HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-02-25, Page 11ti
>NE DAY, FEB, 25th, 1959
(St Helens News)
Mr• and Mrs. T. J..Salkeld and
Miss W, D; Rutherford left on
Sunday for 'a Months hglida r at
Lakeland, Florida,.
Road conditions again played
ac with the card party 'arrang-
by the, Women's Institute 011F
day evening. However there
w re 7 : tables with. Mrs. Allan
Cranston and Frank, McQuihin a$
winners and Mrs. Laura McNeil,
,and W. G. Humphrey ..receiving
= the consolation prizes.. °
Congratulations and best wish-
es. go 'to Mrs: W. J Humphrey
on the occasion Of her 91s1•birth
day on. Monday. Mrs. Humphrey
is muc) improved froth her 're-
cent illness and ,is enjoying fair-
ly good ' health. - • '.
• The March meeting of •the
Women's Institute will be' held.
the Community Hall •onn Thurs.
day' March 5th•.,at 2:00 o'clock..
Roll call,, A.city in Ireland; Motto,`
Homes are: the greenhouses where
-the plants of citizenship; are
started,. by Mrs. .Harold Gaunt,
Topic, citizenship and ,Education;
by Mrs. G. MacPherson 'There
will, be.. a;' geography match and
the ladies are requested: to bring
their penny; rbuni-u.p bags: Hos
tesses, Mrs: 'S. de Soer,°:Mrs,'T.. J
Suffers Broken :,Bones:
Karen, nine-year=old daughter
• of Mr.; and . Mrs,' Ernest Gaunt,
had the; : Misfortune to fracture
two small'b:ones above her ankle
while playing at school on Tues-
day...She will , have 'her leg ,in.
cast ,for . at least 'two . months.:
"Karen'. had. a serious operation.
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SO Lucknow
on her spine cast fall ,and her
many friends sympathize with
.her in this furrther\rnrShap.
We are sorry to. 'report that
.Miss Beatrice ¥cQuillin is a pat-
ient in. the Wingham and District
General, Hospital. °
Funeral service for John Flex -
man Barkwell, age 75, who died
in rWingham Hospital. on Mon-
*day, will be held at the McLen-
nan and .MacKenzie Memorial
Chapel, Lucknow, • on., Thursday
at 2:00 p.m. with interment in
Greenlhill Cemetery;
•':Rew• "Thornas J.•-Edmurfds, Seat
tie, Wash., returned home 'Fri-
day after .a three weeks visit 'at'
the home of his wife's sister,
Mrs. Nellie Stewart.' Mrs• • Ed-
rnurids is:remaining' longer..They.
felt .much better a few days af-
ter 'arriving, claiming -that the
zero weather and snow was.' ag-
reeing with them better than the
rain..they were experiencing at.
the West 'Coast.
We extend. sympathy • to Mrs.
R. McDonald wlhose,,b`rother, the
late Thomas Robb of Amberley
passed away on Saturday,'
'Bill Black,' Stratford' Teachers',
College-, is spending this ' week.
Practice -teaching at Clinton
A.F. public. school, .
On, February, 20th, the Women's
'Missionary Society • met :in ;Er -
skin, Presbyterian Church. :The.
meeting was opened with prayer
by the President, Mrs.; W,. . .
Stewart, followed by a selection
by ,Mrs; .R: Fitgerald•; The roll
call answered by ; ten`members.
Miss' .1va ~Carr gave a r•eading• .'It
.was decided the meetings be held
the third: Friday • of the month
'instead of Thursday as formerly.
Mrs.. Mason' McAllister read a
letter on the bale allocation: Mrs.
'Robert. McAllister' advised . the
purchase' of , more hymn': books,
:which was approved •Mrs. W., A::
Stewart led in the' arrangement
of the programs for the remain-
ing months of the year. The meet
ing closed with the Lord's Pray-
er after. which; Christmas • cards
were, packed for Formosa:,
• Visiting with Mr ' and Mrs
James Wilson this week are • their
daughter,: Miss Barbara Wilson;,,
RN and friend •: Mis's :• Frances
Brodie, RN; of 'London and Mrs:
Wilson's brother,, Ernest', Craw-
ford .of Kenora• •
Mrs... Esther Rivett, who is re'-'
cuperating 'fromillness, returned
home afterspending two weeks
with her daughter, . M-rs, John
Wilson, Toronto;
Mr: and Mrs: W, J. McClure and'
son Bruce oi.'Elmira, Mrs: A.
