HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-08-19, Page 9WEDNESDAY; ..• AUGUST 19, 1959
Rhiced.... rices.
For large orders, kindly give a few days notice.
UC;kfl..OW, . Phone, :71
•.August 5th
Congratulations to Mr, and
Mrs: Fred . Crawford upon the
• birth of a .daughter on July 28
• in. Alexandra Hospital, Goderich.
'Congratulations to •Mr. and
Mrs: Maurice Bowler, formerly
of this parish, ;upon the birth of
a'daughter in. Toronto : recently:
Dr. ; G. Frayne 'attended .the
Forest. Centennial:
'Mr. and Mrs: Gordon Valad
aihd Keith, • Douglas Frayne and
Jerry `Murray of Durham spent
the weekend' here:..,
'Vile ;Clifton. Austin ' family re-
. ceived
e-.ceived .word of the sudden death.
• of , Jack Keane • of •Timmins, se-:.
• cond/oldest son of ,Mrs Priscilla.
•Keane (Dalton) of New Bruns -
Wick: He is survived a y his wife
and four young children, and his
mother, who is• seriously ill in
a New Brunswick hospital.
...I/Liss Olive O'Reilly of Chica-
go visited with relatives here
during, the past week; acconpan-
ed: by' •three friends, Miss Lucille
Stevens, , Miss Gertrude Cowley'
and' Miss Nell ; McCarthy en
routeto`their homes • in Chicago,
A. :after a two -weeks . motor trip
.through Muskoka etc; ... .
August 12th.
Mr. and Mrs: Dennis Sinnett
and Miss. Shannon. Sinnett of
Detroit are visiting' With.rela
tives here:
Patricia O'Connor returned.
to her ;home here after a•rnonth's
holidayswith her. Grandmother,
Mrs. Sansoterra andother rela-
tives in Detroit. • . • '
Mrs, • Blaine Martin is • visiting
with relatives in Hamilton.
Miss Susan .L insernan of Hes-
son' is . visiting with • her aunt,
Mrs., • Gene Frayrie and fafnily
for a couple weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Austin,
attended the -funeral of the. late
John Dalton' Jr.• in Timmins last
week. • • .
Mr. and Mrs. Jack McConville
of Tor•orito .were, week -end guests
at the Clifton. Austin borne.
Mr.' and Mrs:; •Fletch'er of Lori=
don were Sunday visitors; with.
the. Gilbert Frayne family:.
Mrs.. William Lannon returned.
to .her ,hohie. after a two -weeks,
visit with. the Ian Parker family
of. London, who ,accompanied her
here:' .
.The Peter Murray family of
Detroit, the Jack Fitzgerald fam-
ily of Stratford, the Gordon: Val -
ad• family, of . ' Durham, the
O'Halloran family of Buffalo
were among the week=end •visit-
ors here
Mrs. Ed . Gilmore and her
daughter, Mrs. Halloran and
family • motored' to Martyr's
.S1irine,. Midland • on'•'Suriday:
,Mrs: -Andrew Martin is visiting
with relatives in Toronto this
week .: •
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372' Bay St.,
3'S Dunlop ?Sl.,
' I1uron Council met• on Aug-
ust 4th with all members pre
t; •
Council passed ' the following
That $500. . be transferred to
the: 'Cemetery account to. pay. off
part .of note to the Township.
That the clerk° place all ; ac-
counts owing' the Township • on
the tax roll; • • •
That we endorse the resolution
sent from the City. of Barrie ask-. .
ing that extra brakes be" placed •
on '.all trucks over 4 ton;
That we refer , the 'drainage
report; • on, the 'Kempton:. Exten
Sion Dram •• back` to the Surveyor
as it did not contain outlet :as
sess.ment on the Department of
Highways • • •
That we ask the Royal Bank
to Finance the Huron and Kin-
loss Telephone System's expert-
nes until. the ..proposed Debent-
ures may. be issued;
• That the Township mill rates
'be,. 20 ,Millson farm and resi
dential property ' and 21.5 . On
Commercial property. -
The: Council also gave first.
and second reading to a By-law`'
`authorizing the. is a of. $75,000..
in Debentures for the Huron and
Kinloss , Telephone System,
The following accounts were
ordered paid:
Cemetery—note retired, $500.•x.
00; Ken. McKay,' gas and ; oail,:
7.00; Ivan Pollock, care of ceme-
tery, 101.00. •
• Town,ship.--Donald Thompson,:
fox' cbpitnty, ,5.00; Grant to ,Ceme-
tery; 50000; Ken McKay, •sprayer
repairs, 5,00. West Wawanosh
Insurance, Hall; 22,50; Luckmow
Sentinel, printing, 11.10;. Thomp-.
son Nursing ..,• Horne, Indigent
care, 100.00 Bert McTavish,
sheeP ' killed, 50.00; ' : Emile Me
Lennart, 2 ..trips valuing; 'sheep, CULROSS CORNERS
7.00,• John. S. • MacDonald, care `
of full;' 13.50,•.••POst •Office; un-' August 5th
employment 'Stamps; 10,40; . Point;Mr. and Mrs `George Hodgins,
Clark • Beach Assoc. • Woodstock Fare visiting with•
r grant , on .Mrs, Earle 'Hodgins,'
cads, ,150 00: Bruce Beach AS
Don't Just, Paint Your Masonry--
Rox is an inorganic,, cement base,, all purpose masonry .coating •
specially compounded to keep water, out. Rox will, outlast any
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FLOORS (Before laying tile): Keeps moisture from loosening tile.
DRIVEWAYS AND WALKS: Beautifiesnnd individualizes.
SWIMMING'P.00LS: Long Lasting protection of walls aed'bottom. Cuts :
'maintenance costs .... •becomes harder than .the surface itself.
