HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-07-01, Page 2• ,A►�XF T1iit4' TI E; 1,UCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCK,NQW. ONTARIQ A ROYAL WELCOME Her Majesty Queen. Elizabeth and His Royal Highness, the Duke of Edinburgh are currently receiving a warm welcome in Ontario, comparable to the truly royal welcome which they have received since first setting foot on Newfoundland's soil, and which; will greet them at every turn until : the moment of their departure from the "Dominion. Such royal tours are never • free of a 'certain amount of controversy and the pro- vocative" "indifference" statement by CBC's Joyce Davidson • on a U.S.. TV 'show,- stir • redup ,quite a furore, as itwas played up in, the press andon television, Certainly she would 'have no way of assessing the innermost feelings ' of the Capad an people, Certainly • the ,gracious.. Queen and, her affable consort,. play a vital role in ' the cementing : of -the ties of the . Brit . ish Commonwealth.. of Nations.; Certainly there are those who profess indifference, notably among the male • species, but we Venture to say there. are comparatively "'few,. who . so profess, that will not take a squint from behind their paper as the _ royal tour is televised or who, do not follow it to some degree ' in their • daily : papers; There are always those who But Canadians mean well:,.. The warm- th of their welcome to the Queen and, her husband is genuine, and that is something that be Their Majestieii, • above wi1l anything else aha maytranspire during this history making visit,- : that feat- ured the official opening of ,the great St,. Lawrence. waterway, HELP CURB THUS ,NEEDLESS TOLL Canada has beenbountifully blessed with 'facilities for outdoor recreation. '.Were we describing our nation to a stranger, who could fail to mention the hundreds of beau- tifullakes and 'rivers, the fishing,boating and swimming;? But would we be so" proud to mention , the annual toll . these waterways take of our. citizens' live? Each year almost one . then - sand men, women and children, swimmers and non -swimmers both, drown in sour provinces. This year ••will be no different unless everyone becomes rr}ore water -safety. conscious. • The : picture could be changed com- pletely if we all co-operated to., make 'our country wide wake in the ways of water safety. For the sad fact is that most of these fatal accidents could have been prevented: They happen because people did not think, tried to "show off, or: had just not learned the basic water.••safety rules: What can•be done about it? The Cana- dian Red Cana-dian,:Red. Cross Society is pointing the way to a safer summer with a determined cam- paign aimed at '.making everyone aware of the dangers in and around the water. This attack against aqua -accidents., was launched last week when National Water Safety Week, was observed across thecoun-`.' try' . During •.that week and every week each one should •'make sure heknows the rules, of water safety and what to; do ifan emergency.: in thq water faces him this sum- mer. `.This knowledge, and the exercise of caution, can do much to make'. this. a _happy, casualty -free, holiday season: are reluctant to admit that such ..things, in terest' them. Those, we believe, who are really in- different to the royal visit, may well be numbered among that group which is in- different to all matters of civic or .Iation-: al pride, ' and who personally take very : little: part or . interest in:. the general welfare of hisor her own community True, the tour becomes a . tiring repet- ition of presentations and inspections, with. •..the top -hat :crowd always eager to add to ''the length of the reception line, until these hand ,shaking ordeals .'must reach the point of merciless monotony, such as only a Queen could endure. GROOM TEACHES AT SCARBOROUGH �. NIXON ••-• : HAUGH ' : Knox Presbyterian . Church, Belmore, decorated 'with baskets of roses and ' peonies, • was the setting ,for. /the marriage at 3:00 .o ;clock on Saturday, June 27th of Wilma Loreen "Haugh and Carman . Isaac Nixon,: Scarbor- ough, The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ' Fraser Haugh • of Wroxeter, and • • the groom, is . a son of Mr, , and Mrs. 