HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-05-27, Page 8PACS
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Rev.' Roy F. 'Hicks officiated.
at toe . marriage of, . Linda 1 ou'
Reynolds Toronto, daughter "of.
Mr and Mrs: 4. A Reynolds, in
Manor Road United Church, to
�Idr, Harold Dixon Tate, son of
Mr. and Mrs W. Tate, Willow-.
*are. `• ,
The bride, given in marriage
,'by her father, wore a gown of
white Chantilly lace over tulle,.
Over satin. The bodice featured
a scalloped saibrina neckline and
basquet waist. The bouffant skirt
swept into a chapel train. She
carried' a white moire Bible: with
'le orchid and lily of 'the val-
. A tiara studded with pearls,
held her French illusion` veil:
Miss Gail MacGowan as ,amid
of houor and Miss, Myrna' Sind -
mons' as ,bridesmaid, -wore rose
slipper satin with `pink accessor-
ies. The flower. girl, Miss Vicki.
Tate . re blue :slippelr .satin.
with paler accessories, All ' wore
Mary,. Queen of Scots hats and
carried nosegays of : pink tea
roses • •
The (best man was Arthur Tate,
brother of the :groom Don` Rey-
nolds and Keith Taylor acted,
as ushers.
Rec�iving at the reception, the
bride's mother wore ' ivory silk
brocade . with pink accents 'and
pink orchid corsage. The groom's
mother' assisted in lemon Swiss
cotton ~ with green accents \and
green orchid corsage:
The Kairshea Women's Insti-
tute met atthe home of . Mrs.
Fred 1(-nonist: for . their May
meeting, The new officers were
in charge, President, Mrs. Cliff
Rowton,and secretary-Treas._
er, Mrs:,, Currie Colwell. °'T
Scripture was read by Mrs. W. F.
MacDonald: '
Delegates,. appointed to. the
District Annual at Ripley, Tues.,' �.
day, May .26th were Mrs: D. L.
MacKinnon, , Mrs. Donald' Mac-'
Kinnon,; ': Miss Dean MacLeod,
Mrs!. Marry Lavis; alternates,
Mrs.,t Allister Hughes and . Mrs.
.Currie Colwell; The District By -
Laws were ,again read and dis-
cussed. •I't was ' decided not .to
Sponsor. an Extension Course this
year. • Mrse Lavin` and Mrs. Mac-
Kenzie gave Standing . Committee
reports. •
'The roll call was 'answered by,
"`Why MV thers.' grow grey"
Twenty=three members .and '3
visitors were • present.. As this
meeting was set aside for Home
Economics, the convener, Mrs..
Frank MacKenzie, gave a splend-
id paper using the various letters,
of .the .words • .to: head up the
different, sections. Many' thought
provoking ideas were 'suggested.
Mrs. Gib Hamilton' gave one of
}rs• /Y r • rtcilrs:firr} :'?•:'•:::::::::::�:;i?ri::::}istv::::ira{:{{{:?:•^=':={:?$R::?ih,:{�'?]J•:i?:v;::::i'::::i' :J?':}i{:{yn::rr.• -r •:
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�.' �.A •rr4ivA IN }:. r rfi�� ,,��4.W� 40 :r..4 tr..r yrl yi f F .... y. r/r r r r }l r rr:� :�::..yrryrr rrr,/ r:` r r r IN r n:4 :::;.•7.77..•7 .v.v... •??i
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WEDNESDAY; MAY :27th; 1959
of bread alone
For those in'trouble, The Salvation Army keeps an.
open door. In its hostels, havens, homes and hospitals,
workers who understand the human heart know that.
bread alone is not enough.
ile,-the body is cared for,' the spirit is- healed and
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children, are "made whole", snd shown the way to
loving service of God and man,
In this work of mercy you can. share. Your contri-
bution.will bring the glow Of happinessto your heart.
The understanding, heart,
and the; human touch
Watch•next; week's paper'lor campaign details
e death' of Mrs. 'James Wes-
ley ebster, a 'former: resident.
of this community, occurred' inn
the "Songs of the Lazy Farmers;"
for a reading.
Mrs Harry Lavin and; Mrs:
Donald MacKinnon, ,: who •were.
leaders of the "Sew to Save Dol-
lars and make Sense course,
gave informative ideas' :' about..
choosing 'suitable material and
ncolour 'combinations, •, how - : to
choose the right colour of bind-
ing or :when to use binding ' of
self.:' Mrs. MacKinnon, gave an
*excellent d-emonstration:: onmak-
ing of , bias binding and collars.
using .a corded piping. A ; con-
test at the close of the :'me " g
was: in Charge of Mrs. Gib anvil-
ton. : ' .
Mrs... .Ira Dickie gave the
courtesy remarks' to which our
hostess replied. The meeting
closed ,with God Save the Queen
followed by . the Institute Grace.:
The June meeting is to be at the
home of Mrs. Walter Thompson. Webster, of Dungannon.
Goderich • Hospital' on Thursday,
May .14th,' at the ,age of 81.
Mrs.. Webster was the former.
Agnes G. Mille_ r, :.'daughter of
Thomas Miller and Rachel Mc-
Clusey,: and Was born ' and"rais=.
ed on Concession '12; :West Wa-:
wanosh', attending school :at' St.
Helens. She was born` on Decem-
ber• 13th,. 1877.
On September 14th; 1904, she
married .Mr. Webster, • and they
farmed on the 9th Concession •of
Ashfield until;1940; and' in West.
W,awarioshiunti1.1945;. when they
retired to Goderich. \'
She, was 'a member of: Victoria
United Church, Goderich and her
'Pastor, Rev. S. A. Moote conduct-
ed the .service at the. Stiles Fun-
eral Home: on:Sa'turda ,with in=
terment in . Greenhill/Cemetery,
Lucknow. • -
M.`rs. . Webster. is 'survived" by
her husband, o e son, Harold
Webster of. R.R. Auburn and
two 'grandchild en.' '•
The pallbearers'were ' Messr
Fred McQuillin, Peter . Cook and
Eldon Miller, all of Lucknow, De
Witt ,Miller, ,of ' Wingham, 'Thos.
Twamley, of.. Goderich and . Tom
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