HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-08-19, Page 7wEDNE,SDAY, A,UG:UST 19, 1959 . ,.. _.... ,,,APV'�'�+i`L.'I�N!R.IKV./V�I,.�I•sIV,'.OI•. „.,.;..:... ,..:., ,.... Summer :ear THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL,, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • Girls' DRESSES NCE Prxces". Regular $5,95, CLEARING AT BLOUSES • Regular ' ,to. $2.95, ONLY • •, LA IJIES' SIE aY PAGE SEVEN p' • .... ...._,...... .. � .-,....+.err �..� 3 n :August', 3.5O.. 2 for $3, MENS SH'OR'T SHIRTS• Regular;$3.95,• AT. DRES.SES t Regular to $7.95, GOING AT • RHI...S 1, $3.95. arrd Clothing for All The Family " rIIJ4.04.. rtild.11P.V v'J`O t•D.s`at`o+.b•,,d. .I.MMf•rV�•eW!�s� #4,:.P•MIW�JKI4: PI•fIJJ�OvfJ.� .�O.rV arO•N• , .a,e"ea�t�.M•e�stf•L�.y.ge LOCAL GIRL WED. AT LONDON ' • PETERSEN BECKER Knollwood. Park' Presbyterian 'Church, London, was the scene. of a .quiet wedding on Saturday, August 15th, when Rev; John Shepherd united .in marriage,. Elizabeth Ann. Petersen, daugh- ter .of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Peter sen, Luck/low, .'..and Corporal Hein rich Becker, youngest son' of Mrs: Marguerite Becker of Kempton,, ;.Germany. Thi bride is .a graduateaf St. Joseph's School of Nursi zg,+ Lon- ' don. She .has joined the, staff of Westminster Hospital, . London, her duties to.•commence the die of. 'September, The groom is with ,the.: Royal Canadian Regi thent at London, After . a wedding trip. 'through the Western's States, the couple will live in Londo''m • • • The bride . was'. ,honoured. at • a couple of showers, prior to her marriage. Friends and' neigh. bourn on. Quality Hill. held ' .a shower on the . lawn at Petersens.•. Bessie Reavie and Jean Richards. were .hostesses at ; a shower, held. at tihe Richards' home: The bride. received . many lovely gifts. Wed at Ripley United Church . REID MEAD, St, Andrews, United. Church,. Ripley, wasdecorated with white` and salmon gladioli and ever- green gn Saturday, August 8th, for the''marriage 'of Donna Mar- ilyn Mead,: ° .daughter or Mrs. Aravilla Mead .of Ripley and ;Walter. Brydon Reid of Leaside, :son of the late Mr: and Mrs; Wm. Reid, Brampton. Rev.' C. Iut- ton officiated at the . double ring ceremony .at high noon. • Given in marriage by • her brother-in-law, Wm:.Peterbaugh, the bride was ,gowned in balle- rina length white chantilly lace.. over; taffeta, with net . yoke trim- need With seed pearls. The gown featured -lily point sleeves' and ,a finger-tip veil of nylon. net was; held with headdress of pearls and 'sequins. The bride carried a white Bible, crested . with yel- low roses and • stephanotis and white 'ribbons, 1. •The • matron' • of 'honour was ' Mrs:' Wm.. Peterbaugh, R.R.. 4, Kincardine, sister of the bride and the bridesmaids were Miss Rose Marie Threndyle of Han, ovtKier Mrs, `Kenneth McFarlan of , ncardine and aiIrs. ' 'Donald Thompson, of Luckriow. All four attendents were :identically gowned in heavenly blue crysta- tette with scoop neck, Empire cummerbund, :brief sleeve and full Skirts. • They wore feather hats • and carried nosegays of White shasta daisies. Marilyn.Peterbaugh,. 'niece of the bride and Carol Reid of +• Brantford, niece of the groom:,. were flower girls and wore white dotted, 'nylon •dresses, • fashioned with Peterpan collar, puffed sleeves; and tiered .skirts wiith blue sash and . matching , head. band. .They carried ' miniature baskets of .. shasta .daisies, and fern. James Reid of Brantford was his brother'sbest. man and the ushers were • Wiliam' Reid . of Lea- side,- brother of'• the groOm and Thos. Mutton of Hanover, cousin of the bride. • •• The organist was Mrs. William Graham . ana , the soloist *as Robert Robert Rutledge, R.R. 2, Ripley, brother-in-law of the bride who sang 'the. Wedding Prayer and. O Perfect Love. For a' reception which follow- ed