HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-03-18, Page 7W.ESDAY, MAR. 18th, 1959, THE. LUC KNOW •SENTINEL, LUGKNQW, ONTARIO, PAGE $EVEN. Croup .II W.A. 'United Church Twenty-five '.a nembers and four guests. attended the • Group 11 • ; W.A. meeting.held at the home of Mrs, Ornar Brooks. Mrs. Mac- • Diarmid welcomed the members and'the meeting opened with tyhe, ,motto, theme hymn and Q repeat- ing the Lord's. Prayer, Mrs.. Rea. . vie read the scripture lesson and Mrs. Walden the Meditation. Mrs. Howey announced the:, Silver Dollar banquet, commemorating the25th anniversary of our local W.A.. to be 'held "on Friday, April. 10th: Members were urge& to at- tend the Three 'Group • meeting 'of 'W.A., March 24' to hear •, a ,pane el •discussidn'on, thet°New Organ-. • ization for Women of the United Church of Canada. . Mrs. Eldon Henderson conven- ed the .program. Thechapter, "Her Church,' > from our Study :Book, The. Christian Woman, was. ' presented:+by Mrs. Robert Camp Abell, Miss 'Hazel Webster and Mrs. Murray Henderson: -Prayer closed the` meeting. We enjoyed• Irish piano .selections .by Mrs.. Cumming; and • an Irish' contest, conducted by . Mrs. Eldon Hen; Berson. The .connnittee in: charge ',served, .a delicious lunch.. Group 111 W.A. United Church !Group III met at the home of Mrs. Q. Richards with 25 mem- Ibers. present: Mrs... B. Elliott pre- sided and introduced .the theme of . our meeting '"The.'Triumph of Love". The scripture. lesson was read by. .Mrs, • E. Button. The meditation. and 'prayer was read by Mrs, R; Ackert, reminding. us that the' Cross demands. of • us a dedication to God and to;• His way of `love; and ,that it calls us to give our lives, to. the doing of :.His will, to the fulfillment of His Holy purposes. ••Tice roll. call, ra ,favourite •Irish • song ..:or joke was .well' responded to.''The trea- surer,, Mrs.. E. Taylor and Chris- tian ' Fellowship convenor, Miss A. Webster gave. good • reports. As we ate planning, . a . "Silver, Dollar. Anniversary Dinner" to. mark •25 years of ` Women's. As- sociation •• organizatiori in o u r church, discussions pertaining to .it and .the distribution of tickets were 'dealt with. We look for- ward: '• to. ,this: occasion Friday, 1 Milker Clinic Held at the Store Tuesday, March 24t1 ill Be ring in your 'troubles •_ an milker parts to be, -repaired. -' MILKER THAN /livers 111 • EXCLUSIVE UNIVERSAL• SANITARY LI D THAT 'TRAPS BACT�EIt,IA-LdDEN MO1$TUR� lifery Lab•oratory. tests show that the advanced design •of Universal Milkers def- initely: reduces ''bacteria. count! GET . THE FACTS., ON Find out how; Universal' Milkers can:help you keep bacteria counts down for GRADE "A" PRO . 0, TION.' leerso/ MI:LKERS ucknow District Co-op one 1 April loth. Members •were re- minded of the 3 group meeting on March 24, when there will !be a special; panel discussion. Mrs. E. Wightrnan presented the chap- ter 'in ow stewardship study (book "The woman With a needle, the Stewardship of sewing," which was most interesting. Mrs. ,S. iI win favored us with a vocal solo and Mrs, E. Taylor a read-; ing. Everyone enjoyed a sing- song of. Irish, songs conducted, by Mr's, Joynt with Mrs. Houston: • accompanist., Mrs. G. Elliott.. gave a' humorous • reading and Mrs: Joynt. • and M'rs. Hoag a pleasing duet. Prayer closed the meeting. after whicha social time Was .:en- joyed, with Mrs. Q. Elliott, Mrs. S. Irwin '*and ,Mrs;/LB.: 'Elliott in charge 'of refreshments, Group' I W.A. United. Church • Group I of the W.A.Met; at. the home _ of Mrs, Stuart' Collyer with an attendance of 21 mem-' ;hers .and !four' c h i 1 d re n, The meeting opened 'with the theme hymn and motto followed, by. prayer. The roll call was .well answered by • ar •. E.as t'e'r Bible verse. Mrs. Breckles gave the treasurer's report and Mrs. R. .Robertson; for the Christian F'ei- low'ship•' committee, reported 'se- veral cards sent .out to shut-ins., Mrs: Struthers reported for the Catering Committee • and an- nounced the Silver Dollar dinner to be held April :10th. Sheasked for donations of food and help ers, and tins was well respond ed, to. Mrs.,. John,. Nicholson had the sewing committee 'report,. ,and she asked that all blocks for the quilt be handed in. sq 'a quilt- ing could ibe held in the near future. Mrs,' Alex McNay took charge for the Devotional section with the Theme It erng; "The Tri= tnniih: of Love". Greater''Iove hath no man ',than .•• this, that . Man . lay`. down: life for: friends: .The ; scripture was:: read by Mrs. ' Lawrence Mcleod;' folk. lowed_ by the . reditation by. Mrs. A McNay., The..:Programune con. venor was Mrs. ohn Hall, and. this part of the, meeting opened with .a hya in f o 11 o w.