The Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-04-01, Page 11AY,ASL tat, 1959.
�p�ESP _ . ..., ..... _
Porter -Cable
:OA afford to build.a garage• or finish
ff the attic.? You CAN if you "do -it•
ourself".::. with the help of Porter,
:able.' Power Tools. What's mord you
sn save hclf .the. cost .of most house-
old. repairs by, doing the labor yourself..
's quick... it s easy -..with Porter•Cabl•'
sniffy -built tools.
h.ris Selton
Phone 80, . Lucknow
Tr; and Mrs. Ira ; Campbell
h to sincerely thank their
;hbours . and, former:- neigh-
rs.for .the•lovely pair of blan=
s. The gift. and the sentiment
t long • - be appreciated' and
[is. Mae Irwin wishes
fledge 'with appreciation,. and{
sincerelythank all those. who
ienvbered: , her with .. cards,
vers and in other , ways while
Hingham • hospital, and thanks
. Mr, and Mrs. Glenn :Springer
and family of Tillsonberg were
Easter' visitors with her parents,
Mr, and Mrs. 'Harvey ' Maize..
Bill Haysom 'of Goderich was.
'a.. visitor on . Sunday with his.
friend Muray Wilson,
Mr, and. Mrs. aay Stanley and
little daughter of St, Thomas; are
spending • Easter.holidays ' .with
relatives at Lucknowand her
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Howard
Black, 4th con. of Ashfield; ,
Congratulations: to M. • and.
Mrs. Thomas Young on the arri-
val of a little •son at Goderich
Hospital,. Mrs. Young and ,babe
came • home on Saturday. : !
Mr and : Mrs.r
Aide son ,'•
London,. n
ford n n . u s �e t .the week-
end with her nriothr, Mrs T Abner
Morris:, b •
. Mr. and M.S. Glen` •Weaver'
and family spent Sunday with,
friends at. R.idgetown.
Ito . the nursing staff.. :
ship with = Rev, Ray Kennedy
and Kenneth Petrie officiating.
'The. new .members are Pauline
Anderson, Karen Dawson, Ma-
nor and Jewell Reed. Comnmun-
ion • was 'served by the elders.
The choir sang two numbers.
Mr.. Ken, 'Wong of Toronto; is
spending a few weeks with. Dr.
H. A. S. Vokes,' Mrs, Vokes and
Harry Fong,
'Sunday visitors. with Mr: and
Mrs. R. J. Ilurnin were Mr. and
.Mrs: Howard Quaid, Jimmy and
Mr, Harvey Crawford,. Toronto,
'Mrs. John. MacPherson, Teeswat
er and Mrs. Will Crawford; To
ronto. •
Mrs. Robert, Armstrong,- whq
'y.was at the Greer Hospital,. Luck -
naw.., for several. weeks,, : ;being
•forced • .from cher ' home•- • when
fixepartialy destroyed the'south
end of her house ' and her,; neo=
,hew Who' stayed.. With l.V!'r.':and
Mrs. Robert Shields, 'has:' ;made
sone repairs and they have 're=
Sealed'. tenders, plainly marked as to contents will be
„received by 'the undersigned,. until ' 1 1 :00 a.m., . Friday;
April 10, 1,959 for the following:
(1). Three tractors, wheel approximately 35 belt"
h.p...equipped with mowers.
(2) Two front-end loaders.
(3).1 ;Postehdigger le
or .;post driver,
All tenders must be on County forms which may
be obtained frgrn theundersigned, "
Eldon Mundt, Bruce County Engi +eer, Walkerton, Ont:
• turned" and are occupying. the ,
Douglas,Reid of Sarnia. oras'
north end of the house, that,was, ` Mr. and Mrs Oswald Rudl and 0• E A Convention.
home over . Easter week=end With; family of London visited on Mr. John Me 'arlane returned
not damaged other than by..'Saturday'• at the home of Mr.: to Cornwall after.spending .the.
his parents, Mr. and. Mrs. Wm. smoke. ' '
Harold Percy winter at his home here.
Reid and 'brother. Jack i
M.•s.. Minnie Jones,. and°son
°Mel had as'.visitors on Friday
her brother, -Bert Marsh of Pet=
ersburg and.daughter, Miss Bet-
ty Marsh, ' New York City, who:
flew to Malton: airport to visit
friends , and 'relatives 'at Easter.
