HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-08-19, Page 1•
$3.00 A Year In Advance $1.00 Extra To U.S.A.;
Lost Right Arm [it I..Ii.rve'.st MIsh'p
Russell Needham, 54,. •of Con-
cession 9 Huron . Township • lost
his • right arm at .'the shoulder
in a harvesting accident about
7 e'elock on Friday evening,,, He
:.also suffered a fractured right
leg ;
The accident. occurred at. the
farm of his brother-in-law, Lorne
'Wall; on Highway 86, east of
Lucknow. Harvesting operations
were being completed,, when the
accident 'happened
Mr. Needham• was rushed• t�
Wingham Hospital after the •,a:c-
cident, .
On Saturday Jack ,MacDonald
concluded thirteen years in the
.garage ;business -on .'RossStreet,.
South. '
The building is owned byEh'
••... g
met .Johnston, with whom Jack
was employed as ,a mechanic for.
a few years and . then . entered , a.
four-year • partnership which
ended five , years, ago, when.
Jack took over sole• • ownership•
and had carried on quite. a suc-
cessful business,': His plans are
YOUTH' RETURNS noWe•t definiteundeat presentth...
HOSPITAL , being madestato haveat : the garage
oA ,
Allan Mowbray is a fortunate
lad, haying escaped serious. in-
jury"in a fall:on Thursday ,mor-
ning. from .the top of a truck:
They'. were , unloading ..grain
the' Presbyterian •• Church `shed,
when in . /some unexplainable
mariner, .Allan fell, headlong•• to,
the cement floor, a :drop of about'
12 feet..
The ; mishap ' occurred., about
11:30: in 'the Morning and it, was
".4:00• o'clock in the afternoon be
fore Allan regained conscious-
',He was • taken • to W ingham
Hospital, where subsequent X-
''. rays revealed no ,fracntures:, and
on '`Tuesday afternoon Allan's
• father, •1 A. l fowbray, `°brought'
/him 'home from the .hospital: The
youth will Abe 16 in October. :
i •
;Lucknow and District again
contributed very • generously : ;to
to the : Salvation: Artily Red
Shield Appeal, . With donations
•approaching the $700 mark.
.The , Sentinel has received .the
following letter: '
Dear, : Sir:
May we,. through' the columns
of your newspaper, make public
the appreciation. Of • the -leaders
of The -Salvation Army fnr the
-excellent ,support given by your
publication . to the recent • Red
Shield Appeal
Indications are that the appeal
'will:'again be successful national-
ly, when delayed campaigns are
conducted and all returns are;• in.
The part' played" by the Fourth
Estate in bringing the appeal ,to'
the attention of •the people: is
fully .realized: Fund . raising is.
not easy, therefore it is essential.
that the public be 'Made :aware
of The ;Salvation Army's needs,'
.its purpose and -its program.,
Thank you for generous 'and
competent .assistance. •
Yours faithfully,
L,Bursey, Lieut.Colonel�'.
' National Campaign Director.
' Douglas• .Dartony will start
soon on an, extended
ale that will d ocean voy-
take him literally"
around the world in: something
over three months.
He is a 'passers .
lays. -(Orient. g on the Him -
Line), which sails
from the West Coast across the
Pacific to Honolulu in the Haw
aian Islands, Hong •Kong, Yoko-'
Kama in -Japan, , . .
Australia New Zealand,.
though the Indian
Ocean, Gulf of 'Aden, and •Suez.
to the Mediterranean Sea en -
route • to' the British Isles. He ex-
pects to arrive in. England' in .the
early ,part of Novem
hee will spend . ter, Where
hw a couple of weeks
and is due back in Canada
in ,December..
Mr. HarlonY.
resides in the
Gammie Apartments. H . •
brother -in -la > a is a
of • Mrs. ' Colin
MacGregor . of Kintarl
Once ' again on August lst . The
Clan was. -welcomed back to the
MaeD.onald Cedars 'at..Lochalsh
by the skirling of the bagpipes,
the gleeful laughter of: children
and the warm and friendly
` Froth the unfurling Of the flag
bf Scotland and the St: Andrews
€lag. ih .: the ; aftern'oon; until . they
were lowered again at dusk all
went. .merrily. , ' ' • . •
A 'program of races • and ,games
ably •:.conducted .by. ;Bill. Harris
• was enjoyed .by, young and' old
alike. Children's races • were::.
