HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-05-20, Page 7WEDNESDAY, MAY 20th, ,1959
Mr. •and •Mrs, Stanley °•Ander--
•son and family of St. Catharines.
spent the week -end with Mr, and
• Mrs, • W, Henry, ro
Mr. and Mrs; Frank :Stoekill
of Blind• River spent the week-
end with 'Mr. and Mrs,.. Thomas
• Morrison.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Watson and
Muriel of Toronto spent the
week=end with Mr. and Mrs. A,
E. Buckton.
Mr. and iVirs. Clark McGregor
and: family visited with friends
in the Village on Saturday:
Miss . W; Farrier of Toronto.
the,v� eekend with ,ith Mr. and Spelt
Mrs. W,, R. Farrier.
d Mrs..Walter 'James
Mr, an.
and family. of Woodstock spent
the week -end with 1VIr, and Mrs,
• A. _ Moore. •
Mr. Neighbour of Saskatche-
wan is visiting , at the home of
Mr. and Mrs.. G. Gillespie.
Mrs. Mitchell; Arid Ann of : #fit
chener are visiting • at the home
of her son. Mr, and .Mrs. Jack
Mr. and Mrs, Walter Bell and
family of'. St; Marys visited at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. R:
:Chipman on Sunday.
Mrs, C. Gillespie • of -Toronto
visited at the home • of Mr. and
Mrs. G. • Gillespie.
Tragedy' struck the . ,village
when ' little Jimmie Siegner, 7,
who. was visiting at the home of
Rev. and Mrs. John. Watt, was
struck accidently by Thompson's
Milk truck of Teeswater. on Sung
day ' afternoon..
Miss: MVtarjorie. Coultes nurse of.
Guelph • General " Hospital spent
the, week -end with- her parents,
• Mr. ' and • Mrs. , Ab.` C6ultes.
Mr; and Mrs. ' Carmen. Farrier
and family. of Song Branch visit
ed .with 'Mr. and. Mrs. W. R. Far-
rier over the . week -end. • '
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Aitchison
moved totheir .. home in • Luck-
Mr. John Chisholm 64 of this
village was taken Tuesday, after-
noon to St. Joseph's I.lospital,
London in .a serious condition.
He was hit by a. truck, while. he
was employed, on ' :the No. 21
"highway,.. near Pine River, which
is 'being repaved, His Viob was
flagging and as one truck • was
passing by 'his' authority, he was
hit • by another truck coming . in
the other direction. He was,
thrown 32 feet and, had his left
leg 'broken inseveral places,', a
broken right ankle, crushed. chest,.,
broken ribs, . losa of `first: finger
On left hand and the left, side of
his face injured. The: doctors said.
'he had a 50-50' chance for sur-
Mr. did Mrs. Mason . McAlli-'
ster were recently visited by Mr.
• Twice in less.than a. month be-
reavement has come to ,local
families. On Sunday, the death of
Henry. MacLeod occurred at
Princess Grace Hospital, Wind-
sor, after a brief illness. He was
in his 71st year. His brother,.
Deter MacLeod, died , at Wing -
ham • on. April 22nd. '
Henry. was' born. on Concession
,Kinloss �. a . son of John . and.
Evangeline MacLeod, As ,a young
and Mrs, Edgar Reid, . London.
Mr.' Harold Sproul, Davidson,
,Sask.,: arrived last week, to
his sisters . and • other... relatives
here;• making.,the major of his
.4rip east by plane.
Mrs... R. 'Fitzgerald, who went
to the "'bpi* F of• her nephew, Mr.
Ken . Campbell,'; . Auburn, two
weeks ago, was one week " later
.admitted; to• Clinton Hospital.
Her• friends -'here are anxious to.
hear of an unproved condition.
�e mart .'w:
rte :i:
o gets thiri�s
In the riding. of HURON -BRUCE JOHN HANNA
has worked : for the betterment of the people, Large
sums ' have been expended in Huron - ' Bruce by ' the
Provincial Government on roads, bridges, uncon4itional
grants, education; hospitals, fall fairs, junior farmers
and farm organizations, and . in many other projects
that • are vital to the residents of the communityat.
Support the "Common
Sense" programme of the
Frost. Administration,
which has • given . Ontario
its "Dynamic Decade."
John' 'Hanna has : supported legislation :.for these
Unconditional �e , t l p per capita grants to rr}unraip-:
' ahties.,
• Incorporation of equalization and growth need
factors in determining the Province's grants
to school boards.
Adoption of the Ontario Scholarship system
and a greatly expanded bursaries :program.
Establishment of disabled persons' .:allowances:
Inauguration' of great parks ' policy to provide
chain of provincial parks across the province.
Enactment of Junior Farmers Establishment
• Act to provide loans to young "farmers.
The ,' Cobalt ."Bomb.
