HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-09-16, Page 11 • • • 3.00 A Year In Advance Extra To U.S.A. LUCKNOW, 'ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 16th, 1959 TWELVE PAGES like ,,i-60111.g•l�Q,m�" As Qo�athy Douglas Starts Back To Formosa It Was: thirty -orae years • ago: 'in, September '1928, that ,lVIiss•Dor- othy •• Douglas first sailed for :Formosa fer' service• in the mis cion field of the Presbyterian Ohurch in Canada,, On Wednesdaymorning of this' 7. week, • another furlough having been concluded; Miss . Douglas started out on her return Ito For mosa and 'this: time it was al- most . like • "going:.honne." She has .been in the' one residence' all these many years: This wilt be her last 5 -year !period Of service on Formosa, and upon . the 'con - elusion : of this ' term, she• will return .permanently to Canada. Miss' Douglas: teaches English and religious training' .'in the Girls and ,Boys Secondary school 'at .Tarnsui, Formosa, it was ,or- iginally a ` girls' .. school This Cerin there will be an enrollment of some 700 of which about 550 • have requested , dormitory acco- modation. :This ;g'routi provides numerous other activities for Miss :Douglas, apart .from school 'tuition. ' • •1VIiss Douglas 'has been on For- mosa continually with; the ex- eeption of holm 1943.. to 1946, during World :War II when 'she, served in British Guiana.' ' Dorothy will sail'fromSan Francisco on ° October 10th on the • President Van Buren, a freighter'' carrying about..a dozen passengers,' and will .call' at Ja- panese• porta. before • reaching• Formosa . about • ;November 7th. Miss Douglas is only fourteen miles , from • Dr.: and. Mrs: Hugh ,MacMillan; natives af' Kinloss Township, :. who are ' at .. Taipei, "Formosa:. • • Formosa, :named ':by the Port- ugese, means '/Beautiful'' 'Isle." It' was under Japanese 'rule prior to. World War "hI, 'and •.is now .:under the rule of Nationalist •China, and is now referred to as Taiwan, which in . Chinese means terraced' slope, :and is discrirptive . of the terrain • • Visits ; Relatives Enr oute to San Francisco, Miss ' Douglas 'will visit with relatives and friends in the States. Two stopovers will be' at Portland with • an uncle, • Grant Carrick. • and at St, Pauls with . an aunt, Mrs. E. G.' Johnson. Miss: Douglas flew to Canada last year, with several "Sight:- seeing, sight-seeing, stopovers in the '::Middle East, Europe and the ' British. Isles. During her furlough ;she has done. a good deal of lectur- ing and has addressed ,. many ladies 'organizations on, the/work in Formosa.... Dorothy is a 'daughter of :the late Mr. and Mrs. George Deng- . las: lier parents both died while ' she was : on .the Mission Field, :, as• did her brother Carrick: • . . Made' Presentation At the morning service in the Lucknow Presbyterian 'Church on Sunday, Miss Douglas -las was presented with a generous gift of money from the congregation. The presentation was made on behalf of the -congregation by '8, E. Robertson, clerk of session; 1�orman Taylor, chairman of the 1Vlanaging Board, and Rev. Wal. lace McClean,'" • .. • . • MME: PRESENTATION TO DEPARTING LIBRARIAN The Lucknow Public Library Board entertained Friday' at Jehriston's Restaurant to ' bid farewell to Mrs. A. E. Marshall' and to welcome the new lib-' • rarian, Mrs, Marion E Petersen. The chairman of the board, Mr.' t StuarCollyer, ;gave • the ad- ' dress and Mrs. ' Marshall,' who has capably served, as librarian was Presented with a silver dollar .for : eael year of ` service. NEW, YORKER VISITED IN COMMUNITY LAST WEEK Evan fiolt 'of New 'ork• was ': a ' visitor • in •Lucknow.., last week,. where his mother, Jean Gordon Murray was raised. Shewas a daughter 'of Mr: and, Mrs., . Al- exander Murray. Mr. Murray. was one of the Villages early 'residents, and a.' property owner Of considerable extent in . those 'days. , He owned the ..;Murray