HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-02-25, Page 443' r• Xt • SAGE FOUR ,»p e ' THE. LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW; ONTARIO VON. ,SALE " CHAIN, SAWS ---,Porter Cable and Pioneer, $169.50 'up. Dealer Chris: Shelton, phone 80, Luck- . now. HOUSE FOR SALE --- six -room house in ;Luckrow• with all con, veniences;, R. 'B,. Puance, Luck - .now. '', • ' ..FERTILIZER ' Lowest ' prices. ' Additional :sav- inks by ordering early.. MacMillan Brothers, Lucknow.. • . ONE -DAY FILM ' SERVICE FiLMS.. DEVELOPED in 24 hours. In. by 13 noon, back by 3:,00, p.m; next 'day. Allan Reed, Sports arid Auto Supply, .Lucknow.. • TYPEWRITER RIBBONS • ' Typewriter. ; ribbons, for any make Of :Machine are now 'avail- able • at the Lucknow Sentinel. No matter wliat ~'the .machine, We have the'ribbon.. Phone 35, Luck- naw. ,; MEAT •FOR : SALE Good beef • or' pork • in ' largeor small quantities: Meat slaughter ed on• premises.`• inspected .by the Department of Health. • ,Custom killing by ; appointment: • Cattle, killed every. • day and hogs .every Tuesday morning ' RAYNARD ACKERT, Uolyrood Phones :' 24-28 Ripley, and .101-r-13, . ,Lucknow .. USED • MACHINERY • ' Massey':Harris 22 tractor; Mas- sey :Harris' 101 row • `crop .tractor; Ferguson ' , manure loader, '.back- end • Ford manure :' lo. ader•; Fer.- i guson tractor ..and loader. • New, Oliver traetors, ,balers, .combines,1 ete, D on Donaldson, R11,. 1 Holy - rood. , • •1 FREE' •MAKE 'DRAPERY. 'SALE. New screen. prints, ' fibreglass, plain materials etc. Made upfree of . Charge (rninimurn 5%* yds: ) No...additional: charges , as invol- ved when buying from samples. •-I5004'' yards in stock ' for rimmed; . •� ate ' selection, no delays. ..01,1r large purchases: mean lower 'pri.c7. es,.fer you ; Smitty's Shopping Centre • Ltd.; Hanover Ontario, ` , i HOUSE • FOR SALE -located on the :Main St. 'in Dungannon, : 5'. rooms; . ' interior completely , re modelled• id recent years, build-. ing fully insulated,'. equipped with water .,Pressure "system, au- tomatic ' w a t e:r; heater, -3 piece � bath, rriodern : kitchen with built . in cupboards: For additional in- formation • call, 32.-R,:Ripley.' Huron and .1 inloss Telephone Sy - stet'. • SEED FOR • SALE All varieties: of, clovers, Tim- othy and, grasses at' lowest: prices. A, • good.. hay -pasture mixture, 8 ib. Alfalfa, 2 lb. Red clover or 1 :of Lading, 4 lb. timothy, 6. 1b. Brone, total 20 lb.Specialcial price $6.98 per acre, mixed free. if .de- sired. We are Specialists, in' Seed cleaning, • grain .cleaning and treating, Seed grain° for sale: . ' R. 'Gramm and Son, Pinkerton, Ontario, phone Cargill 68-W-3: Sornething to sell?' Something `to, buy? Phone 35, Lucknow INSULATED: SIDING • Plan now to put Insulated Sid- ing ' on' Your Home this Spring. As . well as increasing its value, Insulated Siding will add 'warth, beauty and protection to your .home. Did you knew' that the average •home • can be covered' with Number 1 Heavy Insulated Siding; including all nails, strap- • ping and corners, and labour, for, •less. than, $400.00,• and, can be paid for as little ..as $17.00• per Meath.? Ask to see the different patterns, and get' a free estimate *for your • home 'with absolutely no obligation. '` John W. Henderson, Lumber Ltd. Phone 150 SERVICES, . HALF PRICE OFFER 14 leader's, Digest .. .New Subscribers. Only . 1Z• issues for $2.00 . Don Thompson, : phone 35 RUST PROBLEMS? For ,a• complete stock'' of auto re- pair panels DAVIDSON .Visualining &.. Collision :S.ervice NO, .8 ° Highway, Phone 320, Goderich FOOT SUFFERERS If you have, sore feet, ,ankles, legs, • hips or e why not' have d by a qualified oot Correctionist. sciatica . pal lower, 'bac your feet/c experienced ,See: J, ' A. VICKERS at Queens Hotel, Wingham, each, Monday afternoon Other tines • 481 8th. Ave;, Hanover, ',Phone 500 CeUST014 BUTCHERING cutting :and wrapping, meat sold by quarter. For ° appointment ,,phone 54, Lucknow. • .. BUTTON ..:MEAT 'MARKET L a d i e`s ' Home '•Journal, 22 months ' '$3:85; American Home, 25 months,, $3.25; Saturday Eve- ning Post, 60 ;issuee, .$4,79 Holi- day, 14 months $3.50; Other spec- ial; offers on Look, Life, 'Time and .'Sports Illustrated will 'con- tinue for 'several • weeks. • $ . We will' order any magazine' for you, regular or bargain .;pric- es..' Don Thompson, phone `.35 OLD HORSES WANTED .