HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-03-18, Page 5iiTiEDiNESDA;T�r • 'IKA! ,...18th, 1959 • .'113E Luc/019w SENTINEL, LT+ QI. ( NAME WARBLE. FLY °OF'FIC.IALS ' ' EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY LEARN WHILE YOU EA .N 1 f you. ' are a young man, between the age, of 1.7 and. 2Q 'with, a flair for style, here's your opportunity to acquire a sales training .�,s well as the fundamentals, of merchandising. As apply in Pelson or write •giving 'full. • • particulars as to agg . and qualifications. a.sIviens WINCaHA1F1; ONTARIO. GIRLS FOLLOW I'N 'MUM'S FOOTSTEPS Received : an interesting letter ;from Mrs.. Allan Stuart of ' Egan,; 'vibe, formerly Ethel' Martin of Paramount. • Ethel was always ,in- terested in Junior Institute "work while at,' h¢me, and that. interest • is . still evident in, the leadership she.: is giving, , while her daugh- ters arecertainly following ,in: their mother's" footsteps: We take the liberty 'to pgbiish Mrs. • Stuart's 'letter in part as follows:. . We have .'bad:' a, long, ' steady cold winter, but—not -nearly the snow you have had. .• The school .bus ihas never' missed a• day go-. ing to .. schbot..` The •temperature runs ' from zero to around • 30 de- grecs •• tbelow 'but : we have had lovely sunny' days this winter.. • ;Our County Achievement Day: Air ; the 4-H Club On "Sleeping Garments" was held ' in"Renfrew. I am leader of a 'club: and : had eleven . ' girl's': taking the ,project, . Margaret Stuart got her certifi: • rate: for eight ,projects and. Mary got her County.: Honour ; pin for' six projects. ' I, enj py reading absut the Clubs around.. Luckn'ow ; and also about: • the Guides, and Brownies. We started-. them . in Eganville three . years 'ago, and 'I realize what it •has meant 'to '.Lucltriow :and its young people to have a person like Mrs. 'McKim, whohas given. so much' of her ,time and ' talent all these years.. Ethel received, :her wings from the Brownies.. 'and Margaret and Mary will soon have . their 1st class and have .eighteen .,badges. We had a grand time, at 'the Centennial. Wonderful you made a profit.Both Renfrew and Pem broke' celebrated their 'centennial • and; both were in the red, . Pem- broke to 'the extent of $9,600; Mayibe "they' had ` more expense but couldn't. Piave had a better- " . • • One etter-- One of ,the lovely memories- •• was.. your . choice of Centennial' Queen. No one could' ,have been more stately or deserving arid I think . a good idea • for any. town 'to. follOW. Another memory was the hap- py, .pleasant, ;look. on the faces' of the older:people„ f rom . the' Carruthers Nursing Home. Credit is due' Elliott .and 'Grace. for their thoughtfulness Sincerely. yours, / :Mrs. Ethel Stuart. `TYPEWRITER RIBBONS: ' • Typewriter ribbons . for any make. of machine• are now .avail- able .. at the. .Lucknow' Sentinel. No matter what the machine,, We have the ribbon..Phone 35, .Luck- .now. Luck:now. • , NOW .. SWIFT BRINGS YOU THE NEW SHAD VER STARCROS 288 tt leads` all. competitors ! Just look at these figures: SHAVER .STARCROSS 288 won first place • SHAVER' ih the 1958. Canadian Central'Random Test ' ' • TEST .STARcROSS• - AVERAGE 288 Net Income Pver Chick.. and Feed Costs. .$2.09 '' $3.00 . Average egg production' per chick started''(reckoned . to 500 days'of age on 1.10 pullets)....... 197 . 