HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-05-20, Page 2t?AGB TWO. ., it? • j,. Tat L1,TCKNOW SENTINEL. ,• litICKNOW. O TAl [Q • THE TUMULT DIES! The. Bruce County Home controversy has simmered down, ' and little is likely to be heard of the subject until it comes up, for final; ratification at the June ,,session, It is not 'our intention or purpose to : the ' buffetingthe prolong matter• has,: •re- ceived, but to provide the :,finalchapter it seemsim a t' e t . p ra tX o sunzfnarize the corn - merits of other Bruce County . ee klies. This we .'do -i • .art elinainating personalities that. werei indulged ed i • . THRESHIT OUT T.JUNE.S SESSION (Wiarton, Echo) • ' Butwhan thestorm is over, it will be • realized that the newspapers sof Bruce County y have done a service to the .public: For too long, the affairs of the county have received. too little 'attention from- 'taxpayers, . For too, long,: county expenditures` have been inoreas ,ing at a disproportionate ,pace. • No weekly m the county ° has: come out flatly in opposition to an addition to the Coun- ty Hdr ie.,•No editor is opposed to."proper care • for our old and , indigent residents. But the lengthy -defences,• charges; and counter -charges. that have appeared since the =weeklies began • to holler have shown; very clearly, that there is -enough, confusion existing: in the plans • to snakea careful" re-examination of the project • imperative: ' The place for this ' eivamination is . on the • floor, of the, council. ,chambers • of,the county `; council. And this tune:, let the reresentatives. of• the rmttnicipalities .in.. the County° wake',. up ; and - find ' out what,:' they. are voting 'for,' or, against. COUNTY; HOME DEBATE. (Port :;Elgin Times) County. Horne extension is a debat able;issue.• There ' are those who believe the project 'should „tibe ' proceeded with at once. .Others think •. ' an expenditure' of 'nearly. :one . . million . dollars deserves. further " consideration. Still others suggested that a plan of erecting;• smaller units` throughout the County should be examined more •fully. All have their views; and : all their views • have meri. >• We suggest the : proper pl: ' e to debate. the uestio : is ; in County Couancil. q 7 gr ds •for thinking: it of too closely.:. • exnined during the Janary scion. Reports given by. some -reeves to the individual Councils .were hardly lucid enou _ . for town • councillors, let ,alone the public, ` to, g = t '.a clear. idea 'of what `liras •proposed. '' Let the subject be thorou hl'� ai g Y • There . are some .• d at the June session. Then the taxpayers, ,'who will • have to pay forit whetherthey do so munici-. pally or ,provincially, will be much • better in- formed, RESPONSIBILITY 'RESTS ON COUNCIL (.The; Paisley 'Advocate) After publishing the Chesley Enterprise ,Editor's reply to Mr; Percy's letter, as; chair- man of- the• County Home 'Committee, The Paisley Advocate •had this to say: We hope 1Vir, Percy 'has 'broad shoulders, to 1unwarranted 'c it` enable" him to take the unwa ran , d r. . ci m and ihnuendoes of the above letter. Little wonder that it becoae§ increasingly difficult to find candidate's for • ublic office.: It • may Well be that County Council. at its, June session May to kill "the motion . a s sed Jnua . it does, however,itwbe a greater reflecion on the •astutY n ss.'of those members who reverse. their stand, than . itwill n HomeCommittee. It be n. the Cou t C will ;simply indicate that ' t he members origginally .voted withoutgiving.' ` themat; matter c on ad- eration it warranted. • It has previously been intimated that the p motion was rushed through county council:. But the project., had been a live 'issue long before Januuary meetings, and .as, early as the November session county council had, to quote ':from. the January minutes, "approved plans for a new wing to be constructed at the County Horne and passed thenecessary by=law • to authorize.. this ''committee to have ,the 'archi- tect • prepare 'detailed 'drawings;" ,. One thing does seem obvious: The County 'Home 'Committee appears 'to . have obtained a minimum' off 'co-operation from. both ttheWel-, fare Department officials and •the. 