brick block, .which:, now, contains Greer Electric, The Market, and Shorts hGA., as well , as the block occupied now by Sander: - sons and The Mayfair restaurant: Evan's father was. Joseph Holt, and Evan :was born in Chicago. While :;here , he visited Greenhill Cemetery,' Were 'Members of the• family are interred •in the 'Holt vault: A. familiar haunt of his youth' was the Pine' River Cheese. factory,: which; the •visited to ob- tain agenerous supply of Cana- dian cheese to take back ; with Mr. Holt is a nephew' •of Mrs. Margaret (Murray) ..:'Algeo' ' of New York City who was 90: years aif age last 'April; and is still; enjoying remarkably good health.' FORTY-ONE IN. • KI NDERGARTE A N Forty-one little ••tots.. started off :,to kindergarten with. the op- ening. of .school last ":week. This is iby far the,largest. enrollment' since the. kindergarten ''was est- ablshed and ; requires morning. and afternoon, classes, with Mrs. Helen Hall in charge: ' • . Morning • 'Class • . Ruth Ann Brooks, Joan Chest- er, Kim. Cowan, Graeme Elliott, Anne • Geiger, Barry Gollan, Ste- ven Hackett; .:' John Henderson, David Humphrey,. ,'Allan' John- ston, Patricia Layne, David•. Le- der, Ronnie 'MacDonald,,. Joanne' McCrae,Brenda McLeod, Cecil' McKee,, Lorraine McQuillan, Eli= zabeth Ritchie, Tommie Ritchie, Dorothy:Wagner. Afternoon Class Douglas Anderson, Anne Hae= kett,' Steven . Hall, Susan Hall, Graham Hamilton', Kenneth Ha- Milton,. Marilyn • Hamilton, Linda Henderson, Dale Hunter, Mary Jardine, ' Ricky 'Leader, • Brenda Maize, 'Melvin .McInnes,., Pai tela Mitchell, Ellen' O'Donnell', Wayne Pritchard, Murray Reid,. ; Terry Reid, . Brian. Ritchie, Lois • Ann Struthers, Edith Ann Whitby. IJUCKNOW LADIES • ENJOY VISIT TO MANITOBA • Mrs. Christena McDonald and sister, Miss Janet McDonald' of -Lucknow have returned, home: after 'a very pleasant visit wi 1 Mr. and Mrs. W. A. •Reidof, borg, . Manitoba, also Kenneth and family of Arborg and with. the • Reid families ' in Winnipeg, Mrs: Bob Thorvaldson (Eileen), ' Russelland family and, Grant and family. ` While 'in Arborg, Mrs. McDon• - ald was.. given 'a birthday din- ner in +honor of her coming birth- day: irth-day: in October. •She: Was pre- sented with a lovely , electric clock by the Reid families: • Miss Louisa MacDonald and Miss Marion Parry, . school tea- chers ;from Toronto who took Mrs. ',McDonald and sister west, also'• enjoyed' the ,birthday din- ner :and meeting the Reid famil- ies,. Dinner was served. on the. lawn with 'flowers 'everywhere. Mr. Reid:•` specializes in' roses and • is an ardent horticulturist.. w HONOR KINLOSS COUPLE: ON 25th, ANNIVERSARY Parking .Lot Among .Th•e Projects' Mr, and Mrs. Harry Lavin of FroDi::se:d, For LionConsideration on Tuesday, September • 8th on • the occasion of their silver •wed- ding,` anniversary. Many relatives. and' friends called ''td .extend.. congratulations and best ..wishes, and Mr.'' and -Mrs. Laois' received, numerous lovely . anniversary -gifts . and -remembrances.." ' Mr; and Mrs. ,Lavas, • the • farm.- er Mary 'Campbell' were 'Married at the • South 'Kinloss Manse, by' Rev. • J, L.' Burgess. They have one -son, Jim. The preceding Friday evening a .surprise party was held, when twenty-eight relatives "invaded'': the L,avis home with "eats" and :gifts to enjoy a ,pleasant so- cial evening, . Harry and Mary were pre- sented with two end tables, a breakfast% set .of dishes' • and a lace.' table ;cloth. ' DISCUSS. NOEL DECORATING •PL•� AN An, '' executive meeting of the Lucknow' ' :and District Horticul- tural: Society was held on' Fri=. day.. evening. The 'do's and don'ts of the successful flower showy were --•discussed. ,The ' prize list will be.: changed,' but little for next year's show with a 'basket of roses .and 'a• basket of ;mi±ed. annuals Being ,added. • The • meeting ° .' discussed a Christmas : '.decorating project, and while' willing to promote