HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-05-27, Page 1WOO A• Year Tn Advance $1.09 Extra To U.S.A.- .
ttach Not arse o Truck D
in Lad's Death, At Whitechurch
'A verdict of accidental death
withwith no. proof' ',of negligence on
the part of "track drier . Tem-
Taylor ofR.R. ` 2; Lucknow, was.
delivered:, by a coroner's jury ,in.
Locknow• last:' Friday . morining
as the inquest ;was' held into: the
death of .seven-year=old • Jimmy.
Seignex•, of R.R . 2,;: Wellesley.
Jimmy . died in .Whitechurch on.
Sunday afternoon, May 17th,.
:when he. was crushed beneath
the wheels of a milk, truck own-
ed by . Thompson Bros. of Tees -
water and driven by Taylor '
Coroner, Dr. J. T. H. 'Robinson
of Walkerton presided at the in-
quest. Crown 'attorney, J. w:
Freeborn of Walkerton question-
edthe 'witnesses •
Constable' Lou Boyce of Kin-
cardine was the first to give
evidence at ' the hearing. ';lie,
stated that he had been patrol
ling' the, L•ucknow area when : he
heard the police call 'for the fa-
tal accident, at 'Whitechurch. He
arrived at• the scene ;at 4:55' p.m.
with :.constable' R. Lewis of
Wingham• arriving a few minu-
tes after ° ,tum; He stated that the
accident occurred'. on 'sideroad.
No. lo in the. hamlet of Whiter•
church about 500 yards north ,of
Thain sford mai de op
the:::intersection of highway 86,
e a non-stop
He estimatedthe tithe: Of. ac flight from New York to` Munich,
cident:at .about 4.35 p.m�?.'..• leather Germany, the.: first of the week,;
Y � for a five wee visit in the land
Wm. A. S�chinid of town and
his. brother,' Louis 'Schmid of
and visibility ' were . excel ent at
•the time. The truck was situated •
where it had come to a halt.
ci their ,birth, • •
feet south . of the bodyof the It is 'the first time Louis has
dead •'child -indicating the 'slow been ,back .. in 35"years: Bill 'was
speed the driver' was •going, meati► back five years. agb., On that' oc
ther indication of the slow speed rasion he .was accompanied by,
was the absence of skid marks. -1VIrs. Schmid and their son .Doug -
between the truck- and the child, las, who on Monday :saw Dill and
indicating no sudden' stop Oar, his brother 'off at •Marlton: airport
the .accident had occurred. • at noon hour. ' ,
Constable .'Lewis :of Wingham:
ha a short stop. over at New
d, nothi further to add to the York• the brothers - boarded a
evidence of .• Constable Boyce German airliner for . a ' direct
except' to show a. set of photos,, flight to'":Man.nch. Their home
•town, which i.s their destination,
is .`Reidenberg.. Bill and .Louis
have: two •brothers- .and,' two 'sis-
sisters in' 'Germany, They plan. to
return in late `June.. `•
While. in Germany they will
meet .. up with Frank Fields ;of
.Teeswater, who is on. a 'three -
three -'months overseas. ,visit aridhas
been there about "'live weeks.
that he had taken • at the scene
of, the :accident.
Thomas Taylor, ,age 1% t
the jiiry that he :had two years
experience driving and that ..he
(Continued on ::page 13)
A noon -hour hydro power
shut-off, slated for Tuesday
was,. postponed 'until next
Tuesday, June -2nd,When the
power will ' be off locally
. from .12.15 to 1.10 .pan. .
At a special meeting of Ash-
field . Township Council. • on Fri-
day, a petition was .received and
accepted , by the Board, from the
ratepayers' of the . Kintail, Laur-.
',ler, Hemiock latir and Lochalsh
school sections,. asking . • with-•
drawal from' 'the Ashfield Town--.
ship. SchoolaA.rea.
The , withdrawal • petition ';now
goes to the Department, of Edu-
'cation for • final approval
The first,', petition received by
Ashfield Council was not accept=
' ble'.in that it:. asked. for . with-
drawal to form a new area. The
•reworded petition sought only
Withdrawal, • •
The action by the ratepayers of :
theso. four sections stems prim
airily from the idea that a two-.
room 'school can best serve the
.needs of these four, sections. ,Two
• of the four schools are now Clos-
ed with pupils being transported
. to • Lci halsh andHemlock• City
schools,. The old. 'Kintail school -
as been
h .
converted- into a.-corr
murity hall, '
4 new .school or an addition to
Lochalsh.• school have been sugg-
ested. The course to be followed
Willwbe decided after the Depart -
tient of Education deals with
• the petition for withdrawal..
