HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-06-10, Page 64 1. • PAGESIX • • 'THE LUCKNOW ;SENTINEL, LUO ?OW,. ONTARIO NEW 1.00R BEAUTY IN A HURRT with Moore's Pored and Floor, Enamel • For any floor -inside or • outside. •• Dries fast with no special. . • primer • High gloss finish that, stays bright • Easy washing—does as; not water. spot ..:. . enjamin core paints Urdie (150 Hardware. Lucknow Help The Lions To Help Others Sy Supporting The Penny. Bank Campaign. • ST HELENS Name a member, of the cabinet, either Provincial or Dominion and their portfolios, was the roll call for St, Helens Women's In- stitute held' in the ,community hall. Report- of the District An- nual was :given by. Mrs. Andrew Gaunt; district director. . Mem- bers voted to, order ' a quantity of souvenir spoons to commemo- rate the visit of Queen Elizabeth ". to Canada ' this sunnier.. Cana- dian • unsung : heros ` was • the ,topic :chosen by Miss Mary. Mur- ray, the Historical Research con. vener, The motto, "How long we' Wm, , not age, but acti ns tell,'.. Was- presented ..by ....Mrs. ' Harold Gaunt. This being the- annual Grandmothers meet in g, .• all :grandmothers 'were ' honored• guests, and ' had their pictures taken at the ,close of the ,meeting, Mrs. ,E. W. Rice .played a piano solo. Readings were . given by .Mrs.' 'Frank, McQuillin and Mrs. Elwood . Barbour, . • :.Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. Humph • rey and Mr. :and Mrs. George Webster and 'two girls were Sun- day visitors at Hespeler with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne• Humphrey. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Humphrey and two children were Sunday •visit ors at Fergus and Hespeler. Mr; and Mrs. 'Hugh Rutherford and family and Grant. of King- 'stun, '•Ont...•_attended_ the funeral of their grandmother, Mrs. W. E. MacPherson on Tuesday, May. 26th, 1959. • , Their :mother; Mrs. `William Rutherford, returned Iwith them for an extended visit. Mrs. Milton' Taylor. and Mrs. , SarahBunistead of „ IVieaford, at-, tended the funeral of their; aunt:•, Mrs. W. E. MacPherson on Tues-- day May 26th, . ' CULROSS Mr.- and 'Mrs. -•Misdford Wall and Donnie were recent visitorsy with Mr. and Mrs: Hackett, Ashfield; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Nicholson and Mrs. Huai Nicholson, B'ervi'e were Tuesday evening visitor's with .Mrs. Frank Brown and Reg. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Stewart, Cooksville, spent a few days with ' Mr. and Mrs. ' Tam Stewart and +boys. • We are sorry • to report that' • Mrs. Wm. Wall of •Hinlough and who for some time has ••been at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Schumacher. is now apatient in Winglam Hospital. , • Mrs.- Orval ,Wilson and . little son have returned home' from Kincardine Hospital. Misses Nellie :• and Margaret Malcolm, Lucknow, called on Mrs: Frank :.Brown Thursday af- ternoon. CORNERS The Holyrood Muffin Maids met . Tuesday evening at the home` of their leader, Mrs. Frank Thompson. Thea• girls 'worked ' on their ` books which are to be handed in June '12tih:. They also made final plans 'for their. skit .which +will be presentedon Achievement Day June 30th hi' - Walkerton. Lunch Was served. Mr. and ,Mrs. Willann Halden- • by, (newly weds) have takenup I.W D. Rutherford FridayPent.. residence in;'the': vacant house on•�t in Toronto where they • visited the Morley°Wali, farm: . We ex Miss Anna Stuart ' who. has •hot tend- a hearty. welcome. ' to' this been •j en o y i good health . for young' couple. y Mrs.. Frank . Brown and Reg accompanied by Mrs.' Hugh Nich- ' olson, ,Bervie, spent Sunday . with Mr. and Mrs. 