such a winter beautification .pro-, gram,-. the Society would require some -organization to finance the prize : money, : necessary to en- courage home owners 'and busi- ness :meni to enter the contest whole .heartedly.' The meeting • also': discussed a. showing of • spring flowers, •but nothing definite was done in this .regard. •Tulip bulbs, .direct from Hol- land, will soon. be arriving to ' a value of close. to.. $300.00. In:: view, of this, tulips; would- feature next spring's 'show, if such can be Arranged. The, regular monthly meeting of. the Society will be .:in • the Town Hall on Friday • night. By request • there will be another demonstration of flower arrang- ing:. There will be, a plant' or slip exchange at this meeting. MOVE KIRK. SEATS..' FIND HALF •PENNY Bob McAllister of West Wawanosh'':townshi-p brought '. • three old': coins. to . the ' Sen- tinel • 'office , last week • that • were found in `the .Dungan- , o Dungannon Presbyterian . Church while doing some moving. The floors at the church are being ,refinished, and all the seats • were being••, moved, apparently for the first tithe since the church was built. 1885 is the year enscribed' on the front of the church. Two large pennies dated 1859 and 1882 Were 'found. These large coins were quite common until a few . years ago but are rarely seen to• day. The` third' coin was a half penny . marked bank token on • one side . and . on the other side;' Bank of Up- per Canada; 1852. It • would seem that •one: member of the congregation had a consistant ' habit . of losing his, Offering as the coins were• all found at the sane ' plaee,• ' • • • The Lions Club is "shopping" for projects of,general .co7nmunl- ity .benefit, in order 1 to keep it an active service' club:: • The first.meeting of the new 'term • was held on .Monday' even= ing ''with 'newly elected Presii- :dent :Cecil . Brake :presiding for 'p g the first time.. At., the ,conclu.- • sion of . the meeting the• Presi- dent asked for project . sugges- tions and the following were submitted;ark benches and p _, trash cans for . Car np'bell . St, 'a �Christmas decoration program ; and a parking • lot, properly lit and hard surfaced. • The. President had suggestion slips passed out, asking the • 'membersto express their views. in writing on project activities, to be turned in at the next meet,: •.ing on Monday, •September 28th, •and to be held: at Kinlough. '.Lion 'Stuart 'Robertson 'expres-. sed his ..views on: a parking lot. He" felt that. the town owned property. just 'west of. the arena, arid the 1 two lots • oto the west. of that abutting on Highway 86, and owned by the Agricultural Society, 'would. provide splendid parking grounds: Fill, would be. required . on the Agricultural lots: Access would be conveni- ent. in two ways, from•the way and .County. ,Road south.; ',Municipal rest rooms are located at the. . West end of the arena. A flowing well -'m the park adds to the . ,facilities. that ,would.en- HIGH. JUDGE 'IR, SWINE AND. BEEF. Duncan. Campbell, son of Mrs. Norman Campbell. of "Black- horse," • won the • Bruce County Beef Producers trophy `. as the high beef judge at the Bruce County Junior !Far hers' livestock judging competition held recent- ly 'at ` Ripley Duncanalso, won J tops' in , the' . swine judging and: won'. the Bruce County, Hog •Pro.