The Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-04-22, Page 1$3.00 A Year In Advance $1,A0 Extra TO S,A:L 'tIC
uarter Million Us
'Details of 'the "Lagoon" :type
SeWage disposal system, suitable
for :smaller centres, . were ex -
•p lained, to the Lucknow
'pal C'ouncil'.'at a special meting
last week, by J• • Barr and G R.
Trewin, engineers of the Ontario
Water Resources Commissipn, '•
Dr. G. W,. Berry head of the
Commission. had ,previously told:
a Lucknow delegation that ap-
proximate costs of such projects
ran from $150. to $200, per eapi-
ta. But clue to 'the . fact that this
corporation is widely spread out
over',a• 500 acre tract, it is con-
ceivable that such • an undertak- Water Resources Commission;
ing locally could run to' a guar' ter subject to approval from the
of a million .dollars. Municipal .Board.
Reeve George.W. Joynt ' has A ''5 -year deferred payment
reiterated that 'so long he:' is plan,' during 'which only interest
reeve he will endeavour to post-,
pone such an undertaking, and
definitelyso, until such: time ' as
the $65,000 water. . system deben-
ture retires in 1961. "We arenot
prepared financially to go. ahead
on a high priced plan," ', he '.told
toe ;commission representatives.
sential, There is; a certain amount
of •gravity -feed to the system,,
with pumping •.stations , as. re-'
quired to pump the'sewage to
the lagoon. Here the 'normal ac-
tion of . a.••septic, tank takes place
with the run-off purified.
Explaiin , Procedure •"` •
The procedure; for undertaking
this project would be •to engage
a consulting, engineer•' who would
prepare a -preliminary report on
sewage works , and . 'treatment,
covering the entire Village: Fin:.
ancing could be., handled by the
municipality or through ; the
Stream. pollut on•• The 'Caine
Stream pollution by sewage
and other waste materials, is the
cause of the sewage system
ing '•be
F brought ' 'ht to
,•� the fore This
pollution at present, stems. most-:
ly from' sources :on the 'smith
side of Campbell Street in 'the;
river area ;and at the ' north -end
of the Village.
!Barbi: in the year Council. re-
ceived a ,Communication from
'the. Bruce':County ' Health 'Unit,.
after, having investigated "yet
another complaint" . ; regarding
sewage. disposal;: Following that
Dr. Berry queried, Council. in . the
matter •of "stream. pollution:" • •
The Commission engineers had
..looked over the. Village"before.
the . meeting . with. ' Cou cil, and
had suggestions to offer 'for'. the
locating of ,the lagoon, which is
required • to 'be some • distance
from :
residential .areas, 'with• a
recommended size of one • acre
per:, hundred of• population, or on
the .oasis of Lucknow's .present
population' about ten acres at
least, a The lagoon has an . earth
rampart with sloping walls with
:'a' width of. 8, or.9' feet at the
top arid of sufficient depth for a
liquid depth, of 4 to 5 feet Within•
the lagoon,
The lagoon . is FtroUble free and
,, efficient, and operating. costs are
almost negligible, • the • •engineers
stated. •
•Such a sewage project can he
done in stages, ?but an • overhaul
•master plan of the Villagees-
charges are paid • is possible..
There' are :three 'methods of fin-
ancing the annual cost, A direct
'mill -rate levy . (conceivably. 8 . or
' 10 Mills); sewage frontage tax,
and asewage, • service rate,'as a
,u'til ty service, A combination ..of
the three methods, over: possibly
,a thirty-year period, is one re-
commended : system ,of . financing',
lagoon= is in :operation at
,Ipperwash army `camp, and it
was 'proposed that the Council.
inspect this at their convenience:
The eoncensus of opinion ap-
pears to be, " we'll fight it until
we can better afford it."
Reeve. Joynt has °since intimat-
ed that he feels this would be a
real hardship to ratepayers,- and
su'g'gests that the individual citi-
iti-zen. should be. concerned. about.
river ,,pollution, lest this project
be forced upon tle'municipality.
