HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-05-20, Page 4t. ii. Ic • • r. f.� • .v a P4CI resit It WYASD " MAY 20th, 1959. THE LUCKrIOW ;SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO .FOR SALE roll. SALE ---9 pigs ready t40. ° wean' and a Hereford calf,, 3 weeks old. Lorne Forster, 43-r-12, Lucknow. •. • FOR, (SALE -=--26 • weanling • pigs, 'York and J andraee. Dan . MP - Innis,. ', Holyrood;. , phone • Ripley 0-r-30. • .--- CAR- FOR -CAR -'FOR -.SALE-4948 Dodge; coach,, John Carter, R. 6, • Luck-. now., ' FOR SALE - Crosley=Shelvador refrigerator in good . condition, Les 'Ballentine, ' phone 233-W Lucknow; FOR SALE -piano, good.d* - tiori..1 maple settee, 2' chairs and 3' matching tables: 1; studio couch, 2 occasional chairs. Phone. 175W, •Lucknow. FOR ' SALE -'boy's blue blazer, size 10, like new. Mrs. Oliver. MoCharles, phone Ripley :164-r-4. FOR ,SALE cob corn:" Apply CCreeFreeman, R.R. 3 Goderich,` phone . 14-10. Carlow. FOR SALE k-,..,0!',' trarisite . field tile, rugged, will ;not. break .like` 'ordinary.'clay tile, $95. per .thou-. sand . delivered, • Pollock Electric, Ripley. . , FOR SALE -2 pure-bred York- shire !boars, of : serviceable • age,: sired by Town View Monarch .114 whose average A.R.'' score' is 92. Apply ., to Gordon Roulston ,R. 1, Ripley. •• Phone 'Ripley, '24-6. FOR SALE -Weanling •. arid, older': sow, and ,'boar pigs ,.off 'York Sows and Lacombe boar. For Heavier, birth weight: and wean- ing weight 'and earlier market- ing., try . some of, this ' new blood in:.. your 'swine '• herd • , Dick Kilpatrick, : Con: 8, Ash=. field ..e TWp., - •phone Dungannon. 77-2. LAWN MOWERS •. Lawn Mowers :'sharpened_ and repaired, engines overhauled. See or. call E. W. Rice, phone 211r31, R.R. 2, . Lucknow. CHAIN SAWS --: Porter ' Cable and. Pioneer, $169.50 ' up. Dealer. Chris Shelton, phone 80, Luck-` now. SHAMPOOING SERVICE SHAMP . . S. /Rugs cleaned quickly' and eco- nomically. For service call' Fin- lay Decorator's, phone •218,, Luck - now; FOR SALE ---several used . milk-. ing .Machines of various makes. Let us install one: of these,` or • a new Woods, • in your barn on trial. Prices . given : without . obli- gation: • 'Irving Keyes, Glamis, phone Paisley '114-r-4. HOUSE • FOR SALE - 7 -room insul brick house on. Havelock St., corner double. lot, 3 -+piece. bath, hardwood :;floors 1st level,' new roof,' •double garage, closed in' verandah., Apply, to Mrs. E. • W. Rice, " R.R.:• 2, Lucknow. kr ' repair work,. radios, :toasters, irons, electric fences, anything in the electrical line, prompt service, . reasonable prices; :Lyons Radio Shop, phone 84, 'Lucknow. ' TIRES! TIRES::' - , For best buys in • tractor tires and any other "' tires, contact, Bruce MacMillan,. Lucknow. FOR .SALE -Universal 40 -.watt amplifier to operate' on 6 volts D.C. or 117 volts 60 cycle. /deal for, portable sound service or stationary hookup, 2 mike out- put, .2' phono input; Also • one --8 volt Dynoniotor, to operate same from • sound truck. Can be :used :with one ;or four' reflex horns. 'Cheap for quick sale. •. B. R. Munday, phone 598, 127 Widder St. Goderich. . Is Your Subscription Paid? . ' CHES :i. IELD;S --2-piece suites $159.00 etc. 