HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-08-19, Page 11•
Six Lay t4instet Assisted
Win: Ashfield 4Point Circuit
There • will be few who.. re -
.member the late Rev, 'William
Arthur Strongman 'Mho was min-
ister on the Ashfield 1Vtethodist.
Circuit 70 years ago. It then was
a four -point charge consisting of
Hope Church on fihe. boundary,
Zion; Hacketts and Slakes, •
To: .assist the• minister in those.
days•was a "staff' of resident lay
preachers. During Rev. ,Strong-
man's ministry he was assisted
by J. Walker, S. Hunterr, T. W,
i. ro
�Hildred, J. Taylor, R. B nn.
and R. Murdoch.: They 'took turns
in conducting One; of` Rev ;Strong.
b •.
man's four' services each Sunday.`
'Recentl'y :the,. •present pastor,
Rev. G. W.. Kaiser, • had a visit
from Rev,' T. A. and • Mrs. Car-
michael of Toronto, ; who is .,
daughter . of .Rev. • Strongman.
This visit set Rev.. Kaiser sear
Ching 'through . circuit records,
and :he came, upon'; •ari interesting
preacher•'`s. plan' of public services
on Ashfield Circuit •for the Con
ference Year ,1889--70.' years . ago
from August to July.` '
The: rather complicated plan
used a "set of numbers (denoting.
the speaker) and references • indi
eating what the offering was .ear-
marked on various • occasions: as
'well : as ° • the date and the . time
of service • gat the 'various . ap-
. pointments each Sunday through=
'out the. year. •
The rather complicated (to us)
chart: informed the . members of
each :congregation. what the col
lection. was. for such • as: plans,
reports arid ineidentals, . quarter-,
ly collection,' educational fund,
;superannuation, sustentation fund,
contingent fund, Church ' relief
fund, Sunday school.
The ,plan also listed :the time_.
and place .At fellowship meetings;
quarterly religiousmeetings and
quarterly busineas .' meetings , . It
was,•we think; an acdomplish
irient . in scheduling ' and sprinting
a year's activities of four • chur-
ches on : a single page 9 x 11 in.
'On the reverse side is the re
:•August 26th
September 12th
Going Tuesday, August 25th
to Saturday September 12th, incl,,
Return limit -L -September 16th:. •
For fares and train service •
contact your local agent.
Port of the Recording Steward,
David Agnew, which listed. the
givings of the members 'of each
congregation for a total of $747.-
28. ' Zion contributed $223.75,,
Blakes $174.75, Hacketts $18..6.78
and Hope ' $165,00. .
The names' of contributors for
the year ending June 1st, 1888,
will no doubtstir memories.
among many of our readers. •
ZION --Thomas: Helm, 'William
Y. • Gardner:, Robert Webster,
J•aures and Steel,Hunte ,
F. Andrew, Wm: Ritchie, John
Nixon, -Edmund Andre'w, James
.H. Gardner,.` James` Smith, Thos.
Stephenson, •Mrs.. Anderson,, Mrs.
Gardner, David Stroud, John
Webster, Thomas Barnby, Char
,les Baynes; 'Isaac'Andrew, Joseph
Hackett, Thomas Webster,. John-
athan .Re.vitt, John Barnby, John
McDonagh, Mary C. Barnby,:
Millard Graham; William 1VIc-
Donagh,• Thos. Helm, Jr., Rich-
ard Brown. • • • :• '
SLAKES Robert Blake; Ben-
ry. Johnston, Wm. J. Treleaven,
William Blake, George Tw:amley,
sen;, Paul Smeltzer, . William;
Stothers, Thomas Finlay', Isaac
Cranston, .Thomas Menery, Step-
hen' Stothers, Joseph •Tackabery;
RobertPhilips, John Kilpatrick,
' John'Cook, :George Stothers,
Richard Finlay,Hugh Finnagen;
Paul 'Reid, ' Hugh/ Philips.,, Mrs
H. 'Philips, •BenjaminTackaber-1
ry, John !Saunders, Nathanial";.
Saunders, Janes Saunders, Geo.
