HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-03-25, Page 1e 1--, X1,04 Extra To U S.Ar:
$3.00 A Year Tn Advance
ting to
ger Service
The Canadian. National Rail-
ways plan'to introduce, a Railiner
service on , the' Palmerston -Kin-
• cardine run about the Middle, of
June. • This' willgive the' travell-•
ing public of •this area accomoda-
• .lion second, to none,according
• to. the• MR 1
These "Railway diesel ',cars
are of ,a self 'propelled type,with
.,the engine located in the same.
▪ unit.' They have a: stainIess-steel
finish and . roo py, comfortable
• interiors, with accomodation for
49 ipassengers and .thirty feet of.
express • and . baggage space.. Al-
though the engine is located in.
the same unit, .they' are fully
sound -proof andpassengers hear
no moremotor noise' than in' an
• automobile.
They ' have a high speed with
fast acceleration' and deceleration,
and make • Worthwhile reductions:
*in the schedule• time of. conven
tional. trains'. • •
•. .Each of this type, of carscosts
the railway ;more 'than a third
of a million dollars.
=A number of other passenger
...lines radiating . from. Stratford
and Palmerston will Abe serviced
by the same type of ear •
The railway has made ' a
• study • • of ' traffic: . pattens in this
area. over 'several years and has
come to the . present proposal.
The•proposed new set-up .would.
cut :the train' service; of this type
k to "one . daily" down and up on
• '• the , Palmerston -Kincardine, line.
It would • leave Kincardine • 'at.
am: arriving•-at..Lucknow at
6.17.: a.m., : Palmerston 7.45 a.m.,
Toronto 10;10 ,am A train up;
from Toronto would leave ,there
at 5:30. p.m:,,.,'arriving at .Palmer-
alinerston at 8.35 P.m,, .Lucknow 10.14
g.m., ,Kincardine • ' 10.40 p rid. • ,
The noon "down • and' up" ser-
vice yould''`,be •comrpletely •eli-
•`minated. The proposal is: to run
, .'`a • • ;mixed train, ;Palmerston 'to
Kincardine and aback,on Tues
days Thursdays' ,and Saturdays
• as a 'mid day service, : .•
' . Railway officials are 'planning
meetings to discuss this Proposal.
on Wednesday night (tonight) ,at
the station in :Kincardine at '8
p.m., and on. Thursday 'morning
,at 10 a.m. at the station in Wing -
ham. Local .agent; Garnet Hen-
derson, has . informed the Sen-
tinel that any local ,people who.
are interested, or might be af-
fected .by the Proposed change,
be .at either of these . meetings.
Miss Marjorie'..,Robson, mis-
.;sionary ,nurse on furlough` from
India, was a four -time • speaker
in .this..cpmnunity, on •Sunday.
She delivered an .impressive ad
dress: at the morningservice in
the UnitedChurch, and was
guest 'speaker at the. • W.M.B.
Thankoffering ' service that even-
ing, She also • spoke • in • the .Sun-
day :School, and • in 'the' afternoon
was on. the' Sing -Time; televised
pr ogra n from ` Wingham• ti •
• Miss. Robson spoke ofthe work
of the United Church of North-
ern India, and stressed ,that' 'the
ministry Of healinis a very vi=
tal• part of the. missionary cause.
She has been serving as nuts-
• king superintendent in the' Mis-
cion Hospital, in „a-.: cit. of 80000
people.•until '_ o s p' i
few .months prior.
to her furlough. when she, was,
pronnoting and : assisting with
public Health' nursing. She • told
of a. 71 mile trip by ox -cart
to reach a little village:f illite-
rate an' o
d soften . undernourished
People ' .-•. typical: of thousands
of such villages in :India where
anlong the ' diseases still . en-'
(Continued On page 11) .
Jack. McDonald, . propietor of
the.; Imperial Esso • garage, is off
the job for a. spell with a frac-
tured collar bone:
Themishap' occurred on. Wed-
nesday of last, week at R., -`.A.
Grant's farm in Ashfield hen
he ` was .hooking the ' Grant ear
to • Ronald Forster's. hoist -equip-
ped truck. Jack was. standing
sideways, and between the. ve ,
hides when the car • lunged for_.
Ward,, . pinning him; against the
truck. •He was fortunate, the in
juries .'were . not more serious. '
Jack will be wearing a should-
er. cast for about a • month. �.
