HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-02-04, Page 11pital
WEDNESDAY, `FEHB°, 4th, 1859
`Lorne Becking slipped on the
.ice• while getting ° out his' big•
snow plow truck and fractured
his right leg.. After X-rays a cast
was applied.and' at time of Writ -
in he is •still confined to bed at
• ho , His snow plow is a• famil
.iar .part of the .wintry scene as
• keeps: conicession• and side -
ads. in top -condition for 'driv-
ig and ,a11 are hoping for a sat-
o•tory recovery; Meanwhile
hn .Schumacher is doing splen-
did work.
' `.Miss . Elaine • Meyer, . daughter
of. Mr. . and*Mrs. Clayton Meyer,
slipped ' on.' the ice, while return-
ing from ,school and injured' her
.knee.. She has had. X. -rays and ,is.
now .wearing a cast:
Wm. Wall and Allan 'of Kin-
lough spent Thursday with Mr.
and Mrs. 'John ,Schumacher ' and
Mrs.' Wm.. Wall ' •
Miss Elda Wall spent Tuesday
after school with. Mrs. • Frank
Mr. and, Mrs; Murray eider -
son and. children, Lucknow, spent
some time with. Mr. •and Mrs:.
Jas. Wraith: ' •,
We 'are' glad to ..report Mr. Le-
toy Elliott to be home ; from.. the
Wingham Hospital
Mr. and Mri. Orval. Wilson and
Susan, visited Tuesday., -evening
with Mr'. and Mrs. Morley Wall
with Modern Chemicals by.
For Milking Cows
.Contains high level,
rotenone for efffctive
control. Two pound •
.duster -;can l'7
Packed, in .21b:: caps
and 10, • 25 . & • 50 . lb:
:bags. Also. available'M,
in', spray form. '
For Steers,, ' Hogs
Contains lindaize,..the
'best . of • modern louse
killers. • Two '. pound
duster care only ; 69c.
Packed in 21b' cans
and '10,• 25 $a 50 lb.
bags. `Also available
in /spray . form.
•Luckno'w.' District .Co-op„ .
Ltcknow Ontario. ' •
• of the• family.
(Dungannon. News) '
Congratulations to. Mr, and Mr
W; 'Arthur Culbert, Maple
blem Farms', 'who .on. Sunday ob-
served their 48th Wedding Ann-
iversary. :Their family were
home to spend the .day with them..
The gathering• included their son.
Bill, Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Craw-
ford and family ,of .Wingharn, Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Sherwood • and
family of 'Carlow, Mr. and Mrs,
Cecil . •Culbert and ' fatally, '.Mr.',
and Mrs. Howard ,Culbert' and
.:family. The''family arranged buf -
,fett meals '4rnd: festivities 'that
marked the occasion. •
Miss • Lois. Crawford, t eir`
l grandaughter,:'read. an address: of
best wishes and .lovely giftswere.
presented• to them by Donny and:
Tcnnmy Culbert • on .,;behalf of the
family, • •
Mr. and Mrs. 'Culbert'with their
two daughters, three sons, their
partners, and' sixteen grand chil-
dren, are.'always very.. happy to
have such family: get-togethers.
Culberts are successful farmers'.
west' of the .village .and ,have•built
up a renowned herd. of Shorthorn
•cattle. ;: .
/Since their marriage e"48 ' ears
and family.
`' Mr. :and Mrs. Don Robertson
and. Diane; Georgetown;• .s p en t:
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs:: John
Schumacher: Miss -Lois Raldenby
of., Carruthers 'Nursing Home
spent the week=end at the same
home. / .
• Mr: and :Mrs. Cecil ': McNall
;have sold their farm : to Mr. Ezra
Stanley, Kinlough•, who; gets pos-
session . the first' of March.
Mr: and Mrs. Alex'- WWytock,
and boys •spent Thursday after
noon . with „Mr.. and Mrs': Lloyd
Whytock and family, Wingham.
Mr.. and Mrs. Leonard_Sander-
Sander -son and farnily. Gorrie spent Sun-
day .. with ''Mr. and Mrs. • Morley'.
nd family.
and—Mr. N..Vhyto'
and Harold,—Visited Sunday. even;
ing with ' Mr. arid ` , Mrs. • Jas.
//.. Mr.. and Mrs., Ernest _ Hanna:
spent Saturday -evening with Mr.
and:Mrs. •Mrs. Jas. Wraith;
The Holyrood.• Glamour: Girls
meet aftersehOol at. the home "of
;Mrs Frank 'Thompson. The' girls
Worked ' at their slips and made
covers for their books. This was
the:,la, st meeting. Lunch' was ser-
.Mrs. Stuart.Scott who •has •,been
a • patient .. in Wingham Hospital
for °several years, :.suffered ..•a
stroke . and .. passed away. ,The
'community extends sympathyto
her husband and other members.
and kis IRadow
Carrying a.bone in his mouth,'
a dog crowed a river' on a morrow .
