HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-09-02, Page 3WEDNESDAY, SEPT, 2nd, 1959 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, I.4UCICNOW,. ONTARIO ....4.4."444/4/43.444,44/41V4 iiiiiiii SAVES YOU MONEY EVERY DAY LADIES! YLO fair FLEE. with.. each $2S, : wort of Cash 'Register Slips STARTS SEPTEMBER ''3rd START' • SAVING YOUR SLIPS NOW!. REDPATH. SUGAR •_'TENDER GROWN •CHICKEN 50 lb. bag . $379 ' Oven -Ready, per. lb, .' . . SUNKIST ORANGES, 138's , .. 2 dozen 59c 'F,REE.: DELhVERY i�%iiiiii4":"i�iiiiiiiiiiiiii. :': & (General . • L�cai, Miss 'Flora 'Andrew will 'e- .sume her teaching duties in• Lon don next week, and will be ac- companied to the city by her. another, Mrs; W G Andrew, 'who plans to remain there. Mr. 'and • Mrs Melvin Alliston and. son of ..Ailsa Craig, and.. Mr.. and .. Mrs:, -Stan ,Gallaher'. and • daughter of Sarnia . • visited Mr: and Mrs. George Saunders on Sunday. Mrs D..M.. Dillon and her son Joe;; moved recently ; from ' `New . Dundee to Kinlough; where another son Mr and "Mrs. James Dillori had previously taken' up. • residence. Mr: and'1Virs. Fred .Steward' of London spent Sunday with his parents, Mr: and Mrs:: :Charles Steward: _Mr. Steward•. suffered. another of many seizures atthe. end of the week, but:'is'improv ing: again. • , . /• Mr and MrsElmer A. • Kol pin of..Loridon were week -end guests at the home 'of Mrs. Mar- garet E. Dudley., 1VIr•,. Kolpin is, on the:Post•; Office' staff in Lon don and will. be attending the Convention , .in Winnipeg on „September 16th. I.UCKNOW UNITED .CH:U RC'H Minister: Rev. Gordon R. Geiger, B:A, B.D•, . SUNDAY,. SEPT. 6th 10.00 a.m. Church . School 11:00 a ni..' Divine worship • Sermon Theme "Facing our Temptations." Nursery during church' • Thought 'For The Week' The true'worth' of a man .i§ • to be'measured by' the . objects he' pursues. I.�u.a..r.o...r. r.�.;.o�rr.o.�o.; .•11"1",'41444•4 4•04enk..l►.NSr.tini•/•44104 rlti • LucknoW Presbyterian Church Minister: Rey. Wallace..McClean. • SUNDAY,* SEPT:. 6th : ' • 1,0 00 a.M. Sunday School, 11:00 ' a.m., Morning 'Worship ' 3:00 p.m. "Dungannon • .. 1 Mr. and Mrs. H. M. .(Mac:) MacLenri'an are n a ,'five week's motor trip, to the West coast. Mr. and 'Mrs. Harry Torrrance. of '.North' Bay :are visitors with, his sister, Mrs'... J:: D. ' Anderson. :1VIr, ' and Mrs. Harold Stevens of Detroit' visited. last week with Mr: and. Mrs::•Tom Anderson: Mr: and Mrs: • "Stuart. Collyer and '•Timmy. " are visiting this week `in Toronto, Nordc-ood and Ottawa: Mr. and Mrs.. John Carruthers and. family of West: Lorne'visit• ed With his 'Mather' over the week -end and attended the Low- ry MacTavish' 'wedding. Mr. and:Mrs... frying Reid of Kincardine (the . former Vyetta Phillip. of . West . Waw;anosh). moved. 