HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-09-09, Page 1had
t of •
f3.00 A 'Year In Advance - $1.0() Extra To U.S.A. •
Public And School ...•
Attendance Records .Set..
Atteridance figure?at both the
LtAnow Public School and the
Lucknew: District .Iligh School
were up •tOnsiclerably with the
•Start • of school On Tuesday. Re-
cord enrolment was 'registered 'in
• both schools with the Publie.
school "bulging" . with 264 pup-
ils, as compared with first-day
'registratiofl. a year ago of 235.
Thee was an 'attendance of. 243
at the close of schoel in, June.,
. At the High School '191 regis-
tered, "a couple,missed the bus."
and if looks like about 195 sttiA
dents to start the term, as corn-
• pared. with 175 a year ago,, which'
was a drop of about ten. from
•'the 1957 term. There are two.
Grade tens and two Grade nines,
, With 78 in. Grade. 9.: •
, • There is only one change on
the High School staff, Miss Aud-
rey Fiederlein of, New Dundee
• succeeding Laur.
Other Members of the staff
ate kr. P. • W, :Hoag, principal,
Mr. Wm t MacDonald, Mrs. Eliza-
beth Suter, IVErs. Gordon John-
ston, Mrs. Jack • Hewitt, IVIr.
Ronald Kelterbern, Mr.' Warren
Brown, Mr. Volney C. Rae. :.
There are also few changes on
the Public Schopl staff. Mrs.
Norman •Taylor succeeds ; Mrs.
Irwin .Carruthers as a . primary
room tea,cher,. / and Mrs. WM.
Scott of Larigside has been add-
ed 16 the staff as music super-
visor, which had previously been
included- in Mrs. Carruther's
duties. t •
Other :. \staff, members are
Stuart Collyer, principal; Miss.
Ruby •Webb, Miss Helen Thomp-
son, Mrs. • DOnald •Thompson;
Mrs. Lorne Johnston and Mrs,
Lloyd Hall as kindergarten tea-
cher. With a' beginners enroll-
ment of 43 it has been necessary
to hold • kindergarten classes
both Morning and afternoOn. ,
Mrs. Hall has -4a kindergarten
pupils; •Grade 1, Mrs Johnston,
..36; Grade 2, Mrs. Taylor, 39;
Grade 3, 25, Mrs. Thompson,
Grade 4,' 30,, .divided between
Mrs. Thothpson and IVIiss, Thomp-
son, •Grade 5, • Miss Thompson,
23; Grade --6, Miss Webb, '20;'
Grade 7, 0„ • divided between
Miss'. Webb and Mr.' C.ollyer;
Grade- 8, Mr. Collyer,
Rus Added• ,
To' cope with the transporta-
tion. problem an additional bus
has been added. Gordon Mont-
goniery has added a new bus On.
the north run, end now has two
large busses and a small- one; to.
• .transport some 75 pupils. There
is an increase of between 15
• and 20 High- Scheol • students
corning in from. the Kinloss-
Greenoek area.
P•ublie School students from
S.S. No. 6 (Fourth. Concession)
•• Which are' brought to 'Lucknovg
Public School;number 17.
With the addition of the third
• WS, abatting time • lfrom Luck -
now in the Morning is set iback
somewhat, to approximately
7:30, 7:45 and 8:00 a.m. • '
0'11 the south, • Allan Reed' is
operating four .vehicles as usual
-with an increased number of
students, iriciuding public school
• children; and it will take a few
days to get all, "the wrinkles"
ironed. in scheduling .the routes.