• bridge. He saw his own image
reflected in the water and. decided'
that it was another dog with a
bone larger than his, Consumed
withenvy, he opened his mouth
to grab the other bone
and lost his own.
The than who has a planned,Sun:'Life
of Canada insurance program need •
envy no,one. Poi no one can better
face .the future than the man who,
through the medium of life insurances ,
has provided for his retirement years or,
if' heshould not survive, for his
,family's future securityr.
Life insurance
my profession and
lam at your
service. Why not•
callme today? •
no obligation.
Wm.. J , 1Kin.aha'n
Phone Wingharn 717--w-4
ago, Mr. and 'Mrs.' Culbert have
livedcontinuoWy at 'this lova-
tion • We wish thein many more
happy anniversaries with their
family.: .
e Ed', arriThomas ved n
Mrs. Edmunds ed o
day from Seattle, Wash',, via bus
to the home of Mrs. Nellie Ste-
wart, sister of ,Mrs. Edmunds..
Mrs.. Harvey Maize and son
John Maize, this wife and family
and Pete Glazier spent the' week-
end , with relatives: in Guelph. , '•t
S S No.•.6; at which 'Mrs. Robt,
Irvin : is teacher, ' held a success-'.
ful',card: party at the.' school on
Wednesday night_ of : last week:'
Mrs. Ross. Eedy had -themost
tones hands. Other Winners. were,
Howard Black, high lady, Stanley'
•.Dougherty , Thigh gent, Cecil 'Cul-
bert, low gent. and. Mrs. Arthur
Elliott- low lady. ' • •
Mr:. and Mrs. Harold Maize and
family' spent 'last Sunday at • the
home ,. of . her brother, Mr.. 'and.
Mrs. Ellwood Irwin; Wingham.
Off To .The South'
Mr,. and Mrs., Frank Glenn and
their son Harold (Bud) ;Glenne
are away on 'a well deserved .boli
day. They left, by motor on Mon-
day rnorning to' spend a month
in Florida. The '.old thermometer
was hanging around 5. below zero
that morning 'and that's• cold 'for
around 'here: So , it was with hap-
py anticipation that. they 'Set out
for a ' warmer 'spot. Frank' and
:Mary our, faithful' mail ;carriers
between Dungannon and ^Gode
rich finally gave consent this year
• to.. accompany ;,their' son who 'for
the p.ast"few ,winters . gets:, down'
for awhile:
Winghara is the :.place for, ach-
ievement Day on :Saturday, Feb-,
ruary 14th ..for • the 'girls taking
the : project "Thee ;cereal'' Shelf."
Mrs. , Clifford Crozier and. Mrs.
Chester Finnigan are, the .leaders..;
Suffered •'Arm Fracture '
Heather. .K. a nn'e d •y, 'eldest
daughter:: of Rev..; R. and • :Mrs.
Kennedy, ..had the misfortune to
tear a lig'aznent' of her right arm
while. skating ',on ;;aa pond , of. ice
after !school. Heather: is rather
leary :•about • skating ; and sought
to protect her left arm Which has
been ;,broken three tunes:' This
time the .accident happened to the
to right arm,, ' which :. hinders her.
school'. work.. • ; '
Th. : •Eedy family on Sunday
attended the funeral' of • Mrs. ' Het=
ber Eedy's sister, Mrs:. Ed Gaul,
Milverton.. We ::extend sympathy.
On Wednesday morning we
learned that Peter.: Carter .has' re-
turned to his 'tome in Kinloss
after seven weeks • in hospital.
, He ' returns for • a check-up,' in
.two weeks.
` (Continued from Page 1)
not ,been tested and found: nec
,essary , from a dollar and ' cents
standpoint to the future of the
farmer: in Canada.' '
• Outlines .Two .Polieles ..
Dr. McDermid ' outlined • two;
control measures that ' had been
in effect over the past' two years.
Under the listed . herd / policy,
herds receive three blood tests at
.,intervals of three months. If clear
the herd : is, listed. The other con -
Opt measure has been the calf-,
hood 'vaccination ,program. . In.
'early years, vaccines,,gs and
certificates were:sup,lied with
the farmer . being responsible for
.veterinary - wirk: In 1953, 40% of
township councils Passed cpmpul-
sory vaccination but this 'was not
,'aggreeable , to many of the far-
mers as they were still responsi-
ble for payment. 'Under the new
Brucellosis act of •1956, the Ont
alio Department . of Agriculture
assumed the cost ' of . vaccination.