• Old horses: wanted at 34c. per 1b:; dead /cattle at value:, If• dead, phone Aionceto,Gilbert •Bros. 1 Mink Ranch, phone. collect God=. erich 1483J4 or 1483J1.' :STEERING TROUBLES? • • • • DAVIDSON Visaalinng' & Collision :Service NO. 8 Highway, . Phone 320, Goderich GLASS,! For every ; make ',auto, flat or. curved. See -- DAVIDSON Visualising & . Collision Service No.. 8 Highway, • Phone 320, 'Goderich • CUSTOM CAR PAINTING 'A nice new `paint job is, money well spent, , single or two tone, , hot spray method,. ,,fender and body work, rusted panels and sections 'replaced :• N. W WINTERSTEIN (1 .building west of Town ' Hall)• CARPENTER and .Repair .Work of ` all. types. ' Call at Lucknow Wood . Specialties or contact. 'Bob Campbell,- phone 'Dungannon" 68- r-10, . AUCYI0N . SERVICE. Allan. 1VIaclntyre Licensed. Auctioneer Lucknow--Phone 10-r-24 Ripley MOTOR. TUNE 1 ,P' SERVICE ,Let me -give your motor a new Hasting, ring job. It includes val- ve grind •,and '.'factory specified tune up.. The back to new motor life will astonish..you. N. W. W'INTERSTEIN , (1 building west of Town 'Hall) COMINGS EVENTS OPEN HOUSE Mrs. D. W.: Jordan will be at hone .to her friends, and neigh- bours, 'on the occasion of her ninetieth biday on • Monday, March snd from 2 to 5 p.m and 7 to 9. p.m. 'FUN, FROLIC, and: FASHIONS; •All to be found.. at the `Calico Bail, Town 'Hall, Lucknow, Fri- day, April 3rd, sponsored. by Kairshea :Worrien's Institute: ; • ST: PATRICK'S DANCE ••. • Lucknow Legion will'. aho10- :a St. Patricks 'dance in the Legion Hall on Tuesday, March ..-17th: Music by Slim Boucher and his Golden Prairie 'Cowboys. Novelty dances, admission 75c. ° JUVENILE FINALS For good hockey, entertainment see the Atwood and Lucknow • Juveniles in . action ,in, the Luck- now Arena on Monday,. March 2nd 'at .830..pzn. This • is the 4th game of a best three -out -of -five series -for the W.00 A;: Juvenile "D" championship. Admission 35c, 25c and 15C. PROPERTIES . FOR. . SALE . A number: of homes in Luck- now, .well' located :with all con .venienees We: ,have a country store; nice living quarters, doing real good business:. Priced for::•quick .sale. ' Several farnis <' in this area. Some . on ' highway close to • Luck - now Farms and business''properties. for sale throughout 'Western On tario • ListY 11 o r ro' Y ert with W.... L. P p 'Stevenson; . • Real ' Estate, : Mount Forest: John Hall'•.'.saleman for this district. TENDERS ASHFIELD TOWNSHIP • • SEALED TENDERS. will; •be' • re- ceived by the undersigned; until Saturday, urda February- 28th, 4959, at 6:00, p.m.: (1) for the ;spraying of cattle; in the Township . •of Ashfield' for Warble Fly control. (2) •for the .position -of Warble Fly -Inspector' , in the Township of. `Ashfield Lowest or any tender not nee- , essarily • 'accepted.. . Donald M. Simpson, • Kintail, Clerk; ToTvnship of, Ashfield. West Wawanosh T4vnshup TENDERS will be received for t the supplying 'of approximately (. 500 lbs of. warble fly powder I said warbicide to be delivered . under• the supervision. of ' the Warble Fly Inspector.' Tenders will be received. ' for the spray- ing of cattle• under the ;Warble Fly .Act Tenders- to state price per head for each. spray: 'Tend - eters to supply all necessary equipment and help., Township 'will supply the warbicide. Applications will- be received for the position • of Warble Fly Inspector.' Applicants to state' price per hour. Inspector to pro- vide 'his: own transportation and ;will be required te collect . the. spraying fees from cattle own • ers:1 Alltenders and applications to be in the Clerk's '.hands .by. 6:00 March '7th, .19.59, Notice To Creditors In the Estate of Ellen Shackleton All sons.g claims againstthe estate of Ellen Shack- •leton, ,late of the Village of Luck - now in the County. of Bruce, wid ow; deceased,, who died on or about the 26th day of December, 1958, are . required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the .21st. day of Febru- ary, 1959. After that date ,the .Executor will proceed to distributethe es- tate.' state ' having regard only to • the claims of which they , shalj then have had notice.. • Dated ,at, Winghan1,' this 3rd'.d•ay "of February., 1959: ' ' Crawford & . 