HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-07-01, Page 1r •
$3.00 A Year In. Advance. $1•.0Q Extra To U.S.A.
O• WEDNESDAY,' JULY. 1st, 1959
Let $40,000 Contract
River School, To Be
The •contract for the ' eonstruc-
• n of a new school at Reids
Corners' to serve the newly form-
Huron West Township School
Area, has': been, let' 'to the Gerrat.
Construction Company of Water-.
t' 39,104.00, It was, the.only
looa $ •
The cost of the property, well,
fiirnis'hing, etc, will .increase':the
total eost to approximately $44,-
Constructionwillbegin as soon
as : final approval, is received.
from the 'Municipal Board. •
The ;construction of the build-
ing is totake from ten to twelve
weeks,, and is . to be completed
as near to September lst, •1959.,
as possible for. occupation •when
the fail term opens:. ' '
Let Bus _Routes
The well ' has, already been
drilled. 'and the bus routes' have
been let to Jack . 'Liddle ..who
plans using two abuses to trans-
port students of •:the: area.
The new school is to have two
classrooms and , full 'basement
One' of the. basement rooms with
a 10 foot, • 6-inch'•ceiling • classi-.
Pies as a playroom.' The . heating
accemodation is for the present
school ;plan, bud ~ is adequate to
.heat two additiilnal rooms,
should' ' an addition ever be re-
quired. ' '
"Farewell" At SS. No. 5
.SSS: No, 5 Huron, is one of ,the.
sections .joining the area, ' and
there was some' nostalgic retni a
• rising . at a : gathering at No, 5
1ast''week winch' marked ;the ,fin-
al closing . of the old sahooL
The 'meeting was ' chaired'by
RalphtvIlunter:iand.,JOhn McMur
For Pine
Up By Fall
dents. of their schooldays, When
called • on. .
Six former teachers also res-
ponded to the "roll call", and did
some 'reminiscing of their exper-
iences at No. 5, They were Mrs.
George :Sutherland, Mrs. Chester
Campbell, Mrs.' H. Shilroth, Mrs
Deb Wilson,' Mrs, Jim MacTavish
and-, John' Bell of :Listowel
To' Dan xossel awent 'the hon
our of being: a former 'pupilcom-
ing ',the farthest.. 'distance.. He
flew "home" from California. He
is •'one Of three surviving mem.;
begs of • a family oftwelve who
attended school at S,S. No. 5.
• Another family of twelve, the
McCreights attended • this school,
but neither Frank or John were
able to : attend.
John McMurchy, who learned
the 3• R's there, writes as follows:
"Time and space will not permit
me to tell. of • the MacD.onalds.,
Finlay; :. Wilsons, Bells' Mogres,
Camerons, Cornishes, • Beattys,
Elliotts, . •Sutherlands, ' •F znstons,
Irwins :and, Wylds,who made up
the 55 in. number ..when I went
to 'school; • '
"So :much •c.ouai betoldof the
,stern discipline and the fights
between; the "Up-:the-roads"and
"clown -the -roads," and : between
the English, Scotch,,, Irish and
Germans, who were ready to up-
hold the• honour'.of the land ,.of
Midweek holidays play hob
with . publishing a paper and as:
a 'result, the Sentinel staff works
as. usual 'on Wednesday and will
observe "Dominion Day" •at the
week -end. .
To ,have the paper distributed
on • therural routes . before the
holiday,: 'would have meant hav-
ing 'int completed 'Monday night.
For. distribution Thursday Morn-
ing (and observe .the. .holiday) it
wpuldz. have to have been in the
' Post tiffice Tuesday', evening,'
So, 'it was' work as usual on
July, 1st with. the hope we can
make up for it at the end of the
The isnportance of a return ad-
dress on all letters was empha-'
sized . •b'y Postmaster, Kenneth
Cameron last week, as he sought
to . trace the sender of a letter:
that had gone:. to the•'"dead letter
office." ' •
This particular; letter hadbeen
addressed to Mrs, James Living -
' *on, 155' Alma St,,: London, and
Whenit could not
be delivered
at that address, was ' sent' to the
Toronto postal headquarters for.
for final disposition. The letter
was discovered to' .have contents
of value, and was signed "mom,"
It bore. a Lucknow 'postmark, and
so an:'enquiry ,:was; directed. to:
the Lucknow postmaster, to see
if anything could < be done: to
identify o'r trace: the sender • of
the letter.
their ancestry, ,by. resorting. to
fisticuffs .' if necessary." ' .