'recently to Lucknow •to the. former . Mrs. Ewan MacKen- zie hor i:e. on Havelock St:,' North. Mr. ' and Mrs. L. C. Thompson Were in St; Thomas on..Saturday evening attending the 25th 'wed - .cling wed - :ding anniversary dinner of Mr: and. Mrs:.' William Kelso: 'The ladies were nurse in training classmates at -Guelph General Hospital. ' •- Mr: and. Mrs. William NEhable were .:30 years married on Sun:- day un-day and. had 'as their visitors, Mr. and. Mrs: . Gene 'Tunney and Rick'ie of Holyrood, , , Graham Neable ' of . Sebringville, Gordon Neable, : Miss . Margaret Lyons, Jack Henderson, Helen Neable of Clinton, =Jack . Wright and •Mrs. Neable's mother .of- Lucknow. • • 0.1 Mr. and Mrs. Bain Stewart and 'son David of Toronto, are holidaying 'with relatives in the community. Misses Flora -and. Olive Web- ster and Bea and. Margot Park er returned ' last; week from a motor. trip 'to Vinginnia. Mr. and: Mrs. Wes Huston of Kitchener: visited with relatives. and friends .in the , community. this ' week, • Mr: and', Mrs Forrie 'McClure of (Bayfield 'arid Mr. and' Mrs.. Robert Slowerby ' visited on - Sun- day with Mr. and. Mrs. Gordon Ritchie; Mrs. Al Martin., of • Detroit spent' the week-end_here and on her return Was accompanied. by ,her son N.eddy,n who has spent the su�rnmer, at Norwood and Lucknow. . 'A4".,rE THREE; Bac----:.-t--,--'-Sch�o-1- Clothes COTTON SKIRTS CLEARANCE, , , .; , :. 1/3 OFF Blouses , .:... 4, Price- Panties ..., , , ► , . 59c Cotton Slips , .. , $1.89 Jeans . 10% off ANKLETS CLEARANCE, , ; . , .. ; ALL SIZES NYLON HOSE, reg. $1.50 Subs, ,. r- 75c MANY . SCHOOL ITEMS GREATLY REDUCED , Boys. Underwear Trousers, Sox Jackets Caps T -Shirts: Dresses; -Skirts.. Brassieres, Girdles Pleated Reversible: Skirts Orlon & Banlon Pullovers Cardigan Sweaters . - WOMEN'S. SUITS,' plaids and plains 20% OFF anderson''. LADIES' and MEN'S WEAR—FASHION MILLINERY i -.-.-. HELD .TROUSSEAU. TEA - FOR . SATURDAY BRIDE Mrs. Torn Hackett. entertained at ' a Trousseau tea on Monday, August ' 31st in honour of her daughter, Joyce.: Mrs.' Hackett, Mrs. Elphick and Joyce • welcomed •the guests. Mrs. Alex Hackett Sr.. and Mrs.::Wesley Leeson,. grandmoth- er of the bride and groom .pour ed tea assisted by Miss 'Kath- leen Hackett, 11/frs Laverne"Cun ningham, ' .Mrs. Allan Hackett. Mrs:. Wilfred. . 'Hackett and Mrs.' James Errington Were in change of the tea-room: Displaying the.. ,bride's trous- seau, showergifts and wedding gifts were ,'Mrs:. Donald Hackett, Mrs. Bud Hamilton and Mrs:. Earl Jamieson who was also in charge 'of the 'guest : register:'", . The Sunday Sehool; • Room of. Hacketts • United Church was very ' prettily., decorated with. pink 'and white streamers and bells in honour of ;Miss Joyce Hackett, September bride, 'when friends and neighb'ors gather= ed topresent her .with miscel- laneous shower. The bride re- ceived many beautiful gifts and: after her fitting thanks ' a d'ain- ty lunch was served:.' ADJOURN INQUEST IN GRAND BEND • DROWNING ' FATAL RAIL ACCIDENT • An . inquest held last week at Trafalgar into the CNR train - wreck • at .Bronte, has been ad- journed until, • September 22nd. Two women lost their lives in the accident. ' One of them a for- mer Luckriowite Mrs. Gordon R. ;Moore,, was instantly :killed when a • broken: rail ' tore through theseat which'' the two . ladies Alice Hayes,, 