IVIany friends here were sad-
dened to learn of the sudden
death in Toronto early Saturday
• of Mrs. W.,•V, Johnston..The fun-
eral serVice was held at the
McLennan and MacKenzie Me-
Morial Chapel on Tnesday, with
• intertnent in Greenhill Cenle'''
. . • ,
RaYnard Ackeres condition is
m.ne1i improved and. it is etpect.-
edhe will be hair 'seen. The•
lireek-end before ' last Raynard
was ill with what .was
ed to be the flu, but on Monday,
when he became worse Was
taken to . Wingham Hospital. On
Mrs. Will MacCrostie flew
home from Saskatoon On Friday
night to • attend the funeral of
her rnother, .Mrs.' John Webster,
Which was held from, Curries
Funeral Parlor, Wingharn., on
Sunday. afternoon. -• .• •
The plane on, which she was
travelling ',was struck by light-
ning. No damage was done but
the aircraft wAS grounded :at
Winnipeg ,for three hours while
'mechanics/ gave it a thorough
checkuP. Mrs. 1VlacCrOstie says:
"It wasn't too pleasant an ex.;
periente." ' •
Wednesday Of, last week he was • •
removed to Vittoria HOspital,.
•Reynard suffered recurrent
spells of high' fever and' chills,
and the 'cause •apparently Puz-
zled. doctors. .. • •
The • Rev. •Herbert • Francis
Dann, $4, .a.minister of the Pres-
byterian Church in Canada,died
in 'Fort, MaeLeOd, Alberta, on
•June 17th according to an item
in the Presbyterian jtecOrd. Born
•in. Greenock, Scotland, IVIr.,Dann
received his early education in.
Oxford England, and graduated
from Oxford University with a
bachelor • of arts degree • in 1899.
Followingtheological training,
he served as a missionary in. the
Bahamas. During the first world.
War he .served with the imperial
forces in the Bahamas.
Mr. Dann, came to Canada in
1925 and took up work with the
• Presbyterian • Church. Three
Years later, he was received as
a minister, and held charges in
Inverness and Fort Coulonge in
Quebec, and' in "Kinburn, Martin -
town and South .Kinless in On-
tario •
• In. 1946 he moved to Vernon,
B.C., and the following year' was
called • to St ..Andrew's Church,
Fort Macleod, Where he served
until his retirement in 1956. He
is survived 'by two sotis, Frank
of Vulcan, Alberta, and H.
James of Leamington Spa; Eng-
land. He was predeceasedby
his wife • in 1927.
Rev..Dann was pastor at South
Kinloss • Church from 1942 , to
1946; He succeeded Rev. 0. M.
Yung after a pulpit vacancy of
Somelength, and was • succeeded
by 'Rev. J. A. Smith.
Rev Young had followed Rev.
'J: L. ,Burgess and it was during
Mr. Young' s ministry that the
organ was first used at the mor-
ning service. .•
During Rey. Dann's ministry
• the death of .Tohn.,Sandy Mac-
Donald occurred. He had served
as precentor for 60 years in
"sounding the note:" Rev. Dann's
niece, Mrs. Lydia 'Phillips be-
eame • organist. Hyrim , books re-
placed the psalter in the service
of praise, and' choir gowns and
hats were introduced. Eirtensive
improvements were made to' the
Manse at that tinie.
• The .openitig of the school
term will see a new inspector,
Mr. T: Keith Waldie, stiPervising
the southern part 'of. .the • Brute
Inspectorate, .• including the
Townships ',of Kinloss, Huron,
Culross,, Greenock, Kincardine,
Bruce the town of •Kincardine
and the Villages Iof 'Lucknow,
Ripley, Teeswater and Tiverton..
Mr. Waldie is: in association
with Mr. Walter ,S HOugharn,
inspectbr, of public schools for
Bruce No, ,1, and both \ have
headquarters M 'Walkerton. •
New Sehool, Ready This Month
The new school being built in
Huron Township' to serve the
combined school .sections • 5, 9
and 13,, was not ready for Tues-
day's opening, bid it is exPect..-
ed to be ready for occupancy by
the end of the month -Septem-
ber 28th having been set as a
tentative date.: In the meantime
the students are being transport-
ed to adjacent sahoola,
Teachers ..in adjoming Tdwn-.
\ships. are as follows! -• •
US S No 1, Kinlots, ' Miss
Erlma Jean Percy, succeeding
• Mrs. Doreen Young.t. S.8„ No. 2,
Kinlough, Mrs.. ,Catherine
lins, S.S. No 3, '10th Cori., Mrs.
Joan Murray; S.S.' No. 4,. Holy -
rood, Mrs. Isobel. Martyn; SS.
