HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-08-26, Page 3WEDNESDAY AUG. •25th, 1959 THE L'UCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO SAVES YOU MONEY EVERY DA A HEINZ BABY FOODS ' Complete asstd. save 7c, 0 for; $, NABISCO SHREDDIES. Save .3c, • 121/2 oz.. pkg. WHITE OR COLORED •TISS White Cross, save 7c . . . . 25c UE • 4, for 47c JOHNSON'S KLEAR . ,. . Save 1Oc, 32 oz. tin .. . $1.09 JIM DANDY LIQUID CLEANER 1Oc off pack, save; ,18c, ,qt.' .71c' "Red & White" '.. 6500 Markets Save, You ••Money Silverwooc's Ice 'Cream; .1/2-g41. ; .., . , 89c I r.•eakfast •Club ''2 -Fruit' Marmalade' Save 6c,• 24 oz. •. , • :„ 33c Libby",s .Catsup, save .6e;.11 oz. b> 1s,. 21•3'5c Culverhouse. Choice, Peas, 'Save' 7c, .20 oz. ... 4 for 59c Early Riser. Blend . Coffee, lb... .: '55c Red &: White. Blend; Coffee l's ,Red. Zi. • White • Instant Coffee Large '5 ' oz. .. ° ... ed and White food Store:. 'PHONE 26 -FREE DELIVERY 75c ALL GOOD' SANDWICHES .BEGIN WITH BUTTER ONTARIO CREAM : PRODUCERS' • MARKETING BOARD REPRESENTING' 50,000 CREAM PRODUCERS Local t' General Mr ,Angus Campbell ,and his sister/ Miss Maggie Campbell of. Guelph visited a week with'. Mr. and ,Mrs.. Peter, Carrm.ppbell and returned' home :on Sunday. Larry • and 'Rickey , : Boak .:of. Dresden have , been holiday visit-. ors .with 'their :'grandmother, Mrs.. C Shaddick. Their .father, Aaron Beak, 'has spent ,the summer at 1pperwash camp' as an instructor. Visitors.`.. at the week end at the home of Mr, • and.' Mrs. W. T. Rbulstori were Mr. and Mrs. Alex MacKinnon, Lois ' and Sandra, ac- 'companied. by., Mrs. Rae 'gall • of ' Hamilton° ; . ,i)::.,......,...,.,..,40,.............,...,,,,.............1.�1, ..LU:C.KNOW• ;• • U.NITED•CHURCH , i. Minister: Rev. Gordon R. ' Geiger, B.A., B.D. 1 .SUNDAY, AUGUST;. 30 . 110.00 a.m. Church School •11:00.a.m• 'Combinedworship of :Pres+byterian and United. Church congregations, Rev. = W. McClean ,in• charge. ' 'Nursery during church • ° 1' Thought For The Week:- There is no .argument equal!• • • to a happy • 'smile: • i. ...n : Lticknow I Presbyterian Church iMinister.: 1 Rei. Wallace McClean ° ' SUNDAY, AUGUST 30 9.30 a.m,.. Dungannon 10.00 a.m. Sunday School 11;00 a.m. Combined service in the United Church with Itev. McClean in Charge. , Jack •Kerr: of 'Brussels is re= lieving agent at the CNR depot due :to the: Illness of Garnet: Hen-, derson. John Helm of Ashfield relieved: temporarily until Mr. Kerr took ;charge Mrs. Wm.. : Hewat, Bob, Nancy and Ardonna left . On -Monday morning by , motor .to . returnto their: home in' Vancouver . after anextended, holiday 'here: Mr, liewat;; returned "to the Coast early in. the month +by plane., '. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Henderson' of .Toronto have. returned, horne having spent' . a week with her parents;: ' Mr. and • Mrs. ' Charles' Steward, Their son, Brian return- ed with ` them after spending three: weeks with his grandpar;' ents. . Mr. Gordon Steward' and son, Bruce of London visited 'last week -,with his parents. Charlie, who has not been enjoying good health, for some time, was quite ill ' /for two weeks and • is some better riow; and' able, to• be • up and around again. ' Miss Ellen Will • ' of Brantford has spent the August camping season at ,Carrip Wahcahmie on Huckleberry Island' in' Georgian Bay. Miss Frances Wall has been at Camp Ruddy on Lake Ile, " Ellen and . Frances' . are. i anddaughters of Mr. and P.'S. James Culbert. Mr. and .Mrs; E:' H, Agnew • re- turned the end of the weak from; a holiday spent on the• Bay: of Quints, and along the seaway. on both the Catiadian and Ameri- can .sides. Mr. and 'Mrs. Bill Barrett'.and' family of Toronto visited for a few days with Mr, and `Mrs, Ross MacKenzie, Ashfield. • Mrs. Jessie• Allin, Mary' and Russell have returned from a ' visit in Western Canada.