in the church parlours the. bride's mother received wearing a. • powder blue sheath dress with. white accessories and/ corsage .of deep: ,pink roses,` She was assist- ed by the' groom's aunt, Mrs.: David, Cockburn; of Leaside, who chose a navy sheath ,dress with• navy and rose accessories and corsage of deep pink roses: For a' wedding trip • to the United. States, returning by Ot- tawa, the bride donned a mint green suit dress of dacron with beige accesories and. •corsage of white carnations. : The bride is a former member of the teaching staff of the Mc- Gee Public School at Hanover. .. (Photo by Hingley's Studio) • ZION Mr. and Mrs. .Gordon, ,Kirk- land, Nancy and. Kenneth return- ed home after spending a • m.on!th in. Western Canada. They travel''-` led as far west as' Banni.ff. Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. -W, G: Huri,ter and;family 'recent- ly were 'Dr. •and Mrs. .Gordon •McKenzie of Stratford; Mr: and. Mrs. Alan Hunter'and sons, 'Kim and Jesse Of Sudbury; .Mr. 'Har- old Gardner, Hamilton.; ' Mr: and Mrs. .Joe Freeman : and `Joe,: Jr.,. .and Mr. .and Mrs. Don ' Straug-• than, Linda and Kenneth of God- erich;' Mr. and Mrs. Fred - Best and .sons, David and Bob' of. To- ronto. with Bobremaining for a week's vacation; Mr. and 'Mrs. Ken Laidlaw and. family, , of London. Miss Christine• • Thompson of Ripley visited' .Mr.. and Mrs. Frank . Ritchie last Wednesday. Miss Thompson teaches at Osh- awa. Mr. and Mrs. Fred ` Anderson. and family of London. " visited Mt. ' and' Mrs, .Gordon Kirkland recently, • • Mr. and Mrs. Charles .Ander son and family • spent a, week -end at'Port• Elgin beach.. '. Mr. , and Mrs.. Topa Magoffin have: moved • into ' thea home . of 'Mrs.John Ritchie, 'West Wawa- nosi,where they will. 'reside Miss A/nn Ritchie and Elaine. Cook spent. last week 'at'. carnp near Goderich. . ,Mr.. and Mrs. Chester'Twamley and .Allan and lVrs.;Janet Twain- ley' . of Woodstock visited: with Mr. and Mrs. 'Will Ritchie. Nancy Kirkland . entertained some girl. friends 'and classmates at a birthday party. • Mrs. ' George Hunter spent a,• couple " of days at Point 'Clark with Mrs. Kern Laidlaw and girls who spent the week 'there. Sunday,school ` will be at 10:00. .a.m., church'' at 11:15 a.m. for August, • KINLOSS' • NEWS': Carol MacIntyre, eldest • daugh- ter of Mr: and, Mrs. Donald ,Mac- Intyre, 'suffered •a . mild attack of polio, After • '.being 'a• :: patient in London .Hospital she is now icon- Valescing at home. '.. ., Janet and Barbara" Forster of Ripley have; been recentholiday guests with their :cousin, Betty ,Colwell. . Mrs. Leonard Maclnnes has been a patient in 'St: 'Joseph's` Hospital, ` London for the, past week. • Mr. R. L. MacDonald- of Kap- uskasing' has been making ex= tensive 'renovation to the family . homestead f . north • of the CNR station.' Recent visitors with- hi.rn. .there have been, Mr. Jack Mac- Donald and 'Mr: William Taber of Thornbury, Mr, and Mrs. Ar- chie .MacDonald and .family of Kitchener,n kr. 'and • Mrs. Fred. Bromley and Miss Joan Maa Don- aid • of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Needham, and daughters of Corunna were overnight • guests last Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mac- Dougall and family. Theywere just • retur'n'ing from a ,six-week motor trip to the Pacific coast, spending some ' time with Mr. and Mrs. ..Russell MacDougall and .,Barbara at Wells, B.C. • Congratulations to Mr. and. Mrs. Robert, Gilchrist who were married. August 8th a M llarton. .We welcome .June' to our neigh- bourhood.' Miss Betty Hamilton is enjoy- ing a • holiday trip to the West 'Coast. h_ rs. T. A. MacDonald of Tor- onto was a' Civic: H'.oliday 'visitor Vvith 111.r ' and Mrs. Ira Dickie •and boys. , Mr. and Mrs. Harold .Austin: were guests at Mrs, Aus'tins nie ce's: wedding in L • ndon on Aug- ust.8th Mr. and Mrs. Allan '`Graham, Anne' and Ruth visited' Mr. and Mrs. William Banton and family o: Hamilton last' week -end and also had a trip to Niagara Falls. Jimmy, arid David MacKinnon. returned ;Thorne . Sunday from a . few days holiday in ' London. KINGSBRIDGE Mr Jos -.Dwyer :and sons Michael and Mark ; of St. Catha cines visited 'with his sister;. Mrs.' Don :Frayne • and. 