The Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-02-18, Page 3WEDNESDAY', FEB., 18th, 1959, ° THE '1 UCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • Heinz Beans in : Tomatoe sauce . without Meat 15 oz. , . ;• 3. for. 49c Miracie. Whip Salad Dressing Save 4c, 16 oz. .. Pink Salmon, "Fancy. quality Save `8cc •V2"s Supreme Sweet Mixed• •Pickles: 16 oz. jar KolynosTooth Paste, Save.., 39c2 for , . � 79c T•ea Te . Towel. . , c 73Lux `Toilet Soap l: c sale, buy 4 get t for lc . •' ' ,bar pack * . ,. ,; . , , ,. 4 7c Libby's cooked Spaghetti, save.. 4c 15 oz. tins :.. ..... ,2 for 2 7c :Betty . Crocker Layer Cake . Mixes Save 1 1 c 20 oz' pkg.. 3 for $1. purchase. • Aunt Mary,'s. sliced. • Bread 24 ' oz, ; .. 18c ENCYCLOPEDIA . BONUS OFF Volume 2 on sale only 99c with a.$5.00 Lucknow sb te�ian Church re 1 1 • Minister: Rev. `Wallace McClean SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22 11:00 a.m. Morning .•• Worship. 1215 m Snda School . ' p. u Y 33.00 p:m., Dungannon.: MILLION DOLLAR SALE • • (Continued: from page 1) .permission. from' the, Company; they started, a; pilot .project.. on a rented' farm, 'paid their man $125.00: per month,, gave him a free .house,, and :it. 'was his job to 'looks after 7;000 birds. Bill :and Frank invested their total savings of. $1;100;0.0 'on'.this• pro- ject and . then , their problems •really: started,' in earnest. .. • At that true there were • no meattype.7 birds,: there • •was no ' "•* � cure for' 'coccidiosis, the help. 7:00 p.m Evening • worship i was • inexperienced,: ; and finally there. • was - no market for their ������ product. The handlers' .of . poui . 1 UNITEDCHURCH . 1 UN �'�"�"'�'-` `'e .try'. Y proclaimed reclaimed that -the consumers did'' not want this particualr bird '- it was either. too small••.or too large y aid the retailer felt:that •;the'fresh=killed eviscerated . product was toospe- cialized d •an too `for czalze d, o perishable them to . handle. LUC`KNOW' Minister: Rev. Gordon R.:Geiger, B.A., B.D. . ' SUNDAY, • FEBRUARY 22' ,10:00 `a.rm.• ' Church . School i :11:00. a.m•Divine Worship. i Sermon therne: The Deadly,' Sin—Anger. Anger. Nursery (hiring durin church ,. i Thought For -The Week:- No..man can avoid his • own l' Company, so':he had best make it as good as possible.. i Local`.: & General Mrs, Mae Irwin is a • patient in Wingham • Hospital with a heart condition.' • • • • Mrs. Annie. Jewitt has been '. 'hospitalized. with 'shingles in ;''Wil gham Hospital and expects to be there for two more weeks. Glen. Campbell returnedto: his 'home at Bedfast a 'couple of weeks; ago after being in Wing- ham Hospital .for . a`' n ont i'' with. a heart condition. Mr, Roy Alton returned home from Victoria Hospital, London,, • o11 Friday, Her.. sister, Mrs, E. J. llarimswor'th • of Toronto is 'visit- ing. with her:' . Mr. and Mrs. Bruce ltol.'land • .ref Clinton and Mrs. SusanMc- Gee.. of Goderich,• Mr. and Mrs: Wm. G,• Humphiey and family , of . St. Helens visited Mr. and. Mrs, Peter Cook on Sunday, ,Mrs. Aurin Irwin returned home on Saturday from St. Jose- pus llospital, London, where she • had% been a patient for a . couple df weeks after ' undergoing. sun. gear, Still determined to see their project. through, they:... decided • that they. 'would• need to open up retail. stores as. a further . p1- lot project to dernenstratfk t� all and: sundry that this product, did have. consumer acceptance. They then rented a processing plant from.' Nir. Cecil Maynard, .of 'Schomberg, Ontario, which was equipped for New York dressing of •poultry, —: they adaptedit to: eviscerating and i c e- packed handling of . poultry. , • Mrs. Bill: Garfat :served in• tie'r'ole of gen- eral .supervisor, and they. were. now in the processirig,' .business. At the same time, these two men proceeded to • open up Cut -Up Chicken stores in Toronto with Mrs. Frank. King in charge: This: grew • until under her ,directiion they operated seven stores, six. in Toronto and one, ip Montreal ail`'the time. Frank aril Bill con- tinued •to carry on with tlei.r. jobs as Purina..salesmen, expan- ding the growing side of the business. . •' Its: spite et the disappoint- ments and setbacks that .accom- pany any ° new venture, .' their long hours and hard work'start- ed started to pay off.. They built,a small processing plant in ' Aurora,: On- tario arid were finally able to: convince Mr. Alex Agnew, vice- president in 'charge of Loblaw's meat operations, and. very short., ly afterwards, Mti. Alex McLean; hi charge of meat operations; for ' Mrs. Burt, Roach writes from Daytona Beach, that: the neigh- bours eighibours are cutting their lawns, the windows are ,up and the screen doors ' on. ifow des .that cont.% pare 'with `Lucknow? she asks.. The weather' mood some folks are in 'up here, wouldn't, make it advisable to reply, in print., Dominion Stores, that they had a profitable product for them: to handle: Immediately, • the broiler in dustry .took off and.'