'George Harkes, Thaniesford. • Mr.<,`.and Mrs. Don Robertson and . family,.. -Georgetown, were weelvend visitors with Mr'.: and Mrs. John Schumacher. Mr. •and Mrs. Robertson moved - to Ottawa the first of the week:: Mr. ' Joe Gant and Miss Mary • Miss Marlene • Johnston; our. teacher, and Huron County •Dairy• Princess of 1958, was ..guest' : on CKNX Almanac ; on' TV recently. i Prof Appearing 'with th , , essor Ham- ilton ,of the O.AC.,Guelph, she -demonstrated the use of. the. mil- king machine and the ng •• of the utensils. • Mrs. George • Stuart and Miss Hi .her interest now! BENTU .R 4 Now at Huron & Erie --Canada Trust "your investment in Deben- tures earns a higher. return., Authorized by law as trustee . investments, Debentures are avail- able in amounts of $100 or more and may be cashed at: par. in the event of thedeath of the holder. Plan every step with I'Iuron &Erie -Canada Trust Head. Office -- London, Ontario DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVES: Durnin Phillips, `. � rungannon: E. H, Agnew, Lucknow 'some months, Twenty members of the; Wom- en's ' Institute and live cihildren. were guests of . Miss Margaret Brophy ; on' •1VI'Lady.' on :• TV on. Tuesday ' afternoon.. 'A demon- stration by Mrs. 'Floyd ' Wick of. Kincardine. on • "making : nuggets, and bonbos was enjoyed: Mrs. T. J.. Todd was the winner of the lovely basket . of, food and .Mrs.. James Curran won the box of .candy. A tour of the station fol- lowed. Later the ladies :'Met at 1Lee's Restaurant for lunch; " . . Mr. G. A' : Webb' was:: able' to return to the home of Mr: and 'Mrs. E. W. Rice after being a patient in the Winghani. and Dis; trict General Hospital for Sever- al weeks... • 'Mr. W I .Miller is around again after being confined to the •house: for oder six ` weeks. - • Mr. W Wick of Torontohas been 'the guest:; o.hi" s sister, Mrs. B. F. Green and Rev., Green, Miss W. D.:Rutherford is a visitor with friends,, in Kirkland Lake..N • . •Lt. •riari.'Staples..Of Camp Bor- den was a repent guest of .Mr. and Mrs: John . Cameron and Don.• • • A Mr. and Mrs,' Ken Graham • of Fordwich• were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Rice. Gant, Bervie, . were Sunday even. ing visitors with Mr: and Mrs. Midford Well and Donnie. Mr. and Mrs. James • Wraith spent Sunday with Mr.,: and Mrs. Gordon S'tobo. • u. Mr and Mrs, William Stanley and Betty, Kinloss, spent Sun- day evening with Mr., and . Mrs. Alex Whytook.. iSunday 'visitor's with Mr, and Mrs.:. John. Schumacher were Mr. and Mrs. Wm.' Lloyd, Mr, and Mrs'. Carl :Moyle, London, Mt and Mrs.. George Robertson arid boys, Kingarf, Mr, Gordon Hodg- kinson, IinlougY and Miss Lois Ha'Idex by ;and. Mr. Edgar Guest:., Ing WEDNl sDAX, J, loth,' 19 --,,, •• of REAL ESTATE' and HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS for, the, late •. MRS. WILLIAM :MeNALL, Stauffer., . St., S iTURDA' JUNE:- 20 at I:30 p.m.. tCeneral. Line • of Household Effects and Antique Items THE REAL ESTATE.. • 11101 de s the Sevenigooin Frame House, 'This. ; property is •Centrally Located and is to be sold• to settle the Estate, Wm: Irvine, `,Executor • Allan' Ma+rIntyre,'.Auctiieer LUCKNOW C oval 6.70-15 FIRST .I,INE�- RAYON: $15.95 • 6.70;15 FIRST 'LINE. 'NYLON __ No •Trade -In Required Liberal Allowance for Recappable 'Tires eel Alignment and Balancing Phone 3, Lucknow 4otorcade; Dealer '- �i r (or chicken rice), 1 can water 2'' cans.. ' measure in �:-sou . can .