Pre-school, Walter' Murray,'
John" MacDon,ald;. •Girls; 6-8,
Anne `' • MacDonald Margaret
Simpson; Boys,. 6:-8, Sandy. Situp-.
•son,, Thain Johnston; Girls;. 9-11
Jane Drennan, ' Elizabeth . Mac-
:Donal'd, Bo ys. 9-11, Ron. Cowie,.
Rod Paulin;' Wheel Barrow race,
Roddy MacDonald• and. Ron.
Cowie, . Finlay ' MacLennan ' and
Rod: Paulin; Boys Sack race, ,Rod
Paulin, Donald Andrew Girls
.Sack • race, Jane. • Drennan, . Eliza-
beth a MacDonald; :Sack • race, ' 6
and under, .Drew MacRae, Thain
Johnston; Grass Ski race -: 1;
Ron Cowle, Roddy MacDonald,
and Rod. Paulin; 2, • Donald : And-
rew,' Finlay, MacLennan, •and
Collin MacDonald.
The ;:business 'meeting opened
with • prayer by, Rev, : Neil' Mc-
Combie:• Mrs.' Dr.:.Simpson led: in
unison the 23rd Psalm, followed
by, one minutes silence' in mem-
ory of those who passed 'away
during the past year:
• President Finlay R "Mac:Donald
of Chatham welcomed the guests
:members of ,the clan:'The•
same slate Of officers' was voted
to remain iri office for the com-
ing year. Pres., Finlay MacDon-
al:d ofChatham; vice Pres., Jack
Lennie (Jr,), of Hamilton; Sec.,
Mrs.. Finlay' iMacDonald. of Loch-
alsh; • , "Treas.', David MacDonald
Garnet 'Henderson is .a patient
in Win;ham . Hospital,,//Since suf-
fering •a very severe'' stroke on
Friday evening; ` His . right side
and arra were .completely paral-
sized, and he lost his speech,
while his sense of sight.. and
sound was . also affected
. ' Garnet. was at: the, homer of a
neighbour, • Harry 'Gill; when .he
suffered • the .seizure without :a
word of warning. Hehad just
returned from taking Mrs.. Hen-
derson 'to the' hairdressers. ' A.
Garnet, who was 40 in .June,
is 'the local CNR .agent and• is
president : ' of the. ..Lucknow
Branch;of the Canadian Legion.
The first of the week there
was encouragingimprovement
in' his condition,and he ' was re -;I
gaining some use of his limbs.
by. W. J: ' Mumford . of. Simcoe
underwent''' surgery' in Toronto
recently. Dr. Murn•ford was"mini=:
'ster at Lucknow United..Church
'from 1949 until .'1952,, and Was
to have .conducted ,anniversary.
services here this fall:
*lin writing' so,. • other plans
could be. made ''Dr. Mumford,
said: "I' am sorry to:, disappoint
• you: I_ had ; looked forward • •eag-
erly: to spending a weekend with
my friends in Lucknow: . May
God bless you all is my• earnest
V. A. • Nlow'bray, ; President of
:the. Lucknow •& .Vrcanity Branch
of'''I°hr Canadaaii 'Red -Cross. So-
ciety. has been 'invited toattend
the opening of. the Canadian.
National .Exhi'bition'. in Toronto,
and the ' opening • •of the .special
exhibit of international arts .and
crafts loaned to the CNE;: by the
Canadian Junior • Red • Cross,
Lord. Mountbatten. 'will offici-
ate at the opening day ceremon-
ies on Wednesday, 'August 26th;
Following . the :: ceremonies Red •
Cross :representatives from many
parts of Ontario will be present
when Lady' Mountbatten offici-
allyopens the display•:of Nandi-
crafts made by Junior Red Cross
rriembers from over. 60 .countries.
Lucknow : Wornen's Institute
was .hostessat. the Log Cabin at
the Bruce County Museum on '
Thursday July .30th. "There was •
IlighE.r' County Rats causes'
Increase In Loca! Tax Rate..
At the August meeting of .the.
Village Council the 1959 tax.rate
was, struck at 59.4.:unills ' for. corn-
nercial property, and 55 . mills
for' residential property.
This is' an increase of -1.1 :mills
Over • last year and''is . directly;
due to a .. higher County'tate
struck at 12.5. mills.
