HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-07-01, Page 4. • t,. •"4; !,•.•„• • •1 - v - 0001 40E FOUR THE LUCKNOW- SENTINEL,* LOW, ONTARIO • WEDNESDAY; -JULY 1st, 1969 FOR SALE. FOR SALE -7-.8 pigs, six weeks old, •James Devereaux, R.R, 2, ' I.ucknow.. . • , YOR SALE --1950 Chi evrelet coach, $75.00: Charles • • R. 1 Lucknow, phone 87-r-41. • FOR SALE—Motorola car radio, 6 volt underdash and aerial, $20. • • Charles McQuillin, R. 1 lAick- • ' -now, :phone 87-r-41. •• • 10 FOR 'SALE -1950 Dodge sedan. N. W. Winterstein. • • FOR SALE—Oliver 99 tractor, • , Goodison 36-5Q separator on rub- ... her ..and in good . shape. Stetvart R.R. 2, Carnlachig, Ont: FOR SALE—Norge propane gas stove, 26" with four burners and oven, Bill Johnston, phorie 76 • Lucknow. • 'YOR -„$ALE--used Gurney coal wood and gas. combination. range. Greer TV and Electric, -phone Lucknow 110. 0• , BULLS FOR SALE, --two Here.. • • ford bulls; age two Years -,and 14 months. Richard Elliott* Holy - 0 rood, 23-19, !Ripley,' FOR , SALE—Beatty jack and pump, with 1•HP. electric Motor. Donald. Hamilton, R. 3,Lucknow, •phone 164-9 Ripley. • . • SIAM UP! REDUCE' Use Ayds• -- safe, easy, harmless. , Elmer Umbach, Drugs. -SPECIAL reduced price on Sun- bearn Fry pans for a limited time. • ,•Wm. Murdie and Son. POR SALE7---11 well started pigs. Apply Oliver McCharles, R.R. 0 3 Lucknow, phone 164-r-4 Ripley. CAR 'OR -SALE — 1952 °hey. coach in gbod condition, motor nearly new. Will' sell , or take cattle/ in trade. Contact Burton t, Collins R:R. •3 Ripley phone, 5-r-3. HOUSE FOR' SALE .OR RENT In the Village of Lucknow, Town water, hydrd, 3-1piece. bath, acres of land. and small barn, imniediate possesSion. For' part- 'iculars • contact: H. I. Arkell, phone 45-r-14, Teeswater. WANTED WANTED—custom service to cut and bale^10 acres of hay. Phone 308 Lucknow. HELP WANTED----hOurs 4 p.m. to 1 a.m. 5. days a week. Tre- leaven Milling Co. Ltd., Luck-' now. WANTED, used. windmills, pumps and pump 0 jacks . as trade- ins, . on• electric •Pl4roPs. give you a, free P$thinate on ]of - Mg. material and installing. Irv- ing• Keyes,. Glarnis, phone Paisley 114-r-4. ••• WOOD WANTED, . O 16 cords of •maple and beach wood, lei long, :.to be • delivered to S:S. No. 3, Kinloss; on or be-: fore September 1st, '1959. Frank Murray, secretary, R.R. 1 • Holy - rood, phone .Ripley OLD -HORSES ' WANTED • Old horses. wanted 'Eit 31/ic per • lb.; .d6,4 cattle at value. 0 If 0 dead, phone at once to Gilbert BrOs. Mink -Ranch, phone collect God- erich iP3.74 or 148331. • ifENT NEED A BIGGER REFRIGERA-, TOR with a bigger freezer? Then see the big 11 cu. ft Frigidaire O Refrigerator with push button O -automatic defrost and ,..Frigi- daire's exclusive Dynakote finish at GREER TV , and •ELECTRIC where your smaller refrigerater with' -sealed .unit and in good • working condition has.. big trade-, in 'value. HOUSE FOR SALE — .7 -room • insul brickhouse on' • Havelock, • corner double Jot 3 -piece , bath, .hardwood floors 1st level, O new roof, double garage, , closed O • in verand'a'h. Applyt� Mrs. E. .W. Rice; R.& 2, HOUSE FOR RENT -2 -bedroom house on Wheeler St., all Mod- -ern conveniences, heavy, wiring. Apply to 'Sandy Rider, .Phone •1186R,. Stratford, after 6:00. p:in. LOST LOST black steer with two white spots On its side, weighing' f700 lips., strayed from Lot 1, Con. 4. HUron On the Kinloss-litiron, boundary.; This animal has been gone.3' weeks. Please •notify Glenn AlcI.,elland, R.R. 4 Kincar- ,dine, phone Ripley. 