(P , 22l kidney .beans (1 I))), or 1 can , 1 kidney beans and. can. an•y., vegetable you .like, one-thirdd cup ' minced. parsley . Combineall tage'the' Heat . until Very hot' together: �l ry Ladleinto soup ibowis, and cover thickly With.'graFted.:cheese. Y can save the parsley ,to sprinkle' on with the cheese if you choose: • Pineapple -chicken chow . Mein, • 1/4 cup salad oil, 1 cup sliced onions, 3 ;cups celery (Slice on' Angle --handsome!). 1 ' No: 2 can bean sprouts undrained, 1, :11. oz., can : pineapple •tidbit," drained, 2• 'chicken bouillon cubes, . dissoly= ed in ,hot water, 1 •cup, 2.. tsp; salt,- pinch .pepPer, (here's „a good, place for seasoned salt), 2 tbsp brown sugar," 2 tbsp, corn- starch, •1/4 : cup soy sauce, 2 Cups (or amore) cooked or canned chic ken, slivered, 1, 6 oz: can chow'' mien • noodles. In Dutch oven or large . •sai cepan, heat salad oil, add onions,_ celery, bean sprouts. with liquid; drained pineapple,• bouillon dissolved in water, salt, pepper and brown sugar. Cover bring to boil. Mix cornstarch • with • soy sauce; stir into veget- able mixture. 'Add 'chicken;' cook stirring, front 3 to 6 minutes or until thickened. Serve over chow mein' noodles. You may have to substitute' for the soy sauce,' which; isn't available everywhere.. 'You : might 'Use the pineapple juice you drain from the tidbits, and add a dash of some more highly flavcred relish' or catsup. • •by : ROSEMARY THYME • What happens when someone whom. yen . fhaven't seen for ages is ' passing through, town, : and •drops in on you just.` about an -hour. before: lunch? You have to resort to your,` "Well, ` for • Hea- ven's Slake" shelf, but you hate to• 'just open a. can of luncheon meat, . another. of peas, etc.. The idea is to put everything into a casserole and call it "Hungarian Goulash'' -or something. • You could try ..• .this, which' I call "No' Trouble At.. All" -1 .can L incheon meat, 4 cooked 'medi- um sweet potatoes, halved, '4. drained pineapple slices,' •1 cup syrup from• pineapple, 1/4 cup brown sugar • packed, 1 tbsp. cornstarch, 'salt, : 2 tbsp. butter or margarine. Start heating.. oven' to' 375., (If yoursweet potatoes 'are• frozen, ,start, „to thaw them first. over hot water). Cut luncheon meat into ,4 slices lengthwise. In greased 'baking dish, .10in,. by 6 by 2, arrangepineapple, then luncheon meat, : then .arrange sweet potatoes over 'and around pineapple and meat.. Heat pine- apple syrup to boiling; .:stir in combined brown sugar, corn- starch ,and• - salt. Cook, stirring, for 3, or 4 • min: • until thickened and clear. Add butter,'pour over meat• etc: in.: bake dish, Bake un covered 40 min. basting occasion-' ally. d . I often have ...frozen candied. yams in the frig since they are one of John's weaknesses, and are easy vegetable to "prepare when he ,has to get supper him-:' self. They are sweet to start with and I'd .use less• brown sugar in the sauce.. If you don't have sweet potatoes I'd try .apples, or even bananas, sliced lengthwise, That's the way • new recipes come into being, you know, by substituting one ingredient for Something you don't have. Can -opener Chowder- nice. to serve as the preliminary to tos sed salad and cold sliced meat -- hot and substar tial—.i can corm densed Vegetable soup, undiluted PLUMBING. and HEATING , Agent for combination o coal and wood r SEAFOR`I'H FURNACE Plumbing Fixtures 'Copper, : steel. ''and ., Plasti Piping. Deep "and shallow Wel Pressure. Pumps ART:GILMORE Lucknow Phone 61.,r.43 Dungann 1. can condensed chicken -noodle 011