HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-09-02, Page 1i• .00 on to r,h- an; • he er, 'eil. the )er sh=.. . an- ac- ►re,. and age. gym - r $3.00 A Year Iri,Advance -- $1,00 Extra To U.S.A. ONTARIO SEPT:. 2nd, LUCK,1\TOW�; _ 'WEDNESDAY, SEPT'. ; LOCAL COUPLE ARE FIFTY YEARS WED • A very happy occasion. last week was climaxed at. a family dinner given in the private din- ' •morn of the Bruce Inn, Kin- cardine; in honour of the golden Wedding anniversary of. their parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. A. • Russell. This estirnaine Lucknow Coq-; ,Zile Were: fifty years ';married ',:on Tuesday, .August 25th, For the anniversary dingier, the tables were centred by the • wed • ding cake and Yellow • roses and mums flanked 'by 'golden . candle. sticks. Mrs. A ,C, Stewart of Midland was a guest •at •the dinner. Her. husband, the late Dr. Stewart, officiated for Mr, and Mrs. Rus- sell's marriage at Winnipeg, a half century ago.. ' ' A. scroll from the Provincial Government, and a wire 'front Premier Frost of Ontario,.were received by Mr. and'.Mrs, :Rus- sell Russell •as well 'as ;many other.. ex- pressioni of'congratulations ,and best wishes from a ' host of friends.• . The occasion was a dual'an: niversary. It also, marked Mr. Russell's:: 93rd'birthday. • WHAT'S • TO '?HAPPEN IF SUCH .THINGS CONTII8JE? Recent .happenings .'at. : the 'Lucknow Community ' $ales :Barn, 'posse .a; problem as to what ac- tion should' be taken—and .will have to. be -if there isn't an •end to such goings; on.. At . this lime .of year many of the barn windows. are out,' so trespassers have no trouble „gain- ,ing entry if they decide.' so to do, and , whish .:they did. some -- time between • Saturday ; : and Tuesday : of last week.. • .• One of the few • Windows . ,that are in at ;''present had all the. lights smashed. Inside the build- ing they scattered weigh cheeks All • about and other material used at bhe :weekly 'sale. ' Provoking. as : these .incidents; Were the really alarming alis-' •covert'' was very definite evi- dence of a fire having been started in the alleyway under the 'seats: cigarette .;box and shavings were • among ' the' ingre- dients ` used. to feed the fire,' This is : not the: first time van- dalism .has, occurred, but.' it has' now become inexcusible and something that can. no longer be taken.' lightly,' • l until time and space permits—in an. early edition'we.hope. ' BREAK COMES: IN HOT AND HUMID WEATHER • . August 1959 will be remem= bored for some time as a hot and humid, month, with a' con- tinuous spell of this oppressive weather, from • which . there was. little relief for .ten days until the first ;of this week. But memories are short. The average tem .erature • for the,; ,month was , 77,25 degrees, almost ten degrees .lower than' four.r year ago, August 1955, when the month's • .average..was ,87:11 de- grees, • with a high of • 99, five days over 90 and 19: days over. '80. • August this . year had a local high. of 88' degrees, and 16 days: of 80 degrees or'• over, There was* a copious 4.48 'inches.: of rain.' But the old . saying held particu- larly true. ---"it ` Wasn't1 the heat, Johnstone's livery, and feed it was ' the humidity"—:arid it barn: . surely. was bad.: The •new steel -covered '. ino 160' x 40,. has accomodation TO BUILE .SALES 'BARN ADDITION Bob Macintosh is planning an addition to the .Community 'Sales Barn, with work to ` corn- menee. at an. early date The ad- dition will be to the west end, .of the 'building ''and will ;be . at least forty feet, depending on - necessary roadway., allowance at the west side;. It will' be of, the same type of construction as _the present barn. 1 the ` Caledonian Park, 'was built( a little over a 'year ago,•to ac- .comodate an. expanding business that could no. longer be accomo-, dated' in what old-�irners will recall • as the Allan' MacLeod livery stable.: on Inglis- Street, and in later years was Jim The sales barn,. to the: west of'. NAMES,' OF :PEOPLE • AND PL4CES STIR MEMORIES George Alton of '523 John St., Sault Ste Marie, accompanied his :Sentinel renewal with the. following ,letter: "It's arrival week • by week is a pleasure to rhe:. The Centennial clebration `brought to fruition an. urge of many years standing : namely, '.:to ,subscribe. So': , many names. of ;people and places oc- cur ' •in its pages 'that' stir mere-' ories'' :of • childhood .days I; en- close a poem that •9could , very well apply. to the Sepoy Town It came: to my attention in Win- nipeg in 1937, which l; .have fairly well committed ` to _'mem- ory. Make'.: use .of it as you wish.' ' The 'Sentinel ' ;appreciates re- .ceiving .Mr. Alton's' poem. and letter. ; We, would' Abe : happy t 'have more : subscribers write to help "stir memories. The 'poe, is interesting, but, long, and we will have to 'defer its publication for about 140. cattle and • some 800 or'900 pigs. The- first sale was `held. there on "July '16th of last year, and no sooner .was the barn iii operation,: than crowds • of consignors' and: Ibuyers swel- led to a point.' that .overtaxed the spacious building.• •In the centre of the barn is the selling 'ring with.elevated seating for about 450 people.: . . Plan Outside Pens : • As . 'well as the addition• . that. is planned, Bob• 'also intends , to construct. outside: pens. at the:' back of . the `building.. .There ' . has been. '•a keen. de- mand for' stocker : cattle, and 'the Sales; Barn manager • has been. ;bringing" in . Western cattle - to fill this .dernand, Since May, Bob has handled some'twenty �twO. rloads of • Western• feeders, about! ut half of which: have ' gone ` through the' sales ring, . and ' the TEN, PAGES ASHFIELD. NATIVE PAYS VISIT TQ OLD FLAUNT S'. . Mr.and' Mrs. Thomas. Herbert .Culbert and their daughter, Mary, one of a family pf twelve, motored East fora .visit With relatives in this: community. They start their. return journey this week to Meadow Lake, Sask. , "T: :H," was �borii fon the 6th Concession ;of Ashfield, and is the eldest member of the James. Culbert ,• family. His brother, Jim lives just, south:: of 'the. .vil- lage. . Mr. 'Culbert Went west. in :1901 and settled in Manitoba and later in Estavan, `;Sask In the drought' years they 'went north' to Meadow Lake district in 1930;and were. "pioneer" sett lers in'that district which has now became one of the P4rovin•.. ces finest wheat growing ,areas: The town . has grown to. about. 3000 • and boasts of . Canada's biggest' com:rnu'inty. grain stor age . elevators with a capacity of over..1,000,000. fbuthels.• Mr. and Mrs..Culbert "are now living retired: in Meadow Lake. ZION COU PLE•' MARL ANNIVERSARY t _ Mr. and Mrs.• Will Ritchie; life- long residents of the community; . th celebrated ' their golden wedding last week. Mr.. and Mrs. Ritchie will be • fifty ,years married on December 22nd, 1959,but be- cause of the winter ime' diffi 'ciilties of holding such• a .gather- ing, the occasion was observed • 'at a more:convenient time. '' On Sunday, August 23rd, a family, dinner was held as a surprise to Mr: and 'Mrs. Ritchie at the clubhouse of the 1Vlaitland Golf Course, Appropriate decor- ations ecor ations and' `a three -layer cake' enhanced the, dining ronin. Thir- LABOR .DAY MONDAY, TO SCHOOL TUESDAY Next: Monday,,:Septemiber 7th, is •Labor Day. and a :public holi- day. On *Tuesday the 'school' bell rings and its back' to school again `after a long? mummer va- cation. Monday :;holidays' aren't . popu- lar . in A. newspaper office They complicate the .proiblem of meet- ing deadlines.. And so, we request. advertisers and. contributors of netivs items or budgets, to let .us have the copy early, • .and where Possible, : by Friday of this week etmiit doing' some •'of the' type setting this 'week -end m remainder sold privately. : , "ROBBERS. HAVE LIKING FOR BELGRAVE CO-OP Thieves paid another visit to. the ' Belgrave Co-operative over the week -end, and, in. 