'family for a few. days. . ` The familiar . building known as • "Kingsbridge Store," and surrounding buildings purchased by- Mr. Frank ' McKenzie . have been completely removed to new location. .near Pine ',River, during the' past week. -Mrs.:Gene .Frayne and family. spent'.a fewdays with the 'Krae-' ,mer' family at }lesson during the past week. • "Mr.. and.' Mrs. Arthur Edbar of Florida, 'arid' . Mrs:., Peter Vogt ' of *Detroit are 'visiting at the Frank Sullivan' borne. Mr. Albert O'Loughlin Of .13•e troit,„ `W iss Betty. V assella London, the Bruce Ijnsford • family of Galt, Theresa Martin of • Hamilton, Mr. and. Mrs. Chris Moorbeck and chiidrert of Toron- to, ti1Vlr. and Mrs. Ambrose Hart man and Shirley and Brian .of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Woodley,. 'Darlene''" and Donna' Marie of Mahon, ` The H. Bovin family of .Flint, Desmond .Cleary of Harnilton, Gerald„ Garyey of 'Toronto,, The I. Parker family of London; were among .,week -end visitors here. Rev. ,Father Edwin Garvey ;of Assumption University,' Windsor visited ' with. relatives here last week. Mr. ' and Mr`s. O'Neill . Dean, Nancy, Dianne, Gloria and :':Shei- lagii, and Danny ':-returned • tp 'their home at 'Croyden, Quebec :last Thursday,' atter a :-two-Week vacation; at, . the : "Dean Home stead'" : here with relatives: . Mrs. ' Leo Moerbeck •who : has' been _under the .doctor's \.care for the past, few days, was taken to Goderich 'Hospital 'on Sunday eV- ening.. . • PHOTO CO-OP REALTOR 120 Davis St. Sarnia, . Ontario. Represented By, GEORGE TIFFIN, salesman for this district A. number of good farms in the surrounding community ranging in sizes' from :5 acres to 200 acres. Several ' houses .in. Lucknow;+ Teeswater, Whitechurch.. Good Brick building at Whitchurch, suitable' for. Work Shop such as car painting and body work 'Main build- ing 36 x 48, lean 36.x 14, 2/3 acre of land:' A',number of good;:lake. kits. A real good" Trailer home in 'A-1 condition, 20 x' feet,' : fully' insulated,' fully wired and also equipped for propane. gas. All property priced . right with reasonable terms. For • further information ' apply. •to; GEORGE' TIFFIN, Salesman for this. area. ;Lucknow, Box 217 ..' Telephone 50,000 :GALLONS PAINT $2,99 - PER .•GALLON. Hundreds. ;of f paint'have already been sold to ; nriany,'- Satisfied of readers' 'of this newspaper. This clearance 'and ,bankrupt stock is. freshpaint and manufactured by C:I:L:, Sherwin-Williams, Lowe, Bros.,' 'Glidden's, 'etc. OUR" GUARANTEE -•try one gallon; try • a hundred. If you arenot. completely convinced that : it isthe best, then re turn the empty can or unused portion for complete 100% refund: Shipped immediately anywhere ,in. Canada. • ' • • Outside Paint: suitable fpr steel, 'cement, woodwork, floors. Can be thinned down 'for shingles. • Colours:' grey, ,pearl grey, shutter green, apple green, : chartreuse, barn . • 'red, bright red, turquoise, coral, dutch blue, cottage brown. Inside Paint: suitable for walls, . woodwork, 'plaster, • over wallpaper, etc: Colours: flat white,gloss: white,' te,' J nquil yellow, mint green, bone ivory, sky blue, blossom, pink, shadow grey, . fall beige, turquoise. AL:UMINUM PAINT........., ...:...,., r ., ...;...r;,... $3.99 Gal: ROOF oEMENTe—black..eontains fibrated asbehtos, can be •' applied with old broom, or rag tied on a stick, ...... 99c Gal. S H E>R M. A N'S DEPT. 9: 5 37 QUEEN ST WEST TORONTO,•. ONT. Est, 1905 41. ameimmiorsvargamolimmimarirmimpi•