Before the conclusion, of ':last
week's gathering, a period of
silence was observed in memo;'
of those who had passed on,:
Lunch was served, and the as-
tsemmbly broke up with happy
chy, who were greatly; helped inj:m,ernories of ' "the. little recd
the impromPto program •bY thet schoolhouse" era'that is -drawing
response • of old •sehoolmahes who to an end..
recalled some interesting . in1ci- .
The Stratford Teachers' col-
lege results were announced last
week, and several from this come
mtmity have successfully, comp-
leted'•the 'course.' •
They include, Mrs: Donald
Macmntyre, • (Marilyn Carruthers),
Luoknow; Louise Farrell, R:`• 2
Ripley; Louise Andrew, R. 7
Lucknow;. William. Black,n' R.R. 1:
Dungannon; Shirley Courtney,
Amberley;•Ann Crawford, Luck
now, Paul. Groskorth, White-
church; William' Kennedy, R.R.
1 Lficknow; Barry McQuillan,
RR 1. Lucknow; Ruth _ Steer;
R ll:
..5. Lucknow.
A meeting to organize the an-
rival. reunion of the • MacDonald
Clan was; held at : the home of
A. A. ,MacDonald, Lochalsh, ' ori
Saturday, June 20, The officers.
For the c"oming reunion are Fin-.
ayR: MacDonald,. Chatham,
>resident; Bob Lennie Jr., Ham-.lton, vice-president; Mrs. J. Fin-
ayMacDonald, Lochalsh, secre-
ary; David. MacDonald, Loch=
dill, treasurer. ' . •
The Reunion will. be held
la.tiirda � o
Y, August 1st, 1959 at• the
aVour'ite• spot, the Cedar .• Grove,
`'• comer of David 'MacDonald's
arm isolated from the remainder,
y the Eighteen :'Mile river. Ac-
ess is obtained through Finlay.
lacDonald's,.. Botch :farms were
ettled by pioneers of the Mac-
onald Clan, •brothers Finlay
nd Kenneth MacDonald, who ar-
ived in. Canada from Scotland
round 1847: •
Plans were laid for 'an after -
bon' of entertainment and d re
*nig acquaintances, and the
)mmittee looks forward to a day'
bigger 'and better than .ever. .
Issac . • (Ivan) ' Papern' ok, pro-
prietor '.of the ladies' wear. store,
The Fashion Shoppe in Goderach
for 18 years, ,died suddenly early
Sunday morning from a heart
seikure. The funeral was .in God-
erich on Tuesday.'
Mrs:.: Papernick is' the e• : ;former
Jean . Ritchie,. ,daughter of . Mr.
and Mrs:. William Ritchie -of
Zion. There' are two children sur-
viving, : a •son Larry and a daugh-
ter Jean..
Mr.. and' Mrs V. A. Mowbray,
Mr' and Mrs. K 'C..' Murdie, and
Mx and Mrs. Rae Watson left
by motor on Sunday morning
for New ;York City, where. they
are, attending the Lions Inter=
national Convention:
° Virden and' Kenny are dele-
gates from the local club, and
Rae is officially 'in attendance. as
a retiring District governor.
This Thursday, July 2; will see
the re -opening of the Tot Lot for
the summer season, The Recrea-
tional Conitrnttee have sponsor-.
ed this project for the, past few
years which includes children up
to 12 years of age; '
Leaders for this' year's course
to be held at• the Lucknow Town
Hall ,are. Ann Crawford and
Joanne 'Hunter. As before,, a
first day registration fee of 25c
will be expected from each child.
• • Besides • the • regular planned
program,. swimming classes will,
be conducted by the Committee
at Teeswater two • days a week.
The classes will be held five days
a week in the mornings:,
Mary Alkyl, Marguerite Mac
Kenzie, 0 Carolyn. '• Mathers ':and
Patricia Thompson are' in atten-
dance. this week : at the Ryerson
Beach Young. People's Camp on
Lake -brie;• near Simcoe :.:They. Mrs: William MacTnt re,'
accompaiued Rev: • Gordon: , R. Y
Geiger,' who is one ` of the camp
leaders: 'The. 'camp .opened ' last
Will Do Short. Stint.4f General
Practice,i'heo Return To 4x#ord .