19, Was swept 'to her death at Grand Bend , on Monday While bathingwith- a foursome' • of nurses, 'Who :were celebrating. the completion. of their •"1st year in. training at Stratford General Hospital., Miss Hayes is survived by her Mother, Mrs. Charlotte . Hayes, R.R.'' 2 •Kincardine, three sisters and. ten brothers: .. Mrs. ' Ezra Bushell, of , R;R. 2;• ,Kincardine;: •Mrs..Alex' Nevins, of Nile, and Marie, at . home; and: brothers; Nathanial, William, Nelson, Earl,. Charles, . Sam,; Jaynes,. Burton,: Alvery 'and .Harold. . • ' • Attention Users NOTICE '4Ve have : taken over the'. Webster. and MacKinnoi i ,coal building ' and busi- ness and we hope to continue to supply their customers as well as are own with . the/ same .top- quality coal: cknow District Co-op 'Phone 71, Lucknow occupied, .impaling, the'•coach. 'The Cities ,Service '.Oil Col ppline passes under .the track at this point, and since its an- stallation" work ` has (been:.. car- ried ..on to remedy the settling. The .adjournxrient 'was set in or- der to get. . the .engineer's report on. the pipe 'line construction. The ,section . foreman, James Buttaro,. who was suspended af- ter f:ter the accident, said a "swivel" had . developed ' when ••4 CPR train passed over ;the Bine .12 minutes 'ahead of the CNR train: • In •an• effort to re -align the rail, five spikes were then pul ed. Buttaro said:. he ."didn't think" to• send 'a man up the •traek too flag. down the Tororito-!bound ' train. • The man with ' laryngitis whis - . pered over the 'phone, "Is the doctor in?" "No,"' the ` nurse whisperred 'back. "come on -'up." Lceum Theatre y WINGIIAM Two shows each ch ' night First at '7.15 • Thursday, Friday., Saturday, September 3, 4, 5. • Pat Wayne ', Yvonne Craig' in. THE YOUNG-' LAND A .melodrama set in California follgwing the acquisition of that.' t erritory iby the United States: ' .:.;4.4...4m„ 4.. 4.444 .., . .>®.•e.:ma>er.lemp., r.44m.o•melk>-im.» I PARK THEATRE c oderich x . Now Playing,—Lee . Remick."In ``These Thousand Hills" • •cloy—Adult Entertainment Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, September 7, 8,' 9. Doris' Day—Jack . Lemmon .and Ernie 'Kovaks 1 A rib -tickling tale regarding a :.good-looking young 1 widow in, 'Maine " who turns lobster -shipper to fight a . tyranny: 1 ' "IT HAPPENED TO 'JANE 1 — In Technicolor -- 1. 1. 1 1. y, r� ,.. . •' y�'. 11' Thurs �ay; Friday, Saturda 'September 10 tom thumb". . In Technicolor Russ TamblYn. Terry Thoiiiias . and: Alan Young Hollywood's ly oa'ltechnically tricky • filiization of a be- lovdarye'As an added 'Bonus' Attrac- tion we present Thirty Minutes of highlights from the recent Royal Tour. — in Technicolor. — • /. "ROYAL RIVER'? • If you followed the Tour on television come now. and etoshots on. the Big Park *screen,.'in gorgeous Technicolor. Corning—"Stranger In My Arms "=June Allyson and Jeff' Chandler. ..ii�71F�''i�..inti"y�ii�'.ll�til':.�+ii+Jr;Y�e;'�":�Y'10YII,;YaIr 7.IC'�Yla'gY'9ii': 1. 1 1 1 1 '1 tt. • t k f • • 44 •.$ , • , I.e ;.0 • • 4 • • 1. - • 4 • • •",!; .. •' • P