HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-04-01, Page 12P. ,l. LUCKNOW S N NEL, FRIDAY, APRIL 3rd Come ht inAnd Choose Your COTTON` DRESS FOIA, THE BALD, From A Large, Selection Of Beautiful Cot- tons Tailored And Fussy Styles, Printed And Plain. 11 ADDITIONAL PRIZES As in other years, all , first prize winners who' . purchased 'their dress: oY materials at Ashton s will receive :. refund 8f the purchase'price. ‘Out Fit Your. Children Nbwri. . When. They Are 'Out Of School'.;'We :Have Fine Quality,. Hard Wearing And Good -Looking Clothes At Very Practical Prices. ;GIRLS ALL-PURPOSE COATS. In Tweed, . In Blue,.: Tu1rquoise and Mint, --Sizes 7-12, Only $9.95 SPECIAL ' CLEARINGS in GIRLS' COATS 1(2 to 3X ,and 4`,to 6X), �. AGENT .FOR KINCARDINE CL,EANER Free Pick -Up and Delivery' Monday and„ Thursday. :LADIES' IV/EN'S WEAR.,00. 0.6660660606666* THAT Mr. and Mrs Don° Gra-•: " ham (Joy: Henderson) of 'Sarn- ia, flew to Vancouver on .Fri- day, and returned on Tuesday. They made the trip in ;connec-, tion: With ;Don's duties as. • presi- 'dent of . the Ontario Bowling Association. THAT the ' very' -' popular Calico . Bali, sponsored annually, by the Kairshea Women's , stit, ute, will be held this ' Friday. night, April 3rd, in the Town Hall. Dress . parade at 11.00 o'clock. THAT George Tiffin of town has been . appointed :'salesman in this district for Hector a. Pur - don, ` Photo Coop: Realtor of Sarnia: George recently.,: corn- pleted the sale of .the' William' Carter property, ndrth of the Second : Concession , to Pearl Carter. OW, ON'T'AitiO. WF,DtiE A,Y, Amu, 1st, 16.59 i : SE'E BY THE SENTINEL. , THAT 41-1.1" clubs from Lucknow and Dungannon will organize' in the Lucknnow town hall next. Monday night. , THAT'. the Presbyterian ,Sunday school which -has been. meet ' ing after church . during the ;.winter,:. will now meet at 10;00 am:,: effective this ;Sunday. THAT ',Dobby* Ritchie, 7=year-old .son of Mr. and. Mrs.: Harold Ritchie . entertained friends at a birthday .party last Wednes- • day. THAT Susan and Steven Hall, • entertained a number of little friends on Friday, on .theoc- casion of their 5th, birthday. THAT Jamie, ,5 -year-old son, of • -Mr... 'Elliott?and ,Mrs. Bryce had his tonsils ;removed 'in Wingham Hospital on'• Thurs- THAT. Janet Cooke entertained, some .'friends .on' Monday on the occasion of her '4th birth- day: I THAT ` members , of :the ,Forest, Centennial Committee are fre- _' quently in touch with ' Luck-. ' ,nowites ' who were "through the . mill" . last; year ' ..A'. histori- cal ' book is. (being published''' and .- is patterned after the Lucknow• ,book, twelve copies ofhi which were ordered for. the THAT a•card from George Laois' Forest, advertising. and editor- states; that he •will be leaving , ial staff. The surplus of Luck- Fi;rida, Where 'he; has ; spent now books is dwindling, and: the winter, : and had wonderful 1 anyone wishing a copy, should 'weather. The,card'bore a Hol- : not. "delay too long in proem- lywood; Fla., postmark. I ing lit:' We have also had a re-' oors Open at 8.15 Gaines start a LEGION HALL, ' LUCKNOW �r , a , < pry :8.45 sharp. JACKPOT OF $125:00 f 60 NUMBERS C &LLED 1$ Games Gc $1.Q0: Extra. Cards 2 SPONSORED by LUCKNOW . LEGION, BRANCH 309. t�ri GIRLS and ' MISSES BLOUSES -Lovely fine Sanforized: Broadcloth.' White only, '7 to 14 .:. .. , ...98c LADIES' •SLEEVELESS, BLOUSES,Really gay colors, only .. :. . • . : 99c .LITTLE : GIRLS' ' BLOUSE, and