Dr. ,Alex ' MacIntyre left. the
latter part of the ..week: for West-
ern . Canada,•'.where he will 'spend
a few 'months' in general practice
work . before returning . to Eng-
land• to: conclude This, post gradu-
ate studies wherehis is special-
izing in brain surgery..
In;the '.West Alex will, initially.
act ' • as a relieving 'doctor during
holiday periods, and: expects to
beloca fora couple of months
at ?orcu me Plains in Northern.
Saskatchewari., • • , •:
He plansto return overseas
early • in : the New .Year, with
February 1st set as a • tentative:
land, upon being the Canadian •
medical student chosen for the
Oxford ' scholarship. There he
pursued his studies, • receiving,
, his BA an physiology in • 1953.
and ' in -.December 1955 ?pa`ssed his •
qualifying... examinations ,at Ox-
ford, one of • the ` Mother Count-
ries famous .universities
/Since*then Dr, MacIntre hai
done poaat graduate work at - Ox
• ford, • at Heidleberg University„
in, Germany, in London England
andat the !Institute of .the Royal" .
College of Surgeons at Aberdee;i.•
At • the time of his mother's
death he was at rthe Aberdeen
Royal Infirmary . under .the Pro-
fessor • of Surgery. He has . since
resigned.this ; course, and upon ` ' •
his return overseas Will 'g to'
Oxford to . resume, his post grad-'
uate Work ''in neuro. surgery. by
Which, he will' ultimately qualify •
for.Fellowship of the Royal Col-
lege "of Surgeons, •
Dr Mac]'ntrye:'' hasalready
completed the' first half .:of his
wgrrk• by which' he will attain to'
this distinguished. Fellowship. •'
• Dr. MacIntyre's return home
was . due to the untimely death
of his 'Mother, Mrs. Archie Mac
' Intyre.. Death also brought • hien
home' . about • four years ag4O,
when ,his father passed away:,:
Previous ; to his mother's.: dearth.
Alex was planning to return for
a::visit' next Year,
. Alex entered 'the University of
Toronto.. to commence pre-med
'studies° in the fall of ':1948. In
September 1951, he went 'oto •Eng -
The death of David Evan. Ged-
des?... younger son Of 'the late Dr.,.
Daniel and Mrs. Geddes. of Luck -
now, occurred in Los Angeles on
Monday: morning about. 9:80, P
eific coast time, He;was 61 yea
of age:::
Word of his passing ; came: as
a shock to his two surviving sis-
ters', Mrs J. A: ,Robertson (Dean)
of Mount • Forest . arid •' Mrs, Roy
Lightfoot (Margaret)` of Port
John D. Ross of • Cayuga is' vis-
iting :,•at ' the ` Thome of ' his 'siker,'
Friday and will conclude this.
.Proficiency shields and cups
have been , won by students o
the Lucknow District. High
School '"as follows:
Grade IX .
Finlayson Bros, Shield for Pro -
in 'Grade .IX -1, Barry
Johnston; 2,' Marilyn Cameron,
English, Proficiency Cup -1,
Marilyn ` Cameron . and. Donald
Durnford, 2,•'Barry Johnston.
Grade X .
. William MacKenzie Shield for
proficiency in Grade X-1, `Geo.
:Mr... and Mrs.. Lloyd. Ashton,,
Lucknow, announce thea engage-
ment of their .daughter, Beverley
Alberta,. to. Mr. Donald Campbell
Thompson, son of Mrs and Mrs."
Campbell .j ' Thompson, -Lucknow:
The marriage will take place on
Saturday,: ;August. -1st, . 1959, at
Of 2:30 o'clock in the United Church,
Lucknow; Ontario
Mr, and .Mrs. Chambers* Mac-
Kinnon wish to' announce.:: the
engagement of their ,eldest
daughter, • Lois Eileen to Mr. El-
liott • James .Purves, ',,son of the
late Mr: and Mrs; Alex Purves,
Kinloss Township, The marriage
to take place Saturday, July' 18,
1959 at . Knox Presbyterian
'Church,. Tiverton, , •
Cecil Blake of Dungannon' and -
reeve' of • Ashfield Township, as-
sumed the office 'of .president of
the'; Lucknow• and District Lions •
Club at the closing sheeting ,for
the term on Monday, eveninc
Meetings .resume in September.:
Cecil took over the gavel .from
Charles Webster, ' who was 'Com-
com-plimented for the . successfu.I
year the :Club 'enjoyed under his
.The installation was; conducted
by .. Rae J. Watson, retiring dis-
trict 'Governor of District A-9,
and the ceremony carne at the •.
conclusion of : Monday night's
meeting which .was • marked as.