'Hetherington . ; Wingham,' Ontario. Solicitorsfor the •'Executors., In the' Estate. of Roderick Mac- Dougall • All persons • having . claims against the estate p°f 'the: above intentioned, late of the Township of Kinloss ,• in the County of Bruce,Retired 'Farmer, who die( on the . 16th day Of • December, 1958,... are required. to' file proof of samewith the undersigned on or about: the 7th day ; of March, .D. 1959. After that, date the Executors will proceed_ to distri- bute, the estate : having regard; 'the -claims .of which • thy e only to' , t e c , shall then have had notice. Dated at. Wingham, this Tenth day :':of February, A.D. 1959. ' Crawford and :Hetherington, Wingham,, Ontairio • Solicitors for the Executors. PLAY PEN SOLD QUICKLY. A' ,play . pen advertised in .. last. week's Sentinel;.` was quickly sold. The sale was itnade Thursday morning and there were three other pros- pective customers after It was . gone.. • The sale was: Made by the ,Publisher's wife, . who; from' time to time uses the "want ad" column, and ., has 'never yet failed -to get results. She is one of our best want . ad boosters --trouble • is wehave •a' hard time .collecting ; the fee -even : though its only 40. or 50 cents. Next 'time we're going to insist on •cash, with order, INSEMINATION SERVICE Waterloo' Cattle. • Breeding Assoc. Where Better Bulls Are Used Supply artificial . breeding ser- vice fdr allbreeds of cattle,. For service or more infbrma tion, call collect to Kincardine. 460 or Clinton Zenith 9-5850, be- tween:- 7.30 and 10;00 A.M.. week days; 6:00 and. 8:00' P.M. Satur- day • evenings. R For cows noticed in heat . on Sunday morning, do not call un -1 til Monday Morning. . The quality' is high and the cost ucknow. low. . .: J. F. Foran, .Township Clerk. R.R. 2; Auburn, Ontario. DEAD STOCK : SERVICE HIGHEST CASH' ' PRICES Paid . for Sick, 'Down or : • Disabled Cows & Horses • also. Dead Cows and Horses at Cash Value Old 'horses 4c 'per pouted Phone. collect 133 Brussels • BRUCE MARLATT or GORDON TAYLOR Phone 44-r-24, Luektiow 24-hour service • • WEDNESDAY, FE$. 25th,. 1959 NOTICES Auxiliary Meeting The Ladies' Auxiliary will hold their meeting. in • the Auxiliary Rooms on 'Tuesday, March 3rd; Committee, E. Barkwell,M. Car. ruthers,, S. Collyer, F. Cowan. • --.4 There will be a Girl Guide . meeting in the Town Hall Council Chamber, . 'Friday, March 6th • at 7:Q0 p.m. , . WANTED FEMALE HELP WANTED • DOSO*OilNEED+ MONEY, Avon �: ;Cosmetics will su45p1y that' • need. Write,stating . telephone number,' to' BoA, Lucknow Sentinel; `. CATTLE •WANTED --am in the market to; buy stocker,. feeder and :fat Steers .atall times. Lorne Eadie, •>;'Iolyrood, phone • Ripley* 24r-9. FOR :. RE 1T APARTMENT TO, RENT — at' Holyrood; ;bathroom and all in- side conveniences, Ernest Ackert, Holyrood. CARDS OF THANKS" Mrs. Jessie •Allis wishes to sincerely thank all those who remembered her • with- . cards, treats and 'visits while in Wing- harm' and Victoria Hospitals,: and since returning home, and as well •,. to express appreciation to those who were so• 'good. to 'her family and . her dad during that ;,Mrs. Donald Murray wishes to express her sincere thanks : to all those who so kindly remembered.. her and the baby, 'with • cards, gifts and other ways, all of which were much appreciated. • . Mrs. Ross Errington and •Vale :rm wish'. to express,: sincere thanks, 'to: those' Who sent cards, Ietters and gifts, while• in' the hospital: I wish . to thank my many friends who sent me • so many flowers, letters ' and get -well cards while. in Victoria Hospital, also those • people who made, -it possible formy sister to visit, me in the .hospital and Miss Ruth Thompson for donating blood. These many : acts of kindness were very ,much" appreciated. Dorothy..Cook Q. VE Si. „,."74,74w,r; 'r %i i%/j y / v / /,y,/rl/ r Y;. rr 4'104: 4 r, V //,.f;frr A. •A'rrr% %rr0S P fritr,,/r/���'r�fiF•Y,/;��fdf`J. 41 fti r.• There's, no'better; way to eut fer- tilizer costs than.to'take advan- tage of 'the early season discounts• on Co-op Fertilizer. se us.NQ vn,u, MCMO 'HIGH GRADE cin • FERTILIZERS O .• k• r 'H//%,,�%/r1 4 gel . /r,�, r1 :. • ,/ /A 1a,6.Celli/ilr.,vl,I:v'/,i:rr/1i %td, wiffiketwomvsonsaeo 4w1111, Y •.we�1. W wM•�/MIJ,IY 4-2412 ' `N taking deliuory. In FEBRUARY Plus an additional savingof 7% by paying cash in 10 ' days We have . been serving the , area with Granular • Fer» for several years knowDistrict Coo Phone 71 Lucknow