The Village rate of 26,7 mills,•
the ' Public •School rate of 13.1
mills andnthe District. High' rate
• of 7.1 mills is unchanged . from
last year.
•Dollarwise this raises Jot
County _ purposes, $11,709.70;
Public.' School; $12,402.45; High
School, ' .$6:,648.83 Village, $24,-
The total amount ' of all asses-•
:sable `. property. in the • Village is
as follows: residential, $638,585;,
commercial, • $293,849, for the.
County. of 'Bruce and Village, of.
Lu•ckriow.. For , schools and local
improvements ; the commercial
?assessment is $317,849 the
total 'assessment being $956,434,.
which. the sum. of $'55,656.97,.
is .to be raised. •,
The commercial rate will . be
59:4 mills and the, residential
rate 55 'mills, a'. reduction of 4,4
mills: by virtue'. of unconditional
provincial' grants for . the reduc,-
tion 'of 'residential .taxation,'
• The: ' same tax .. arrears, ,penalty
applies, of 2% On taxes • not paid,
o„n Decemiber• 15th and.;. after Jan
'nary 1st, 1960, interest at y of
1%per month.
Gwen Cooper. -=Eng. Comp., 62,
Eng, Lit:; 52, Fr. Au., . 50, Zool,.
• Donald Hagedorn -Eng. Comp.
62, Eng Lit.,$3,.,;Alg:, 80, •Geoni,,
74, Trig:; '74, Lat. An., 76 . Lat.
Comp.,':.75,• Phy,, 82., Chem.,. '70.
James Pedersen -Eng..; ,Comp:,
61,•' Eng, Lit., : fi1, Alg:, 56, ':Geoin.,-
50;' Trig., 53, Fhy.,' 72, Ohem 557
Marion Reavie-.Eng. Comp.,
61, Eng: Lit., 55, Fr. Au.,: 51,•
Rolbert. Young; :Eng. Comp.,
62, Eng Lit;, .65,' Alg., 57, Geom.,
74, -Trig., 54,• Fr: Comp:, 69 Fr.*
Ali:, 63, .Phy.,..`I3.
Fraser Ashton,. .tool, 53; ::Hill
Buckton, Hist, 95; • Joanne Min-
ter, Zool, 68; Sandy MacKe nzie,
Hist., '78. .
a very small:.crowd due to ,other
activities . in. .the town as welI
as' the heat. A pleasant afternoon
was enjoyed by Mrs,' G.: Brooks,
Mrs. 'Marshall, Mrs. B. Roach;
Mrs. R. Robertson,. Mrs..'. Sal-
keld and • Mrs.. G: Whitby, who
acted as receptionists • for the .lo-,
cal. branah. '
Of Loclialsh. '• • TWO .MINISTERS.
Youngest member of the , clan'. •
present 'was, baby Roderick Al- LEAVE DISTRICT
Ian Simpson, • San of . Mr. ' and
Mrs. Donald Simpson; Oldest'
member present' was D. A. Mac-
Donald.. of ,Lochalsh,. ,85,years
Lloyd' 1VIacDonald 'and family
came the farthest • distance for
the reunion, 2000 miles from
Uranium City,. Sasks,'
A bountiful supper consisting
of . everything from baked ' ham
and baked beans to ;ice cream
was served, •
Throughout the 'day our Scot-
tish minister, Rev, MiCornbie,
John Cowie,' D. A, MacLennan
and John Millar enlightened our
hearts •with:'airs from the 'pipes
and played for 'the • Highland
Dancers.' The old time music of
Alex ,MacDonald on the ;violin
and Annie at the piano invited
many a light foot to the plat -
Rev.: R. . A.' Marshall of
Whitechurch" has accepted a call
to St. Andrews Presbyterian
Church at ,Strathroy; . and w
assume his new duties the first
of September '
' Rev. and Mrs. Marshall' and.
-family came from 'Ireland ` two
year's ago last April,' where he
has since ministered to 'the three
point . charge of South Kinloss;
Langside and Whitechurch.
Rev: Kennedy Leaves
Rev. Roy :Kennedy, pastor of
the three-point charge : •.of Dun-
gannon, Nile and Port Albert
United Churches has accepted a
call to ' Burlington. • He has been
at Dungannon for • tw o years,.,
succeeding' Rev. George Watt.
