HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-09-09, Page 7e'
WEDNESDAY, REPT: 9th, 1959
Summer has gone. Such •a
lonesome feeling—even the very
air is full of it. I .love autumn
best of all the seasons,but there
is always the sense of something
very precious having been lost.
And all T want to do is drive
through the colorful country, so,
as 'to soak up as much of its
beauty as possible. Some of our
by -roads are simply breathtaking.
in. autumn, great colorful maples
lining the roadsid'es.,. I have no
doubt that 'I shall have: an eye
for trees , :of rosy apples, or
chokecherries • and.. elderberries.
Always the practical• ,and domes-
tic streak coming out!$
We had guests one day last
week, and. 'I created •two work's
of art on • salad•. plates: 1 They
brought steaks and cooked
them too. We had potatoes and
corn, on the . cob, and a very or-
dinary tossed vegetable salad.
For dessert we had .a `fruit salad
which was: • truly beautiful, I
chose a large shallow fruit bowl
to serve it: I peeled and remov-
ed the seeds from a honeydew
melon and. a, .canteloupe, and
sliced them in small creseentso.
cut sliced' paches in. quarters and
placed small clusters . of :large
black grapes here and there • •on
top:, The contrast of pale green
honeydew, and rosy amber of
cantelope • . and peaches and
blackgrapes was really dramat-.
ie. If you were. • 'having a "large
• party you could add crescents of
watermelon ' as well. I would
cut • them in: pieces big enough
to pick up.•in tfie,:fingers, unless,
you 'wanted to ,add `a ,dressing, I
gave them a pitcher of dressing
to • drizzle ' over it, and it got 'the
biggest' hand .from. the ,guests:. It
was equal .'quantities of peanut.
butter and honey,, 'and about
half the amount of lemon juice,
This makes .a • fairly • thick dres-
sing. If youprefer it thinner
add lemon juice until.' it is the
consistency you like. My ,guests
cleaned ,it .up . as 'a spread on.
Johnny. •Fo'n't be in (s.chool
• this morning
His mind full of plans for the: day, g forgot to
watch the traffic. He didn't get to school Johnny.
ool: at all that day;
or for many days while he recovered from his injuries.
September is back-to-schoolmonth,and the start ' of
the Ontario; Department. of Transport's • Child Traffic
Safety campaign.
Teachers in every school in the province': are helping
youngsters to stay alive by teaching them the rules of
traffic safety. Will vott help? Remind them always. to
cross at corners,obey, traffic signals.: and look both ways.
before crossing.
Your, Ontario Department of Transport urges . you to
:make sure they follow all the rules of trafl:"ic safety.
4 ' 9029p�
' We have taken over the.' Webster •
and MacKinnon.' coal building and busi-,
riess• and wehope to : continue to supply
their customers as well as are ownwith
the same top quality coal.
ucknow District
'Phone 71,, Lncknow
Here are two of the 24 R.C.M.P
riders who will ;take part in the
brand new Exhibition Ride to
Abe featured in the Western. Fair
All Star , ,Grandstand .perform-
ante. • each evening, September
14 to 19, at London. The famous
Mounties ' on : their coal, black
chargers ,, will also perform on
Tuesday; Wednesday, . Thursday
and. Friday afternoon ' in front of
the •Grandstand.
theirbuns. .
At supper, the salad 'plate was
the main' course, With cold 'cuts.
I .do like salads • on a platter
then you are • sure you have
something •.of everything. I used:
a great big platter, and in the
centre there .was a ring of 'tonna-•
to jelly, -made with jelly powder
and ' tothato juice with a dash •of
lemon juice and sugar•. The cen-
tre of, 'the ring was filled with
cottage 'cheese, with chopped'
chives` mixed. liberally. '.therein
(nice contrast):. Around . the •out-
side oin; a bed' of lettuce .were.
sliced cucumlbers, wedges` of to-•
• mato, • green pepper 'rings and
Ings of ` red Italian ' onions--diey
do dress up a • s'alad' wonderfully,
and are so mild,., and slices. of
celery stuffed with cheese. ' I
really ,should show you this; it
is sodifficult to describer Choose.
two stalks of celery that -the
open sides v'ill fit into each
other nicely." Fill one With soft,
'cheese, and :press the other, one
into it, : • Chill in -the tfrig for a
while; -then• slice, and ' you will..