A • public meeting may be Cal-
led to discuss the sewage ques_
tion, and for ` the 'general. inform-
ation of the citizens in• this res-
• Dan Rose . of ' Loohalsh, has
again: been appointed summer.;
assistant to the Huron. County
Staff of theO nt Departmentarioa
'-'of, Agriculture, Agricultural Re=
,presentative, Douglas ''Miles an-
nounced this week.
A third year:student of animal'
•husbandry at: .O.A.C., Dan 'Will.
commence. his .duties on 'April
27th. He . served ; on the County
staff last summer. ,
Teachers have. been hired' for
:the' -'new Huron -West area school
to. be • built in :the • Pine River
District,; to . incorporate.- school
It'was' on June' 10, 1958 that
the first . stepladder rolled off.
• the production line at the newly.
established' !Bead LaddeF
y r ac
tory, ;•Tre were seventeen ern-
Ployees; 6n the payroll at that
On Mondayof this Week, some:
ten months later, . six more ' em-
:ployees startedwork at the plant
to more than double' the original
'payroll. There, are now 36 men
,employed, and due to the pres-
sure of •current orders, a double
shift was considered.
However . this 'would in time
probably mean cut- backs and
layoffs, and the policy that has`
'been. decided upon ione that
is expected to provide full year-
round employment. • n.._:.,
The, ...
plant has ,,been busy in
recent weeks on a contract for
tent poles and 3 foot officers'
tables., and 6 : foot :array
ss tables. With this' contract,
tear1, filled, the ' plant will con=
centrate its, full staff on ladder
sections ; 5,, 9 and 13.
Mrs,: Gordon•: McQuillin who
is teaching • at No. 9, has been
engaged as : the ':senior room
teacher .and • Miss Eva- 'Carter;
who F is ' teaching at. the Second
of ,Kinloss (S S: No. 7) .has• been
engaged for the' junior. room.
There'.'were twelve applications.
Mrs. Duncan Simpson : has been
engaged as music instructor,
,Open house ,'will. Abe held . •at
the :Lucknow • Public' School on'
Friday. evening' froth. 7.30 to 9.30
p m, ; The event, 'generally field
during Education' Week, : was
postponed until more favorable.
weather.' In'the e'
:: meantime scene
Easter week redecorating ,was
'done at the school, WhieY will
offer. 'a most attractive appear-
ance • to the many .visitors who
take advantage, of such opportun-
ities. to. visit the school. • •
On Sunday, •April 19th at 3
p mthe congregation •of Christ.
Anglican •Church,. Port Albert
and their minister. the Rev., H. L.
Jennings attended service at St.
Andrews' United Church, Port.
Albert,' The Rev, H. L. Jennings
took part in the service with the
,minister the Rev. T. E. Kennedy,
In 1874 the Anglicans • and
Presbyteriaris built and worship-
ped ' in this building known as
the' Union Church. The service
on Sunday w,as part of the.Cen-
tenary Anniversary • programme
of Christ Church••
After the service the congrega-
tions met in the basement for an
'Nelson Webster arid his dough -
ter, 'Mrs.: Percy: Await, returned
recently from. Regina. where.
they attended• the graduation of
his .;son , Ross from. -the
School, at Regina:
Ross has been posted 'to 'a , de
tachment at . Cowagen Lake,.
Vancouver' Island. .
Nelson and Mrs: 'Await 'also
visited. Mr:' ;and Mrs Doug Clark.
Dug was ,Ross'.,, instrtaictor:
•MacMILLAN-- .Mr, and Mrs: 'Cliff-
•ford :. MacMillan announce the
'birth,of their . daughter at Hotel
Dieu Hospital,; St. Catharines on
Monday, April "13th.: •
Mr. and : Mrs. Gordon rLittle 'of
Ottawa were callers my town the
first' of the . 'week: Gordon is a
sergeant; with the .R.e M,P.. and.
is . due for 'retirement later ,this
A" memorialservice will
held ' : ,in : Walkerton' United
Church on Sunday afternoon at
3.00 , o'clock ;for the late. I. M.
