The Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-06-10, Page 2° TWO : 'LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNQW, ONTARIO Please Have Xour • L><ohs.: 1 WHEN THE CANVASSER CALLS THIS .WEEK=END Your to, -operation in, having the can handy F ;,with as generous a contribution as possible will be appreciated by, the Lions Club, `which. will use the entire amount .received'for their comniunity welfare work. WALTER:BRECKLES HINLOUGH, ONTARIO = Phone 1B-20 Ripley' tour John., Deere Dealer Automotive' and; Tractor; Repairs• Arc and , Acetylene welding Machine Work Pioneer Chain Saws, Lawn and" Garden Equipment Eor''your best: buy in diesel tractors,:, see ;the "David Brown" • OF FARM MACHINERY, ETC. fpr the ESTATE ' OF. JOSEPH M. GARVEY at the farm ONE MILE SOUTH OF, KINGSBRIDGE on 'Bluewater Highway' THURSDAY,. JUNE '18th at 1.30 p.m. • Farm machinery. including: For. tractor, tractor . disc, drag harrows, side rake, mower, tractor plow, manure spreader, 2 rubber -tired wagons with racks, and many other articles too numerous'' to, mention.. Tennis Cash Emile MacLennan, ` Auc . x• • WED SATURDAY At RIPLEY CHURCH Ma cINTY RE c 1 JTAEItS The marriage of Donald. Came-: Iron MacIntyre and Marilyn Mar- garet 'Carruuthers, took place quietly on Saturday, ;Tune. 6th; at twelve • ,o'clock noon, in .'Knox ° Presbyterian • Church, Ripley, with only immediate members of the' families in, attendance. The ceremony was ' performed by Rev, Neil McCom!bie. The• bride is. the .daughter of Mrs, Virdin Mowbray of Luck now and the late David ;H. "Car ru'thers of Kinloss :Township,and the,.groom is .the., ion' of the fate Mr, and Mrs. Archie MacTntyre. The bride's gown was: of im- ported nylon •organ4a , over. silk,. `with .full length -bouffant ruffled skirt with: (bowed back influence,. short sleeves and portrait neck-, line edged in &ipre lace.; Her fingertipveil of silk illusion was held by a .jewel -studded crown. She carried a cascade of tawny ;gold roses and 'white stephanotis: Matron of honour was Miss Mary •MacIntyre,, 'sister of the groom, 'Her frock was of poppy silk organza with : bouffant skirt, matching. 'short' sleeved „jacket and- "mitts. iShe wore a . wide pic- ture hat and accessories to: thatch. 'Junior bridesmaids were Janet Carruthers an d Sharyn. Mow- bray. w -bray. They wore :identically styled gowns"of. white nylon net,. with contrasting shades of yel--- low and: green. and Matching. ac=. cessories... The. attendants :each carried: •baskets' of white shasta 'Mums. Allan :Macintyre was grooms man fir his brother, .Mise Mary Anna Nicholson o f Midland • was organist. 4 A buffet luncheon was . later, served 'at the :home of Mr: and Mrs. `V:. A. Mowbray in Lucknow. For travelling tie bride chose a Dior blue linen ensemble with matching. sheath of polished: sheen; and "white accessories: Her corsage was of -deep . pink • roses. On their return from a wed-' ding trip to Western Canada, Mr. and Mrs. Maclntyre: Will > take up residence. on ' the gr'oom's. :faun, Con: 2, .Kinloss: Township. .KINGSBRIDGE Mr. and Mrs. Keith : Kelly of Kitchener spent . last : week4end with Mr.•:and Mrs Jerry Eckert here. Rae -Watson (left). your Liberal Candidate �. is well known by John ' Wintermeyer. They are shown' at Mr. Winterrneyer's nomhia tion. ; • Rae, has visited about 7 out of every •8. homes .in the entire.riding and deserves :to 4 wzn. W Do not let him down now. Vote for Rae." 'Huron -Bruce Liberal A'ssociation.: .,g • WF,pN E'SDAY, JUNE 1.Oth,: 195� • • Beats i •kind of a_ nq 1.