HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-03-11, Page 1n„Advance -” $1.00, Extra To U.S.A..
the very: near u -
faced with a sew -
system' that ;,:could,
000. " ieeve Joynt
s chief ai ,is to
rojeot; or the start
it, until the Luck-
irks .debenture. re-
Chis• debenture Was
51/2%, with annual
principal and in -
ss of .$4,400.,
disposal project is
ling to the' Ontario
find. their ' engineers
'm !the :spring to.
,ial survey.
nt arida Councillor:
;on were. in Toro, -
ay"conferring with.
rry,• general anana
ter' Resources Coin-'
vis concerned. with'
of streams, a con -
has existed
on -has --existed- here for
►sal ' Lagoon
ments. plan .for. 'sew-
a 1 .in Viigages and
some 4,000 popula-
goon.:' This is ibuilt
rter to a half:: mile
.dential area, into
and fresh' water is
Chemical • 'action.
a. .green alga
'ging . the disposal
derstand it as a gi.-
tariik, Cost of such
worked out at froth;
00.00 per capita; .so
ale sy�stein. covering
pattered a c r e a g e
the •,maximum fig::-,
�f ;the project (alight
ver forty years • at
Ug rate of .interest,
y . 4%. :The Water
rmmissioit issues :the
:t . would. be set PP
iter and• 'Sanitation
isers would be billed
lve ,the service. .•
i0 Water Resources
Was established only
go and in, that time'
. :Illi. Snider reports
ivary 22nd,'the Com -
30 ,sewage Projects
nde/ construction or.
:4construction stage,
Ise to 23 million dol -
1, Mitchell and Wiar-.-
i rib y 400MS .in' this
✓ a municipalities are
of preliminary ne-
icludi•ng d. u c k n•o w
o mention' a 'couple.
igton had an. exper-
reek that makes hi.1n-
think ' what .c o u 1 d
led. - 4 ,
to his home at:. St.,
a the Township Hall
bh of the 9th ' Con.,,
truck went out of
flipped over. yA 'brok-
cath the shackle\ corn
aused the vehicle to
,'oritrol. It wenn into
ink, and somersault-
-4 wheels in. the air,
s 6 -year-old daughter
gwled front the. cab
flutes before, six oth-
of Rots' school, had
in. the vehicle, some
of. it. They had been�
e 9th, and. the Mishap
fore Ross' reached the
Psion. 'Had the asci
need +b e l o +W the 9th
,cls could have avert-
Y. '
The • obtaining of nevi, :licence
plates•' • and operator permits is
generally delayed • by . a big nna .
jority, of motorists,. King Winter
still has this area firmly in his
grip which has encouraged,. and
almost enforced, .in some cases,
'putting it off. .
Locally, only about: one-third of
the' -normal number ofmarkers
had been obitained, at the end of
the week. With. the deadline only
a week away --March' 18th,' it is
feared that.. it may be practically
physically.' aznpossible to' handle
the .last minute. rush.
Licences 'must -.be issued in se-
quence and this prevents extra
help being added ; to ' assist in
'handling' those who put • it off
until the last minute. •
• C. E. (C a m) .MacTavish of
. W'ingham, and formerly of Luck -
now; has ' been appointed .'distri
• ibutor of petroleum products for
Canadian Petrofina covering ' a
wide , area:
His territory is . from 0 w e n`
Sound and Meaford in the north
to Goderich in 'the ' south and
easterly to the Arthur -Listowel
• area. Cam ;has . a. fleetof seven
trucks servicing,. this . territory: •
The new distribution plant is
at the 'northern outskirts of.
In taking over .the . new •distra
tbutorship, Mr., , MacTavish term-
inated a periodof some:. fourteen
years with the , BA Oil Company.
Cam started with BA in assoaia-
tion, with the late Garfield Ost-
rander in • the fall.. of ,1945.. He'
later :took over the business .and
had his .headquarters in Luck
now until 1949:. ' For the past ten
y eta r s'• distribution operations
had .been centered in Wingham.
The local BA station is switch
Mg •to Pina, and .'.pumps `Will
shortly be 'changed.
