HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-02-18, Page 5P
.INEDIsTaDAY, ' FEB. 113th, 1950,
Your. 1958 driver's. licence and . vehicle permit will expire at Mid-.
night, . ,March, 18.. After • this date it ' will .4 be illegal to drive with
.1958 licence or plates. • :
pon't,Wait T11The March, Deadline
Act now • and avoid inconvenience. A last minute rush will cause
,delay at the• ,2 5 0; Agency Offices throughout the province.
You Utast show proof of Liability' Insurance when you apply
for ,plates "or pay an extra . $5.00 into the Unsatisfied Judg-
ment' .Fund.The additional- $5.00 payment is NOT.a sub-.'
• stitute for Liability Insurance
if you do. not have 'your "Proof of Liability 'Insurance" Certifi-
nate, See .your insurance agent to -day, A 'policy for Fire,
Theft and : Collision is NOT Liability Insurance:' Check your
Study. the "Pointe System" folder you will receive with your
Driver's Licence,' It explains in detail, your new Point System::
Ontario . Department Of Transport
Hon: John Yaremko QC.; Minister D J. Collins, , Deputy Minister
W.I. BRANCHES TO• SPONSOR she opened• with a 'reading on
A °$2,000.0.0 SCHOLARSHIP Saint Valentine Day;;. Community
•singing • followed° . The guest spea-
The 'February, meeting., of the kers. was Mrs. Jack Pollock. who
L• ucknow . W.I. was.. held .the. dealt with the Motto, . "Don't try
:Town' Hall w.i<th .Mrs. P..8'. Ste-
wart in the chawir. Twenty eight
members ' and five visitors were
Present. .Reports and. leters of
appreciation were' read and one.
-minutes minutes silence .' was observed. , in
`memory of Mrs WM. 'Douglas.
• Two ideal :leaders will be chosen
at - the March • meeting to , take:
the short " courses, • "The third
meal," and "Window Treatment."
• Mrs. .'Geo:.. Whitby had charge
to keep `up with the Joneses un-
til you know. where they, are" go-
ing." . She stressed some very • in-
teresting points such as ' .not • to
cast` enviouseyes on some Jones=
es before we 'enquire the price.
We may have to . paytokeep up'
with them.
Impromptu speeches were
heard on. The St. Lawrence Sea=
way. by, Mrs. J. W. Joynt,.: the
Lenten Season by Mrs. G. Mc
.of the following program' which 'Diarmid, the Canadian flag by
,or' sound counsel and a:fair price on a monument
correctly designed ."from quality material.,,
rely on .
Pat. O'Hagan, Prop,
Established ..Over Sixty Years
Phone 638-w
For the present. tune we are -carrying on. the
formerly operated ,by McLennan and MacKenzie :and'
Johnstone and Son.
The 1959 World Day of Prayer
Service for 'the 'Women's Inter-
church Council of Canada was
this, year prepared by .a commit-
tee of Christian Women in ' Egypt.,
The local 'service was • held in
United Church, Lucia -tow, ' on.
February :13" with W M.S. memn-
•bers from the Anglican„ 'Presby-
terian .and United Church in:at
tendance.. Presidents of the Auxi-
liaries taking part as lea• ders. in
cluded Mrs. li'. W. Hoag, Mrs.
A. C. Agnew;; Mrs. H: Jennings,
Mrs. Robert MacKenzie, and Mrs..
V. . Hunter, • Mrs. Hoag conducted
the opening , and closing excer-
vises. The . theme • of the service
was, He said, "Lord. 1 believe
and,,: e worshipped . him.".Mrs.'
George' Kennedy read the crip-
ture and prayers were offered by
Mrs: C. Shelton, Mrs,; C. McQu.il
lin, Mrs. X. Pollock,:. Mrs. E. White •
• and Mrs. J. W. ; Joynt. 'This. • part
of the• service as ' iterspersed
with singing, familiar 'hymns:. '
# .Mrs. A. E. McKim gave .a. very
I interesting. and practical address'
based on ,the theme ' "Lord I Be
1 lieve," stressing• three. of our be
liefs = first, the :Brotherhood. of
'Man, and Sisterhood• of Wornan•;
second;" our belief in our Com
•munity'• which- affords us oppor-
tunities for .service and being
I good neighbours .and lastly, our
belief• in the powerof money for
lgood or. evil referring to -an old'
J'. Indian proverb, "All that"you can.