Another mishap .occurred; last
Wednesday when Robt. Gawley,
a comparatively : new • employee
at the Beatty Ladder Factory
tripped over, a cart. and in the
fall suffered ••a broken. bone in
Ms wrist. •
• Clarence , 'Greer was named
president of • the • Lucknow . `Busi
ness ` Men's Association . at their"
meeting on''Friday •might. He suc
ceeds Bob.. Finlay: _Charles, Short
is the new vice-president' and El-
mer, Umbach will continue ''as'
secretary -treasurer -
A small : representation was
*present to discuss ':business :per
tainirig to the association.. Busi-
nesses. represented were.' Sander -
son's,: Harold. 'Ritchie,' -:Gordon
Fisher, William . Schmid, Ash-'
ton's, Umbach's,I The Lucknow
Sentinel, ` : Finlay' Decorators,
Greer TV and Button's Meat
A surplus' of :candy at„. Christ-
mas time was disposed of to .vari-
ous individuals and organizations
by Bob Finlay. • Poor weather
was 'counted : as 'having . caused'
some ..of the surplus wihile • pro-
per organization , appeared to
have stopped many•'of' the older
"children” from coming back in
line; two or• three times.
A . donation is to be given to
the • Lucknow District • High
School •: Band. Thanks is ; to , be
expressed to Lions, Ladies Auxi-
liary and Legion, for their assis-
tance. on 'Santa. Claus day:
Considerable . discussion cent=
red .around closinghours and
pedlar's , and.:, transient trader's.
Pay -laws. • •
Marked' ,enthusiasm was indi,
cated. ,by an attendance of close
to /one hundred at the. Horticul-
ture Society meeting on Friday
evening, when spring and 'sura-
mer planning was 'discussed, and•
acted on. dl'
The Society.accepted the
witation of Mrs: Laois, on behalf
of the". Agricultural. Society to
,place a .floral. display • in ,the
arena for the fall fair. Mem-
bership, ip, promotion will . also be
carried out at that tine.
Those. wishing glac s; ' dahlias,
evergreens and shrubs should
list, their 'egt irements, at once`
and, present them to the secre-
tary, Chas. Bristow. There will
be substantial discounts •on bulk
Orders of bulbs and tubers,
Clean-up week will be observ-
ed the week of May 18th,
Professor. Taylor will Abe • the:
guest :speaker at the 'April meet;
ing ,and neighbouring societies
will'• he invited to attend.
S. E. Robertson, as delegate: to
(Continued on page 11)
Effective . on Monday • of last
Week,. Roy Havens started on his
own in the :plumbing, heating. • ,
and oil burning service • .and an •ME.S. 'PEARL• MAN PASSES'
,Eucknow Juveniles will
• Meet Elmvale in Coiling-
. wood on' Thursday • night in
the first ,game of the .OMHA
Juvenile' "D" finals. This
will be a • two out of 'three
game series. ' •
Thesecond game, is sche-
doled for, the Kincardine ,
arena next • Monday •night. at
8.30 p.m:
'announcement to. this effect ap-
pears in' this issue
The death of Mrs. Sophle
,R;ay, had .been • employed for
the past ten years' by Wm. Mur-
die and Son
Rathwell's annual spring sale
of footWear is Inow in full swing,
having opened this Wednesday
morning. There are '.savings up to
50% and more,: on shoes and
slippers for every: member of the
family; and a 25% .discount ,on.
Work of renovating St. Peters
Anglican Church is; currently .un-
derway. The project.,. was •neces-
sitated :after., faulty draft caused
an" oil furnace to'spew smoke:
and soot throughout the. .edifice. -
Since then..'the congregation has`
been worshiping in• the Torwri
'Last Wednesday , evening ` a
special . vestry 'meeting. was . held
when, plans'' were laid for.•a com-
plete • renovation of, fui'ni kings,
walls : and . floors; ••Pastel • shades.
will 1 be. used m' 'redecorating,
Which 'will. . add to the beauty of
the ' edifice,
A 'renovation. fund was este-
Wished with . Mrs. 'Chris Shelton
as treasurer:. The Ladies': Aid of.
the, congregation ,has launched:
the fund with a donation' of $100.