'architects. TOO 'L'ONG • .AND -'FOR FREE" (The 'Teeswater News) With . reference., to, Mr. • Perry's letter the Teeswater News commented as :follows; There 'were" -a : lot . of good points` in the ''`letter; some • that were indeed '• enlightening. . But 60 inches of type, and all•,for free -that's .a • bit 4too 'Much ' .for Most weekly, papers..to publish: Now, if it had been condensed to say 20 inches, . no doubt it would : have had much wider ;publicity , - • We deduce from • the ."letter ,that the .:pre- sent Bruce County' home is so -obsolete ;.that it should never have been in' operation • for .'the past few. years, and :that •Courity officials are heartily. ashamed of both the.;building and its (facilities. ,If such: is the. ease; then it would appear that a new Home is in' order The only question, we /raise is Are. 103: beds necessary when ,presently less than , 40 are .in • • use or available Is the: place full .to capacity, and if not, how many are there on a waiting list for admittance. Neither •The Place Nor ,The ` Time .. i (Southampton Beacon) - Quite frankly The Beacon has not the space to publish these lengthy articles and our opinion ' is that nothing could be gained by doing go..The place to discuss this: question is at County Council and thetime is the June session. JUDGING COMPETITION • AT SEAFORTH SATURDAY The annual Huroi County. livestock ` judging competition urday • with contestants.• divided into four` ,classes— novice, junior, intermediate and senior. . The contestant with the high- est aggregate- score in the 1958 S.HOWE'R HELIX FOR BRIDE ELECT ;Kairshea ::1As omen'sInti uteand friendsthered at the .thConcession chool House Satur-day eveningMay 16th to honor' bride -elect, Miss Marilyn .Car- ruthers.Mrsllister. Hughes and Mrs. Harvey' Houston were hos- tess, when, the gathering. ntmb- ' ered about 90., Mrs. Ted Collyer was chair- man for thee°prograrn. Readings' were given by Miss. Dean Mac- Leod; Miss ,Helen- Gampbell , Mrs. . s t' nnon Mrs. Harry Fra ex 11�ac� .._. , Lavis,, anti Mrs; Houston., ,A con= test'' by Mrs: Evan- ,Keith, and vocaI''duets : by Karen Carruthers; June Ackert,also Mrs . Elliott ' Carruthers and Mrs_.• Houston, to n t Communitysinging ounded out the evening, Mrs. , Baynard Ac- kert ccom kert was 'accompanist for the' 'p evening. Mrs:- Hughes expressed ressed. the� gathering '. sof the , ood w she g t; g� to the bride.' • Sharon Mowbray rand Janet- Carruthers presented the :gifts.' The bride was assist- ed by Miss Betty Hamilton and Miss Alrene 1l,oulston. A sumptuous lunch was served and the guests all signed .the Bride's Book before leaving. OBITUARY FRANK: C. BROWN on . saturd'ay, May 9th, 1959 the ''Angel of Death suddeiily visited ' Wingham Hospital and called Frank C. Brown, a 'belov- ed husband and father to • his eternal ,rest: in his 60th year „ He Was born' at :Glamis, Green - obi: Township on September 16, 1899, and was the. youngest :son of John Brown' and Ellen. Wall: aunt'Mr. and Mrs. Chas; .Ellis. Oyying to the death of his' mother he was, raised . by an. uncle and near I inlough. • , i On. November lith, 1925, lie•ssby aed. ' sister,gMrs: Reginald was• united in - marriage to Elsie i (Martha). r tha .• His remains rested at his 'late residence until Tuesday Morning thence to the McLennan and Mc-' Kenzie Memorial..Chapel, .Luck - now, where service washeld';. that 'afterneion with':. Rev:' T ,J. McKinney officiating; Burial was. in Greenihill ,cemetery.' The bearers were, . Harold 'Nicholson,• Lyman -Sutton, Toni Stewart, James: Wilson, . James Wraith and the funeral service was largely John .Schumacher: attended,: which bespoke the est- The flower bearers were_ • Har- . eem in which he was 'held. ve , Nicholson MorleyWall, He is` survived by has sorrow- Cedric Green, Alex'.. Whytock, ing wife, a son, Reginald, at •Midford • Wall, • Art Hodgins,,, home and a ,brother Harry of: • Frank: Schumacher, Stewart. �ge4 