'Compare S;KLAR, .KROEHLER, FLETFF.T. on display. . Show cushion front your suite to. Schu- ett's • salesman so that he can evaluate old suite, . Free delivery; G.ODFREY .SCHUETT, Mildmay,. MAGIC MARKERS . Because 'of so many' requests, we now have. available" the handy "Magic Marker", Just. lift , the cap andit writes on anything, dries instantly. For home, work. and play, it just can't be beat, Available in 6 colours, only $1,10 at The Lucknow Sentinel, phone 35, FOR RENT APARTMENT FOR RENT - in Murdie .Block, modern conveni- ences. Apply to K. C. Murdie. FORRENTcottage at Bruce 'Beach for the season,• 2; bedrooms, 2 -piece bath, stove and frig, hot water. Pollock :Electric; Box: 63, Ripley, phone '190,, PASTURE FOR RENT -between 90 'and 100 'acres " goodpasture, plenty ' of, `water and shade..WM Kempyn, Clam.Lake.. • GRaASS FOR RENT -40r, a num- ber of cattle, • good water0 supply. Apply Tim •,Reurink, :R., 7 Luck- mow;. former Wm.. Wareing farm. WANTED WORK :WANTED ;- Grade XI High 'School . girl wishes', summer employment. w •o u 1 d + .prefer. housework:. Phone 65, Lucknow.; WANTED used windmills, pumps and pump • jacks as trade- ins on electric pumps. Let • us give you.. a free estimate on, roof- ing :material and installing: ` Irv- ing Keyes,: Glamis, phone Paisley 114-r-4.' '• WANTED -for pasture, yearling cattle . on; farm on .10th, 'Conces- sion., Kinloss. ' Write bill Mac- Pherson, .Jr,, phone 147.-4. Mil- verton. u HELP WANTED -The Children's Aid Society ; of '. the • County ; of Bruce, requires Matron and As sistant ; Matron ' for' .reception home in Walkerton. • Applications. may bemade jointly or separ- ,ately. Must be: in good physical health, stable and congenial: ' Ex-' perience with children a requi- site. : Living quarters provided'., Applications giving full parti- culars must be in ' by .. June 6th. Interviews v(il ;be' arranged and references reviewed. Please :state telephone number. Apply to Mrs. 'Clarence :Becker., Box 273 Wal- kerton. SALES HELP WANTED, MALE WANTED_. Reliable man as 'dea- ler in. Townships Ashfield,; Wa= wanosh East and West. • Experi- ence > not necessary.'' A fine op- portunity to . step into old profit- able business where • Rawleigh Products have been sold' for years. Big profits. Products fur-. niched on ; credit. Write ' `Raw- leigh's• Dept , E-271-163, 4005 Ri- chelieu, Montreal. ' FOR SALE` USED ..TRACTORS 2 • WD Allis Chalmers 3 WD -45 Allis "Chalmers 1' WF Allis Chalmers 2 .WC Allis Chalmers 1 44 Massey Harris ' 1 C Allis' Chalmers 1, . Ford .Ferguson' and Plow We need used.tractors immedi- ately as we, can't fill our tractor orders. now. For a good load .o1 "STOCKER CATTLE", how, either.trucked or shipped by rail from Western Canada, , Contact:' , BERT McLELI:AND & 'SON 'Allis Chalmers Dealer, 'Berrie, Ontario. • COKING EVENTS, BRUCE 'COUNTY. MUSEUM Bruce. County Historical Muse, um opens, Saturday, May 18th, '1959, Visiting hours; for May and June, 2 to 5 p,m., July and. August, 2 to 9 p.m. daily, Student and . group 'tours by appointment with Curator,; Mrs.. J. F. Morton, Southampton, phone 118,: FASHION SHOW Come one cone. all to the. spring' Fashion Show and Variety 'Con- cert of the Horne Econornics Clas- sea of the • Lucknow' District high .School to 'be held in. theaudi- torium• of the school on,Wednes day,. May 27th at 8;15 . p.rn. Adults 35c .Chilttren free° P. JACKPOT BINGO. THURSDAY The first of the Legion's mon- thly jackpotcash bingo will be held Thursday evening. The jack- pot , of $1.00 must go. There will be no limit on the numbers called: BARGAIN' PRICES EXPECTED Western Ontario Landrace. As- sociation Spring Show and Sale at ,Walkerton Christmas,. Fair Building; Friday . M'ay. 29th, Show 11;30,; Sale 1:30 All pigs• Govern- ment