"Monty" Game, Who, died in : Ma-
drid of a'' `:heart attack. :
Mr..;Oarhe, : age 66, had retired
as a public' school inspector an.
:February after ` serving 2't years
in the Bruce inspectorate, where
he' was held in highest regard
Evidence of this was a testimon
ial dinner. 'held in. early March'.
by teachers of the :inspectorate;
shortly . before • Mr. • and 'Mrs.
Gagne . were to leave on:..a year's:
cruise around ; the world, .whish
they had; looked forward to with
keen, anticipation.
Mr: and Mrs. Gramedocked at
Liverpool 'on April '2nd, oii the.
first' leg of their", trip and spent
several days _in Old : London, be
fore cleaving, for .Spain on April
10th. It was while in Madrid 'that
Mr. Game suffered a fatal heart
seizure. He was buried there de -
cording to 'a' ,pre -arranged plan
that should anything happen to
:either of`" them, while on their
d' bei• buried intrip, they. wool
the ' land Where.lhey died.
' Mr. Game had written'' detailed'
accounts of his trip, the last in
stalltient from ' London on April
8th, 'concluded thusly: "You will'
probably 'not be hearing from us
again until ° the end of April
When we 'return from Spain."
Mr. Game is survived by lii.
widow, who flew home as a tra
gic sequel to what was , to have
.been a years travel, Also surviv
ing are three daughters and a
hour of fellowship. • brother,
Miss Audrey Fiederlein :of New
Dundee,..has been engaged as a
member of the Lucknow District
'High ,School staff to fill the va-
cancy caused by the • resignation
of Mr. + Keith Law..
Miss „Fiederlein' is a' graduate
of Waterloo, College. She. has a
type A certificate and is quali-
fied to teach mathematics, phy-:
The Lucknow Hydro and Wat-
er Utilities were each complete-
ly free of arrears at the end of
January :
eretaryand :as a, result hbe se=
r s r
t ea u er E: H
received • a congratulatory letter
from IC: ' E. • Crease: consumer
service engineer': of the Ii.E P.IC.
• Mr.' Crease, Said; "We ; would
like to express our congratula-
tions for this accomplishment as.
we realize this •. could. only be
done )y:' a great deal of effort
on your • part This condition. is
seldom realized." andhaving ach-
ieved it, indicates your utility- is
being' operated m : an efficient
Daylight vi
y ght Say ng .Trine goes in-
to effect on,,Sunday: •.Better turn
the .clock. on .an ' helzr upon re-
tiring Saturday night, or you'll
•find,•church about over•':upon ar
rival on ."slow"' time:
Tragedy. • again struck in the
Arnberley district;.' when' Murray
Bell; 1.0, -year-old- son of ,Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas' ;Bell, suffered a , fa
`tal : head injury. on Tuesday
morning Of . last week. He : had
observed his tenth birthday just
two days', before.
'hurray's ; home is: just east of
Amiberley... He• attends school , at,
S.S.' 9' Huron Township on the
Second:...Concession where Mrs.
Gordon McQuillin teaches. Ches-
ter Campbell-' who was .gathering
milk'•along the route, had .picked
up' some • of the pupils. The truck
cab. wouldn't' accommodate them
all, and Murray was riding in
the. back
Just. what happened Isn't ex-
actly clear, but it isbelieved that
'when. the ;;truck stopped to let
the children off, Murray forgot
his lunch box, arid was clarnb='.
ering, aback, unknown to the dri
ver. • As the ,truck started Murray,
lost:' his balance and fell to the.
road. '
He' suffered. a fractured. skull
and never regained ;conscious
ness: Rushed to Kincardine, Hos-'
pital, he' Was from there taken'
to the . Sick Children's section of
'Victoria • Hospital; London where.
he passed away about two . p.m.
that afternoon... '
The funeral service for the
likeable lad: was largely: attended
on Friday at the McLennan Fun-
eral ,Home, Ripley, conducted -by
Rev. J. C: Hutton of Pine River
United Church. Interment was in
Kincardine • Cemetery with • Jack'
Campbell~,, 'Glen ' Hedley, Bob
.'Cut'le'r and 'Grant 'MeNain acting
as pallbearers. Murray's ' school-
acted as flower bearers
and 'a guard of honour.'