Ladies'' Night, About 140 •attend
• ed ' the banquet wath member's ;
'of the • Lucknow Women's: , Insti
tute . catering.. A,: dance followed
the Meetings
W. A., Porteous proposed, the
toast to the ladies. A entertain-
ing 'variety program feat red a
solo: by Bertha Blue of R •: ley,' ••
humerous'.readings• by Mrs ;Jack -
Pollock,' 'accordion . num ' r by
Judy ,cove of Ripley, accordian •t
:duet by • Shiella,, Halderiby. and
Laura Breckles • of KinIough, vo-
cal• duet by Mr,. and . Mrs: Ray
•nand Ackert; : violin duet by
Jaynes Little and W. L., Macken-
acKen-zie •. Mrs. Ross Cummings was• •
accompanist for, all the numbers,
(Continued .• on page. 11)
Bushell; •2, Janet Finlayson. :
ro ic. en —
' P f' i 'cy Cup' in History
George • Bushell;
2, Murray.
Impe.ov.e And d
Hunter, John' Andrew. , .
• Grade XI •
• William' A, :Schmid Proficiency
Shield for Grade XI --: 1; Helen
Campbell; 2, George Gibson.
Proficiency. Cup in Mathemat-
icsu--James Watson; Helen Camp -
.bell.' 0..
'Grade • XII
Women's Institute Scholarship
for proficiency inGrade XII
1, Bill Buckton; ..'2, Sandy .;Mac-
K'enzie. •
Proficiency, Cup in Lanrguages
—1;.Bill Buckton' '2, Sandy Mac-,
Winner of Shield 'for Proficien-
cy in English --i, Bill Buckton;
2, Sandy MacKenzie,
'Winner ' of .,Kairshea Scholar-
ship for Home Economics 1,
Barbara ,Murray; 2, Jean ,Rich-
Home Economics 'Shield
;Winner of LO -La -Le Shield for
proficiency in Home EconOrnics
in any grade -1, Barbara Mur-
1ray; 2, Helen•'Campbell, Loth 1V1i1-
ler, Patricia Thompson.
1 Cemetery, Perpetual Fund Grows
o- The Kintail
• The annual meeting 8f. the Kin-, •
tail Cemetery Board was held on
June 19, at the. home , of Mrs.
Colin ' MacGregor;- Kir'itail,•
Bob' MacGregor wasp selected to
the:. office of 'trustee and trea-
surer, . a position left vacant
through the death of. his father,
Colin MacGregor, who .had been
treasurer and a trustee for.many.
years and particularly through
the period when, the :'fund • for
perpetual care was accumulated;
The Board. of. r Trustees : is now
made up 'of three members, Wil-
liam ^,MacDonald; Chairman; , W'm,
Johnston and Bob MacGregor,
treasurer; Donald •Sifnpson is the
board -secretary.
The fund for perpetual care
has .reached a total of $4,820:25.
Through the Board's' solicitor,
this amount has been • deposited
with a' trust. company iri' accord-
ance .with the Cemeteries Act.
A further addition to the• cem-
etery was: made last summer
:when land with a 66 foot front-
age was .purchased from .Robert
Simpson. It is of interest to •:note'
that the ' original: ,deed for land
was dated 1873 with another -ad-
dition being made in 490.5.
Wire mesh fence and gate
was completed' oVer the whole
frontage last summer and adds
greatly to the appearande of the
grounds. A woven • wire fence,
was erected around the new pro
perty, thus completing fencing
problems for a time. This ,work
has• increased the indebtedness of
the ,Boardand necessarily res-
•tricts. other • work for the . time
The, Board `established ' the
price of lots to be sold in. the fut-
ure and it is the'°intention to
have. a marc of the grounds pre-
?'eared and; blueprinted,