HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-08-26, Page 10• • 1," f • .1" • • y ' ( . ! II, / ' „ .^,,',,, , , , . • r4 ' • ' ; • PAGE TEN TITE, LUC=0.4ffl S INL ,:,"ucKsowt oNtetwo • ,‘ Nows THE TIME . TO BE THINKING OF A NEW McCLARY Winter Air Conditioner MORE' AMVANTAGES • with. *CLARY HEATINO! • Economical! Guaranteed!. • , Automatic! • • ' Compact! • Clean!. • • Attractive! • Quickly Installed! Efficient! •• Effective! Quiet!, • Enjoy greater heating • ef- fiency 'combined • with coMpact, *attractive sign with a McClary unit. ' FURNACE TENDING BANISHED •Eiutuiries Invited No Obligation PHONE 50; LUCKNOW Plumbing, Heating, Wiring, Eavetroughing ,WHITECHURCH Mr. and Mrs. W. McCluskey. •Of • :Toronto visited on Friday ,With 'Mrs. Jane Kennedy. b BORN—to Mr, and .Mrs, Frank Stockill (nee Marilyn Morrison) a son, at St. Josephs Hospital, Blind River. • Mrs. Annie McQuillin who is. • working at Ripleyspent the weekend at her home, in the = village. ,• , • „ • • T M'i 1.1" Tom rison be return - Ing to Victoria Hospital for • treatrnent ofthis throat. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. •Lorne Johnston, in the passing of ..her husband. They were for- mer residents of the village. Mr.= and Mrs:. Jack Gillespie •and family of Sarnia spent -the week -end with Mrs. G. Gillespie. Mr. and' Mrs. C. Farrier., and family of 'Long' Branch spent the week -end with Mr. • and: Mrs. W. R. Farrier.. • • Won Dream Cottage , • Ralph_Adainion, sales manager for Colvin s- garage in Teeswa- • ter, was the lucky winner of a "clIkeain cottage"' at ''Bayfield,. He bought the lucky ticket in a • London. restaurant. 1 • • •-'444÷44-.4+++t+.444".4+++.4"!44.4 For ROOFING & SIDING THA7F LASTS & PROTECTS We .Recommend` • Westeel "Security" Ribbed GALVANIZED ROOFING • Gives a completely weatherproof job. WESTEEL sheets give a full 321/2" cov- • erage: You can actually save' one square or more on a large barn. We have the • following lengths in stock: 6,7, 8, 81/2, • 9, 10, 11 and 12 feet. • • -• •MATERIAL FOR GRAIN BINS PLYWOOD ALL THICKNESSES GRANARY 'LINING FRESH CEMENT JOHN ..W•,..BENDERSON LUMBER LTD. • • Phone 150. . . LucknoW: • PREMIIJ.MS :ONLY. , ON TESTED 1.LIL.1 Under Ontario's performance •testing program • which has been. •.conduetecl during the past Pine Years, the results obtained clear- ly show .that it is difficult , to. appraise, a beef bull on the basis .of' 'appearance alone, said Hon. W. A. GoOdfellow, minister Agriculture.. "Some bulls that are pleasing to the eye do not possess the ability to make rapid and economical gains, 'character- istics that are .of vital importance to .the farmer who is, raising cornmerctil beef cattle. On the. other hand the :tests reveal that I. itis possible to produce bulls' that are highly satisfactory' from, the standpoint, of type and per- formance." As a result of 'the findings the minister stated. thatsome chan- ges would be made, in ' the bull premium policy by limiting the payment Of premiums to.purcha- • ser , of performance 'tested bulls. • As of January, 1, 1960, only pchasers ' of • bulls that meet the standard, for' the. designation of; "Performance Tested" will be' ,eligible for ipremium. In view of the fact that several lodal 'breed- • ers! clubs have made plans' for fall sales in.. anticipation of the 'present policrbeing continued it decided that the new policy would not come ,into effect until the beginnin,g of next year.. • To qualify for, the designation "Performance Tested" a • bull inust gain at least, 2.30 .,pqunds per • day on test, not less. than: 2.15 pounds per day between' birth and. the end of the test period, and be graded. "Breeder" �r "Commercial."Thus both perforrnance and type are con- • sidered in •determining the bulls which qualify for this classifioa-. tion. WEDDING BELLS - ARMSTRONG YOUNG A wedding in Which Mist Hel- •en.PatriCia Ann •Young became the ,. bride of Janies' Kenneth Arinstrond solemnized in Wesley United. Church, Fort William, with Dr. S.. R. 1VIeLeod officiating. Sheis the daughter of • and Mrs. • R. Stewart Young, of Fort William, and the/ bridegroom the son of Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm J.. Armstrong (the. • former,' Bessie liilitrdie) of• Sault Ste. Marie. Donald Hassard play- • ed ' the ' bridal music •and. Miss Janet WilloCks, of London, was the , The