233 Percent Mortality from 7,days to 500• days of age... 8.1' , • 5.1 Lbs. of feed per dozen.eggs....:.................. " 5.1 , • 4,3 Percentage of all eggs latdgrading large. - • 59.6 • 63.9.' The SHAVER STARCROSS' 288 was also flop Quartile Penin the 1958 Missouri Random Test`... and Shaver has been. the leader for the.first three years of the Central .Test in Ottawa. Your Swift tlatcheryma.n can show you the figures from these,tests • Order dile new SHAVER.STARCROSS 288 today • « :TRELEAVEN .MILLING CO. LIMITED. Lucknow Phone 9 ORVILLE ELLIOTT' R.R. 3 Holyrood` Phone Ripley , 244-26 ti 1 • W, ONTARIO PAGE FIVE.. Kinloss Council Minutes Kinloss • Council met at the Township 'Hall March .2, 1959, as per adjournment. All members present. • • • The . minutes of. the regular meeting of February 2nd as read were approved and signed, The Resolution. from the 'Town of Wiarton re The County Horne at Walkerton was placed on file.. The Communication. from Whitechurch re . Road Signs .and Parking was, referred • to the'. Road Supt... 'to ,look into. was: dee deeided to, call 'for.• tenders on' 'the supply of 'Warble: Fly' Powder needed this spring; The tender• of ' H. H. Banner- , maneepted. at 73 cents.. per yard for. cushing and delivering, gravel on the ,Township roads' Was ac - Gilbert Hamilton was appointed' Warble' Fly Inspector, and Jack Barr ''as operator, Of Spray Mach, Work to.'commence' April 10,, • 1959., . The Tax Collector returned his roll as required, February 28th, and was paid balance salary. o;'u n c it adjourned to meet 'again,on Monday,: April 6th; 1959, or at the call of the Reeve. Cheques . ',issued, George 'R. ;gear, Grant, crep..'and soil Ass.;' $15:00;„ J. R. • bane; Hydro , at Hall; 6.07; Mrs..Ruth Gibson, earetak-. ing, 15.00; -Relief, 30.00; Greer's' Nursing' .Heine;, Jan. and Feb.. Kinloss, 167:00 Lucknow. Seiiti- nel, printing; • 60.60, : 'Charles Mur- ray,. 1 urray,.1 fox •'.,bounty, 5.00; Irwin, Carruthers,. 1' _ fox. bounty; '.00; Thi nas Moffat, 3 .fox bounty, 15.00;.' James:' Moffat, ,1 fox boun: ,ty, 5.00; Roy >,Huffman, 2 fox. bounty, ' 10.00; James Gaunt, 1 t fox 'bounty, 5.00; Donald .MacIn tyre, 1 fox bounty, :' 500;';Wallace Conn,: Good, Roads . Conv;, 35.0k . Elbert Bushel 1, Good; Roads. Conv., .:35.00; E tt gene Conley, Good Roads .Cony., 35.001 Ont Hospital; Comm:, : Hospital 14.70; , John ?Gaunt, Refund. 'Tax` Ball, Park, .1.041 Archie ',Bonnett, refund Dog, tax, 2.00; .Gordon Wall, balance salary., ;125 00 ,Highwaypheques, Pay List No. 3, $730.50;,Robert Gilchrist, sand-, 'ing,`. •5.0.0; Lawrence • :MacLeod, sanding, ' 47.50; Don ° Gillespie,.. • sanding,' 61.25; :R. Tbrster, .Sand - Mg, sand-iiig, 73.00; Bruce .McMillan, sand- ing, 14,00; •Sam' Farmer,. Padlock.' andj/• wire'; 4.35;• Cities Service Fuel • On, .296.07.; W. E Shantz, snow: plow, 2'4.00;, Dominion Road Mach. Co., , repairs, 136.09; Lorne flecking, snow plow, 453.80;. H. H. •Bannerman;snow plow, 3,87225;, T. J. Mansfield, repairs, .20.53; Bordon • Litt, snow . plow, 20:00; KiriloirghGarage, ,snow plow and' repairs, 13.00; Raynard. Ackert, snow. plow, '1,157;50; EzraSettler, .snow plow,' 896.50; Cliff Robb, sanding,. 6.001 J. RLan.e, Unern-`. ploy, Insurance, 1.28.