HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-05-20, Page 13WEDNESDAY, MAY 20th, 1959 KINLOUGH • TifE LUCKNOW . SENTIAtIA, :L'IICKNOW, ' ONTARIO .PAGE' ..:THIRTEEN (Intended for Last Week) Mrs. Sam Farmer. ' and ' Mrs. •Orville Elliott were hostesses for the Holyrood Women's Institute or the .May meeting which Was held in Holyrood hall, Mrs.. Frank Maulden• presided. -The roll call. was responded to by telling. what ,each member .wasiWearing which was Canadian manufactured. It was decided to" purchase .a •commemorative stamp for , ' the Tweedmuir. History Book; Fin- al plans were madefor the gal' fodl tea :to be held this week in aid ` of the Cancer Society. Delegates named' to the District Annual, meeting) to be held at Ripley are, Mrs.. Frank ' Maulden,‘ ray, Mrs, Roy •Graham. Alter - M_: rs..Alex'Percy, Mrs. 1'. A. Mur-,. nate; Mrs. Stuart. MacDonald,,. Mrs, Raynard Ackert will 'be the commentator for the parade °of hand made hats which the mem- ber's . had. made at the short course in; Millinery earlier this. year, . " • •. The South. Bruce District • By- laws were discussed and also..one by-law revised in our own, or- .'anization.. In case of bereave- ment of . a member .or her, hus-. band the W.T. will have flowers sent to the home to. the value of $8.00, Each rnember'was asked to bring' a gift, to the Daffodil. Tea for Mrs., William Kempyn, whose hoi ne ' was destroyed by fire at Ilam Lake- recently, 1VIrs. Sain Farmer gave the topic on "Tea" and then presented, each lady. with a tea'' sample. and •Mrs. Jack, •Hewitt sang Tea for two.' Mrs. Jack '4ckert gave the Motto "The 4 ; C's." -Character, Courage, Cheerfulness and Co -Operation, Masses June Ackert and Karen Carruthers favoured with a vo- cal duet, Refreshments were ser- ved and, a pleasant social ,time enjoyed.. . Mr. Walter Breckles,. Mr.' and Mrs. Harold Haldenby and fad ily visited Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Arthur BreckleS, Lucknow. Mr. ' and Mrs.Roy Schneller and family spent ;Sunday with. Kitchener relatives. The ' first meeting of :the Riv- ersdale and .Kinloss Beef' ' Club was 'held at Kinloss School with 13 members. present. The 4-11 pledge was 'repeated., The next meeting is on the .first of June'.. Elmer Weiss,, the leader "conduct- ed the meeting. . Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hewitt and family, Mr,. and Mrs. Geo. Gra- .halm spent Sunday with • other HURON GRADER OPERATOR NAMED ED ' Huron Township,. Council 'met on. May 4th, with all members present, The Tax Collector, Glenn Far - members of their family at: a Birthday party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Hewitt for their mother, Mrs, Catharine He witt who observed 86th birthday party on Friday, May 8th. Miss Beverley Stanley of Kit- chener spent; the week -end with Mr. and Mrs.• Ezra ' Stanley. adi • •. Mr.. Nat Vaters- ,and his Moth- er of. Johns Newfoundland, Miss , .S a Fyfield, Miss Grace Burton, `r, , •Jixn • Atter, visited with Mrs Harvey: Hodgins, Glen r`zd with, Kenneth. • These last ten years, beyond all comparison, have witnessed the greatest development in the history of our province. In these ten years, Ontario's advances in the development of resources; business expansion and human betterment. have been unsurpassed anywhere. The dynamic economic creed of the Government ' of Premier Leslie Frost has been -and continues to .be MORE PEOPLE, MORE INDUSTRY, : MORE JO ; : ORE WAGES,,, MORE OPPORTUNITY, and from these MORE ODUCTIVITY AND REVENUE TO 'DO THE JOB, Great '0s• Ontario's ;progress has been, under wise ' and sound Progressive Conservative policies, even' greater progress lies ahead. RURAL ELECTRIF.ICTION 90% of Ontario's farmers now have power. Provincial grants totalling- $100 million: have increased rural power custom- ers from 220,000 to 473,000 •in ten.years. :. HIGHWAYS In ten years, Ontario's invest- ment in our vast provincial highway' system has risen from $ SiIlion too $238 million a year.: Road grants :for the improvement 6f municipal roads are up from $15; million to `$61 million a year: 'AGRICULTURE Farm cash inco"ine in Qntario reached. an all-time high last year., Great strides forward have been made•in the orderly .mar keting of farnilproducts. Price supports are a reality.. MUNICIPAL AID ,4P -C Government policies have lightened: the burden on every municipal taxpayer. Provincial aid has increased from $82 million to $310 million annually ten yam. HUMAN BETTERMENT Ontario's advances'.in helalth, education. and welfare are unequalled. Investizieilt in human betterment has risen from $104 million to $3291 million a year— • about half of Ontario's total. revenues. Personal income has risen much' faster than living cost. HOUSING Vigorous government action4ias abated the acute housingshortage. In 10 years, 425,000 new dwelling units have been completed, a rd without .equal on this iccrfitinent. 