Donations have • been indicated
from some outsidethe congrega-
tion and such will be welcomed
and : appreciated in • helping to
restore the beautyof the church.
Official•'`receipts will : be issued
for all donations. :
• .St. Peters congregation is con
tinuing to worship in : the Town.
Hall but on Easter ,Sunday. morn
ing' they' will join with the:
ley: congregation in . Ripley ' for
the Easter service and • Holy
Communion: .
Court Sepoy of the .Lady For-
sters marked the fourth anniver-
sary , of .their founding with- , a
turkey dinner, _followed by a
card part at. the. Legion Hall on
',Friday. ,
Mrs. Jim Arnold, .president of
the Society,. conducted 'the.; khan-
quet proceedings' . at .which the
guest speaker" was Rev. • Garnet
of Wingham United
Church,' who is High CourtChap,-
hap:-lain• of. the Canadian Order of
Forsters. ,,
The ; + headtabie . ;flowers • were
auctioned •off;. and ,'a draw was
made for".a ''pair 'of candlesticks,:
with proceeds . from both going
to •the cancer' research• fund. The
flowers were '„won: 'by Mrs. Gar-
net Farrier. and Stewart Jamie-
son and the candlesticks by Mrs.
Ezra 'Scholtz,
Their' were fifteen ' tables of
players at the Shoot and Euchre
party ,whieli followed: Shoot
winners were Mrs. George '1if-
fin,, Mrs. Bud Orr,Ernest But-
ton and : Mrs. Alvin' Hamilton.
Euchre winners were„ Mrs. Jim
Arnold, Mrs, Alex Hackett, Bill
and .Barbara Nelson. Mrd. John
Carruthers • ,Won 'the mystery
prize. .
Pearlman occurred. in Sarnia. on
Friday, March 20th and burial
was' on Sunday 'in . 'Bathurst
Lawn •C'ernetery' in Toronto. Her
husband; 'Ben Pearlman ; prede-
ceased her a few years ago •She
is survived' by a daughter, Mr?.
Jen Taylor of Florida and a son,
Dr.'. Morris . Pearlman, ,a. Sarnia
dentist. • •
Mr and Mrs. Pearlman operat-
ed a 'ladies and gents . store here
for many years ' in what • is now.
Sar derson's Store. •Upon' -leaving
Lucknow after their' family. had.
grown up, they . sold the business
•to Wes Huston and: Harvey Tre-
leaven.; / 4
On Good. Friday and again on,
Easter' Monday there will, be 2 -
hour wicket
hourwicket • service at the Post
Office from 12 noon.' to ' 2.:00 p.m
each day.; The Post Office lobby
Will. be open each.day from 7:00.
a.m.: until 8.00. p.m.
There Will, be, no rural mail
delivery 'service either Friday or
Monday:. •
The Post . Office will be open
Thursday afternoon until .6' pin.
,'Spring . arrived- `officially on
'Saturday, but the Weatherman
-.couldn't • have heard' about it, ;A`
blow ` which started that .:morn=
ingafter a lovely sunny day on.
..Friday,. reached its '.full fury late
Saturday afternoon, and •so • far
as' . vsi'bilfity :was Concerned . for
a feW hours, : it was the worst.
storm of : the Winter, ' and' that is
saying : a lot.
The storm abated somewhat. in
the evening,. permitting some
stranded Saturday afternoon'
shoppers to get. to • their farm,
homes. Along #highway 21 in . the
Kincardine-Goderich area, many.
motorists took. refuge in -.fern'.
liornes, • •
Late Saturday afternoon a five
. car pile-up occurred near. Green
hill Cemetery South'. of ' the. Vil-
lage, and . while . no inj:uries: were
suffered ,due ''to the "snail pace"
cars 'Were travelling, the • aggre-
gate damage to the vehicles may
run to between $1,500 and $2,000:
• Visibility closed in completely
at times. Trying .to' get.' home
through it', at second 'gear speed,:
Jack. Nicholson,: Belfast • bound
and . Wilfred • Drennan; . village
bound, collided' at the. Cemetery..
Frank .McQuillan south bound
bashed • a• fender on. the Nichol-
son car, •and Casewell Hackett
collided with the Drennan • car
as he was proceeding toward ':• the.