'.Visitors Sunday, with Mr: , and
Mrs:Robert Bere were Mr. and
Mrs. .LaVerne . Culbert 'arid sons
Douglas and Barry: ;of Goder>ich.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bere have
purchased 'a 'house in the• village
owned by.• Iuron� and Kinloss
Municipal , Teelephone System, ' oc-
cupied. by Janes: Thorne,' They.
will move, in May. Mr.' and Mrs.
Bere are offering there fifty -acre
farm ;south of the'village for
sale. •
Easter visitors With Mrs. W. R.
Andrew were Mrs Ida : Corrie,
Toronto :and 'dau hter, Mrs.
g , , Ray.
Lambly '(Thelma): her 'husband
and two children of Midland. •
Ers. -Allan '•Hackett and baby. nicely from a •heart attack and:
Charles '= Rivett is -recover>ng
.Mr. Norman S.tewart teacher
at ,Campbeilfor.d,: is borne with
his parents, Mr. and . MVirs. Arthur
,Stewart for Easter holidays.
• :Miss. •Betty Black, teacher at
Pine 'River;, for five years has
been. engaged to . commence ,tea=
•thing . duties: at' Goderich Public
School ,`in .Sept ber. •: Also her
brother, •Bill $ • k, student of
Stratford :Te. oh College has
1 been also engaged to teach there
to.. ,They are .the family ,of Mr,
and'.Mrs. Howard Black, 4th con.
of. Ashfield.
4r. and. Mrs." Harold ,Errington
and family visited with her 'par-
ents, Mr. and. Mrs. Jack ,19.1cGee,
Mr. and' Mrs. 'Ivan' Henderson
and;: son, of T-oronto Visited' .Mr.
and Mrs: ictor',.Er in t ri
. , Victor r g °
to thank everyone who cal recuperating .at his _home here
and . sent gifts while in the but still under the .doctors . care.
'Miss Lois' Webster • of Scarboro
is .spending Easter school 'holi-
days, with her parents; Mr. and
vital. Special thanks to . Dr
rin and. staff of . Wingl am
pital. •
:. ;Mrs.- `'Thomas Webster.
wish to thank all.the•'friends.
neighbours' who remeinber-
nee in 'any way viliile'.I was
;anent in. Victoria' hospital,
don: Thanks also :to'Dr.'Cor-
Dr. Finlayson and Miss M.
ntyre. ' John A. Tfiompson-
rs. T. ' •H: Harris: wishes ' to
erely thank all her friends'
neighbours : for their visits,.
Is, ;fruit and flowers while
was a patient.. in' Wingham.
vital ' Specal thanks to, °Drs.:
in and Finlayson and nurses
Kinlough W.M.S. and Holy-.
it a limited time, anyone
.a new ,' Smith -Corona
writer will receive absolute-.
!ee ,a long pay record, value
15, that will . teach- 'you ' how
,pe. This is at no extra cost
xi so if you havebeen think-
about buying .a • typewriter,
s .the time. , The . Lucknow
hid, phone 35, Lucknow.
Allan Maclntyre ,
Licensed • Auctioneer
now Phone 10-r-24 Ripley'
100% 'S.atisfaetion
DIA direct t6 You. at lac-
ry prices. Every type for
to new customers'
et .Representative
Vrite To P.O. Box' 249
Easter, `visitors with Mr. 'and
Mrs. Frank ' Jones were their
• daughters, Mr. and ;Mrs. Weldon
Rudow, Allan: and Betty of ;Pres-
ton- and.. Mr, and• Mrs. Steve
Hesic and sons Michael and Rob
ert' 9f Goderich:
The• United Church observed
Easter Sunday with a cornYnun-
icants class ,taken'.into ,member -
Messrs. Russell Barr of Toren-
to and Percy Barr of Hagersville
spent. 'Easter. at their home here:
Mr: ,'and Mrs. Arthur Phillips:
and Peggy. of, .Foothill, .visited
with•Mr. •J. it Lane and Mr.• and
Mrs. , Frank Maulden and Keith.
Mrs. _ Phillips remained for, a few
Miss ',Betty •. Hamilton, visited
during ' the... week with 'Mr. • and
Mrsa' Jack Barr and::family.
Mr. and Mrs- Hermon•;' Fisher.
and family' of .Benriiller visited
with Mr":; and. Mrs; . John` Bushell.