Hefford, Toronto visited Mr• and
Mrs. Finnigan:. for the 'week=end
and on Monday attended • .the
funeral ` of , their aunt, the • late
Mrs Catherine • Shepherd, Clin-
• ton, .sister of Mr; W:.11..McClure.
• The ..United .Church;Wm-lien's
Association: met :Monday after
• noon for the February meeting,
having been postponed.:from the.
previous' Friday Mrs, Ray'm'ond
Finnigan presided. Mrs. ,Clifford
Crozier led with., the devotional
"`a new commandment.' Plans
were made for the congregational
supper on March Loth. Mrs• Har-
vey 'Alton, ..parsonage convenor
stated the improvements 'to be
done at , the parsonage. Mrs: C.
Blake. gave " a• contest on Bible
names. Tie meeting closed' with
a hymn and benediction .by Rev.
R. Kennedy. The April meeting
is scheduled to be held at the
home of, Mrs. Robert Stothe•s
and the roll. call answered by a
Bible verse containing the• word
Tom Fowler, student of Strat-
ford Teachers' College. is this.
week practice -teaching at a
school in • the Clinton area.
:On Sunday Mrs. • Harvey. Cul-
�bert visited her husband at West '.
Minster Hospital, 1,ondon, where
he is receiving treatment on his
back, and will ' he • there for' a
and 11V1'rs, Cecil 'Blake and
f: 9s'ly, Harold Blake, and M .s.
S. .1. Kilpatrick, visited on Sun-
day ,with Mr, and Mrs. Richard"'
Kilpatri:k, Crewe. /AUIVIISSION5e !
Mi;s° Bort 13
aman of COI -Abe
(formerly Belle lrt°ington.
The. s u d d e n. and unexpected
death .of Hon Thomas L. Ken
reedy, one tine Premier° of On-
tario and longtime Conservative
Minister of Agriculture,. cant. "a
,deep shadow over ;proceedings in
the •Legislature during the fourth
week sof this Session, Atthough
old in years, in experience, and
in, publitc service, Colonel Tom'
was young in spirit and was
trusted adviser of ,many in high;
,places, and the respected' coun
•sellar ' of .younger • ' Legislature
'Mem;bers, hisstandards. and prin-
ciples always had the respect and
admiration of all He will be
greatly missed': not only in his
own community, but, throughout
our great province:
Night sittings of the House.
commenced. �this.'week, as Mem-
bers joined almost to 'a man in
the Throne Speechdebate, while
government leaders endeavoured,
to make progress • with necessary
legislation. The j Committees of
the House again were .diligent' in
their duties and everyone, was
kept' very..busy. Tle Annual 'Con;
vention of the Association of Ru-
ral Municipalities meeting~ in
Toronto Ibrougght . here for it a
large number' of ;Reeves :' and
municipal ofrficials who provided
good • audiences in the . ; House,
many, delegations for Ministers'
and ; days and nights full of lin-
terviews for 'their Members,
Debate on thenatural gas con
troversy, on :tshe , report • of the
Select Committee on Labour and
on' the •various Bills introduced,
continued: With much vigour and
at great ` length.., 'Announcement
was also made'' by Prime'Minister
Frost that the Budget would be
brought down the following: week
and everyone awaits its: present-
ation as on indication of the gov-
er.nment's election .year policy.
Sessions of ,the. 'Committees on
Agriculture and on Education
provided many discussionsof
current problems :•and policies.