Mr., MacTavish has as his: as-
sistant manager, Mr:' Doug Har-
rison,':a. former sales 'representa-
tive for ' BA. ' •
V, A. ' Mowbray has stepped uP
to the presidency of the Luck -
now and District. Red Cr
ciety,' and announces' that. p " s
are ,beings'laid for the annual.
blitz canvass, ache du 1 e d for
Thursday, April 26th.
Mr. aviowibray raised the mat
ter at the Lions Club meeting' on.
Monday,. and the Club approved
' of assisting with. the canvass.:.
Miss Dean MaciKenzie,, who
has been in 'Wine -tam .Hospital
for several weeks, is now, much
unproved. She was found earlier
in the winter unable to, help her-.
self, and, .suffering from expos-;
ure in her 'unheated home. Her.
condition for' • .some time was
quite serious.
• Mr. and Mrs. Jake Hunter re-
ceived word bast week of the
death . of ' Mrs•:. C. Clifford : in
Brantford General Hospital.. She
had been hhospitalized • for some
sixteen years- due to a fractured
hip.. Her death ..was the• result of
a severe stroke.
° Mrs: Clifford was the former
Lottie Malloch, and at one time
lived • at •Creeve, with' her broth-
er', Jack. Malloch;
Mr, . John MacRae, • esteemed
nonagenarian : resident,' ;: found
four ten dollar bills in, the snow
on "Quality. Hill" last we9'k,and
excitedly hurried to The Sentinel.
Office 'with' the :money.'•
We''• only wish 'he could have
seen the relief and surprise of
Mrs.' Kenneth Nicholson. ; when;
:she • called at .•the' office a' snort
time later, on the long chance
that: 'some •honest person had
found her money. •.
Wiarton :.County Home Resolution
fails To Gain Council's Support
The• Lucknow Village. Council 'Reeve. Joynt. who 'is 'Warden
in session last 'week, ':took no
action 'on they �Wiarton sponsored
resolution to' the effect •.that the
Ontario* ' 1Vlunicipal :, Board ask
Bruce .' County Council .to. ;give
further consideration to the buil-
ding of an .addition to the County-
,Home ata cost that would ex=.
ceed , $900,000. • • •
of Bruce, pointed :out _that the.
project'' has been`. approved at
the January'' session. The Com_
rr iyttee had '.received: : the "go.
.ahead at, the June • session 'last
year. and had travelled the :.Pro
vince investigating and inspect-
ing such. homes. The' architect's:
plans have been 'drawn, 'and the
Text of the Wiarton resolution` project 'receiving approval,.' The
which has been. subriiitted•: to all Province will. pay 50 per cent ,of
BrW' ce' ' municipalities . Seek`' 1 n g the capital:costs. and ;70...per-cent
:their Support, is as follows:- of maintenance. Reeve 'Joynt sta
"`Whereas the. tax rate of. the ted that the Department of::Wel
County of Bruce . has ,increased
at an alarming• rate m the last
'decade "And whereas : the Bruce
County Council has approved 11±.3ra vote of only 21:to 14,: the. con-
struction, of a new' County Home
at an' approximate cost of . $900,
000, which will;further increase:
said tax rate; •
"Therefore . this .." Council does:
hereby petition the Municipal
Board strongly to request Bruce
County'' Council.to give.. further
study to the project' of good and
proper shelter for: our • a g ed
people w .t h o u,t' involving • the
County. in ' such a heavy..capital
#are ' was • advising ' all counties
that they would .have 'to . do some-
thing about their chronically i11
patients and:, so • ..,relieve ' over-
crowding 'of : hospitals.
The CounFty. Home project, a
103 . 'bed., wing, will ,provide . ac-'
comcdation for those. who are
aged ';and infirm, Tet do not re-
quire hospital care.: The. wing,
however, will "provide bed -pat-'
ient care with qualified '.persons:
in change. Bed < patients cannot
presently be cared for 'at ` the
County Home. '
County Council will be called
to decide' • on two building •.plans
(Continued On page 11)
Mr, A, E Mc•I lin who was in
his 38th • year m. the drug" busi-
ness in Luekn•ow, • has sold the;
'l,,usiness and :property to Elsner
The transaction became 'efec-
tive on Thursday, and. work of
transfering the .I, Tmbach stock to;
the. new premises was carried on
at the
week -end. The Uznbacli
store . in .the . Murdie Block was
closed' 'on , Saturday.. . '
Of present day'siness
we believe' M. MqI' n held the
record for continuous, length of
service as ,.owner and operator
,of the business.