Free: polio vaccination for all children and
Probationary Services in our . Courts..
Payments • to municipalities in lied of taxes
provincial business prope`rties:;
:Unsatisfied oJudgrxent. f'i'nd "and a host of•.
other projects and services that this `Province
has pioneered.
tl •
•44 A; �. •* c • r
POLLS OPEN FROM 9.00 a.m.. ID 8.00 p.m. D.S.T.
` • . :..., � ' • . • ' .. _ _ � ; • . • .: , , ussels Thi�rsda �. Friday,and'Saturda
Advance Polls at Mildmay, •iWingham, ` Ripley, and $ russels, y,y, rt
} JUNE 4, 5 and 6
man he went to Western Canada
where the farmed for a number
of years. About twenty years .ago
the family moved East and. lo-
cated at Windsor where'' Mr, Mac- •
Leod had since beep employed
by Silverwoc ds Dairies.
The funeral service was in
Windser on Wednesday, :with
burial at" Windsor. • .
• Mr.. MacLeod is survived by
his wife; two. ' daughters, Rita
and. Norina; three brothers,. Fred
of,Detroit; John of Spears, Sask.; • .
Alex of Lucknow and one sister, •
Mrs.. Harry Nixon (Clara) of
(Continuedfrom Page 1)
Rev. •Gordon R:. Geiger refer
red to' the B'oard's action' as a
`historic and •,momentous' occasion;
Hear Sector' Plan
Messrs. Hillis Burnside and
Thomas Alton of Walkerton, the
latter a former Lucknowite; were
'present' at the start of,the meet"-
, ing to• „explain • to the • ,Official
Board the working of the. •Seetor;a;
Plan, which is now in widespread
,use :bymany churches of various '
• denominations. '
The plan emphasizes 'a stew-
ardship, program recognizing that •
'our time, 'talent and possessions
were given us by 'Goa and should•
require a proportionate return.
Apart 'from a 'matter of sound
financing .'•and increased givings.
the Sector .plan has a revitaliz-
evitaliz ing and • spiritual quickening ' in ••
Both speakers were emphatic
'that ..the ..plan,. adopted .;a year
ago, .`"had given their : church a,-
tremendouslift," producing. wil-
ling., workers, . increased, 'attend-
ance, and sharply increased : agiv:
ings, that permitted • them . to;
launch 'a Sunday. School :expan-
sion•::program and other church
r Lloyd 'Ackert, chairman' of the
newly organized Missionary and
• Maixttenance • Committee . propos=
ed on ;behalf of the 'Committee,
r a ..$3,3% -- -objective `this year
whieh was .accepted fly the; Board:
Approval was:a o given for
the, purchase of five • dozen 'in-
in-dividual "stack -away"' chairs for
the Fellowship Room. .
(Continued • from page :1)
Mr. Hamilton. 'was a lifelong
-a d respected. resident . and far-:
m`er: of Huron Township. ,He • was
a son of Wrn. Hamilton and ••Mary' •
McGuire.• Prior 'to his accident , `
1 he had been: confined' to his home
With :a heart .condition for sever,
al weeks and the mishap occurr-
ed as he •was driving for.the first
time .following his. sickness.
• • 'Besides his wife, . the :former
Mae Elizabeth ;Million, he is sur-: •
vived by . two sons; ,Ray of Huron,
Township, and Alvin of Hamil'-
ton. =A sister, Mrs..' R. Frid (Jen-
nie;), lives in Hamilton and a
brotler.Fred in Vancouver=. •Ano
ther who mourns .Mr. Hamilton's
passing is Bert 'Eaton,• who has
made his home with : them for.
• 39' years. • • • •
. Funeral .services were• condue-
ted by' •t+he 'McLennan Funeral.'
Home,' Ripley. The wins •rest-
ed at the residence, Huron
Township, until• Monday when
services'' were • conducted at thea,
McLennan and MacKenzie Mem-
orial Chapel in Lucknoy• at 2 .•
pan. Officiating clergynnan •was
Rev. J. C. Hutton of Pine River
United Church • With burial ::in
Greenhill•'Cemetery,. : ,Lucknow,
Pallbearers •were, 'Herb Huston,
Oscar . White, W. S. ,McGuire,
William.. 1', Rouiston, , Norval
Stewart, Andy Hamilton.
(Continued from page 1) •
crease for the position of • princi- i ,
pal. The Board's original offer of •
a ,$200; increase•for teaehers and
a •$400 increase 'for principal wa>;
accepted by the teachers atFri-.
day's meeting. •
lembers of the teaching staff
requested that a salary schedule
be . considered by the board in
time for• the. next 'term:.
Prospects point to a heavy en-
rollment next term at the school
with a particular heavy kinder- •
garten class expected.
b . • , .14i
s * b..• q.
• 4
. 4