Second .Con., Mrs,1VIatilyn
Maclntyre, -''succeeding Eva E.
Carter, 'S.S. No. 8,. Lartgaide,
•Mrs .' Grace Elliott; SS. • No. • 9,
• Murrays, Mrs. Anetta Stroud;
NO. 10, Whitechurch, Mrs.
Janet Mathers.
• '• West Waivanosh •
S S No XI, The Diggins, Mrs.
Robert Irvin; S.S. No. 2, Finn',
gans' school, Mrs. Gwen Caesar;
SS. No. 3, Township Hall, Ross
Errington; S.S.I4,' St: Hel-
ens,' Mrs. Jack Fisher; S.S., No.
12, Fordyce, Mts. 'George Fisher;
Music supervisor., Mrs. Phyllis
Rodger. •
• Ashfield Township ,
SS, . No, 1,, Port Albert, Dale
Haldenby; S.S..NO. 4, Lochalsh,`
Mrs. DOnald Blue; • SS. No. 8,
Dungannon, Sr. Roorn, Robert
A. Norman; Jr.. Room, Mit. T.
M. Durnin;• S.S. No. 15,' 'Hem-
lock -City, Mrs. MacTavish;
Musie. •supervisbr, Mrs. Lillian.
Simpson. •
Ashfield Independent Sehools
;SS. No. 7; Lothian, :Mrs.
Lloyd Cline, S.S. No: 6; 4th
Can., Rosemary Skaz; SS. No.
16, Crewe, Mrs. Frank Ritchie;
SS, No. 10, Scotts School, Mrs,
James Little;' S.S. No,: 13; Bel-
fast, Don Cameron..
Teachers changes. in CulrOsi
are, S.S. No.: 1, Mary Jo Ruth,
anteceding Elaine S.S.
No /4, Lenora Hamilton, sneceed-
ing W L. Shouldice; SS: No. 7,
Mrs. .Mary Lou Thompson, Suc-
ceeding Grover Clare; Mrs... El-
vira Mevithintiey, succeeding Erl-
ma J. Percy. •
Changes in Huron Township
are, S.S. No lj Islay Wrightson,
succeeding Betty L. Black; S.S.
NO, 4,, Norma .Murray succeeding
andagarde Beyers.
Rev. Duncan McTavish who is
to be guest speaker at the an-
niversery services 'in Blake's
United Church' on September
13th Will .beremembered by a.•
large number of people this
• He was born in Huren, Town. -
ship and is one of the :many
young .meri. from Olivet Church
Who • Went ,into the Christian
minisitST. , young man he
,Worked .with•the late John .Wat-
son in ceinent construction work
He was also well known in this
district as a singet. of Scottish
sengS and was in much •demand
'as an entertainer at. garden par-
ties and conceits. • • • . ,
'As ,•ca minister he has served
over •a Wide area *including pas-
torates in •BellYille, St gatha-
rinea; port ..Hope, and two separ-
ate:churches in• London, where
he is at • present living. Sunday
morning he is asking a question,
"What are yon?" and in the eV -
ening his subject will be "IVIoun•-•
taintTop: EXperiences."
Daring the past year Rev. Mc -
in the restoration and renova-
tion of the •Lochalsh: Cemetery
on the : north aide of IlighvVAY
With the opening of chop/ on .
Tuesday . •several young people
from this tommimity, who grad-
uated last term from., Stratford
Teachers' College'have, conunen-
ced their teaching career . at'
.various points, ••
Wm. Kennedy, son of and.
Mrs. George . KennedY, R.R. 1,
Lucknow, is teaching at the ,Tohn.
Little „public Scheol :in Acton.
Ann' .Crawford; daughter of
Mr. • and 'Mrs. Cliff Crawford of
LutknoW, has joined the staff •
of the Cioderich public School.
Incidentally, her uncle, .Ernie
Crawford is a member , of the'
staff. • • '
Another to join the Goderich
staff is 1V1'arienne West, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Richard West •
• of Ashfield.