Y. Richmond Hill, He was predecea-. Donald and Howard Thompson. WEDNESDAY, •MAY 20th, 1959, your dad °f "days informal UT�d1�S� Dad escorts you up :the` . .aisle ... the clergyman; intones the service . •:: you • ''and your• new husband are whisked away these most precious moments are best saved:,for; future years in ;photographs by our studio. • And your album of informal' photographs will hel to, ' l?. make each happy anniversary more meaningful! .,•�T DIO: H tNGLEY Phone`' 322 --' Hanover• Cali; write,:or stop in to ((Winn' arrangements for your album of Informat's and•;yourwedding portrait. • judging will , be awarded a, trip to, the United Nations and New York,' or a trip of similar value. Have You Renewed' Your Sub - 'will be held at'Seaforth on Sat- and 1959. grain and livestock 'scription?. Wreck , 'I n Which lamlton Was • Fatally Injured.. Shelton at . Bervie.`: They lived on the farm known as Brock A. until •a few years ago' hen. ago they purehased •a 'Parra on the' 10th of Culross' where . the family .has. since `resided: He was of a • 'cheerful disposi- tion, a dear husband and father, and a good•' neighbour who enjoy. ed a wide circle of friends. A lar- ge number called at the home and. l l ?e � ���-� � � �� �....-`+..e � � �..� � �•�.�.......-.-ems �.•. � �'•�+ aa. ,' • Waterloo Cattle reedingssoGiation `•.`Where Better Bulls ,,Are, Used" 'WE DO GIVE SERVICE ON' SUNDAY' 1: But you must request this service between • 6 and 8 p.m, on' Saturday evening. This allows our`• staff to service these calls 'early, Sunday 'morn- ing and still spend most of the day with their families. For cows. in cheat' 'on • Sunday. ' morning, DO. NOT call for service un- til]. Monday morning. • This Sunday schedule, has ,:been very well re- ceived and the results are excellent. ARTIFICIAL 'BREEDING MEANS MORE PROFIT to • you.,-- Why not try • it as many others have? 0 For service or more information] phone CLINTON Zenith 9-5650 or Collect KINCAtRDINE 460 BETWEEN: 7:30 and 9:30 ANI week' days. 6:00 and 8 P.M, on Saturday evenings. BETTER CATTLE FOR BETFER LIVING • • • •. ti• • fi } :. h ;y \ Dad escorts you up :the` . .aisle ... the clergyman; intones the service . •:: you • ''and your• new husband are whisked away these most precious moments are best saved:,for; future years in ;photographs by our studio. • And your album of informal' photographs will hel to, ' l?. make each happy anniversary more meaningful! .,•�T DIO: H tNGLEY Phone`' 322 --' Hanover• Cali; write,:or stop in to ((Winn' arrangements for your album of Informat's and•;yourwedding portrait. • judging will , be awarded a, trip to, the United Nations and New York,' or a trip of similar value. Have You Renewed' Your Sub - 'will be held at'Seaforth on Sat- and 1959. grain and livestock 'scription?. Wreck , 'I n Which lamlton Was • Fatally Injured.. Shelton at . Bervie.`: They lived on the farm known as Brock A. until •a few years ago' hen. ago they purehased •a 'Parra on the' 10th of Culross' where . the family .has. since `resided: He was of a • 'cheerful disposi- tion, a dear husband and father, and a good•' neighbour who enjoy. ed a wide circle of friends. A lar- ge number called at the home and. l l ?e � ���-� � � �� �....-`+..e � � �..� � �•�.�.......-.-ems �.•. � �'•�+ aa. ,' • Waterloo Cattle reedingssoGiation `•.`Where Better Bulls ,,Are, Used" 'WE DO GIVE SERVICE ON' SUNDAY' 1: But you must request this service between • 6 and 8 p.m, on' Saturday evening. This allows our`• staff to service these calls 'early, Sunday 'morn- ing and still spend most of the day with their families. For cows. in cheat' 'on • Sunday. ' morning, DO. NOT call for service un- til]. Monday morning. • This Sunday schedule, has ,:been very well re- ceived and the results are excellent. ARTIFICIAL 'BREEDING MEANS MORE PROFIT to • you.,-- Why not try • it as many others have? 0 For service or more information] phone CLINTON Zenith 9-5650 or Collect KINCAtRDINE 460 BETWEEN: 7:30 and 9:30 ANI week' days. 6:00 and 8 P.M, on Saturday evenings. BETTER CATTLE FOR BETFER LIVING • • •