- ducers •trophy.:He missed out on a gold' watch by five points as' he :finished four ipoints. ,behind Art_ 1VIcKague of Teeswater who won :'the•.:overall , championship having' the high' aggregate of points. Duncan attended Lucknow Dis- trict High School and , is well • known in'this area. Duncan also won $5.; -by, being: the -Sigh senior, Art McKague was high 'intermediate, John Brydon of I ,ipley .won $5. as high junior: and 'Dale Farrell of Rip- ley won , the. novice award, the - CNE shield' Over 100 competed in the jud- ging competition, with a' note - able. inerease in the number of girl entries.: Because of the heavy rain, the 'livestock' was' not taken to the Ripley Fair Grounds. ,In - ,stead, judging was, done at the farm of Hugh' Mason and Jim Needham: ' • Dan Rose, summer.. assistant at the Clinton agricultural office, able development orf this loca- tion into a, picnic . grounds, and roadside• stop, so much in • de- • mand today by tourists.. Lion' Gerald R.abhwell supplied as• 'songleader for. Baynard A -r- 'keit; The 'President expressed regret in the illness • of Raynard. arid Harold 'Treleaven, ' Lion. Ce L • eilthanked the. members for their attendance: and called. for their, . full co-operation.' He ex .pressed appreciation. to ' Lion Caen Thompson for .assuming' the bulletin editorship and ,to Lon Wm /Schrriid for re -assuming . the banquet and meals chairmanship. 'The President. 'repeated the . oft mentioned, plea for : members'. Who could not be present 'to noti- fy: Lion Bill by ,Saturday. night. The secretary's report was read ' by Durnin Phillips, newly elected' to this. office. • He also . read the complete list: of committee merry- hers: as struck at a :recent execti- tive. meeting. • Lion Harvey Webster outlined the duties of some of.: these `committees, on re' quest, and has full information in this' regard in book •form for Any committee member, not aware '`of his ''responsibilities. Lion' Jack - .McDonagh, the.. new- ly elected 'treasurer, gave his i• e " port. Lion K,' C. Murdie gave an interesting outline. of the :Inter- national ' convention in New York, an experience. to. remem- ber,. ,and which' featured , .out standing speakers and a 31/2 -hour parade which was. "out..' of this world,":.apart. 'from the : busy: round -of entertainment provided. Lion:, Virden 1V owbray, •the other •' Club delegate„ -Will add his : re_ marks at a later meeting. Lion Kelso ' iVleNay reported on the:. Retarded Children's -school at Wingham, which :now Ihas its . ownbuilding and classroom, There were' 8 pupils last term. • At .present •• there is ia need for funds for the .ro'ec INSTALL 18 -INCH TILE UNDER HIGHWAY 86 was one of the judges. GEORGE BLUE DIED SUDDENLY IN DETROIT The. death of George Blue of Detroit and .a native of the Am-, berley. •district,occurred sudden- ly on Monday at. work. .The. funeral. service will be held on: Friday at the McLennan :Funer- al ' Home in Ripley`. A Masonic service will be held on Thurs- day at 8'• ,p.rn.. • George is survived by his wife, the fortner Sarah MacDonald IV Lochalsh and two daughters, Mrs:• Anna May Pretz and Mar:- : jor.ie• Blue of Detroit. • • An •• I8' -inch 'asphalt tile , was. recently laid under Highway' 86,. west of the • Ford ';Garage. •:The • installation. was required •be cause of flooding at' the. Beatty Ladder ' Factory,. from surface water off the Victoria 'St. hill which , was recently cut and. ' ` • hard; surfaced. . The tile carries the water ac - 'digs the road to connect with the catch 'basin and drain' to the open ditch* west of • the arena" It was .riot permissible '.to- . break-up the Highway :hardtop, and Graham- and Graham, earth boring contractors '' were ..engag- ed .engal-ed to excavate under the pave' !Tient for the big tile.. .They .were•unable, however, to bore under the Havelock :Street pavement, to permit" the: laying • of 'pipe to '' "hook 'up" the new No, 4 well with the water sy- stem m;aiiis. This job. ;will have to be nconipleted manually, ' ' • • COMPLETE .ADDITION. TO LUCKNOW SALES BARN Robert 'MacIntosh, operator of the weekly community livestock sale,has completed an ''addition to the west end of the new sales barn built just a little over a year ago. The addition . Will • provide more accomodation for this ex- panding enterpri e.. • A consignment stocker , sale is • scheduled for Monday, October 5th, with xoom for 500 head, on a first consignment, • first accept ed;' ibasis. • tft A • ,o. ••a r .4_ {' • tr