OUTSIDE FOUNDATIONS: Cuts heating costs by keeping; out ,water,
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.BASEMENTS Waterproofs.from the,inside-a must before panelling. •
IN TOUGH .24 'HO an fade.
140 LEAKAGEr: the U. S. Government,
r a test conducted % e orted: "The. cinder blo
After reported: Pendent research agency p m the. front back
• RoSc Cement Palest in the woarehouse Showed.
coated with ,
akage whatsoever; 'either innnlated 50; or GO•tnile-
sagas afterf. osure to
face, after 24 hours'' exposure •
an•hour wind driven rain.”
now District
Phone 71
,;satiation, grant on • roads, '200.00: Mr, William. Srunveller, Port•.
Road accounts --- Ken . McKay,'. Huron, Mich., 'visited with Mrs;
gas, $4:85, Frank's Garage,. gas Catherine O'Neil and other'. rela-
and ` oil, 5.,o9 Bilis ;Radiator Ser- tives..
vice, mew. radiator,; ;James . s. •Gertie' Walsh • .and 'Miss
.Cowan, •Hydraulic .j:ack,:• '45.90;. Edna Boyle,'. "Kinlough, spent
Canada ' Culverts 'Ltd.,' grader Tuesday evening with Mrs:
blades, 294.3g; .H, •H. Bannerman, Frank Brown and Reg.
grader.,. tubes, 39.00 George W• . Mrs. Ethel Wilson and ;Mr.
Crothers, grader repairs, 23..73; William Kidd, Toronto are Visit -
Robert Campbell, brush` ki'll, ing at the .Wilson Brothers. '
36.50; Imperial Oil, ,dieser fuel, Mr: and Mrs. Wilbert "Halden-
80.30;• Cottrill Fuels,' • diesel fuel,
4.81; Canadian • Tire. Corp: :tools,
3:45;• Harry iColling,' hauling grate
vel, 77:74; IHoward" Hodge, re
pairs, 40.25 County.. of ,Bruce,,
Payroll 8-=Ste4e` Irwin, Sup-
eriitendent, .297.75; Ernest Wal-
den, grader operator, : 296.65
Hugh '•:Cleland, vacation pay,
23.50 John Blackett,' .vacation• Mr. • and , Mrs. George ` Seim-.
by, Toronto and Mr...Clarence'
•Haldenby; $hauvin, ' Alberta . are
visiting relatives' and .friends in
the community. Harvesting is . in
full :swing: '
Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Thompson
and family, • Hamilton, , spent the.
week -end with his :..parents, Mr
and Mrs. Dunc, Thompson, and
attended the re ttnion
pay, _8.01.
Council ad rnacher and family; : Edmonton,
adjourned to ) meet: on .
Tuesday,' September, 1st., ' A.lberta', are visiting.. relatives: ,.
Miss Ellen McBride, Port re 4
Earl ;Tout, Clerk.
dit, spent the week -end . with
Mrs. Frank.. Brown And Reg: •
Kenneth'. Henderson, • one . of
Moosomin's (Sask,) ' highly res
petted citizens passed .away •at
his home • on Wednesday, Jiily 22,
at the. age ' of 82 Yeats • and one
'month. He had been' in • failing
health for a';year, but was ser-
iously* illfor about two weeks
prior to . his death.
:He was .born in the Lticknow
district; in' 1877, son of the . late
Kenneth Henderson and Mary
McKenzie. He: received his edu-
cation at Ripley He . went west
.to Ryerson, Sask., in 1910, and
farmed . there until 1942, when
he retired, 'and came to live in
IVloosom. in. • He married - Florence
McAdoo, at Redvers, on Deceit-`
ber 6th, 1933. He was %a faithful
member of :the Pre t yterian
•. Surviving are his widow, M'rs.'
Florence Henderson, and one
sister, Mrs. Isabelle Smith, both
of Moosomin. . •
The funeral service 'was held
on Friday, July 25th, in: St. An-
drew's Presbyterian ' church,
where burial took place. :
Mr.'. and Mrs 'Chas: Knight of
Leaside, Mr. and Mrs. Robin Hy- 'r
slop and children of. ' Cold`. Lake,
Alberta, are spending .some tirne
'with. dVi r. •and Mrs. Jas. Wraith:
Mr:: and Mrs,. M. Bell: and Don..
of Toronto areand
'visiting Mr. and
Mrs Ernest Hanna' ,and, family.
Mr.: and Mrs.. Frank Dobson
and •Billy, Paisley, were recent,
visitors 'with ' 1VIrs: A. Gree n..and•
boys= '
Mr. and Mrs. Tom. Collison, • •
Mr. • and Mrs. Bob Fischer, and
Baby ah •of , Preston .'spent.''the
week -end with Mrs: Catherine
'O'Neil. 'Miss' Mary Collison who
has- been visiting: in Preston:re-
returned home` with them:
Mrs. Morrison, Uxbridge, • Mr.
and Mrs Jack. Montgomery and
Brenven, Orangeville; were here
for the Teeswater; re -union and .
visited: with Mrs. A. Green and
boys. ..
'Misses 'Gertrude and Minnie
•Ryan, Toronto spent Tuesday
with' Mr. and 'Mrs 'Morley. Wall '
and family:
Saturday visitors with
and Mr's. Morley Wall and fawn:, •
ily' were. `Mr. and . Mrs. Aubrey
McMillan and children, : Orilla,
1VIr: and Mrs. Perry Allan and
family,: Batavia, Illinois.
Ga�illert McIntosh &Ward
Bell Telephone Building
D. A. 1-lUNTLEY C.A. Resident Manager
• Telephones.: 'Business 63 3' Residence, .l 06
rot ,sound counsel and al -air price on a monument
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