! hold in: your dead: hands is what,
you have given away" A `pleas-
ing.. duet was /sung by Mrs. P.
Swart and ' Mrs.. .J.. Joynt ac
companied by Mrs. J Hall. The.
meeting closed With,: benediction. •
Mrs. R: • Robertson and : what the
W.I. means to: ...you by• Mrs: O.
• .Mrs.: H. Houston, District 'Pre
:sident •brought,greetings• for
South Bruce. She stressed: the.
•importance of . young .women in
Institute.' ` work, also . to publicize
our meetings by making use of
the ;'Press, Radio ` and TV, She
reported. Bruce County has given
s u p po r 't ' to the resolution • on
Daylight aavink • and sixty ' W.I.
Branches • will sponsor a twp.
thousand dollar s c'h o'1 a r• s h i p
which will .be ready 'to award
in nineteen sixty': .in a Bond:. A
solo by Arleata Pollock was much
enjoYed, followed by the Roll
Call, "A funny experience in my
life: The. meeting was brought
to a close with,:.The 'Queen and
W.I. Crrace•and a dainty lunch
was served by the hostesses in
charge. ti
With reference to the: Centen-
nial', 'Gordon. Thompson. of • Cal-
gary says, . 'Sorry we couldn't
make it." He ,,refers to .a recent
visit ''with Lovell' Murdoch and
with the publisher's .cousin, Jack
Barber of •Cranbrook
409 Huron Street, Toronto •
/ W. i'.i'.:..Watson,' :Ontario' Live
Comissiox er and Secre-
tary' of the', Ontario 'Beef Cattle
Irnpr ovement Association, report-
ed .. animals' today that 2.99 a mals' nave
been entered in this year's annual
sale .of beef' bulls. whi�cl will. be
held on March 4• ,and ' 5 M : the
Royal ` Winter Fair Buildings, in
I Toronto. '
Herefords: lead in nu'Mbers with
135 bulls ' being entered for sale
(Shorthorns are second' with 131
being, . entered while • the • Aber-
deen •Angus • breed are 'represent-
ed by 30 entries.
klnteresting f eat 0 re of this
1 y'ear's sale is the fact, that one
Wird of the animals offered are
performance 'tested with the re -
'cord indicating a gain of 2.30.
pounds per • day. Entered 'in the
sale are 55 performance . tested
Herefords; 40 Shorthorns and -4
'Aberdeen "Angus. an addition it
is exxpected.'that 24 other consign-
ed bulls ' will complete the test
before the sale is held.:
S'hotrthorns• arescheduled to be
. • judged on the evening of Tues-.
I day, 'March 3'rd arid Sell, ori Wed-
nesdaya March 4th: Aberdeen `An-
gus and Hereford show on Wed-
nesday, March 4th, immediately
following the Shorthorn `sale and
sell. ori Thursday, March ,5th
Sales commence at ,10 a.m each
During the showing every bull
will be inspected by the three
men who will comprise the cull-
ing committee. If two members
consider that a bull is unsuitable,
for . use as a sire he will not be
eligible . for the . sale, but the
owner may take him home. If
three Members : reject a bull, he
must be sold' far slaughter.
Mr. '• and Mrs. John Gaunt:•
spent the/ week -end in Smith
Falls: , °
Mr.' Jack Gillespie and Barrie
of • :Sarnia • spent ' the. week -end,.
with Mr. and ;Mrs G. ,Gillespie.
Mr, and Mrs.. W. R. Farrier re'
turned with .them . and are stay-
ing at the home of Mr and Mrs.
Garnet Farrieir.
Mr'. • and • Mrs, • Scott Patterson
and family of Detroit - spent• the,
week -end . at • the home of , Mr.
Ken Patterson..
Mrs..`"Lott, has returned home
after • spending the past month.
in Toronto, •
Mr. and Mrs Herbert Buckton:
of Kinloss visited Mr, and Mrs.
A. E. Buckton•. on Sunday.
THANK YOU, NOTES . and Hasty
Notes 'available at 25 `cents per
package of .'10, cards aid matching
envelopes Don Thompson, phone
33. or 35:
from $39.95' tip:
•guaranteed: for one year
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'* 250,000 in use by • business.
firms, large and small,. retail
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ness . firms. '
*• Time -saving forlarge conipan-
iias, •
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Easily carried by. individuals:
Automatic checking device •
saves. need for paper tape. '
Phone 35, 'Lac)!tnow