'a daring entry • into the lighted,' store, scoopedup merchandise valued at $1,300. :• • The loot included boots, shoes; overalls, cigarettes and an add- ing machine. Bud Orr, . formerly, of Luck now•• is manager of the. Belgrave 'Co-op, and. it is the second time nt has been brokeninto since be .took charge. Prior to •that there, Were another pair of rob-' beries during the managership of Ross Robinson, now..in 'char e here. g JACK MacDONALD N AMED INSURANCE AGENT (Jack) MacDonald has been appointed district agent for • the Excelsior Life ' Insurance Company, and was in this week receiving, _ . London i struction in' initial in- before . his new occupation, com.rneneing sellin t' • • GOT.. BUDGIE BACK The budgie.bird which was recently 'found in Douglas Gra- ham's raham's . orchard,, is back again with ;its owner, Marilyn Hender- son.. Marilyn thought her 13th .birthday' on ' • August 19th was jinxed.She' had •'the bird' outside to take a picture, when it •flitted away, to her distress, but all's well that .ends Well, as ,she, . got it -back A few days. later. . OFFERS TO HELY WITH TUG OF 'WAR Ari experienced . director, iii the art of :tug-o'-war,'would like, to see the 'event.; . organized and made a real feature of the Luck now Fall Fair.' • • lie is. Jim Layne, who because of • is knowledge ` of. the, . sport,, was disappointed in last : year's performance here; and would •be willing to offer.'liis assistance in organizing ' and directing com- petitive teams in' advance of . the Fair. ' Jim served with the British East -Asia. naval, Command ;dur-. ing World • War SII, and had; the role 'of directing the naval tug of . war team, 'which held • the. championship for four ,consecu- tive years, Here • is , an opportunity to i Snake the annual: 'pull for 'the John Hanna trophy, a big fea- ture' of the fair, and Society Of- ficers and -district tug of war captains, should waste no time ri. getting together with Jim to discuss the matter, and, get some pre -fair planning :and tutoring underway. . Mr, and Mrs, Layne recently purchased the. property of Mrs. Emerson Irwin, north of the CNR, Jim is employed at the" Glen Walden, faun. vities, g' ac 1. In mid-August Jack ack concluded thirteen years in 'garage work, andfor the past five years . had successfully'' operated busine w p d his own ss, 'BIG DOUBLES ;TOURNEY SLATED FOR MONDAY Lucknow ` Bowling • Club's annual men's . doubles tourna- ment : will be held on Labor. Day, Monday, ' September 7th, at the local greens: .' This: tourney` draws the big- gest entry 'of the •season, and to accomodate them a double draw is '.made -the 'first. draw being at 10:00 a.m.. ' Merchants and ' manufacturers of, Lucknow donate about thirty sets of ; prizes • for . ,this.: popular event that attracts : bowlers from quite:' a distance: CAMPED ' IN EARTHQUAKE ZONE THE WEEK BEFORE Doug and Isobel Clark and family of Regina returned .last week from a camping ,trip to the .Black' Yellowstone and. the 'West Coast.. ' • Fortunately they ;massed the earthquake that 'shook the north western States. The week• before the quake they had camped all throughthe area that was hard- est hit...* . Doug is a sergeant • in the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. • SENTINEL MAILING LIST /SENTINEL THURSDAY. The 'Sentinel mailing list was corrected last . Thursday • and subscription , payments • received up to and including Thursday have been' advan- ced accordingly. Please take a glance at the date on your address. label on this week's paper and see if it is • correct In case of error •advise Us immediately, • If the date reads prior. to August . 59, your renewal. is . due, and we would appreci-• ate prompt payment., Subspription statements Were sent out recently, 'cov- ering accounts to the end of June. TEA; AND:.,SHOWER HELD FOR SATURDAY BRIDE Miss Dawn Sinnamon 'was the guest of honour • and . the recipi Olt' Of 'many lovely and ' useful gifts at a . tea held 'in Lucknow by .the groom's mother, . Mrs. Harvey, Webster for bhe immedi- ate relatives' and close 'friends. ';Focal point ' was the table, centred. :with :white and /red roses and • wihite candles. 