Farm safety. and farm marketing
received the "attention of, the ru-
ral 1Vfembers, , while . Dean •Diltz
of the Ontario•College'of Educa-
tion' discussed at : length the pro-
blems ‘0 ;teacher training ..,and
some. of the steps being taken to
ensure an ' adequate supply of se
condary school.. teachers 'for On-
tario High:Schools, and• Collegi-.
c; Among the. Throne• debate
speeches ' two were: worthy of
coxriment...One by former Speak-
er W.' . J. .Stewart . • (Corp.'! -Park -
dale) was `a, stirring appeal to all
Memibers to keep always in mind
and practice' our high principles
Dungannon) had a serious . op,
eration at .Lemington : Hospital,
performed -by. Dr. E•. Kirk Lyon
of Leamington • medical centre.
Dr• E. Kirk Lyon is a nephew of
the late Jennie' lviemath of Dun-
gannon and :.is, ,a ` cousin of Mr..
Oliver Kirk' also a former: Dun
gannonite :Dr.:.E. •Kirk Lyon` is
vice-president - of the Canadian'
Medical, association of which
Prince Phillip;. Duke of Ediri-
bourgh is President: •
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Durnin Phillips,. Dungannon
E. -H. Agnew, Lucknow
arid great ,traditions. The ,other.
was a most'.interesting speech.
by former Premier Harry Nixon.
(Lila.. -Brant),• the.. Dean of the
House, which was full ; 'of history
and ,good sense and listened to.
carefully by all the members.
Nirs.. hack Morrison sand baby
spent ''a few days in .Windsor at
the ':home of Mr. and Mrs•' J.
Forsthye.. / "
Mr.. and Mrs. Cecil. Falconer.
spent ati ?few days:. Withrelatives,
in . Sarnia. •
Mrs: Ken Dowling is spending
a week; ,at. the home of Mr• and
Mrs• Robert,. Aitchison,' Ilderton.
Jack : Aitchison :had his , car
smashed . up •.on.: Saturday 'night.
He had gone into the post office
aria 'when: he came out, the' rear
end was badly smashed in. ' •
\ Mr'' and Mrs Jim Gaunt spent
Sunday .visiting :friends in :Lon-
don. ;
(By J; Carl :Hemingway
Huron ; County 'Federation of
Agriculture Directors 1Vleeting,
ruary • 17,th. The secretary
.Fieldman outlined the new rates
of : Compensation being offered
by 'Ontario Hydro for the con-.
struction of lines • across ' farm
land• The -'OFA bas b* negotiat-
ing forseveral months and, while
still not satisfied with the 'com-
pensation, the new offer• is about
three times the old:; rates. .
4s •
In view ofthe new line that is
to be constructed shortly :.from
Seaforth• to Clinton it wasagreed
that... the Federation' convene a
meetingof the farmers• affected
and th.e-township federation's in
order that the land . owners
might have all available inform
same, ,,matter Of. land
acquisitionq: ' the • meeting' agreed
that: 'the County: Federation: pro-
. '
test the proposed straightening
of the bend at Auburn. This: road
was only: constructed somethree
years ago, and it hardly seems
,reasonable that:it is now. obsolete ,
Mrs. ' Vera Greig, vice chairman
of, 'Ontario ,• Farm Fortin- report=
ed ofi the Annual Convention,
held in •Saskatoon. • Due largely
the interest shown in • this'
area .. in/ the • 'farm programs and .
the TV Farm .Forums. the CBC
will be putting on more regiular.
farm: programs in the near fut-
ure. Also it. is expected that there
will;. be. several 'private. stations .':.
carrying' 'the TV farm, Foruin
next year.
• There was ' considerable • • dis-
cussion .on: the 'freight subsidy
'now- being paid on western feed •
grain coming to 'Ontario. Many
,seemed to feel that this was' of no •
benefit to the average 'farmer
but was a' special advantage to '
'the. large and vertically inteigrat- -
ed . feeder: It was agreed • by the
meeting that this question should
be: taken back to the, farmers in
the ; townships" to learn the feel-
ing of the producers.' The result's
will 'then 'be'. passed on to the
County and to the OFA.
Sponsored By The Lucknow District Lions Club
The Liicknow Arena
At 7:45 O'Clock Sharp
ay, t bruary
1 O