Twainley Jr., 'Robert Fitzgerald,
Richard S..Kilpatrick:
.:HiACKETTS—Wm. H. Reid,
Samuel, Alton, John Agar', James
Lane, George Campbell,. James.
Hackett, Ralph Nixon, Miss Nix-
on; Alex Hackett, Daniel' `Alton;
Samuel, • Sherwood, ;Wm. Sher-;
wood, John Irwin, Wm: Irwin;
Wfh Crosby;. John` Hackett,
James Edwards, Wm,'Irwin, Sen.,
E. A. McKenzie., Robert Bradford,,
Mrs. Lane, Valantine • Alton,
Richard Lane, Robert. Cranston,
Joseph :Cranston, John Stothers,
James 'Stothers,. James Agar,
James. :Bradford, John.. brown,
Joseph Hackett, T. S. Reid;
• HOPE — Donald ,Murchison;
James . Murchison, James
'Taylor,' Reiman Tiffin,. David
Agnew, Joseph Agnew; Mary J.
Agnew; Joseph `Taylor, John A.
Clark, .Wesley ••Henderson, Wm.
Murdoch, John Hamilton, ,•David
;Huston, : ,John. Pickering,: John
Reid, • Jane Richards, James:.
Barkwell; Albert' .Towle, Robert'
MV.[urdoch,F,ergus McInnes, James;
Cook, •Aridrew. 'Hamilton,'. John
'Hamilton, Robert Huston.:
(intended: For • Last Week)
Mr: "and Mrs. W. ' R. Farrier
and :Wirnifred spent the Week-
end' in Sarnia at the . home •'of
Mr: and Mrs, Jack Gillespie.'
Mrs. Irene 'Patterson of,. Tor-
onto spent the past week atthe
home of her .mother, Mrs, . B
Miss .Janet 'Gaunt spent the.
past week 'holidaying in Min-'
areal and Quebec.
Mi, 'and Mrs. Scott Patterson
and family of; Detroit visited his
father Mr. K., Patterson. Mrs,
Patterson ..and• children; stayed
for the week.. •
Jack Henderson who. is 'sta-
tioned in Edmonton is: spending
his holidays . with his parents,
Mr and Mrs. R. Henderson.
,Mr. and Mrs.:. Toby Jantzi ' and
family of • Milverton visited at
the *home of Mr. and. Mrs. 'Geo,
Fisher: • •
Mr. and Mrs, -Robert Mowbray'
of Wingham visited at the home
of Mrs. Jane' Kennedy. ; '
a 'of so many requests,
we now have available the handy
"Magic Marker". Just lift the
cap and it. writes • rn anything,
dries instantly. For home, Work
and play, . it just can't be beat.
Available, in S colours, only $1.10
at The Lueknow Sentinel, phone
• Saturday,August 8th,, 1959,. a
pretty wedding took ' ' place in
Millarton United .Church when
Rev. John C. Hutton united. in
marriage,. June. • Elaine Stewart,
daughter of 'Mr. ,and Mrs. Law-
rence 'Stewart,
aw-rence'Stewart, Kincardine town-
ship and Robert Lawrence Gil-
christ son of Mr. and Mrs.. Fred
Gilchrist,, Kinloss township.
The church was decorated:
'.with- white gladioli, dahlias and
fern; Miss Doris' Bonnett • played.
the wedding ' music • with Mr..
Lloyd. Clark ••as soloist sang "0
Perfect Love" and "It• Was .Hea-•
ven'�s' Grace ' That' Made . Thee
The bride was, given, in mar-
riage . by-, her father. She was
gowned in lace and silk organza
over taffeta and net. The bodice
featured long lily • point sleeves
with 'sabrna neckline enhanced
with ' irridescent • sequins. The
floor.length skirt fea
/tured tiers of chantilly lace .and
organza over taffeta'.' Her em-
broidered nylon • tulle • veil was
caught to •a tiara of seed pearls.
and. satin.. She carried a bouquet
of ' red roses, Stephanotis and
myrtle leaves. •
Miss Bernice Stewart, sister of
the bride and Miss Shirley Mac=.