inspected for Quality alid: Health. Catalogues from., Jack Wilson, Auburn. '• RECEPTION FRIDAY A wedding • ..reception in. hon- our, of Mr, and Mrs. Eldon Mac- Lennan ac- Lenn an will .,be ' held at Reids Corners Hall on Friday evening: May 22nd. Everybody welcome. NOTICES' BUTCHERING DAY CHANGED The ;first week in June, pigs will. be butchered iby':Button's Meat Market .on Thursday' in- stead of . Tuesday. •. TO : LAWN BOWLERS A . meeting. ;of ,the Lucknow Lawn Bowling 'Club 'will` by :held at the Clubhouse this: Friday ev- ening, May •22 at 8:30. p.m. All 'nnembers are requested to eattend. IL: 'Ritchie,: Sec: BRUCELLOSIS : CANVASS . All Bruce County farmers . ill be canvassed fortheir opinion' on the establishment of a Brucello- sis Control Area during the last Week : in May: • TO WHOM IT",MAY. CONCERN 'Pupils: using playground equip-, ment at. . the • Lucknow ' Public School, on Saturdays, Sundays, school lholidays, or 'prior. to " 8:45 a.m., or after 4:30 p.m.;' on school 'days, do '. so : at • their own risk Lucknow Public ,School Board H: M. MacLennan, Chairman KINDERGARTEN PUPILS. Registration of pupils for Kin=, dergarten for the Fall ' term . will take place at. the Lucknow Pub tic School on Friday, May 22nd., 1;30. to 3:80 p.m., when . Mrs. Hel en Hall,. Kindergarten teacher will be present. To be eligible to attend Kindergarten this fall,:. a 'child _'must be 5 years of age as of .December 31st, 1959..,(If regular attendance is not anti- cipated, ':please do not: enroll child) ,• Lucknow Public School Board H. M. MacLennan, Chairman CARPENTER and . Repair Work of all • types Call : at Lucknow Wood Specialties or:contact, Bob Campbell, • phone Dungannon, • 68- r-10. TEACHER WANTED • . DEWAL .:. • ° Lucknow 'Public School Board requires forSeptember,: the fol- lowing two teachers:- ,l, eachers:-1, A teacher of Music :for Grades. 1 to 8 inclusive, 2: A teacher .'fox Primary 'Grades; Applications to be received by 12 o'clock noon; Friday, May 29 Lucknow'Public School Board, Bok 208•' Lupknow, Ontario. SUPPLY TEACHER Any former teacher who will be available ;as supply teacher in •the LucknowPublic School dur- ing the.'abasence of 'a Member of the regular +teaching, staff, ia asked . to apply in writing to the .Lucknow :Public School Board, Box 208 ' Lucknow, Qntario , .• ... West Wawanosh Township School Area requires a qualified: protestant teacher . for' modern; school • at St. Helens. State salary, qualifications and : last' inspector. to W. A. Stewart,,secretary, pun- .gannon. AUCTION ..SALE Clearing auction Sale of good household . effect; of the Estate.. of the late' Wm. Robb, at Jia, late residence; corner of Wheeler and :Havelock St., •Lucknow, on • Sat- urday, May ,23rd ;;No reserve 'as home is sold.' See bills. Donald Blue, , auc, . AUCTION SALE BUILDINGS FOR REMOVAL • OR DEMOLITION Nine -morn' ". 11/2.storey , frame. combined : residence •. and store 50' x" 50', frame barn • 25' ' x 25', frame garage 22' x.'24 frame. hen house 20' x 54', located at part lot" 6, concession 6; . Township of • Ashfield approximately: % mile south of : Kingsbridge; 'fronting on the, east side of Highway 21, Auction Sale will• be :held o , the property at 2:00p.m. D.S.T. on ' June' 3rd, 1959. ' • TERMS: Cash, together with. $.100.00 Performance Bond. Further .;information may, be obtained from: Department : of Hi 'hwa a - 581 Huron Street, Stratford, Ontario. Telephone 435.0 or The . Auctioneer, ' Mr; E. Elliott, Telephone, Clinton