• \ weather, • 4 -year protection. with "Locked -In" color • Weather -tested before you buy • Available in a wide range of modern, colors, at; Inlay:ecorators and .. GIFT SHP O Phone 218 - Lucknow THE PREMIUM PAINTS AT REGULAR PRICED PA 1 NTS Miss Erma Moss of London Mrs. Dalton and family accom- panied him to ` Hamilton Mr., and Mrs. •:Gene. Frayne Danny, Jimmy, Paul : and'; Mari anne spent Sunday with friend' in '.QIesson: Mrs. Jack., Kinney:• of Detroit is spending- :„a `,couple of .week, at her home :here. Mrs.. Joseph Garvey and fam ily of Toronto- visited 'here 'dur- ing the past week. Mr: Laanbertus' brothers and .his nephew` 'froth Walkertton:vis- ited him on • ,Sunday ,Mr. and Mrs., Con Hogan,; Mrs. Louis ' Hogan, Norman O'Connor, Mr. and .Mrs Vincent'. Austin were among .those who attended the VanOsali Becker reception on Sattirday. ". • . We are pleased to hear ,::that Joseph.'Sullivan•• who ` had been confined to St Marys Hospital, London; ..for. many months 'past, is now convalescing: at his home inDetroit .and hopes :to spend. the summer months at their cot tage, in Colchester Frank Bogan . of Hamilton . is visitiw.ith, relatives ,here. Mr, and , Mrs' ` Arthur' .Kraemer, and family :of Kitchener. were. Sunday , visitors at . the Gene; Frayne hone. visited with the: J. C: Moss fam- ily ' ;at .their new cottage here over the week -end ;Mrs. 'Jas. ,Sinnett arid 'two chil dren and 'Miss Shannon Sinnett. of Detroit are visiting at Ithe Fred Vassella Dome. Congratulations to Mr . : and Mrs. Peter. Van Osch. Sacred marriae took place in' Sacred Heart Church, ..Mildmay :on ;Sat- urday, June 6th. Mr, and : Mrs. Wm. Van Osch of Cornwall, and ; Mr: ' and.' Mrs. ,Schurman of London were week- end visitors'' at the John Van Osch 'home.. Mrs: Wm: Lannon, AVfr. and Mrs. Parker and babe of London were: Sunday 'visitors: here. • Mrs.. Dan ,Doyle visited With Mrs. ,Edward. Riley.. and 'family for: a few,:.days. Mr.. Peter. Lierinari spent the week -end' with relatives, in Lang - top. , • .Mr- and Mrs. .Frank McKenzie. have. taken up residence at Point Clark, :where 'they; will. again operate a;General Store. The auction sale of the ;building at -the ;former ;Kingsbridge Store was held last ..week, with Mr. McKenzie purchasing all ' build- ings froth '.the Dept. of Highways for approximately, $300.00: These buildings are , now being 'dis- .mantled and moved ' to his new location.' Best wishes ' accompany Mr. and 'Mrs. McKenzie from this, community to their new home. Mr. and Mrs. Leri Woodley, Mary Darlene, arid Donna Marie of Mahon .spent the' . week=end at the Clifton . Austin, homer Mr and Mrs. 'Clarence Doherty and babe Joan of Toronto, 'Jos.'. 'Martin of Hamilton, George Ile, bert of Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. • Alvin , Moran of .St. Marys, .11/4. and.Mrs ` Green 'of Detroit; Dr.' 'and Mrs, Wenzel of Detroit, Mrs.' Jack Berry and soft Wayne; Mrs; John Doherty, of )Goderich, • Mr:', and Mrs. Lyal Lannan of London Miss Florence Lainbertus, Ham- ilton, Roy Deane, of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs, Victor .Finnie and' Mrs. James. Wallace of-Goderich were, among thea' week-erid visit' ors here. Dennis Dalton returned to his, boat on Saturday after spending a few days: with .his family here. CONDUCTED ANNIVERSARY SERVICES'. AT WHITECHURCH ,13,ev.. W. A. Henderson, minis= ter of -Knox Presbyterian Church, was the guest' speaker at• the .an- niversary services held at White church. This hamlet is .located• near the . town of Lucknow, where ;Mr, Henderson .;was born and spent ,,his early life, and ,his 'first school was at •Whitechurch. in a ,brief teaching career, prior to. entering the• ministry. Rev. Robert Marschall, minister at Whitechurch, occupied the pul- pit of Knox very ably during the .local cleric's absence. lje is a 'native of the British tiles, corm�,. ing 'to Canada from Ireland- sdnr four years' ago. -Walkerton Herald -Times. . Walter S. ,Houg h am public school ,inspector for Eruce, has received his degree of Masterof. of Education front, Toronto tniver... sity4 .ETe has been studying• for his degree in conjunction with his • inspector's duties.: •