Village. Next to » !become: invol-
ved 'was "Cliff Crawford who' was.
proceeding 'north.-
• Gordon Kirkland narrowly es-
caped being iii on it too, and
attempted to warn other motor=
ists. Pelice• could not attempt to
reach the scene, and . the vehicles
Were permitted to"limp away
, on their own, power to: clear the
highway •
Earlier in' the day cars driven
by Grafi m Moffat and Clark
•Zinn were in collision on ' the
Holyrood Road;north of. the Se-
cond Concession, with damage
amounting' to between three' and
four hundred .dollars, •
The annual financial campaign
of the Lucknow and District.
Red Cross Society with take the .
form of a blitz drive. . thatwill
blanket both town. and country.
• The ,Lucknow . • and District
'L ons Clulb will conduct the can-
vass, and about fifty. members ;
has been assigned • their territory
withthe blitz scheduled to ' be
launched this 'Thursday,
The campaign ' is • headed up
by Red Cross President, Virden
Mowbray. with Elmer UMbach
acting as , campaign -treasurer,
'Canvassers are to turn their mon-
ey into Ebner. • and anyone who
is missed) or is not •at home when
the canvasser calls, may leave
their ,, donations at • Urnbach's
Drug Store. ,
Be prepared .when, the Canvas-
ser calls. and give >,as you. can.
The following is the , list : bf' •
volunteer _workers and the area.:
.they 'will 'cover. „'•
North side' Campbell • St., Robt
MacKenzie,. Milt, Rayner.. •
• South side Campbell. St Har-
vey. Webster,' • Mike ..Sanderson',
East of river, south, •Cam, .Mac
Donald, 'Armstrong. Wilson, Jack •
MacDonald: ..." •
West. of : river, south, Alex An-
drew, Donald MVIcKininon, Otto
West of : river, '.north,' Ernest
Button; Jack' . 'Pollock; Gordon
Montgomery:, •
East "of river to • Havelock,
North ;from '•Carnpbeil to Rose, ,
Gordon Brooks,. 'Ernest, Ackert,'
Stuart Collyer.. •
East of river .Ito .. Havelock, .:
north '.of : ,Rose town,limits,':,Mac
MacLennan; Omar Brooks, Gor-
don Bailey. : •
•East of Havelock, Campbell., St
east & north to, Hamilton, . Leo-
nard MacDonald, John Trelea-
ven,, Charlie ,Short.' • •
Est of. Havelock, north of Ha=
milton, Morgan Henderson, Lloyd •
Hall, Lloyd Ashton. "
Boundary, east, Vernon Hunter,
Lawrence.Salkeld; Boundary
'West , Robert Campbell, ,.Robert
• Lochalsh • district, . Ken : ',Mac-
Kenzeer.Gordon .•
Frnl •son
.12 .con: 'east; Lloyd. Hunter; 12
con...west, :John ` McDonagh; ;Jack
MacKenzie;,• ,Kelso ,McNay.
10 con. west,' Thom Hackett;
10 eon:' east, Blake Alton.
Rapid 'City' • & 2 con. Kinloss;
Wm. R. Hunter,". Ken Mowbray,
End 'Hamilton:
4th con:; Kinloss,' Fraser „Mc-.
.Kinnon, Elliott 'Carruthers; 6th
con;' Kinloss, : Allister • Hughes,
Harvey Houston. .. • •
8th. con, Kinloss,•• Orville El-
liott, John. •Ackert.
10th coni Kintess, Frank
Thompson. •
Thieves " recently broke into.,'.
the Belgrave Co -Operative and
made off -with merchandise Valu- •
ed at over . $300: The Belgrave• '
•'business . is managed by . M. R. •
(.)3ud)' Orr,f ornerly of Lucknow:
Taken in the break-in' were 3
truck tires, a car .battery and two "
milking machines.
The milking machines were
later recovered by Provincial
Felice near London, •'where• they
had .apparently been dun•fped by •
the 'burglars. F'
A community service, sponsor-,
ed.: by the `Lucknow 'Ministerial
.Association, *ill be held on. Good'
*Friday in the Presbyterian
Church • at 10,30 a,m.. The guest
speaker 'Willbe Rev, Neil 1VIc
Cornbie of .the Ilapley-Ashfield
charge of the Presbyterian:
Church. .•
'The • offering will be' fer the
Bible Society, ; ti