• Mrs. N. A. Graham of Toronto ,is spending a week with her parents, . Mr. 'and Mrs. A. E. MtKin'r at • their cottage at Kiri- tail.. • OUTLINES ;PROBLEMS OF „WHITE:, BEAN 'GROWERS •' What's .new?' Perhaps each one of us ' would answer 'differently. One afternoon last week it was a new experience for me to 'vis- it the White bean Growers' •pro- :cessing 'plant at London. This plant is just another ex- ,ainple • of: • hat can ibe ., accom- plished by farmers if they work harrnoniousiy • to-gether.. . These men were not: willing 'to stay :a . rut :but. I ,: believe' were .the first, to' introduce the. "Electric eye" bean • picker ' in Canada. • This uncanny machine remov- es the discolored. • and damaged beans: much mere . .cheaply than the •hand pickers., By this means, I'm afraid, . the: cost • to consum- ers was reduced 'muc'h more than profits were ' ;increased to the producers.. It 'did+''however irk crease consumption, permitting, increased. • production of this crop: It also „placed the Ontario grower : in : a ' much better coni= petitive position. on world. "mar= kets. •. Operating:under a• negotiating plan the White Bean, Board must purchase all beans offered to it at . not less than' the minimum, price. ' agreed by' the . Board and the trade. Many times it is nec- essary to sell on the world mar- ket at a loss and • snake, up the difference from the 85c per burr=' dred .deducted for equalization fund.. , •• . • ' For .many years this plan: has worked . out ' quite .well •but di f - ficulties are now being encoun- tered, By. ,this plan the deader can buy large , quantities ';of beans at harvest time at the min- imum price and hold ' then; for a rise in price. , Ifthe price goes up 'the dealer gets a handsome profit' but if it drops he sells ` td the Board with. no loss,' • While I: was at the plant •a re- cent assignment •was• 'being, pic- ked. The price on the .world market has • dropped and these beans will have to be ' supported, heavily. Another dealer has informed the' Board that he Chas • 30 'car- loads whichhe will assign to the board' shortly.. These, too, will have to'be heavily support- ed from the equalization• fund collected from the farmers. ' In.. the' late winter I was told that these beans eould have been: sold to Britain, with little or na' support if, the' Bean Growers had. known -of andcontrolled the pro`- duct At .re p sent• the growers carry the risk of loss if the price drops and the dealer opportunity for the profit if the price goes. PAGE THRLEE ,RECEPTION HELD FOR , MR. & MRS, CARMAN NIKON . Mr. and IVMrs. ' Carman Nixon (Wilma Loreen Haugh) were honoured recently at a reception in Lucknow Legion .1 -Ian. The evening Tiffin''s: was spentorchestra in• dancing to. • Mr. Alvin Hackett read the ad- dress to bhe • newlyweds and Mr. George Hackett presented them. wf,ih a 'gift of :money, Mrs, Esth- er Hackett "assisted: by relatives of the bride, served 'a dainty lunch; RENDERING ' ACCOUNTS' FOR SUBSRIPTIONS. Sentinel subscription' 'accounts. which are due for renewal or, are in a •'rears are currently being sent out. This includes* subscript. tions which expired up to June 330th: • The Sentinel' mailing, list will •becorrected 'soon—,possibly this' week.. Some • who renewed ' their paper .by mail some time .