"lave.: .a ...ring. of '`celery with • a
.circle �o. cheese in the. centre,' I
hopethat is clear -it is so much
''easier to.. show you,. "clo
and then "this".` .'.Another ' 'very'
decorative'. effect ` on a salad
plate is to. take'. as narrow a
green•• pepper' :asyou can find:,
Mix, chapped nuts • into cream
cheese;' fill the pepper; 'chill, and
'slice: If you have:too fat a pep-
per the cheese is more likely to
crumble 'when sliced.'
Sometimes I •,think I should
set up a. ;business on our front
veranda and serve meals at "The
Salad. Platter.".
book' `Africa Disturbed' was well;
explained by Mrs: Omar Brooks.
The African. ` today .is fully
aware that not .all, ;Americans
and Europeans.. are followers of
Jesus. The . • beautiful hymn
`Great is: • Thy Faithfulness' was
sung • with. fine, expression by
'Miss • Helen Thompson. Mrs.
•Robertson then .introduced and
later thanked, in fitting words,
Miss Dorothy Douglas who spoke
on: her experiences . as. mission-
ary in Formosa. her he.r i.nte:rest-.
ing address' she ,explained how,
urgently :the. native Formosans
need the gospel because of rest-
less;; conditions irr their • country.
where the population is ra Mix-
ture of Malayans,,; Chinese and
Whites; Pleasing: piano duets•
were played by Mrs.. Jessie Al-
lin and Mary, Hymn 502 closed
the meeting after which a
dainty lunich' was. served ,by
committee, Mrs. R. .Robertson,
Mrs. R. Alton: and .Mrs. R.
South'. Kinloss: W.M.S. , .
The September • meeting. of
South •Kinloss .WM.S, Was held
in. the C'htirch an Wednesday,
:Septem'ber. . 2nd, ' with Mrs. Le-
onard .MadInnis as 'hostess. The
meeting•., opened by repealing;
the purpose followed by prayer
by the president, Mrs: 'L:' Mac-
17ougallRoll call -was .answered
by • twenty-four members .'with. a
verse ' of scripture' containing 'the.;
Word . Grace. .During ' the busi
ness, ways . of raising money by •
the Ladies , Aid was discussed
and i was " suggestdcl that each
Member pledge .so much arioneyr"
each' year. $3.00 : was the suggest,-
uggested amount. This to be ,given to
Mrs. Harold 'Campbell, secretary-.
treasurer. Thank you notes 'were
read ;from those. who. were sick.
The •'studybook was .ably given:.
by Mrs. Douglas Graham. :She
also read letters sof appreciation
for. Sunday 'Schoolr papers' and'
Bible pictures .;which she had
sen :' to remote; places. • ' •A ' very
interesting talk was given. ;by
,Miss .Dean MacLeod, followed, .
by prayer by Mrs. ..G.. Hamilton.
:Hymns were sung . and -a' dainty
lunch 'was served by the Host
essand directors, Mrs. H. Carne=
bell ,and Mrs. Collyer..
' RISEBROUG•H At . the 'Wing -
ham Generja"l- Hospital, on Sun-
day, August .30; 1959, to Mr. and
Mrs. ;Kenneth Risebrough, .Holy -
rood, a daughter,
I A.
CONLEY'' • --= At the Wingham
General : 'Hospital,' on Sunday,
August 30, ;1959,,to Mr. and Mrs.
Eugene • Conley, R.R. ;5,. Luck
now, a son. �'
Open Deer 'Season- . . .
The Ontario. Minister of, Lands
and Forests has announced ` an
open .season for -deer. hunting in •
Bruce and .Grey' Counties from..
Mon day to Saturday, November
9th to 14th, incl.,usive..
Unites] Church W.1VI:S�[
The,: SrShtember meeting • of /.
United Church. w.M•s. • \vci:, helcl
yin . Tue •day, S-(1)ternbor 1st in {'
the S1inday' Scheel Room of the.
church. *Iv ith an attenciance of
23 meinbers. The Pi e5icl.ent, Mrs.
Ilan �, c.'onductcd `thy: opening
c c'eretzes and thanked all hos'o
who had remprnherecl• her while
in ' hospital. 'It was decided , to
hold the, Autumn' 'Thankoffering
service on Oetn} i (;t.h . at 8:00!
IVirs, R, 1 obertson•' as pro-
gram Convenor took the chair
and :after a hynjn Mrs. R.
Thompson gave the scripture
reading and ,conmentlary, Mrs;
N. G. MacKenzie read an excel-
ent paper, on vacation Thoughts
stressing the lessons on calm-
tier's; love of beauty and growth
which Nature teaches us, The
firts chapter of ()Ur new study
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