SHORTS SETS—cute and ' cool for ; the warm. ; days ahead Siz es 2 to 6x, $et: ,:::,: ..u. ;..:. $1.09'. • See our lovely new selection of' Jewellery Very Moderately Priced RIDER JEANS—Sanforized. striped denim—„Sizes 30- 36' waist . '.: .........:. Y. ► ..... x,3.98” pr. MEN'S PYJAMAS Striped 'or plain colouredbroad! cloth, Sanforized—Sizes A to E... 1 ... $0.98 pr' BAYS' SPORT. SHIRTS—Gaily patterned ' silk broad-' cloth Sizes 10 to BOYS' yEANS—Hca vy weight black drill, Zipper Pock- et, Sizes $• ' to -16 '.. .. ..:. , s $2.98 ..'r---�- o ---- " BLACK DIAMOND STAMPS Now Avala%Ie At Oct'• Store • 00111.p.o..r0awiwriH.b111N,lkillliMMOIbaw►�`��,�►nili,4111,Nriti..Hrrro.if o,rl►4/4►4Yi/i quest for informationfrom the ' Cayuga' Centennial Committee, which is John Ross' . adopted town. Buya (**1*€. Week 2 for35c 2for 6 MAPLE'. LEAF LARD '1 'lb....". OGILVIE CAKE MIXT «New" SALADA TEA"IlAdS , 60's ...' WHITE SWAN TISSUE 4'Pack .t.,• .,. ,.; • RED, . SEAL COHOE SALMON 1/2.s .. ... :..,, ..1.-..• } . . Prices effective, April 2, • • 35e PHONE 20- WE DELIVER. We.' offer .a: 'complete' service : in 'and OIL BURNING. ..SERVICE. Call us : for estimates. Let., us help you :plan your installations. . for Prompt, Courteous and Efficient Service .. ee 'or Cali 1 Phone 73, •Lucknow j THAT A. Neely .,Todd of Strat ' ford, and a native of..St, Hel- • ens,' has • ,been, elected ° president, of, the Stratford. Country CIO. Mr. Todd has •been a them,ber 'of the : 'board :for three years . and stepped up from .vice -pre- •sident.. THAT at the. annual meeting of Huron..,County 'Fruit, .Growers' Association, 'held ' recently in Clinton, Lorne Wood's of . Sty Helens for a` second term • 'MAT.; a fire call to the Supertest I garage ' last Wednesday was E cancelled before the truck was I • out of the hall. Spence /min's • truck, in for repairs in. the gar- •Wage, 'shorted while Ross Irwin was trying • to start. • it: • The blaze. under the hood was, quickly extinguished with a handy pail of water; 11HAT Mrs. Frank Thompson - and Mrs. P. A' ;Moray were ' among the Or Club leaders .. attending a'leadership training • school ' in Walkerton on the li • project, The. Cereal Shelf, I IIHA.T . Duncan Campbell ' of: 1 Blackhorse 'has. been appointed by the ' Bruce County Junior Partners as .a memriber of the provincial directorate. 7• 1HAT Mr. and ' Mrs. Garnet :Me- ' Nall are in the 'process of mov- ing from Tavistock to tile for - Mer farm of Howard 1VroGuire in ' Ituron . Township, which they purchased last year. THAT Marion Buckton • is im ,proving and on Monday was -brought by ambulance from .London to Winglam .Hospital where she . will. have to rest for a week' or 'two. X-rays • were. negative andthe cause of the trouble, a. ' ruptured ;blood., vessel, ' is healing, so that surgery has not been. nem cessary.. • tice T'o become effective„ April 1, 1959.between the Blyth Municipal Telephone System and the Huron and Ki- loss Municipal: Telephone :System. The charge for inter- .change of messages between Dungannon and Blyth will be 10c Station to Station, 15c Person to °Person for first 5 minutes, and/ an additional charge of 1:Oc for, each. additional 5 minutes or portion . thereof: . ' HURON and .,KINL OSS MUNICIPAL TELEPHONE 'SYSTEM OUR ENDS SATURDAY, APRIL 4. STILL '.MANY OUTSTANDING VALUES IN .. .r. Children's Shoes, Ladies' ..Dress Shoes Men's Crepe Sole Shoes Men's Work Shoes SAVE ON. YOUR SPRING FOOTWEAR NEEDS Shoe Store