'Isaac Nixon, 'RJR. . 7 Lucknow. The 'ceremony •was performed:'by Rev Mr.• Ken- nedy. `Given in marriage by her lath- " er the bride wore . a street length gown of embroidered white ny- lon net over' taffeta; with her .. veil secured to 'a tierra trimmed with simulated pearls and ' se- quins, Her flowers were;•rea roses and; white crysanthemums: ". The ; maid of honour, Miss • Joyce Haugh, ,sister of the .bride, .wore _a crystal . blue chiffon over taffeta and carried yellow mums. tialpl Nixon of Lucknow was best Mian and *the ushers .were James Darling of Belmore and. John Nixon of Be°igrave.' The or ganist was Mrs, Wm'. Struthers of Belmore and Mr Alvin Mun- • dell was soloist. A reception: was held..atthe church parlours, and later at the •bride',s. home • where the gifts • were viewed: ' The bride's mothe ' receivedin a blue • and `' white. arnel gown with corsage of pale mauve cry- santhemumEs; assisted • by the groom's .mother in 'blue crepe with corsage of white mums and reAtrosee s. rece ption the toast to the bride' was :proposed- by Mr.' Widerinere of Toronto, a ;teach= • ing associate of .the .groom. The bride's going -away cost,; • ume was of • white nylon with large blue flowers and blue, • cumberbund, with' matching dus ter and, white fiat and accessories. After a wedding trip to �t-. tawa and Eastern points they will make ' their home at Scar: 0 'borough. .KINGS'BRIDGE Mr. arid Nirs..Hill• . and family,: Toronto : were . week -end visitors with . Mr. and Mrs. .Wm. ,Lannon. Mr. and Mrs: Hilliary Menard, Danny and•`Bobby' of Belleville are holidaying with 1VIr. and Mrs.. Clifton 'Austin. • The . Peter Murray • family . pf Detroit • are at ` their summer home there Mr.:'J. Eckert, our teacher `dur ing the ' past year has resigned, but we are: happy. to learn that Mr. and Mrs. Eckert intend to re- main in this., cominun ty 'and have moved' :from the . John O'Connor farm., to the "Garvey Homestead." Mr, Eckert and the puvils •.of. . S.S. No.'. 2, . together with many of the parents of the children left' on Monday morn., ing, at ,6 a.m. on. • a Bus tour. of. Niagara halls, etc. . `Rev` Father G J: Freker who- was recently appointed Pastor • of St Joseph's church here, by the Most Rev. J. C. Cody, Bishop of London, has taken over hisnew duties, ,and we , trust this will prove. to be a happy appointment for .him.: • 'Father Freker liar. anno ced there will be two Low masses on Sunday at 8:30 • .a.m. "and 10:30 • • a.m. during the • months of.. July and August, with the evening .mass' on the First Friday at 9:00 p.m. . Week -end . visitors here were Mr. Albert O'Loughlin from De- troit, Mrs.. Arthur O'Connor and daughters of Pickering,. Mr. and Mrs.. John Dietrich and family of Kitchener, Mr. and. Mrs. .3. Fitzgerald of. Stratford. Congratulations •to Joey Austin (sol of Mr. and Mrs. John Aus- tin),'•who was lucky ticket hold- er for the $10:00 Basket of Groc- eries; sponsored by Mr. Eckert, the' teacher'• in order to .raise Funds to help finance the'Bus trip. to. Niagara Falls, etc. Two, chartered Buses of C.Y.O. Teenagers from Stratford and district arrived at.our parish hall at • 2 pm., Stutday afternoon,` where they climbed: aboard two \tractor -driven , wagons of Baled Hay' for the balance :of the journ- ey • back to the Iuronia Camp, grounds, they. 'spent. the after- noon at the lake. At 5 p.m. ano- ther hay, ride back:to the Parish hall ..dor • their picnic supper, and a return ride,'to ' the lake :' again where .a. weiner roast was enjoy- ed by '• all at 1'0 p.rn., . With the weary but happy throng starting their bus trip': back to Stratford at 11 pan„ after a most enjoyable outing. . Mrs,' Ursula Hebert of Detroit visited with relatives .here dur- ing the past week. Maurice. Dalton and Kenneth Fitzpatrick, went to Thorold last week, _where they have obtained employment • for the summer months•. . 