HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-02-18, Page 5P .INEDIsTaDAY, ' FEB. 113th, 1950, • THE LUCKNO.W. 'SENTII`NEL,tJOI N OW, ' ONTAIUO PAGE FIVE Your. 1958 driver's. licence and . vehicle permit will expire at Mid-. night, . ,March, 18.. After • this date it ' will .4 be illegal to drive with .1958 licence or plates. • : pon't,Wait T11The March, Deadline Act now • and avoid inconvenience. A last minute rush will cause ,delay at the• ,2 5 0; Agency Offices throughout the province. TWO IMPORTANT REMINDERS You Utast show proof of Liability' Insurance when you apply for ,plates "or pay an extra . $5.00 into the Unsatisfied Judg- ment' .Fund.The additional- $5.00 payment is NOT.a sub-.' • stitute for Liability Insurance if you do. not have 'your "Proof of Liability 'Insurance" Certifi- nate, See .your insurance agent to -day, A 'policy for Fire, Theft and : Collision is NOT Liability Insurance:' Check your =policy. • Study. the "Pointe System" folder you will receive with your Driver's Licence,' It explains in detail, your new Point System:: Ontario . Department Of Transport Hon: John Yaremko QC.; Minister D J. Collins, , Deputy Minister W.I. BRANCHES TO• SPONSOR she opened• with a 'reading on A °$2,000.0.0 SCHOLARSHIP Saint Valentine Day;;. Community •singing • followed° . The guest spea- The 'February, meeting., of the kers. was Mrs. Jack Pollock. who L• ucknow . W.I. was.. held .the. dealt with the Motto, . "Don't try :Town' Hall w.i<th .Mrs. P..8'. Ste- wart in the chawir. Twenty eight members ' and five visitors were Present. .Reports and. leters of appreciation were' read and one. -minutes minutes silence .' was observed. , in `memory of Mrs WM. 'Douglas. • Two ideal :leaders will be chosen at - the March • meeting to , take: the short " courses, • "The third meal," and "Window Treatment." • Mrs. .'Geo:.. Whitby had charge to keep `up with the Joneses un- til you know. where they, are" go- ing." . She stressed some very • in- teresting points such as ' .not • to cast` enviouseyes on some Jones= es before we 'enquire the price. We may have to . paytokeep up' with them. Impromptu speeches were heard on. The St. Lawrence Sea= way. by, Mrs. J. W. Joynt,.: the Lenten Season by Mrs. G. Mc .of the following program' which 'Diarmid, the Canadian flag by MONUMENTS. ,or' sound counsel and a:fair price on a monument correctly designed ."from quality material.,, rely on . SKELTON MEMORIALS. Pat. O'Hagan, Prop, Established ..Over Sixty Years Phone 638-w Walkerton. vr" Ontario SERVICE For the present. tune we are -carrying on. the •AMBULANCE SERVICE; INLUCKNOW' ;and DISTRICT • formerly operated ,by McLennan and MacKenzie :and' Johnstone and Son. 1 s. IL • BA. SERVICE "' PHONE.55:: NIGHT CALLSo63-r MRS.. McKIM SPEAKER AT WORLDS DAY • OF PRAYER • • The 1959 World Day of Prayer Service for 'the 'Women's Inter- church Council of Canada was this, year prepared by .a commit- tee of Christian Women in ' Egypt., The local 'service was • held in United Church, Lucia -tow, ' on. February :13" with W M.S. memn- •bers from the Anglican„ 'Presby- terian .and United Church in:at tendance.. Presidents of the Auxi- liaries taking part as lea• ders. in cluded Mrs. li'. W. Hoag, Mrs. A. C. Agnew;; Mrs. H: Jennings, Mrs. Robert MacKenzie, and Mrs.. V. . Hunter, • Mrs. Hoag conducted the opening , and closing excer- vises. The . theme • of the service was, He said, "Lord. 1 believe and,,: e worshipped . him.".Mrs.' George' Kennedy read the crip- ture and prayers were offered by Mrs: C. Shelton, Mrs,; C. McQu.il lin, Mrs. X. Pollock,:. Mrs. E. White • • and Mrs. J. W. ; Joynt. 