. Not Good Enough .
The ,speaker stated that .'these
two policies .•had been quite suc-
cessful but it. was impossible to
eradicate completely the disease.
"The health of your herd is only
as good as that•sof your neighs
• boursr he said. ' .
Tci 'set up' a control area under
the .present .system it is neccess
' ary to have a two -third majority
of cattle owners in favour' of such
a system. This .will be done by
the 'circulation of • a ,petition by
the Federation who in' turn hand
ental Equipinent
laves You Money.
Make old `floors ''likenew -or 'smooth 'off . rough floors,.
for extra wn
ear and.longer, life of linoaleums and floor.
coverings,. ,
CIL paint and Wallpaper Dealer
Phone 218-, ,Ludcnow
al Estate,.,.List Open Listing
List your property, to -day open. --- so that you
may sell.. yourself, without paying commission, and you
may list ' open with any other real estate, and are bound.
only. to pay W. L. Stevenson Real Estate commission
only ori clients that W. L. Stevenson . Real. Esate brings
to ' you. .•
Phone 11.6 Luclutow Ontario
Phone 325, Mount Forest Agents Covering Ontario
their report over to the • township
'Clerk. : The clerk compiles his re-
turns and sends them; to • the
Agricultural Office at Clinton
and :: they .. are ..: forwarded from
, there to the, Department : of •Ag-
riculture head . : office. control
areas are being set up `strictly 'on
a• county basis..
Plans If : Accepted • •
No county has turned. down 'the •
proposal" as yet. The':least per-
centage' to say yes was „86 with
all 'Other: counties being: over 90.
If 'approved in Ifuron,' plans Call
for : •blood ` testing. 'of • ' all, cattle
with the exception.°of, 1.:steers;
2, ca1•ves • under ''eight (months; 3,
cattle. . that have been officially
vaccinated and •'are. under. thirty-
six : months' of 'age .
.Positive cattle that are found
will be' taggedand.:lisenced for.
slaughter. . The premises will have
to be cleaned ' and': disinfected
satisfactory to the inspector. A
herd retest will 'be • conducted af-
ter thirty .days and if' found clear
anadditional check will. be made.
again in ninety days:: , •
Payment .For "(tattle
Farmers will be paid 'Market
price for .cattle ordered destroyed,
plus' up to '$70' compensation for.
grade cattle and •up . to $140. for
purebred rattle. This , payment - •is,
governed by the recommendation
'of the inspector.'.`
Heavy 'restrictions will be ilia
posed ' on cattle coming from a
controled area oto a non controled
area:. A blood , test; an isolation
period ;;and another " blood' test
will be necessary for these cattle.
In order for a`' comity , to ,'.become'
a ;certifiedarea less. than ' §% Of
the herds can . ` be infected and
less than 1%. of the total' cattle
canbe infected:
The 'speaker 'stated that fear
of losingthe export Market: to the
United States ' was the . chief idea
'that was; Rushing' this program. as
rapidly ' as it• was. .Petitions .have
been: circula e'd • arid.. passed in
thirty-one 'counties.:On1y farmers,
that:own cattle (be it one or 'one,
thousand head) . are 'eligible ; to
sign :the petition.
,Those' who will canvass . Ash-
field are, Fort Albert; Hugh. Ben-
nett, Harold Adams;' Kingsbridge,
Joe : O'Keefe, Mark Dalton;Kin- .
tail, Hugh McKenzie; Doug•Dren=' '
pan; •' Lochalsh, Duncan Farrish,
Finlay MacDonald;,. Zion; Charles
Anderson Jack.Ritchie 4th, Har
bourn Adams;' '. Glen Weaver;
'Lothian, Kelso . MacNay, ^Basil Hoy-
gall; Dungannon, Allan Reed, .E1 -
don Culbert; Cherry Grove, Bert.,
Alton; Russell Alton Curries Cor-
vers, Leo Courtney, ,Marvin .Scat
Sheppardten, ; Ralph Foster, Jack,.
Graham;, Laurier; George Mon- . •
cried,. • Bill Ross; Belfast, Ralph.
Cameron, Chester Hackett; Para-
mount, 'Grant Farrish,. Bob .Boak
Hemlock City;':.Jack 'MacKenzie;
Bill . Farrish; Crewe,; ..Clifford
Crozier, W arreri. Zinn; Cedar ,Val-
ley, Ross Henry; Drains, Arnold
Stothers;.'Nile; Clifford Steward -
ive Your Seed Dril
Ask Your Dealer For
Smooth Drilling, Non -Caking
Grand VaIIey Fertilizer.:
Grand ' Valley Fertilizers Limited,
` Orangeville, VOL
Phone '964.