Rev. and 'Mrs. Kennedy and
their family of six daughters and
form where Charlie Wylie cal- one son,. moyed to' .Burlington on
led the
The''Lucknow Fall Fair will. 'be
'held this year on • ;Thwirsday,
September 24th.: The first day of
the 'Fair, . for the placing. • and'
judging of hall exhibits is Wed.:
nesday 4- and that is just . five
weeks away.,
The change of date was , de-
cided on, 'so as not to conflict
with the regular Wednesday sale,
day,' now held adjacent% -.to the
Fair Grounds. •
Fall Fair.• prize lists were prin-`
ill ted prior . to the .holiday period
at The: Sentinel•Office,'• and are
available at this office. or from.
the secretary, Mrs. Fred 1VIcQuil-
There. are a' number .of changes:
in the list :this year, and .prospec-
tive' exhibitors should obtain a
prize • list and peruse..t closely.
There ' are complete changes in
some of the .women's organiza
tion .classes this• year. •
Chief change • in the special
events class is a baby contest for
single babies under 6 months and
, fron • six. to twelve ',months of
age. - •
President. of the Agricultural
Society is S. E. Robertson; lst
vice is Evan Keith and 2nd vice,.
Tom Todd..
During the' Sentinel holi-
days, Jack Ackert of holy-
'Food found a very large puff
ball in the apple orchard on'
farm. The puff ball' mea-
sure.d..5 feet,• .1 inch.' around
• and' 'weighed " 171!2. pounds; '
The Lucknow and District
Horticulture ,Society will. ' hold
their first flower show. this week
Fend in the : Lucknow Arena.
Exhibitsmust be at the arena
by Friday' noon and will` be jud-
ged: during • the afternoon by
W, A. Mitchell of Port Elgin.'
The arena will be .open . to , the
,puiblic, on Friday 'evening and
Ion 'Satur'day .•afternoon. ,arid ev-
ening at the ' nominal fee `:of 2:5c.
The prize list of 74 classes i8
divided into five sections*,-
'!gladioli, annuals, roses, dahlias
and perennials; :floral •:arrange-
merits and' baskets, potted ;plants;
Close to $100;00 inprize money.
is :being' offered and the high
point, scorer in the .show'. will
win 'the challenge trophy donat-
ed by' the ,Beatty Ladder: Com-
pany for ;annual competition :
In . addition the'' gxand' cY a2np-•
receives their choice of 'a'' .
silver ''plated vase or mantle' a
barometer.: The : runner-up re=
ceives. • the other -prize. •
Special. prizes : of $5:00 .are
offered 'for the'. high .point 'scorer'
in. each. section. :•
In its fist year ` of '• operation
the newly re -organized Horticul-
Lure Society, ,,has. accomplished; a
good,' deal, and there ;is corn.
mendable • evidence ofd :: this
throughout the ,village.
Members are urged to show'
everything they have this • week-
in order . to help make th'e
show. a ; really :attractive., :spec,
Anyone , wishing to exhibit
who is not a member is welcoirie:.
to do soy by paying the $1.00
menrnbership fee:
Hot , and', :humin .weather. was
\cl'imakedlocally,` on Saturday, by
torrential . rain:: In "2 downpours
about :21/2.. ..inches of .rain came
down in 'Sheets," causing . flash
flooding, when drain: and' catch
basins failed to cope'• with it.,.
:66 inches of rain fell in' about •
20 'minutes near the nobn: hour,
and at supper ;time another'
cloudburst produced 1.84 inches.
Week -end showers added to a
grand total of 2:77 inches,
Ninety Girl Guides dfroni : tie
United States broke camp . +oil
.Saturday after. 12 days at ' Arn
berley Beach, where 75 tents
Were .
wea pitched.on the property "of:
Bruce Cameron'a former,resi-
dent; of this district, •
His daughter Flora (Mrs. Rob-
ert Overstedt5 was director of
the encampment; with the Guide
representing. twelve councils in
Indiana . and Michigan, and a
guest patrol from Sarnia.
. Three busses were rohaiteredt
for the outing, two for• transpor-
tation 'of the Guides and one for'
the :equipment, There Was a
.staff often in' charge :of -the 'en=
Mrs. Overatedt is very .active
in Guide work in addition t:o
her duties' as editor of the 'Mi1-
ford.Mail, a w'eek'ly paoer pub-
lished in :M,:lfori, Indiana. ••