'This. • part of the• service as ' iterspersed with singing, familiar 'hymns:. ' # .Mrs. A. E. McKim gave .a. very I interesting. and practical address' based on ,the theme ' "Lord I Be - 1 lieve," stressing• three. of our be liefs = first, the :Brotherhood. of 'Man, and Sisterhood• of Wornan•; second;" our belief in our Com •munity'• which- affords us oppor- tunities for .service and being I good neighbours .and lastly, our belief• in the powerof money for lgood or. evil referring to -an old' J'. Indian proverb, "All that"you can. ! hold in: your dead: hands is what, you have given away" A `pleas- ing.. duet was /sung by Mrs. P. Swart and ' Mrs.. .J.. Joynt ac companied by Mrs. J Hall. The. meeting closed With,: benediction. • Mrs. R: • Robertson and : what the W.I. means to: ...you by• Mrs: O. Brooks. • • .Mrs.: H. Houston, District 'Pre :sident •brought,greetings• for South Bruce. She stressed: the. •importance of . young .women in Institute.' ` work, also . to publicize our meetings by making use of the ;'Press, Radio ` and TV, She reported. Bruce County has given s u p po r 't ' to the resolution • on Daylight aavink • and sixty ' W.I. Branches • will sponsor a twp. thousand dollar s c'h o'1 a r• s h i p which will .be ready 'to award in nineteen sixty': .in a Bond:. A solo by Arleata Pollock was much enjoYed, followed by the Roll Call, "A funny experience in my life: The. meeting was brought to a close with,:.The 'Queen and W.I. Crrace•and a dainty lunch was served by the hostesses in charge. ti • With reference to the: Centen- nial', 'Gordon. Thompson. of • Cal- gary says, . 'Sorry we couldn't make it." He ,,refers to .a recent visit ''with Lovell' Murdoch and with the publisher's .cousin, Jack Barber of •Cranbrook DAIRY FARMERS OP CANADA' 409 Huron Street, Toronto • PERFORMANCE TESTED FEATURE BEEF. BULL `SALE / W. i'.i'.:..Watson,' :Ontario' Live !Sockm Comissiox er and Secre- tary' of the', Ontario 'Beef Cattle Irnpr ovement Association, report- ed .. animals' today that 2.99 a mals' nave been entered in this year's annual sale .of beef' bulls. whi�cl will. be held on March 4• ,and ' 5 M : the Royal ` Winter Fair Buildings, in I Toronto. ' Herefords: lead in nu'Mbers with 135 bulls ' being entered for sale (Shorthorns are second' with 131 being, . entered while • the • Aber- l• deen •Angus • breed are 'represent- ed by 30 entries. klnteresting f eat 0 re of this 1 y'ear's sale is the fact, that one Wird of the animals offered are performance 'tested with the re - 'cord indicating a gain of 2.30. pounds per • day. Entered 'in the sale are 55 performance . tested Herefords; 40 Shorthorns and -4 'Aberdeen "Angus. an addition it is exxpected.'that 24 other consign- ed bulls ' will complete the test before the sale is held.: S'hotrthorns• arescheduled to be . • judged on the evening of Tues-. I day, 'March 3'rd arid Sell, ori Wed- nesdaya March 4th: Aberdeen `An- gus and Hereford show on Wed- nesday, March 4th, immediately following the Shorthorn `sale and sell. ori Thursday, March ,5th Sales commence at ,10 a.m each day.' During the showing every bull will be inspected by the three men who will comprise the cull- ing committee. If two members consider that a bull is unsuitable, for . use as a sire he will not be eligible . for the . sale, but the owner may take him home. If three Members : reject a bull, he must be sold' far slaughter. WHITECHURCH Mr. '• and Mrs. John Gaunt:• spent the/ week -end in Smith Falls: , ° Mr.' Jack Gillespie and Barrie of • :Sarnia • spent ' the. week -end,. with Mr. and ;Mrs G. ,Gillespie. Mr, and Mrs.. W. R. Farrier re' • turned with .them . and are stay- ing at the home of Mr and Mrs. Garnet Farrieir. Mr'. • and • Mrs, • Scott Patterson and family of Detroit - spent• the, week -end . at • the home of , Mr. Ken Patterson.. Mrs..`"Lott, has returned home after • spending the past month. in Toronto, • Mr. and Mrs Herbert Buckton: of Kinloss visited Mr, and Mrs. A. E. Buckton•. on Sunday. THANK YOU, NOTES . and Hasty Notes 'available at 25 `cents per package of .'10, cards aid matching envelopes Don Thompson, phone 33. or 35: RESULTA from $39.95' tip: •guaranteed: for one year ADDS SUBTRACTS * 3�" Compact..; (31;2"x 5;4 x 41/4' ;precision built. • '* 250,000 in use by • business. firms, large and small,. retail stores and individuals in every walk of\ life, • • • Economical for smaller busi- ness . firms. ' *• Time -saving forlarge conipan- iias, • Efficient fbr retail. •stores Easily carried by. individuals: Automatic checking device • saves. need for paper tape. ' The LUCKNOW SENTINEL • DISTRICT DEALER Phone 35, 'Lac)!tnow