:.. •Miss. Beverley Stanley 'of .Kit-
chener' is : spending' the holidays
at her home 'here..
Mr. and"r Mrs. Claire. Mepary
of Tillsonburg were week -end,
visitors with Mr. anl.: Mrs. Bev
erley Sutton a • `
Mrs. Jack Hewitt' Was, in Tor-
nt during the, week .attending the.•
We extend our sympathy to •
Mrs.. Albert flames in the loss of
herfather the late .John' Kelles
tine, London. •
Mr. and Mrs. Jas Wraith, `spent
Wednesday evening • with. Mr.
and Mrs. Art Hodgins.:.
Mr: and Mrs: Morley Wall and.:
family visited Thursday with Mr.
and Mrs. Hamilton, Schoenberg.
Mr. and Mrs., Don ' Robertson
and Diane, Georgetown spent
the week -end with Mi. .and -.Ntrs. ,
John Schumacher.Mrs. Robert-
son. •'aria. Diane 'remained for
Donnie Wall, spent a couple, of
days with. Murray. Hackett, Para
mount, . and on Friday ' was.: a
guest 'at .Murray's ,birthday •/par -
tendeid the funeral' on Saturday- . r. . . y •
at• Leamington ''of :her nice, Mrs:
Eric ;Jackson, whose ,death‘ oc-
curred :suddenly. from. a Heart
•seizure Burial was in Windsor.
The service was conducted by
Rev..D3ugla§, Vogari- of . the Ang
' lican. Church.;
Mrs..Jackson was: ins. 36th
year,. and is survived .by, cher hus-
bared and three • children,. Wayne
16; Lois' ,14 and. Karen 9. Her fa
th°er also survives and. a 'sister
in Germany. Mrs. Jackson's Mo- •
ther, 'Mrs. • Vernon . Anderson, a. .
Sister. of Mrs. ' Agnew, succumbed:
suddenly three " years : ago; while `.
talking on thetelephone to her
•daughter,,• Mrs, •Jackson,
Miss Margaret SChneller ,of
Belleville is spending the 'heli
day. with Mr. and Mrs. 'Roy' Sch-
. neller.:.
Mrs.. Jack Hewitt entertained
the Evening ,Workers • on Wed-
nesday • evening.
• Mr, and ;Mrs. Karl Boyle •and
Carol of London spent the week-,
end with Edna: and • May Boyle
and other relatives. here. ..
Mr:. and Mrs. George Haldenby
entertained theirfamily at a;
dinner. on: Friday ; ' evening to
'mark their. 38th weding. anni-,
. versary. ..� •
• . Mr. and Mrs; William Cox ac-'
cornpan%ed Mr. and Mrs. Jack •
,Scott t� London • on Friday. Mr.
•Billie 'Scott who is a patient at
St, Josephs 'hospital . came home
with. them for 'Easter returning
to London on Sunday evening, '
Mastei Allan . Rhody • spent • a
few .days 'with his grandparents,
Mr. 'and Mrs: .Claude Dore.
Messrs. .,Glen and Kenneth
Hodgins and Nat • Vaters of Pet-
erborough spent Easter with Mrs.
Harvey Hodgins.1 Mrs. Catherine Hewitt return- ; .
• ed home ;to' Kinloss ,after spend-
ing. awhile 'with 'Mr. and' Mrs.
. George Qrahain,
Mr: and Mrs,: • Ardiil Mason, •
Con.. 4 and grandson Wayne and i
Brian Webster, of London visit
led on Friday • with Mrs. J. • W.
II Colwell. ' • ' .
I Mr. and Mrs. Don . McCosh, !
Mary and Richard of Purple
Grove and Mrs.
. . Colwell
spent Easter with Mr; and Mrs.
. Currie Colwell. and. farnily,. con.. 2.
,Medicated with 'Nicar
Bazin, as an aid in 'pre-
venting' .outbreaks of.
.caecal and Intestinal
Coccidiosis: .
$4.60 per: cwt..'
Westinghouse' Custom Imperial
Choose from five confection colors
• 'I
,The.: new Westinghouse Custom • Imperial :Clothes'
Dryer brings to your fingertips automatic 'controls
•for properly drying every kind' of fabric you wash:' . *"••
'That's right!. With the brilliant, new Style -Lite Con-
trol Centre you custom -dry everything fromthe
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and autdmatically,
You Can Be SURE :• ... If it's WESTINGHOUSE
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