 a.Tn Dungannon, • • Visitors 'with Mr., and Mrs. Charles •Cook, over the week -end were Mr.' and Mrs..Albert Levitt of ,Strathroy. • Mr, and'. Mrs. Bert Half ' and Mr. and..Mrs.Clarence, Strang - way of , andaunim • weref Sun- day guests- of 'Rev. and .. Mrs. • G. W. .Kaiser. • 'Mrs.., Thelma MacDonald of Toronto 'writes, "sirriply : • can't ,get along without The.Sentinel's Recent visitors • at the home of ` Mrs. Win: Murdie . were Mrs. ' Jarries Malcolm, Mr. and. ,Mrs. Dalton Malcolm, of 1VIitohell and Miss Euphernia • Graham;'. •who; teaches at •Dresden.: ` (4TLOST..i.G�iier�us'Reward In, or around., Lucknow, Siamese white cat with dark br"&wn ears, . face and tail:' ' Blue eyes. : A little girl's,'Pet. Anyone having seen this eat please 'call WELL HEN,DERSON, . ,phone. 108-J, rLucknow i • �.,�. ' Thursday, • Friday,, ••Saturday, September 24‘ 25, 26. 1. , Adult Admission 75c — Students, and.. 1 • , Children at regular prices • .The greatest show of the year' AND the Biggest Cast Victor Mature =- Rhonda Fleming s-- Red Buttons' ' Kathy Grant =•Gilbert Roland..— Vincent Price and Peter Lorre' as the clown. All the glamor of the big top —+ the sawdust � ring s the menagerie * , the sideshows and their barkers r --- something something to please the entire .family In ' THEATRE cioderkis Now :Playing— "No Name On The. Bullet —In color. J • • Audie Murphy and Joaa. Evans •• ' '; ' Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, September 21, 22, 23:.. • Shirley MacLarne—•. David Niven and . Young Three Top Stars: and they tell. an 'entertaining story oataf n..an old-fashioned girl on a 'career -search, in 'Manhat-; . old:fashioned . • "ASK ANY GIRL" Scope and Color ' BIC• CIRCUS' Scope • and Collor • Conning 'Nowhere to Go'' with George Nader •• ", and Maggie Smith, The station is scheduled for ser- vice' in late 1964 or early 1965...;.,..o.K,,„i..,,..,:,.1_, �,,.,. • 4 • 11 a, e 4 a.