7841. AUCTION SALE Clearing auction -sale' of good household • effects of, Verner Brown and the late Herb ,Hurn- phrey will be held at the home of Verner Brown, •Con. 2 Huron •Township (Point Clark) on Sat - O urday,.July 4th' at 1.00 p.m. See bills. Terpins cash. Donald B. •Blue, Auc. •• • ABOUT 70 SUITES of furniture, • including Andrew Malcolm, Kro- O chler, and other suites, give you, wide selections at the Godfrey Sehuett Showrooms, Mildrnay. • Trade in your •old chesterfield' or kitchen furniture. Use the time payment plan. Free delivery. • G. E. SCHUETT, Mildmay , ELECTRICAL —' repair - work, •"..;`''.' radios, toasters, ,irons; electric -fences, anything in the electrical • . • , line, prompt service, reasonable prices; Lyons Radio Shop, phone ' ' 1 84, Lucknow. FIELD mei Dealer for 0 Martin's quality tile. 4 -inch tile always on hand at 6c, Free delivery on 1000 or over. Lorne 'Eadie, Holyrood, phone Ripley 24-9. WATER WELL DRILLING' Need Water? write or call"Water Well Drilling, R. R. 1, Clifford, Ontario, phone R. H., Gadke, 123- Wl, Clifford. ' . • "."'"',"'.'"'-"," at O Clearing auction sale of. live- stock and, -implements of the es- tate of the. late 'Howard Halden- by, Lot 33, Con. 12, 'Kinloss, 3 miles' east of Kinlough on Mon- day, July 6th .at 1:00 p.m. Pro- •Perty' will .be offered 'subject to reServe.,bid. See bills. Tom Hod - 'gins,. Donald McEwan„, executors; Donald B. Blue, auctioneer. FOR SALE • FOR SALE--L-several used milk- ing inachines of various makes. Let us install one, of thee, or' a new Woods, in • your barn on trial. Prices given without, obli- •gation. Irving Keyes,. Glamis,, phone Paisley 114-r-4. , • . RUST' PROBLEMS? ForI a clmplete stock of auto re- pair iianels— 0 • • DAVIDSON TEXACO SERVICE To :8' ,Highway, Phone 320,Goderich COMING EVENTS •'. .1, RECEPTION There will be 0 a reception. for 'Mr. and Mrs. Russell Swan on Friday, , July .3, 1959 at the Luc - now Legion Hall, Ladies please bring lumh, Everybody welcome. SPARE RIBS, 0 KRAUT • Every 0 0• Wednesday, Friday and Saturday • night .at the O COmMercial Hotel, Formosa VACATION, BIBLE SCHOOL O Vacation Bible School at the • Arena, July 6th to „July 17, frOM 1 " to 4' p.m.,aVIOnday through Frid-ay. Classes for all ages. Bible study, songs. and games. Every - O One welcome. Conducted by John Martin and John Aitken, ,. • ' TOT LOT OPENS The •Tot Lot, sponsored for the' O summer season by the 0 R.ecreation Cozninittee, will commence this: thursday nioming July 2, at the Lucknow, Town Hall. Classes are to be held five days a week, with- swimming on two of the • days at the Teeswaterpocl. Each child is requested to bring a first day registration of 25c. 'Children. up, to 12 years 1;ff age, are welcome., • 'sMEAT'•FOR SALE Good' beef or pork in large srnall quantities. Meat slaughter- ed on premises inspected by the Department of Health. 'Custom. killing by appointment. Cattle, killed every day and hogs every Tuesday morning. RAYNARD ACKERT, ,IloIyrood Phones 24-28, Ripley, -andO • ' 101-r-13,.Lucknow 0• • CUSTOM BUTCHERING cutting and wrapping, meat sold by quarter. • For appointment phone 54, Lucknow. BUTTON 0 MEAT MARKET • O SEPTIC TANKS ' Septic Tanks, cess pools, etc., pumped and cleaned with mod- ern equipment: All work ,guar- anteed. Louis Blake, R.R. 2 Brus-I sels,phone 42-r-6 Brussels, NOTICES •Business places in *Lucknow will be. open .all day Thursday following the 1st of July holiday., • Lucknow 'Business Men's Assoc. The regular meeting of the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Cana- dian Legion, - will be held., on Tuesday; July 7th at 8.30 p.m. Social Committee members are MacDonald,• S. 0 McNaughton, M. 1VIcNay, L. McIntosh.:/ , • Beryl's Beauty Salon, will' be closed from Saturday, July,'11th to Saturday, 'July nth, inclusive. TENDERS '• Tenders will be received to redecorate -the Kindergarten room and• cloakroom, sand and re -finish the floor. Work to be completed by August -15th." 