bride was given in...mar- riage by her ,father :and..wore:a floor length •gown' of gardenia • ,white silk organza .with • sculp • tured Juliet bodice, deep round- . ed neckline and bouffant skirt. • Her veil of silk illusion fell from a pearl coronet, and she wore white shantung: slippers and a single strand of cultured pearls, a gift of the groem. Feathered chrYsanthernurns andyellow ros- es were in her cascade bouquet. The maid of honor WasMis Margaret Harrison, and' the' •;bridesmaids were Miss Donna • Jean White,' of Goodwater, Sask. and MiSs Becky Ann Nelson, of , Milwaukee, Wisc. All wore gowns • of sky blue embroidered nylon • organdy with empire waists, full skirts, .square necklines and short sleeves arid had short white glov- • es, • William 4. Arinstrohg of Otta- wa was best man •and John A. • Armstrong and Robert V. BOck7 ing were ushers. . A 'reception was heldat the Fort William ,Country. Club and the bride's mother received wear-• ing a. pink silk jacket dress with 1arge picture hat and match- ing , shoes, The groom's mother. • wore a beige lace 'dress with matching jacket and hat, • For a honeymoon trip to a Northern Minnesota resort the • bride chose a, beige linen suit with White hat, shoes and gloves, White bag and a corsage ' of Sweetheart roses',. • • WEDNESDAY, Alin. 26th, 1959 ruit Market 'YOUR BARGAIN. FOODLAND SWeclo.wile Large ,25 lb; Save licc Bag fASTRY FLOUR SALE. .• .39 MARGARINE SALE. Tulip Brand. Feature. . . 4 lbs 89c TOMATO JUICE SALE.. S .Hunt's or Clark's., tit98c Oz.• HIGHLA.ND PRIDE COFFiE. Our EXclusive Top 'Seller. Pound , • • 9 PORK & BEAN SALE. SAVE 5c. Cheerio Brand. 15 oz. Feature. .4) • tins 39( HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL FRESH FRUITS • , AND VEGETABLES. SEE OUR MASS DISPLAYS OF ONTARIO FREESTONE' PEACHES WeSell For Less Values Effective Phone 119 Lucknow • August 27, 28,.29. The following table gives results under price sup!. : port and no. marketing agency1in, ,1952,. and. ,f,34ur,249p,:e93- sent situation with a producermarketing agency. 2 1959 , . Total nuinber of, hogs Mar,: 3,190,522 •,keting ' in . Canada', up ' to • • •4, . .- 'June 30 3 • Increase in marketing in : 33% 1959 Over 1952 ' Average weekly marketings 110,454 • • 154,518' • ., . -Increase.in 1959 over '1952 ,• .' •39% • Stocks �f pork on. hand in 70 nilllion.110.• '112 million lbs,' Canada • , . „ , Increase in 1959. over 1952 . •rnillion lbs. Price ' paid above the floor • Nil;, . on Toronto tnarket : fr�m weeks of June 6 to July 3 (for major portion of sales). •• Price paid above'. floor at. Nil: ,points.outside Toronto June 6 to'July 3 (for major portion of .sales)' . • , Price Daid below floor at .25 to .75 • points • Outside • Toronto (same 5 •weeks) for ap- •' proximately 50% Of sale.. • ..25 to .75 per •cwt. • .25 to, 1.,09 • • , • . Dollar advantage over same 5 week:.period in 1952 based On '.actual .sales: • .EXtra returns for hogs slaughtered outside' Tel -Onto and not having 'to be priced below floor 50% of kill of 236,267 hogs, 118,133 at .75c $88,609.12.• , •' • • . The actual. gain in hogs selling over floor 149,610.28 .• in weeks of June 6 to July 3. ./ • $238 220.0Q The reader will note this comparison is for one • Month; ad- vantages in previous months 'would indicate • a substantial. addition to above figures. The greater advantage of, pro ducer agency is to keep hogs above: thelloor, 'There was a • definite .effort to push hog prices down to the floor in the early part, of 1955. The .effort the producer marketing agencies in the Maritimes and, Ontario kept prices above the floor..This brought a greater return ,to producers than many people ,realize'. •• • In theclosing months of 1958 hog prices. were on the floOr in every province in Canada, for 11 weeks before they m:tre in Ontario. It hasbeen prices realized in Ontario over the, floor price Which has enabled one of the western markets to move above the floor. •• .• These , facts ,should answer the question "Can a marketing agency get• producers more money when we are under price support?" • GREY'BRUCE COUNTY HOG iPFtODUarWC—S Thos. Pringle, President, Jack lVfocC4illivary, President Grey County Hog Producers Bruce ' Cothitr Hog Producers • 4 /I d, w tl . 01 • al • of In • dc •• Pc fii ro ha • Wi Po: Vri hig wa ..Ea: sotti0 mt. bef SCO • had anti 'fjorl m ket4 • 4 •