7n sil- ver candelabra. Assisting Mrs,. Webster receiving the; guests were Mrs. Vernon Hunter,and' the groom's sisters, Mrs, Roy Hunt and Miss' Nancy Webster: • The Legion' rooms in' Wing- ham: were beautifully decorated for ' .a shower` held by over 50" neighbours for Miss Sinnamon, bride elect •of:this Saturday. As- sisting with the opening of her gifts were, Miss ' -Mary ' Alice Armstrong, Miss 'Nancy Webster and • three ':young neices, Judy ;Forsyth; Isobel MacMillan ,and Jean Sinnamon. WON. DOMINION CHAMPIONSHIP The Kitchener lawn bowling o wi is Wes • Huston is one of. the foursome, swept through to• the Dominion bowl- ing championship : without a loss. It. is the first . time' the honour •has. come to. Ontario. The • finals :were played in. Toronto • last week over a three- day period. Iri a round-robin 'series the ' Kitchener rink, ' re- presenting ' Ontario, played off with rinks from B.C., Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Quebec. The champions ' 'tied with Alberta. and won all their other games. To qualify for the Dominion, finals the Kitchener rink • won their local and district games, and then swept through the se - Bond ' stage : of ' district playoffs undefeated, rink f hi h ' • ty-one . sat down to the sumptu ous turkey. dinner. On :Wednesday, open house. was held at Mr. and Mrs,. Rit chies new home which they built a few years ago at. Zion upon n . retirement. Here • too, the floral . decorations carried ,out the ;got - den ,anniversary motif ,out, a ?- tired cake' centered the tea table. 175 • guests registered'. during the afternoon and Pouring tea were Mrs. TomHac- kett; Mrs. Jake ' Hunter, Mrs.. Wesley. , Ritchie ,and . Mrs, • Henry, M Gardner. Mrs. Ritchie was the former Ida- Webster, daughter of James • Webster and Grace ' Reid. The groom '..of •fifty .years ago -is, a. son ' of the: late Andrew Ritchie and Ellen .;Hunter. '`They' were married at, the bride's home two venin miles west. sof' Lucknow :,by Rev. J. E. Fordof the, Lucknow Methodist. Church, The: ': bride's attendant • wasp Mrs. 'Dave Elliott .(Minnie Reid) of Clinton, who ' was • among the guestsatthe golden .wedding anniversary last .week; The best., man = was the bride's brother, James: Webster, who passed away' about four years ago. • • Mr: Ritchie . is 78 and Mrs. Ritchie, . 72.:' They . have. 'a 'family of Seven. children, Who : were 'all present for ;the anniversary fes- tivities. They are ' Mrs. Nelson Raynard • (Clara) of Ashfield; Mrs Jean Papernick of Godes rich; Mrs. Robert :Irvin ("Elsie), Dungannon;: Mrs Ebner Wall. (Daisy), Teeswater; Mrs. Jim Smith (Violet), Molesworth; and Harvey . and Eldon of Ashfield. There are .nineteen ;grandchild-: ren and eleven great grandchild, ren. • Mks.. Tom" 'Blake ' ,(Clara), is Mrs. 'Ritchie's ' only: living sister'. Mr.: Ritchie has one sister, Mr;,. Janet Twarriley and five ' �broth- ers, Alfred, Leslie, •Gordon, Rus- sell and Chester. • Guests Were present froni Clinton, •.Varna, ,Kincardine, Zu- rich,. Walkerton, Teeswater, Mit= . chell,'• Goderich, 'Seaforth.. RECOVERING EYE SIGHT AFTER, 'CEMENT BURNS Reg Campbell 'of Arnberley is-' • reeovering his eyesight; . which was temporarily impaired k y cement " burns early last. week,: No permanent .damage was suf--• ered, butt is was a painful ex- perience, Reg and Mrs.. Campbell were at Lorne :. MacDonald's farm When,a truck loaded with fresh cement= -hot from the Plantar - rived at MacDonald's. Reg vol- unteered to ' help unload it, and as he dropped a split bag, : the• cement powder blew up in his face in a cloud, causing severe and painful injury to the eyes. APPOINTED MACINTEE REAL • E'STATE AGENT Otto 'Pedersen has been ap- pointed and officially licernsed as district real estate' agent for Wilfred Madlntee, Walkerton'. realtor..Otto is one of seventeen handed salesman. in 'the Niacin- • tee • organization,•