•e •d -by a prayer: by .Mrs. Hall...Mrs: Alex McNay • gave a reading on Easter. Mrs,, Wm. Eadie' gave • an inter- • esting;'paper: on "Cultivation does. as mudh for the soul as the .soil." Mrs, I. Hall conducted a contest. Mrs.' Ken. Murdie 'gave a reading in keeping with. the Eas- ter ,season_..on "Easter Legends." Mrs. Wm: Eadie had 'a •Pat and Mike :contest' . and refreshments were served by the ; committee. South Kinloss W.M.S... . The March • meeting of South Kinloss WIVI.S. Auxiliary 'was :.held .on March. 4 at the 'hone. of 'Mrs. Allister Hughes, with Mrs. 'Lloyd .MacDougall, president, • . in the chair. • • . . The meeting was opened by repeating "The Purpose," ' and The 'Lord's .Brayer • - The Scripture and Meditation was given by• Mrs. • W. F Mac- Donald, • the Easter story being read by Mrs. Harold `Austin. A informative talk was • given • by. Miss Dean' MacLeod on "Ances- tor Worship, the greatest foe to Christianity in Japan." • Current Events 'Were given •Eby •Mrs. Ira Dickie and Miss Dean MacLeod. lead in prayer. • The topic from the , Study Book. was .taken ',by' Mrs: Harry Lavis e n t i t'l a d, "Building for Canada's .Future." Mrs. Douglas . Graham led in 'the offering Prayer. A vote of thanks was tendered the hostess and those taking- part :in, the meeting by Mrs. H' r o i d. Austin. . The meeting .closed by repeating "The Mizaph .Eeneciic'tion," ,'after which ' a social • half hour was , enjoyed., KINtSBRIDGE Our teacher, • Mr. Eckert and Mrs • Eckert spent the week -end with relatives in Dublin, and were one of the trnany ,motorists in that' district to. "be snowed in" so there is rio school attendance today. Mr,. Sohr . McKinnon. and the Sproul brothers of Wi n` g h a m were Sunday visitors with Mrs, Jerry O'Connor, ;who has return --- ed.• to. her home here, after spend- ing thewinter .months in Wing - STRATFQRD TEACHERS' COLLEGE ONE-YEAR AND TWO-YEAR COURSES are offered leading to • an Interim Elementary -School' Teacher's Certificate, valid in -the elementary schools of Ontario. TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER. 8, 1959. Descriptive booklet "TCaching in the Elementary Schools of Ontario," free tin request. 'ACADEMIC REQUIREMENT FOR, ADMISSION: ONE-YEAR COURSE: Standing' in eight -Grade 13', papers, one of which shall be English 'Composition or English -Literature. • TWO-YEAR COURSE: Secondary .School Graduation Diploma of the General Course... INTERVIEWS WITH APPLICANTS are conducted b the committee . of Selection. "Secondary school students: interested in entering Teachers' College should apply 'for interview through the principal of their secondary schooj..,Other` applicants should write to: THE.PRINCIP.AL,•STRATFORD TEACHERS COLLEGE • WATER STREET r, o ham. ;We are glad to know• that `Mr. John Doherty who spent' a caup- 41e days in, Goderich hospital, fol- lowing a car accident', last. Week, is' now back at, his home. Mr: and :Mrs. Wm. Barry :and Wayne of Strathroy were week- end visitors with the Jas.: Dolier-' ty family. •• Mr. Walter' Kelly of Landon is visiting at. the' home of his par- ants, Mr. and Mrs.' John Kelly. 'Congratulations ' to Mr and Mrs. Leo . Cour'tney, ' upon the .birth a son in Go d erich 'Hos•: .of d pita'l, . on March .10th. • (To Late For Last. Week Mrs. Blaise' : Martin returned 'to her home after :a week's ,visit with.'relatives in ‘ Hamilton. .. Mr. and. Mrs. Tony Knoop and three children returned via Plane, from Holland where. they., spent the past three months with reia- itves. there,: and were -guests here at the . home • of Mr. • and Mrs.: • Ma uric e• Miltenfberg' over the • weekend.' Mr. and. Mrs. uVictor : .O'KMartineefe..' and• son;. Mr..' E and. Mr. Michael Martin all of Hamilton', were among ' therela- tives who attended the' funeral here last . Tuesday •Morn ing of the late' John Hussey. NAME ROBERT YOUNG' 'TO: 'LEADERS' CLUB" Robert Young, • 19, an honour.._ Grade 13 student •at 'Lucknow District High School, has been: • named as .the 'school's.represent- ative ,to the Student Leaders'. Club sponsored : Jointly by the University of- Western ; Ontario: and The -London Free •Press. ' Robert, winner of a Grade 12. proficiency : scholarship, 'is the son' of Mr. and Mrs. W e s'1 e y Young. of Elie Langtside • district. GUARANTEED. TRUST CERTIFICATE • issued in: amounts from $100 upwards for 3, 4 or: 5 years. • earn 5% interest, payable half. yearly by cheque. •• authorized investment for all Canadian Insurance Companies and trust funds. YOUR. MONEY DOUBLES ITSELF Al 14 YEARS f . THE STERWNG TRUSTS' • 372 Bay St., Toronto EMpire 4-7495 (Mr. Lovatt) 35 Dunlop St., Barrie ` PArkway 8-5181 (Mr. Ak'brn) 9007 . •1 Gaviller, McIntosh ; $c War CHARTERED • ACCOUNTANTS. Bell Telephone Building WALKERTON D. A. HUNTLEY,. CA ,=-- Resident Manager Telephones: Business 633; Residence 106 •