HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-03-25, Page 8. • , •
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THEUCrQW.. I;UCKN ow, orma.R..ao
Daylight Saving 'time in that
town from April 26th to Octo-
ber 95th, and at the saxne time,
refers the matter , to County
Council, asking them to attempt
to standardize the period of ob-
• gar and salt, add milk. Heat to
.boilipg. 'cook until mixture be-.
gins to thicken, staring Constant-
ly'. Reanove from heat, cool
slightly. Fold *egg . whites into
Icooled mixture. , Add vanilla,
Yellow Part --- 2 'beaten, egg
yolks, 2 cups nilk, 2 tbsp:' quick
cooling tapioca, Y4 cup sugar,
When we been to think of
lneals at. Easter time we *just
, naturally think (Wham arid eggs.
Not necessarily. together, but
• each of them featured in the Ea-
• #ter• ..
'._.1fegendr has at that ham'a
criscovery icell a lucky' accident
remly, Many years: ago. Some-
, where, some time, the story goes,
•threat of an invading trIbe Caused'
some to hide their trea,
• si4ecl. supply of fresh' POrk by
burying it in' the .sand near the
• sea. 'The tides •came''' in. and the
cool salt water seeped through
• .the sand to bathe the pork in this
- natural brine. When later the
• meat was removed and hung by
• the open fire to cook, the smoke
brought further changes in 0,1-
• our, aroma and flavour. One can
miaglne' the celebration and re•
- joicing at the, discovery of a new
• flavour treat and a way to keep
the pork from time of plenty for
use ..when tdod. 'supplies. were
scarce. • , , •
The legend has it that this
discoliery, came in theipring, of
the year after a long cold Wiri.A.
' ter. •• So the feast day became a
;yearly, celebration • for ,-..,early
spring,' (Et is .'known that the
„Egyptians had learned , the sec-
rets .of curing and smoking pork.
Drawings on the- walls' of .the
• pyramids show ' a slave present-
Ing ham with great- fanfare to
pinch salt, few • drops of vanilla.
Mix .egg yolks With SrAE11,1 .owit
of milk; add tapioca, sugar, salt,
add remaining'. milk, Heat quick-
ly' to boiling, stirring constantlY.
Cool. Spoon white ' and yellow
parts alternately into tall glas-
ses. Top with nests of green co-
conut, fill with candy Easter eggs.
to • tint coconut, add enough
Bit Inconsistell.t It. Seemi
Southampton Council has set
green, vegetable colouring to 1
tbsp. waterto, make the colour
•you want Fill a pint jar half
full of shredded coconut. Add
the coloured • water. Cover and
shake' jar till coconut isevenly
tinted. Spread on paper towel-
ling to dry.
• .
• Something to sell? Something
to buy? Phone 35, LucknOw. '
, •
a Icingly• warrior. - •'
The primitive halal. Was' fax
cry from the scientifically pre-
pared 'masterpiece of to -day. but
the 'basic principles are the same,
•that is, curing pork by immer-
sion in a brine ,containirig, salt
for cure, sugar for flavour, and
nitrate for colour; then smoking
• in hardwood 'smoke to bring. out
• the fine red color and 'distinctive
flavour. •
To -day in every step from the .
• selection of the pork and the
• curing ingredients, through the
smoking, 'wrapping and' distribia-
• ?Lion exacting skill is used to pro-
duce '• the tender. fine -flavoured,
suniforrn Canadian, ham that will
be the centre of interest , on Ea-
• ster tables throughout the land.
. •
You mayy cook the'hairi ,you
are going to serve yourself, or
you may get a ready -to -serve
tendersweet ham,- and aU you
i11 have to do is add the glaze
and bake. m the oven for '30 min,
Glaze. isn't necessary, of Course,
but it certainly makes -a festive
dish.' Score the fat side of the
ham with a sharp knife. Fasten
. pineapple slices on with, tooth-.
• picks and place red. and -green
cherries in the centre of the
pineapple slices.. Insert cloves th
.score. Pour 2 cups of Corn Syrup
• over. goisten 3 cups brown su-
gar, 4 tbsp. flour; ltspdry
tard with sufficient' pineapple
juice to make.a paste. Spread ov-
er top of ham. Brown in mode-
rate, oven for 30 'Min.; basting
• frequently. , • • .
Or younnight not want to do a
whole, hm, and so :you could
serve toinethhig 'different'
Pinapple ham slices. 'Use twO
centre ' cut slices of uncooked
ham, 1 inch thick, about 21/2 .lbs.
Cut slashes in: edge of fat, two
inches apart Insert cloves, in fat;
Drain juice from No. 2 can of
crushed pineapple. ,Place 1 slice
ham in baking pan. Spread with
drained pineapple, cover with se-
tond slice. Pour 1/2 cup pineapple
syrup around hatn. Sprinkle
, .brown sugAr over top. Bake.)M-
' : covered in slow oven (325 de-
grees) ' about '2 lours; or until
tender,,' basting occasionally with
the pineapple syrup. •
1 should suggest a vegetable
anda salad,perhaps, but there.
won't be room I'm sure. But how,
'about dessert?
Here s A. very. pretty 'pudding
in spring colthirs.
Jonquil Pudding -- White part,
3 tbsp. quick cooking tapioca, ,.1/4
cup sugar, pinch salt, 2 cups
milk, 2 stiffly beaten egg Whites,
tsp. vartilla..1‘44c, tapioca, su-
• ".
. • '.
• . ,
"mkt, IMS,"*V5,
• 0
, . . • . .
elec r
Certainly. Other women do.
And they use electricity for dozens of other household tasks too,
because modern electric appliances' make it so much easier to
be a good housekeeper.
Modern electric ,appliances can help you do all your work
faster, more efficiently . whether you're polishing floors,
doing the laundry, cleaning the house, cooking dinner, or
washing dishes. It' costs Eio 4ittle to enjoy the wonderful con.
venience and. freedom of modern electrical living. •
You get more out of life when you get the most out of electricity.
, • :
Keep vacuum attachments
in a basket to carry with
you to each room as you
clean. .
e 4 40
. • .