' Mr, and Mrs;. McKim came .to
Lucknew f ro inn Tillsonburg' • in
,August of 1921, when he bought
the ' drug . store' y:from ; J Garnet
Eimer came to• : Lucknow in
July of 1949 when he purchased
Larry.. Down's 'drug ,business.
Larry had been in business here
for some three .years,:.,after
ing the business. from Mrs: Gor-
don Taylor following the un-
timely death of her husband.
Mr, and Mrs McKim will. re-
-Main in the apartment ,above • the
store for ;the tune: being. They
hope to •obtain ` a :residence - here,.
and continue .to make their home
in Lucknow, They both, have .
been active. in. •various phases of
community life,,. Mrs. McKim
having rendered noteworthy :ser -
vice•: in ,Girl Guide,. Red Cross
and 'church activities, while ' Mr.
McKim. served 17 years on the. :.
school `. Board, :while other acti-
vities .:over those
years inclruele..
those- associated with the Red
Cross 1Viasonie order, Churooh, t.
Pipe Band, arid Business '''Men's
Mr. 'and Mrs: McKim have a
family of . four; a': daughter, Mrs.
Mary Graham of ' Toronto; • and
three sons, Reid,. Alan• and Jack,:,
Reid is a pharmacist with • the.' •
narcotic :division orf '.the ..,Cavil'
Service. He served ` his .: appren-
ticeship with his father after re='
turning. f`ront military service in.,
World' War II, having'' enlisted
at' the age of 18. Alan is, "'a civil
engineer, specializing' in • ibridge'
construction with the Department
.of Highways: Tar: Jack McKim
graduated last year at the 'Uni-
versity ' of Western Ontario . and •
is• at present • interning at St..
Joseph's Hospital, London. •
Lucknow Teachers 1=latte Dole 'In Honouring
J. M. Game of Walkerton, . in-
spector . of Public Schools for
Bruce .for the• -past twenty-seven
.years was honoured by teachers
of the inspectorate at a .banquet
in the Kincardine United Church
last Thursday .night:
1V1r.Game will terminate his
ditties later ..this month and will
be •succeeded• by his present as-
sistant, Walter S. Hougham of
Walkerton.. ,
Miss. Helen
Thompsok of Luck-
now, ' president of the Teacher's
Institute :for Bruce, .149. 1, was
ch firman for• the 'banquet and
following program, Miss Thomp-
son corntnented
hompson''comnnented that the teachers
"knew that any evening .held. in
honour of Mr. .Game would be
Well attended. This was.' in 'evi-
,dence' :witch a.. gathering, Of . over
two' hundred.
G. C, Huston of Southampton
off e r e d,.Grace. .Reminiscences
were given by: H. S Sanderson
of 'Chesley, retired principal of
the Chesley Public, School :and a
teacher • for forty-seven years,
Miss Dorothy- Lochead of Ches-
ley; :a teacher ;of long, service and
Mrs. "J. "B. Vasey of Paisley, prin-
cipal of the Paisley Public School
(Continued` on page,' i)
J. M. Ganie of Walkerton, who.
is retiring after twenty-seven
years as a public school inspec-
for in Bruce, was honored at a
banquet at "Kincardine "'United
Church, Thursday. Shown. left
to right :are Stuart Collyer,. pian .
cipal of Lucltnow Public Scheol
preset ting Mr. Game with a gift
of money Miss Helen Thompson
of Lucknow public School, `pre-
sident' of the Teacher& Institute'
of Bruce. No. I,, who Was chair-
'man :for the •banquet; Walter S.
I-{ougham of Walkerton who will
succeed Mr. Gains.
Sentinel Photo
Cut Courtesy Kitchener Record.
1 t