'LUCKNOW PUBLIC SCHOOL O . • BOARD, , O H. M. 'MacLennan, chairman, , • TENDERS WANTED ' • TENDERS will be received by the undertignerl ,up to. 2 pan„ Jiily 6th, 1959 • for the construe: lion of• the folloWing Municipal Drains in the Township 'of loss, 0 Bruce •CountY: (1.) •,,The Henderson -Cook Drain, 8000 feet open...". drain; (2.) The Farish- 1100 feet, 6" and 87 tile, and 5986 feet . •open . drain; (3.) The Button Drain, 3275 feet open drain and 2355 feet .10”,a0d 12". tile with A and 11 branches 1445 ',feet 5" and:7" tile. • Municipality to supply all tile and pipe. 'Plans and specifications may be Seen at Clerk's office and at the office of the Engineer, 'James A. Howes, Listowel Ont. O Tenders on 'each drain separately. Certified cheque for 10% to acs4 company: tender. Work to , ediripleted not later, than Octo- ber 15, 1959. ' . . Also are invited tenders for :2' Multiplate Road CUlVerts '6'xg'x- 45', delivered, one at Lot 13, con; 1.1, and the other at lot 22, con. 3 Kinloss Township. . • * J. R. Lane, Clerk, Township of Kinloss, R.B 2 Holyrood.' REAL ESTATE PROPERIUS FOR, 'SALE ' GOOD 'LEVEL FARM in Hur- on Township, .100 acres; house has 0 modern conveniences, hydro and water under pressure in barn and house. Full price $8,500, . 100 -ACRE FARM IN Kinloss. Township; close tO Lucknow, 70 acres spring crop, full price $8,500. , HOUSE IN LUCKNOW, in good repair, one-story, 3 bed- rooms, '3 -piece bath, full• price $4,500 with terms.: Other properties for s ale in Lucknow district, To buy or sell,' first contact, WILLIAM .5, REED • ' Real Estate 'Broker Phone 292-M, Wingham SERVICES. FOOT SUFFERERS • scil'aftlycanu pbaainvse 'sinorelefgese,t)hiapnskleos, r,, lower back trouble why not have your- feet checked by, a qualified , experienced. Foot Correctionist. O :See • • Qieils J. roc:, g /1:7 at• ue.; ham;. • each Monday afternoon Other 'Unties — 481 8th Ave.,. Hanover, Phone 500 , • For 'every curved. See DAVIDSON • NO. Phone GLASS! • make auto, flat or TEXACO SERVICE 8 Highway, 320, Goderich *THANK. and• Hasq „Notes 'available at 25 cents, 'per' package of 10 -cards and matching 'envelopes. Don Thompson, phone 33 or 35. . • he Lucknow-'Sentinel has. in stock at alt times counter check booksand adding machine. rolls, phone 35 Lucknow. 0 • REAR SEAT SPEAKERS — for your. car radio, $10 installed, speaker x 6; dual control, Jim Lyons, Lucknow. STEERING TROUBLES? O , See • • • DAVIDSON TEXACO ,SERVICE • "0 0 . No. 8 IIighway, 0 • Phone 320, Goderich. CARPENTER and Repair Work Of all types Call• at Lucknow Wood Specialties or contact Bob• Campbell, phone DungannOri 68- r-10. • • . .'• • . . O WATERLOO CATTLE •• O BREEDING, ASSOCIATION • 'Where Better Bulls 'Are: Used" . • . 0 Artificial Breeding .Service All. Breeds of Cattle 1VIern.ber °vied' and •controlled — Cost Low ---••• Efficiency. High 0 Use .ssf the ,best of bulls •—• Disease controlled, service Safety. .For. rm. are. inform. 'tion phone' --- for long distante Clinton Zenith .9-5650 or Collect •Kincardine 460, -.between 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. week. days, 6:00., and O 8:00 pm. Saturday evenings. Calls received, on Saturday evening will be -serviced on Sun - .day Morning. 