• '• J. R. Lane, Clerk. • COLLECTOR :OF JUGS MARKS HER 80th' BIRTHDAY Congratulations to Miss Jose- phine .McAllister who on March 7th celebrated her 80th (birthday; Miss . McAllister is the daughter 'of the late :Mr, and Mrs. William .McAllister: and was born on the same` farm where she and . her ibrother, David ' still reside,. on Con 6, • West Wawaniis&h, Miss McAllister has a famous collection 'of ,jugs from ' various corners of the world and enjoys. friends' calling to see them and telling the history •of ..each them. Despite . her years, she Inas an excellent :memory -and can re- call many birth dates of people in this distriet ,as she was ' a nurse and worked' with Dr. Weir over 40 years:. ago in' this' com- munity. ' ',She is a member of'Dungannon Presbyterian Church, the W.M.S, and the Auburn•' Vfornen's Inst tute and . takes : a keen interest in their ..iprograms. Many friends and relations called to wish ,her many' happy returns of this '80th 'birthday.: ; T. HELENS :The following ladies took ad- vantage, of the short course in Millinery held, in the Communi- ty Hall last week, ,sponsored 1by •the W o nn''e n's Institute: Mes- dames Chas. MacDonald, Laura 'McNeil, Elwood iilgrboUrk Lorne Durnin, Frank McQuillin, Earl Durnm,; • James Curran, Allan Miller, Wm. G. •Humphrey, Will Rutherford, Ernest Gaunt, Lorne Wo6ds and Ross Gammie; also Mrs. -Wm.. • Hunter. and Mrs. Gor- don Kirkland of Zion and Mrs. Vernon Hunter of Lucknow. Miss Nora Creyke of the. Department' •of !Home Econ o rn. i e, s Was in charge.: . • :Keith and Mrs, -B lack Motored `from Ottawa on Thurs- day: and` ' on their return, they, were accompanied .by D a v i d, Freddie and .Gordie.. Miss Mary ;Murray and Cliff and Donald M u rr a y and Mr. and.. ;Mrs., John ;Cameron attend edthe funeral of ,their • cousin, :Mrs. Mary Robb at London:on ion Saturday. 'PE1/40I ; COUNCIL'' PICKS ITP TAB Volt $9;000' pEFIC1T I'eanbroke Town Council has agreed to assume a ,Centennial' '�1V'eekk .1ia'iility of $8,931,57." The Board' was divided:on. picking •up. the tab, but a majority, accepted it "with reluctance but .`as a. mor al Obligation." ; Buy �scally! • Register Forms ° Carbon Snapout F011218 Gas and Oil Truck Fornix • Continuous ,Business Forms '. Counter.:.Check Books Restaurant Pads The LUCK'NOW. SENTINEL phone 35` 3 The 'I%ucknow .Cen.tennial. showed a profit (the disposal' of .which has not been decided up-,, on) but Pembroke's experience showed what .could happen. ' Many. of their activities failed tar approach • the estimated' revenue figure. As well as' Underwriting, . the deficit . the Council had made a. $5,000 grantbefore, it was held. .ry gyre's how busy people and Haven't time to get.. to the bank?, 'hen :you need the B of M banking -by -mail plan. You can get full details,' without obligation, at yoOr nearest B of M branch. Why not call in orwrite today ? ,70 2 NIIUON CANADIANS • MAIL. Nothing could be simpler The B of M's new mail deposit -form made of "no carbon-required"'paper — eliminates the need, for repetitive writing or messy carbons • • You make out'only one ,deposit -slip. Presto, there's' a second copy which comes back from the Bank as your re - and a third 'copy which you keep for your records, We' supply a pre -addressed envelope with our form which you 'can use for your.~:'. next deposit: It .comes ,back to you by return mail with .' your receipted deposit slip. It'sreasy to,savo when you bank . 'by mail at "MY BANK" ' } • �• �c ;a�;a\ys. Ask for one of our Bank ing-bi-mail folders. It can • save you time, trouble • and shoo !author. • BANK pO.F IVtl'�T'I'REAL 64#44#4.76•4e'a Lucknow Branch: MILTON RAYNER,. Manager. WORKING WITH. CANADIANS IN' ' EVERY 'WALK, '4F LIFE SINCE 1817 ' • „-:..meatiarimir .,