° ago have been wondering "if we got it." . DUNGANNON' Dungannon Women's .Institute washostess at 'the. County Home, Clinton, Wednesday, August 19. The programme consisted ,ofo•'a duet. by Mrs.. E, Rivett and 'Mrs. F. -Jones; violin solos :by Robert Sherwood; Scotch dancing . by Sandra Brooks and Joan ,McKee zie. ,Gifts, were given to the 11 persons "whose: birthdays came in August.. A social 'half-hour was enjoyed. by all 'when lunch including a birthday. cake was served to everyone at the *home. The family. ' of Mr. • and. 1VErs. William ,Ritchie, Zion, ,enjoyed' a dinner • at the : Goderich ' Golf club Friday 'evening in., :honour. Of their. Golden- Wedding Anni- versary. Mr.', and Mrs. , Ritchie: will be athome to their friends Wednesday afternoon ' and even ing of this' week. . • up• . Has the negotiatirigg type plan outlived. its effectiveness' for :the White Bean .• Growers? • Should this group ;be ,proceeding to a 'Marketing Agency Plan where the producer would , have the op portunity: for profit as 'well as the . risk of -loss? Similary should the Bog Pre- ' ducers be advancing from Mark- eting •Agency to Processing? It Seems apparent , that defici- ency payments .in '.the hog in- dustry will prove advantageous to the, large' processor at the ex- pense.•, : of• the' small packer and the 'producer. It is now time for the next step forward. ' , J. Carl Hemingway. Lyceum -Theatre GHAM WTN � •. Two shows • each night First:/at 7.15 Thursday, Friday, Saturday, August: 27,, .28, 29, Tab Hunter • . Gwen Verdon in "DAMN YANKEES". The Screen Version; of the'•suc- cessful • Broadway musical fan-- tasy. • YOUNG MUSICIAN SPENT SUMMER IN EUROPE John Goodenow, son of 11/1r and Mrs, Charles T; Goodenow of:Detroit, and summer •residents at• Bruce. Beach, will return the end of the month from a .tour of Europe. • . He has been with the, :Alma College .Acapella 'Choir of Alma, Michigan, on their. tour , of • Unit- ed States Army Camps in Ger- many ,and France. The choir, Well known throughout Michi gan • and the :eastern states was chosen to entertain troop's sta- tioned in Europe. Their fine: vo- cal program is varied to include .an interlude of ' /Scottish folk dancing. which: John -accompanies on • the 'bag pipes: He hag:been a member. of. St.. Andrews PiPe Band of Detroit for six years. • Three ofd :John's ' grandparents came from this' vicinity, his rnat-' enal grandinother, • Mrs. J: ' • F. MacKenzie, was 'born in Purple Grove; ,his maternalgrandfather,: the. late'. Dr:. J. .F. ' MacKenzie/ grew, up. on' a farm near Luck,- now:. uck-now;, arid his paternal grandrno ther, Mrs: Charles N. Goodenow, was born on the. tenth conces- sign :of Huron., PASS .SWIMMING • . ''TESTS AT TEESWATER ,Swimming. . tests. were .conduc- ted • recently ' 'at .Teeswater for juniors, intermediates, and sen- „• iors. The tests were examined by Donald Hickey 'of Clinton and Tom 1V ungham of Toronto who •is d/strict • supervisor of the. Red ' Cross. : Juniors .from Lucknow whoa *passed' their' : tests were Marion Button, Marilyn Henderson, Wendy MacKenzie, Sharon. Donnell, ,Linda O'Donnell,' Donna. • Button... Successful Intermediates • were Edward Brown and Jim' Mc- Naughton: ' PARK THEATRE' Goderte` 3 Now Playing—"Qre on Pass* ` : / ._ ,.... Y g g ge -=In Technicol,oar. with .Lola Albright and John Erickson. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, August . 31, Sept.. 1 r 2 Adult Entertainment° Kim Novak, Fredric March, Albert Dekker and ' Lee, Grant From the' successful Broadway.- play about the middle-aged merchant ' who Jails in love with his young 1 and beautiful secretary. iytl.P.PLE OF: THE ''WIGHT I; Thursday, Friday,' Saturday, September 3, 4, 5. I✓ntertainment • Don .Murray, Lee Remick, Patricia 'Owens and • Richard Egan Set in Oregon,`' in 1880, the story deals with ran- .I chers, their problems with rustlers and horse thieves. THESE THOUSAND HILLS 1 Scope and Colour -- Saturday Matinee Only ---"Powder River''' In Color with Rory Calhoun Caiaaing Torn. Thuinb color :with Russ- Tai ' blyn. �"i! r�Mis`ifs.liwK.�iihra,.��,Nr,o.r...�.....�1►r.�Ni,.M+