Bary' L. •McQuillin, .son •of
Mr. and . Mrs. Fred McQuillin,
'R.R. 1, •Lucknow, , will begin ilia
teaching career in • Waterloo; not
far froth his brother who is ern- •
:ployed. at Elmira. ; • .
• Louise Andrew, R.R. 7 Luck -r
now, daughter of Mr: arid Mrs.. ,
Wm. Andrew of Achfield will
teach in Kitchener.
Shirley Courtney,• daughter of
Mr. and Mrs Arthur Courtney
of Aniberiey, will -teach in su-
burban Lonlon. •
'Bill Bleak, son of Mr and. Mrs
Howard Black, R R 1 Dungan-
non, will also 'teach in Goderich.
• Leone Farrell, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon Farrell, R.R, 2 .•
Ripley, will teach in Hanover
Public School. • • •
' Mrs. Donald IVIacIntyre (Mari- •
lyn Carruthers), RR. "6 Luck -
now, will •teach at the Second
Concession „Sch,00l. , •
Ruth'Steer,. daughter of Mr.
and Mrs; Phillip Steer, RIM.5,
Lucknow,will teach:at South-
Paul Groskorth, son of Mr.
and Mrs, E. droskorth of. White- •
church, ,will teach 'in Toronto.
wish has played a leading roll
- Mt. Thos. *Alton, 'London, for-•
• '
' ti •
; • • •
• . ,
• •
•.• •• • .•
merly • of Lueknow, celebrated .
her 94th ibirthdaY,'Septerriber 3.
Mrs.• Alton has been a patie.nt .
FORUM ON TV at Parkwood Hospital, London,
Petition d are currently` being
cannot walk sh gets t da
in., her wheel chair and visits •
with other patients on the beau-
tiful hospital grounds. •• • .
for..over a year. Although •she
circulated ••among • rural • folk,
seeking support in effort to
prevent the cancellation of the
Farm Forum' television program.
• The prograM was carried ori
.an eXperimental basis on CKNk-
„TV-, Testwinter,' but there are
indications that. the CBC does
not plan to, repeat the program
• this winter: The initial:series,. we
understand, was; sort of ; "flying
a kite" to determine viewer
reaction and . the feasibility of
-presenting such a program on
the national netWork. • . •
Kinloss' Town -ship petitions
are •being',:citeulated • by • Frank
Maulden, the towrishipi president,
• and bY secretaries of . the For-
ums in the.. Township. •
These local officials have been
contacted by W.- P. • Oswald,
Bruce County .secretary-fieldman,
who ,.points out that the Farm
Forum 'ExecutiVe. has been in-
formed that the CBC is taking
steps to cancel the program. The
Ontario • F.F. ,Executive is to,
meet shortly with represents-.
tives of 'the CBC, and Mr. Qs:-
wald says .“they will do .all
their power to retain this pre -
gram on Wingham, but they
need the support' of everyone"
The Sentinel is informed that
the general opiiiion of farm folk
and 'others Who have . viewed
this program during ' the past
,year om TV that it is more pop-
ular than its counterpart on
radio. • '
t' -• • .•
•. .
• • , •• •
Increased local and long dis
tance • calling has resulted in,
Bell Telephone closing its bus-
Mess office here effective Bep- •
tember 10th. • • • '• • 4,
H.. IT. P.' johns:ton, Bell ma,na-
gei. for this region, has *annpun-.
ced• the appointment of Umbach's •
Drug Store 'on Campbell Street
as the company's collection ag. „
ency th Lucknow. Until the
business office tlosing .date•ac-'•
counts '• may be paid at either
location. Accounts sent by mail
should beforwarded to the
company's office at 145 Ontario
Street, Stratford, .
Closing of the 'business office
located in ' the 'telephone ex-
change 'will relieve the operat-
ing staff of administrative; dut-
ies at a tithe *hen local and
king distance • calling in the
Lucknow exchange area has •
reached an, all-time high, Mr,
Johnston stated. To distuss bus-
iness matters by telephone,. cus- ,
torners should call Lucknow 111,
This will connect them with a
service representative in the
cornpahy's *Stratford office who •
has the records of their s /vie
e e.
,4 4
- • r 4,1 .
• if