• has ' been flying ever since -, sometimes it. flies too high and people get hurt rn .the •process,' but inspite: of/this; the `:industry has :been good to all • concerned . the. flock owner, •::1 the ,hatcheryrrian, the feed dealer, tie' grower, . the. processor, the .retailer, as well as the .• housewife, and ,the credit 'for , "taking that "indispensable" first stepoto the g ,es e Kings and the •Garfats.- From a standing, start, . with :$1,100:00 and without any, outside financial 'help, they `built this into. a >flourishing busia nes which has been ,sold .at . a large.. figure, and which was sole- ly. owned' by: these two men, without ' any:,liabilities This clearly demonstr.ates that if ` you are-willing.to . pay the. ,price in hard Work :and . have a good wife, there .is still plenty ofopportuni- ty'. .• Choice Cut -Up. •.Chicken , Ltd:, •through..y the ears has stood. for quality and square -dealing -this' plant'. employed 120.' people this: past. year and their sales•.were. close to six million dollars, they grew out 'over six.mrllion broil- ers per year on their own, farms.'. Frank King will rernain as the IN.HOSPITAL WITH EYE I N$U R:Y • pAot nu Tom. Andrew;- 13 -year-old son' of Mr. and; Mrs. Alex Andrew, is in 'Victoria Hospital, as a 're- sult•of..an' eye injury suffered on' Monday ''evening�,,at. the local arena, The mishap _occurred , during practice,'• preceeding a Bantam. hockey • game with . Mildmay. Tom had five stitches in the eye lid, • and while the eye was not cut,. hemorrhaging o c c u r r e' d, which affected his vision.. On Tuesday 'he could • see but •he, was': taken to London, where he will ''rest and ,be 'under, ob 'servation , for a few ,days, with both eyes covered. • Teacher: (Pulling down a map of • United States).. . Class: What is it'? • 0 - Teacher.A: G r `a.n d m a• Moses Christmas Card. HOME •BINGO' NUMBERS For Week .of :.:February 16th . Monday, February :16'-.......G 53 Tuesday, February 17 G '541 ;Wednesday, February 18 ,: I. • 21 Thursday, February. 19. • .,• B 9' Friday, ; February • 20 I-', 25 Saturday, February 21 0•: 62 Ontario .Sales manager for kat- 'stop=Purina,,, with :Bill .Garfat re- maining ' in_' the .. position of. dis- trict manager for•Purina''.in the district'' north of , Toronto. Lyceum Theatre WINGHAM Two shows each night. First at 7.15 Thursday; Friday,, Saturtla,yr ^. ' February ; 19, 20, 21, Randolph Scott, Jennifer Holden. . . • • in "B17CHANAN. , RIDES &LONE" The story of a Texas adventurer in *a. Border Town .which is do- urinated by three ruthless .broth ers. PLAN PRESENTATION FOR RETIRING INSPECTOR An Executive meeting of 'the} Teachers' institute • of Bruce In- • `•spectorate No.1,' was held. here at the home of the president, Miss Helen Thompson on Satur. day.' • ' Plans . were laid for . a present. •ation to' retiring 'inspector,: Mr. • J.. M: Game, from whom. it has been, impossible ; to withhold. the "secret." •• • Present at• Saturday's meeting were representatives' from' Kirn- cardine,• • Southampton, Ohesley,°• Mildmay; ;Walkerton, Teeswater and Lucknow., In attendance al so was : Mr: • .Walter Houghan I.P.S. • who has been assistant . to. Mr. Game,. 'and who ' will suc= , : eeed him. Bachelorwho, wh; couldn't'. take• yes for'' an answer o : O'Conner nnner in •Now playing, Big 3 Comedy`,Ssh w. Donald Francis Covers. The Big Town"; "Abbot & Cos - 1 tello ' Meet the `Keystone .Kops'' Rory Calhoun in •`Ain'. t. Mlsbehavin Monday,Tuesday, Wednesday, February 23, 24, 25 ' Gina Lollobrigida;'and Robert. Aida Presenting an adventurous and axcttting dramatic amatic rom- ance with a pleasingmusical background. The life story1 . of beautiful'Lina Cavaliers. "BEAUTIFUL'. BUT .DANGEROUS" c In Technicolor — 1 • is Thursday, Friday 'Saturday, Februa . 26, 27, :211,, Jerry Lewis, Maril n Maxwell and Baccaloni Y • Absolutely guaranteed toive`your 'funny -bone'. the fids �. - ' Bits. A riotous cribful of nonsense' presented by .an expert. "ROCKABYE • BABY" $ In Vista -Color -- Corning, "Night 'Passage In ,color with James' Stewart, • Audie Murphy, ' ,Dan Duryea. • •...4,.•11,._•._.�,•..�..,o. A delegation from Kincardine was at Ottawa ,recently -present- ing their case to' the minister of Public Works for harbour im- provements in Kincardine. During their visit to the Capi- tal, .the Brgce Member, Andy Robinson had theme meet four other • • members , of Parliament who were born in Bruce. To have five 'Members in. the House of Coninions at one time who were born' in the same riding, is probably a 'record, ' Back' row standing:, Richard Forbes, member for Dauphin, Man., born in Wiarton; David Remington, ''.member of Kincar dine •Council; Robert Leith Han bidge, Q.C:, member for Kinder- sley, Sask,, born at . Southamp-' ton; Herman Young, • Mayor of Kincardine„ • Front row sitting: Glen Geddes, ex-tnayyor of Kincardine; Gordon Harvey .'Aiken, Q:C., member for. Parry Sound=.Muskoka, Born -.in Ripley; William' Alexander Mc 'Lerman, Member 'for N'ew• W st. minister, : B.C., born., in Bruce Township; . Harvey Palmateer, Reeve df Kincardine;.' Andy Ea- binson, member for • Bruce, born, in Kincardine .Township,