'For cows in 0 heat :on SUndaY morning,- DO 0 NOT O Call until Mon' day morning.. Better Cattle For Better ',Whig MAG100 MARKERS . Because of. so many requests. we now have available the handy "Magic Marker". Just lift the. cap' and it writes en anything; dries instantly. For home, work and play, it just „can't :be beat. Available in 8 colour, only $1.10 at The Lucknow Sentinel, Phone TYZEWRITER RIBBONS ' '''Typewriter ribbons forany make of machine. ar9 now avail- able at the Lucknow Sentinel. No matter what the machine,. we have the ribbon. Phone 35, Luek- nOw. / 0 :CARD OF THANKS O 1 The family of the late. Gibson Gillespie 0 wish to express. their sincere • appreciation' to all the kind friends and neighbours who, in so -many ways expressed sym- pathy during their recent, be- reavement, also for, the inany beautiful floral •tributes. • •',We wish• to express our . sin- cere gratitude and appreciation to all the dear friends'- and neigh- bours of Auburn and Dungannon and -surrounding district who as- sisted so tireleaily in the long search for our' sister Mrs, Jennie Fitzgerald. Our grateful, thanks to everyone' including the Code - rich Police. ' • • Sisters: Margaret _Gardner, Mary Cobbe and Ida Knox. Alfred; E. 'Ritchie Wishes - sincerely thank all those who so kindly remembered him with cards and in various other 'ways while was hosPitallied. These thoughtful acts were much ap- preciated. • DEAD STOCK' , . 'SERVICES HIGHEST 'CASH."' PRICES PAID FOR SICK, DOWN O CIR..DISABLED COWS and • • HORSES asC, Dead Cows and' Horses At Cash Valtie Old, Horses,* per poUnd Phone. collect .1332LOrt;isels BRUCE. IVIARLATT 24:Hour Service DEAD STOCK SERVICE HIGHEST CASH O PRICES Paid for Sick Down or Disa15led Cows ,& Horses also • Dead Cows and Horses at Cash Value Old horses .4c per pound GORDON TAYLOR Phone 44-r-24,14reknow R.R. 2 Lucknow 24-hour service• P.#90000.". VISIT THE' REAL LIVING SANTA June 19th t�' Thanksgiving. Fun For All The .Family Children to Pk years — Free O 9:30 a.m. to, . 6:00 • p.m. ' 'Sunday 1:60 p.m. to 6:00 p.rn. SANTAS .VILLAGE ,pracebildge, Ontario TIRES!.. TIRES! For best 0 buys in tractor tires' and any Other. tires, contact, Bruce MacMillan, 0 Lucknow. o. •• • AUCTION SERVICE 0 ' • .. Align ^MacIntyre Licensed Auctioneer .• Lucknow—i: hone 10.1-24 Ripley USED 'CARS .. 195.7 Plymouth V8 4 -door. sta- tion, . wagon, .automatic, - • 24,000 miles. ' • 1957 Chev Deluxe Coach, aUtb- 0 matic transmission ;with .radio. • 1957 Fargo,. one-half ton,. 21,000 'miles, racks. 1 Volkswagen coach, leather, trim, radio, new tires. 1956 International. one -ton' chas- , is and cab, like new: . 1956 bodge Regent, sedan, auto- matic, . pink and white, . ,•• . sharp. .. •;1956 Plymouth 8. cyl. sedan, push • button . trarismisSion) like new. • • ' 1966 •Dodge Regent Sedan. 1955 Buick Convertible, V8 with stick shift, custom radio, red with white '4kalls. • 1.955 Plymouth ,Sedan, like • nevi, • low mileage. 1955 Dodge Crusader .sedan, low• • mileage, like new. •' • • • 1954 Chevrolet, 2 -door, iow mileage.. • 1954 Oldsmobile, Sedan, automat- , 'ic and radio. • 1954 Dodge Regent. See this car it is0 spotless: • • 1953 Dodge, 4 -door sedan, top condition and a .low NO 1953 Plymouth Savoys, 4-. • door and ,2 -door, :$499 and O D$O3d9ge $399, 'chR6aepgentrt• Sedan s at,i°h. 1953 • black beauty. • right.Several other use. d Cara priced 1955 Fargo' 1/2 -top , express. See The. CompJete Line, For 59 Dodge —.Desoto — Rambler at, • . O REG IVIcGEE and SONS O • OG�deorich, Ontario. OPEN EVERY EVENING • • A • IME 3/1 • and vet taw way iv] and wee 'Mrs