4.011T COUPLE CELEBRATED 25th' WEDDING ANNIVERSARY A• surprise picnicw as held on Sunday afternoon at Goderich park for'., Mr. • and' Mrs. ' Peter Cook, who were ' 'married .'on June 30, 1934 by Rev. Mr. Patten of. Zion Church. The • ceremony was performed at the'• home of the bride's parents, °Mr. and Mrs: Sam Reid. ' • • • A bountiful supper was served and during the supper hour an address was read by, Mrs. Wes- ley Holland of Clinton and Mrs. Keith Cranston ' presented them with a chest of silverware and other ',gift's. Both. Peter and Evelyn replied' thanking all present, 'who num- bered forty, They • have three Children, Lorne, Ivan and • Elaine all at home. • EARWIGS INVASION The 'earwigs are ' on the march again this season. and the "in- vasion" has Spread to Lucknow.. This • insect,' of Eurpeanorigin, infests` gardens and invades homes. �. , Insome centres poison bate campaigns are ' ,being adopted in specific areas in an effort to kill off the pest. • WEDNESDAY, 'JULY 1st,, 195* �if�est house parnf you can bury • Trutone gives lasting extra ' - whiteness • Doesn't yellow • One coat beats any kind of weather • '44ear protection saves work and money.. • Available in•3 types: Trutone White Trutone Self -Washing White Trutone Trim White • • inlay Decorators. and GIFT : SHOP Phone 218 •-- Lucknow flIE.PREMIUM PA1NT6 • • AT.RE04LAR PRICEQ Awa NTS LOCHALsi Recent visitors with M. and Mrs. Dan , McLean and Mrs and :Mrs. 'Ewan .MctiLean were Dr. Frank McKenzie • of : Montreal, AO. and: Mrs: Allan 1VlacLean . and 'family of Collingwood. Visitors for the week -end: with ;Mr. and Mrs. Oliver ::MoCharies. were Mi. and; Mrs.. Wilfred Evans and Marybelle :of Ridgetown and Mr. Allan rM'cCharles ' of Toronto: Miss, ;Helen McGillivray . of Wiarton has.• been visiting with *her brother, Mr George . McGillir. xray_ and Mrs:. McGillivray. The McCharles reunion • Was held Sunday . at • the home • of .'Mr. and .Mrs. Finlay MacDonald. 50 members. !of the 'clan were pre- sent. School... is out and all tide .pupils passed 'into the •next grade at Lochalsh school.: Mrs. Donald .Blue of Ripley will be the new teacher in .September:', Mrs: Mc-, Charles . had .a `picnic for: the. children the last day of school, Mr. and Mrs: Hartley McTav- ish•. and Nancy. and Mrs. Pat Baird of . Toronto 'spent the week end with 'Mr. and Mrs. George McGillivray: " • Mrs: Bella 'Campbell' is ,visit- ing her brother Mr, Dan';McDon= ald. . . Miss 'Louise 'McLennan of Tor - MARK FORTY-FIFT ANNIVERSARY Mr: and 'Mrs. George Swan'. of Lucknow observed ' their 45th wedding` anniversary on . June 24 and4wereentertained • by .their family at -a. . dinner at the ` Tiger Dunlop Inn. The • din • - ner table was appropriately de- corated for the ,happy occasion. with a lovely anniversary • cake • and lighted candies,. Mr.. :Swan, . theeldest son of the ' late Mr. and Mrs'.? . George Swan/ formerly 'of Ashfield' Township, and Mrs., Swan, the • former Annie Eord, daughter of the late Mr: and tbs. David Ford of Georgetown, were married 45 years ago at; the . Georgetown Presbyterian Church manse , by Rev: ' Ii' F. Cameron. Their, at= tendants were the late kr: Wm: McClure and Mrs: James. Wilson, . sister of the bride.. They have'`one son, David of Toronto and a daughter, Mrs. Gordon' Struthers (Etta) of West: Wawanosh. A ' daughter ' Anna Mae, died at the age of ..9 months. They also • have 3. grandchildren, Bob Douglas arid' 'Lois • Ann' Struthers. onto spent the week -end w her parents Mr.. and ,Mrs.. Em McLennan: „ AVAILABLE AT -ALL TIMES educed Prices ON •LA'RGER. QUANTITIES For large orders, kindly give a few days notice. cknow District Coop Phone, 71 Lucknow"