HU 2-9097; 'Clinton, 'Ontario: Sale subject to a reserve • bid: DEPARTMENT OF : HIGHWAYS Ontario: FIELD TILE Dealer for Martin's 'quality tile.' 4 -inch tile always oh hand at .6c. Free' delivery en"r 1000 or. over: Lorne Eadie, Holyrood,. phone _,Ripley , 24-9. NOTICE " RE PAYMENT' OF ACCOUNTS -All outstanding accounts 'owing the late 'John David. Robertson, Ripley, Ont. are to be paid in to the office' of 'Ross H. Martyn, Ripley, Ont, ori or .before June. 1et, :1,959. ,SERVICES RUST PROBLEMS? For a c . mplete :stock of auto .re pair .:panels- DAVIDSON '. Visualining & Collision Service No. ' ;8 Highway, Phone 320, Goderich SEPTIC TANKS Septic Tanks, • cess pools, etc., pumpedand cleaned with mod- ern equipment: All work guar- anteed. Louis` Blake, R.R. 2 Brus- sels, phone 42-r-6 Brussels, • AUCTION SERVICE 'Allan Maclntyre Licensed Auctioneer Lue:know-Fhone 10-r-24 Ripley POWER pip?, . RADIAL•ARM SAW • Franchised v.ipealer CHRIS..SH:ELTON Phone. 80, Lucknow FREE ' DEMONSTRATION BARLEY CONTItACTS Barley contracts .(Parkland) now available.. All small seeds and grasses for sale. Elliott's Seed 1V1ill, Lucknow, phone 154-J and 255. DEAD .STOCK SERV 'HI. HEST CASH PRIES .. , . PAID FOR SICK, DOWN OR 'DISABLED. COWS and' HORSES . also Dead Cows and 'Horses At Cash Value Old Horses ---4c per pound,' Phone collect' 133 -Brussels . BRUCE.MARLAT; Z4 : Hour Service, DEAD STOCK SERVICE:. HIGHEST CASH PRICES". Paid for Sick, . Down or Disabled Cows & Horses also • Dead Cows and Horses -at Cash . Value Olde horses 4c per pound GORDON TAYLOR Phone 44-r-24, Lucknow TM. 2 ,Lucknow 24-hour service • TYPEWRITER RIBBONS Typewriter ribbons for any make . of machine are now avail- able 'at" the Lucknow Sentinel, No matter what the Machine', we have the ribbon:. Phone 35, Luck - now: . TENDERS. ONE -DAY FILM SERVICE Fl4LMS DEVELOPED in one day.. Films: left at ..Allan. Reed's Auto Supply by 12 . noon, " are back again by 3.00 p.m. next day'. TENDERS will ;be received by the undersigned for the sale :of the back kitchen on Presbyter- ian Manse property in White- church. Tenders to be in not lat• er than June 5th. .Building: would be suitable for summer '.cottage: Apply to, John J:, Gaunt, sec. WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING .-ASSOCIATION, ',Where Better'. Bulls Are Used", ArtificialBreeding Service All Breeds of Cattle Member owned and ; controlled . Cost Low' - Efficiency .High- Use of the best of . bulls.- Disease controlled, Safety.. For service or more informa- tion; phone for long distance •Clinton Zenith 9-5650 or Collect Kincardine 460, between 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. ' week days, •6:00 and ' 8:00 p.m . Saturday evenings. .: 'Calls received on: Saturday -- evening will be serviced, on Sun-. day morning. For Jews i'n' heat on ; Sunday morning, DO 'NOT call until`.Monday 'morning. Better Cattle. For Better, Living .USED CARS 1958 Metropolitan, Hardtop, like new. • , 1957 Plymouth, V-8, with radio, 1957' Volkswagen. Deluxe, with, radio. .• 1956 Plymouth •,Savoy, a black and. white beauty. 1956 Meteor Niagara, 6 cylinder, • 4 -door, with radio. 1955 Plymouth Club Coupe; with radio: • 1954. Oldsmobile. Super 881• radio and automatic. • 1954 Dodge Regent,- with radio; must be seen to be apprecly ated. ' 1953 Dodge .,Regent, 4 -door. 1952 Ford Sedan.' - ..59 See. The Complete Line Fox Dodge Desoto Rambler ' at , REG McGEE and x SONS Goderich,- 'Ontario. OPEN EVERY EVENING