Clure , cousin of. • the groom were
bridesmaids.'They were gowned
alike in white': brocaded taffeta
trimmed in pink and blue.- chif-
fon respectively. The ' gowns
were street -length with . v -neck:
lines in pleated chiffon falling
into floating, back panels oto" the
.hemline.' :They; wore:. matching
shirred chiffon 4glove" and floral
headdresses trimmed with: pleat-
leat-ed: chiffon. Their. ' I oquets were
;white pours Withpink and blue
carnations and philadendron.
leaves .
Little Miss .Betty Guikema,
neice of• the bride was, 'flower
•girl in pink -'taffeta frock and •
pink, floral headdress carrying a
basket of'baby porris 'and pink
PAGE Fr.X':'v'
districts who . would like to, set :' out a commercial ' block ,of
Red Rasberries, 'either for your 'local trade or for . shipping
to recommended city dealers. Recent Ontario -Quebec 'pro
Auction 'figures, prices at 40-60c, per quart and dealer re
ports would' indicate 'short 'supplies...everywhere.
To encourage a limi'tedplanting of .new high yielding
•patches, a 'well- known nursery is sending a special repre-•
• sentative ,of: many years' experience in con-*mercial produc- '
tion to personallyinterview and educate interested farmers
• in raspberry • culture. This should .result., -in, higher unit
yields, longer patch . life, less nand. • labor •and when trans
t ,l.ated 'into dollars`: at no mai prices a . relatively high ratio.
1of profit
fit :.is assured,
• Because 'of the
esent 'shortage of'planting
erial, !bookings can only 'befmade
1959, limited to one acre. . 100 %a Plant Guarantee, Continuous
"'cultural and marketing service. This is' a rare opportunity
'to increase. your • income.'' , -
If genuinely interested" in berry .,growing as a sideline
•write: Box 400. Caixi belIford Ont.,; immediately
�• p' � �,.
igiving location of your farm Our ,specialist will 'call later
.: and''com� letel . 'anal' ze thebusiness, ' i
i p . y Y. Spa requirements and
! , preparation, up -•to -date• cultural practices, ' biome ..:markets
and "surpus 'shipping,, cost of planting, estimated yields:. and
1 profits per acre. Late replies cannot be covered.
—'AttenttonAttention . n. .
A number of P rog ressive fa rmars in Waste.rn
and blue carnations. • •
Master Lawrence McClure,
cousin of the. groom .acted as ring
bearer carrying' the:rings on a
white satin cushion:
Jack Gilchrist; of Toronto act
ed as best Man for' his brother.
'Bill and Delbert Stewart, broth-
ers of the bride were usher .
`For 'tile reception which .was
held in Clark .'-United Chuich
Parlour; the bride's mother wore'
a.. turquoise chiffon over • taffeta
dress with white accessories and
corsage of pink carnations. The
groom's :'mother' chose a dress, of
bronze , lace ' over satin; white
and.'tbrown accessories and cor
sage of 'African 'gold carnations.'
' For a wedding trip to . l iagara
Falls and; United States. the. bride.
donned 'a ::black and white lace;
printed dress _ with; matching
black 'duster, .. whiteaccessories
and corsage of red carnations
Upon: their 'retur.n, the happy
couple will 'reside on the groom's
farin, concession : 4, 'Itinloss twp. •
Presents First Terra Life fnswr�r�ce.>Cla m
Above is Lorne B. ,Evans, Manager of Bruce Co-operative Medial: Services and
p . ,. : i -- x . . - i t io,.
F-cecative .President of the Co-operative Medical.,Services ,�`ederatron of Ontario,
presenting a $1;000,00 ciegiie to Mrs. Leo Koenig of Mildmay,. Ontario.
Tis is tS'e first claim paid, not .only , by Bruce: Co-operative Medical . Services,
but in the province of Ontario,: in the new .P..an now available.
This Life Insurance • progratrinte is available to all members of the Co-
oper-ative Medical Services ,ini. Ontario through the Co-operative Life' Insurance 'Co.