1958.saw an all-time high. of 64,000 completions.,' Even Greater PsogressLiQs Ahead JUNE it -VOTE PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE Published ,by the Progressive,Conseri,ative Association of Ontario. rel, returned the tax roll for 1958 shooing taxes unpaid of $5,862,. 60, Moved by Lowry -Martin, that: we accept the - tax roll as .re- turned. • MacKinnon, -Martin, that we have our solicitor prepare .a. building By -Law and .get build- ing permits. . Lowry -Walden, that we ap- prove of a plan for sub -divisions presented by Lorne Brown and ask the ,Department of Planning. to consider it. Grader operator, Gordon Ste-- wart te-wart informed • the Council that • he .was going into. business of his own and would not be a'aiI... able any longer. The council then appointed Ernest Walden as grader operator at one dollar per hoixr.. . MacKinnon -Walden, that the:, following accounts be paid; Ivan Pollock, care .of Cemetery; :$118.-; 80; Morfox'd MacKay, sprayer re pairs, 12.00; R. H. Martyn; pre paring 'deed, and • registration,.' 17.10; . Thompson Nursing Home,, 'Indigent. care, 100.00; Joh(ri IS..• MacDonald, care cif hall, 4.00; • Keri MaoKay, sprayer repairs, 15.15; :Hugh Cleland, warble fly 'sprayer, .157'25 Eugene Dunlop,, warble fly Inspector, 204.75; Glen. Farrell,. collecting. tax' :arrears„ 30.65; 'William Farrell, .-sheep kil- led by dogs, 30.00; Charles Erri- rnert.on, . valueing • sheep, ' 3.50;: H. Hagedorn, ' sprayer- repairs, 20.55; Dr, J. A. MacDonald;•school. dental services, • 595.00; Hugh" Cameron, mileage to assessors" meeting, • 12.00; Town of . Kincar•- dine, High School debenture. 1;190.00;; `Municipal • World,: sup- plies, 3.52; 11 fox bounties. . for April, 55:00; Wesley 'Smith, bull- dozing" at : dump,. ,8.00; , Post Of- fice; unemployment staiiips, 10.- 40. :Road Accounts Steve Irwin,' '..Superintendent,: $342.20; Gordon: Stewart, •grader:' operator,/ 271.15;.' 34 men at .snow fence, -173.35; ' Imperial Oil,. oil... ' and grease, 324:05 C.N.R. freight; 1.90; . W„ L Shantz, .bulldozing,' 280.00; :Morford MacKay,. • grader repairs, • 132:15;:., Win.. McLean,. hauling gravel, .14.25; ` Ken Mac- "Kay;` prestone,..3:50; Franks. Gar-. age, grader; repairs, • 2.60; Graham Cook,. snow ploughing, 155.00; Elsner Courtney, belt and bolts,. 15.86; Ripley Hydro,•..shed; ^ 2.73; . McLaughlans Garage,' .: radiator repair, 1.50'; George Crothersr grader repairs, 107.26; Ontario Culvert and •Metareo., new verts 1.,249:88; Walden Brothers; .snow' ploughing, 198:50;; D. G. MacDonald, :grease, 21.00; How- ard: ow ard' Hodge,• grader repairs, 100 95; Steve. Irwin, school for road Superintendents, 26.00; • Work mens Compensation, . insurance, 19.92. ' ,Council adjourned - to meet on • June 1, .1959, 'Earl Tout, Clerk: INSURE BOILER AT HIGH` SCHOOL At' the May rating ofd, the. Lueknow District. HighSchool Board, a broad coverage $25;000' boiler insurance policy was tak en out, which includes 'repairs and replacement, Permission .was granted for use of the .School auditorium. , for the Bruce ebistrict Institute'.. rally in 'Ally; for the Home Economics class fashion show and variety program on May 27th, /and, •for a • variety program;by the pupils of • the Ashfield School Area. According to bepartment re- quirernents the Board advertised for the staff positions of .those teaching on 'letter of permit. The . band and , ,cadet grant of. 4184.00 was received, as well as.. the Provincial Government's ini- tial grant of $25,000. f Board • xrneetings will4 start at:, 8:30 during :the .period of days light saving timer ' The Board was informed that the bank interest rate • on loans is increased ' 1 percent to 5x i %. Beautification of the :school grounds was discussed' .and:; ac- • tion in this regard left with'the Cornmittee..Incidentdily, a vast improvement .has been achieved by the seeding of area nbrth of the' stream that flows: in,front of the sehoob