Attendance at' LuckiioW' Public
:School • keeps going up and up.
During the past week seven new
students have started here, send-
ing the enrolment to' about 250.
At ..'present there!, are thirty in
Mrs. Hall's kindergarten class,;
and last' week's' registration for'
. next . term .indicate' there will be.
40 children, at least• in the. 19.59
1960 kindergarten class.
Petty Officer George Webster,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey.
Webster of Lucknow, is an en-
> on the crew of the anti-
submarine frigate,' Buckingham,
the . , largest Canadian. warship
ever to. have . entered the Great
Lakes 'from salt water. George.
has been. a memberof the Buck-
ingharn:'crew for :a year./
• The Buckingham is . one. Of 21
modern , frigates ` . of .. the Royal
Canadian Navy which have been,
equipped with the most •ad,van-,
ced anti-submarineweapons and
detection equipment. .S'he: has a
displacement of 2360 tons.: '
Prior -to her arrival at Hamil
'ton last; weekend, the .'ship car-
ried out a trial':run of the ;St..
Lawrence Seaway in preparation
for the arrival of the Royal
yacht Britannia for theofficial;
opening , of the waterway by. Her
Majesty. the •;Queen. On board the.
Buckingham was vice -admiral
peter Dawnay, flag 'officer, Roy-..
al Yachts„ who ..has returned to
:the United Kingdom t'o ,rejoin
Britan''nia. for. ,her historic .:voyage:
to .Canada next •month.
It is expected that the ' Buck-
ingham will act` as one :of an 'es-`
cort:.for the. Royal Yacht. The,
Biuckingham' . will' spend the . " re=;
mainder •of the summer, in the
Great Lakes.' making a number
of ` tr. lining .cruises and icailing
at vrious lake ports' such as
Kingston, 'Cleveland, :.Goderioh,.
Bay .City; Collingwood and To-
ronto : with her home'. base in
While the •• ship 'was :docked at<.
'Hamilton 'last• weekend; George
visited here': `with his family.' M
Mark . William' Raitliby, son • of.
Professor and. Mrs. G. E. Raithby
of Guelph, graduated. recently
from the -.Ontario. Veterinary. Col=
lege 'with ' the .degree Doctor. of
Veterinary Medicine, Dr, Raith-
by who is'.also .a graduate of the'
Ontario Agricultural' College was'
winner of • the' Ted 'Wildman Tro
phy in 1955 and a. member of
the'' International Livestock, jud-
ging Team:
Dr, and Mrs. - Raithby have;
taken up residence in Lucknow
Where' he will dairy: en', a general
• Mr. . and .1VIrs. Harold Greer
and the staff , of the . Greer, -Con-
valescent .Home recently honor-
ed • Mrs.: -Elmer Huffman prior: to
her.' moving. tos ;Lucan..'
Mrs. Hu€fman.had been 'emt-
ployed for some' , itiine at the
home: A .dinner was 'held in her
honor and. ,she was presented
with alamp. Mr: and Mrs., Huff-
man .have taken up residence •rn
RA ( L I N E R, GETS ..
A Preview of 'what may re-
vitalize. . branch line railway, pas-
assenger travel;.' was seen; last.
Thursday, as a modern Railiner,
*made an .. inspection run from
Stratford to ;Kincardine.
A stop'was made here .about'
1 45. a.m.; • and a. nurriber Of
tators looked the car over, with
a half 'dozen .or more ` remainingQ '..
ori board for the run to; Kincar-, •
dine and back:" •
The experience was'' very plea-
sing, and fast, comfortable ser-
vice is •assured • when, this equip-
ment goes into service in June
• The diesel -powered scat,,, was
`feeling its way' over the line for
the first time, but on the up run;
reached a maximum speed of 55;
miles an .houe It has a top speed
of over 80 miles on a straightway
'withroad bed conditions that '
warrant such •a speed. .
The return run from Kincar-
dine ''to Lucknow with a slow-
at • Ripley was made in 20
,minutes. ' ..•
The Railiner has three times
the;, acceleration of conventional
trains and starts and stops with
the utmost smoothness. The jerk-
ing start and the bouncing ride
is . a thing'•_of the past.
Foam rubber upholstered seats, . .
air conditioning , and picture
windows permit: one to relax in,
comfort: Bebause of the air-con-
ditioning system, the §moker .car
is obsolete, ,and those who :smoke.
have the convenience • of • an ash.
tray , in the : arm : rest., '
Seating capacity is for 49 pas
sengers,. with 'a spacious''express
compartment in :a