Murray is survived by his •sor-
rowing parents,, arid' two -young-
younger brothers, Teddy, 8 and John
Hia father is 'employed at the
Yale Rubber plant in Kincardine,
and his mother is' the former
Helen Cuyler of Millarton.
'The mishap ' occurred within
half a mile of where. Ronald
Brown •was fatally .injured in a
motor accident on Good Friday,
' It's a small world as this . fol-
lowing story will again bear"out.
A fetter to ',Mrs 'Walter 1a.0
Kenzie, received from her sister,,
Miss Margaret;" MacDiarmid this
week from Barcelona, Spain; con-
,twined; the .following rattier ,in-
"Yesterday 'as we Waited to
board .our " plane for Palmar,
Majorca. Island, pronounced Mal='
lorca. Iby thenatives) two ladies
from' 'London, England began
talking to us. • A man standing -
nearby overheard Ada say she
was from London, Ontario. He
said he • was from ` Alberta but
was born in Ontario at L'.ucknow.
Ada said I was from Luckr ow, so
he told me his name was John
MacIver. I asked him if he knew '
Laughlin MacTver and he . said
he had 'been .his .:uncle, and that
he ' had visited his cousin 'E'liza-
beth Dickie five years .ago. Ile •
is :a son of George ' Maclver and
his mother *as Elizabeth Gollan
of Con. 2 `Kinloss, Ike Was. iborn
on Con: 4 'Huron," about 2 miles.
west Of the old MacDiarmid farm.
on con. 4, Kinloss.:.He is manag-
er of the Bank of Montreal . at
Two Hills, Alta. : The MacIver
family',left 'Ontario for' Manitoba •
about the. turn ' of the century."• ,,:• .
The "Ada referred tii in the
abovearticle s '
i ss ,Ada: Sparl•
ing of London,. who is Miss Mac:
Diarnriid's• travelling'' companion
on a year's tour around' the
They left '.Sari Frarisico • last
August for Honolulu' and • since •'
then, . among . the many countries'
and - places they have visited are
Japan; Formesd, , Hong Karig,
Thailand Australia,New ;Zealand
India, • . Africa, thw'-Middle: East, '
Egypt, Turkey; "Greece, .Italy` and'
They. ;were iii Madrid when
'the 'lastletter was ' received arid
from there will.. go to London
and spent the .last: three "mgnths
or so iri the..Briish Isles and in
European . countries: • ' ,They will .
return, to Canada early in Au:,
JACKPOT AT $140.00
• With the Stanley Cup playoffs
over, the Legion's weekly cash
bingo will revert , to Thursday
night this week, April 23rd. The
jackpot'is•up to $140.00 and. with
63 numbers to be called, a record
crowd is. anticipated. '
`For a second time within four
months,; "thieves have broken in-
to John ' MacRae's Fina Station
at the western outskirks • of the.
In ' 'the ''first ` pre -Christmas
breakin they smashed. 'a plate
glass window to' gain,' entrance
to the , service station. Last Wed-
ziesday, night the ` breakin, was.
made by, expertly cutting out the
yale lock on, a rear door of mod
ern .design. '•
.The thieves ' took every . tire in .
the place,• a carton of .•cigarettes •
and a good Wrecking. bar.
'A . night 'or two: , after the lock
was smashed on the gas pump
at.. Brooks Transport 'shed and a
"fill -up" . of gasoline.' taken.
A : few weeks ago Silverwoods'
Creamery was entered by smash- .
in a Window, The loot was a
hamper of meat from the coon
er and a :hundred pounds of 'but-
ter:` Tracks in the snow showed
the vehicle had been parked in
the vicinity of 'Hendersons• P1:an-
ing Mill. This •breakin'occur.r"ed.
:before midnight' and was discov
ered by a 'Provincial Officer
from the Kincardine detachment '
while makinga routine check.