HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-02-04, Page 3. , NitZDNESDAY? FEB., •. 4th,, 1959 THE. LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUOKNOW,. ONTARIO • PAGB '1112„Ell HEAR 71.110$E I3E.L" BRIDES, BRIDESMAIDS MOTHER OF 4RIDE DRESSES • OGILIVIE. REAL CAKE MIX,' • Choc, 1 Cherry Almond, White in pack 3; . . . . 3. for 81..00 Habitant 'French Canadian Style PEA SOUP,' 28 oz: . . . . 3 for 49c PILLSBURY PANCAKE MIX- — •-Buttermilk, 16, oz., pkg.. 2. for 35c WAGSTAFFE RASPBERRY JAM •with added pectin 24 oz. , . . .43c Pillsbury Blueberry Pancake Mix 131/2, oz. package . . . . 29c RED, & -WHITE TEA ,BAGS . 5c Off pack package 30 . „. . , 35c SPECIAL I/2 Gallon Ice Cream" . . . . . . . 89c • EARLY. RISER COFFEE freshly grOuncl„pouriA . . . 59c. FRESH FRUITS AND. VEGETABLES • Sunkist Navel Orange, 5. lb. pally bag .55c. SAVE TIME! 'SAVE MONEY! JIlustrated- Do-lt-Yourself EncycloOedia. Mrailable, in the Easy -To, -Budget Book -A - Week Plan.: Volume No. 1 only 25c: Vol- ume No7-2,12, '99E.-1-laiid3T-Home He pers for Husband and Wife, 8 Flobby-Builders for Youngsters One home repair can save the cost of this entire set. el • .• ;4? A.-"•er° 4'4 ..iiiiwona4maiwilos,..64.1:1Psoki•ewOomi 1. . Lucknow Presbyteriap.(hurch Minister: • Rev. Wallace McClean , I SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8th 11 00 a m Morning WorshiP. .. • N41. I • 12:15 p.m, iSiniday .Dungannon.' • Evening Servite Withdrawn . • • . • . Via....4)amolisoomotli•Imito•imp.oillIkk11.04:418144•64,;:tik LUCKNOW: 1. '• •• . , • Minister: • . . : ' • Rev. Gordon R. Geiger, . . . . . B.A,, B.D. •: . '• SUNDAY, FEBRUARY SiIi: • ,I0:00a.M. Church School ' • i 11:00. a.m.., Divine Worship 7 Semon. therne—"Pnah SWal:•• ilowed A, Whale.7.., - . - , Nursery •.during. churbh ' • UNITED CHURCH] Thought For The Week: - "Put work, into life, ,and life • • into your. work." ' • In a note .frorn Jim and Ruth '(Johnston).SrielgiroVe, they write: "Say hi to all the •Lucknow peo- . pie;,and wish, them thebest in 1959." •. • . • Verner Barr of Toronto, .Mrs. .•Wm. *Walker of :Petrolia, Mr. and Mr. Roy L. MacKenzie; Roddy • • and .Barry of •'Oshawa, Mr. and • • Mrs. Fred Milne •of Kitchener,. Mr. and • Mrs. . Harry '.Teviritt Of Sarnia and Ronald Dawson of • ' • Londonwere .arnong those frorn , a distance,. attending •the funreal of the, late Mrs'. John. Purves. ycebrn Theatrp. SAILHOUSE RO4 Reck and. •Roll stings in the • 'style of Elvis Presley in this stay • of a. young singers fight.: to gip top. . • . '1-1111/1" k• WINGHAM • l'wo shows each night. • First at 7.16 ' • Thursclay, Friday; 'Saturday, . February. 5, '6, 7 . Presley Judy Tyler • , • In • A Local & General Mrs. Sidriey (Ruby). Plowright .of Oshawa eSays: "We enjoy read- ing about •the „home .town, we never forgetold friends." Mrs., Richard Elliott has 'been health at her home at HolyroOd for sorne--tiine.. " Mrs Hazel Anderson. of Sud- bury says she is enjoying the :brisk northern air jr; 27 below weather. • • • • • I. With her renewal. Mrs. Minnie Horne of Toronto. says, " ..1•Wait for it every • week. to hear the news ofthe town?' Mrs. Peter .Carter and Marlene. returned home on .Wednelayof list week after- spendirig- •a :week' in Loridon :with Mr., and Mr's, Karl Boyle arid Carol. . • • . Mrs, - Huntley , •Dawson visited last' week at Lambeth with' her father, Mr.••• Jim Miifire aridlher brother' Mr. and Mrs. 'Clarence 'Munro, .° ' "- In renewing his Sentinel,tAr- chie Hamilton of Goderich says, your are doing a good job of keep-, ing ,us up with the times in the: old burg. . • James. McNall L � n don writes : "We enjoy The Sentinel and always..look• forward tO read- ing, about the home .,town, : al- though it has changed consider- ably !the "Past few years.. The regular. meeting of the ,Lticknow Worrien's Institute will .be held m the Town Hall On Wed- riesday,. .Fehrnary lith.. at • 2:30 p.m. Mrs. Harvey Houston, the district president;, will be 'guest • speaker, Please'note. ehange in. Having a terrible winter down here, writes Stewart Cameron of B'uffalo. Stewart continues' to re- ceive very poor delivery service on,his Sentinel, and *We're at a loss to know how it can be im- 'proved, :Going to • try another route -this week "SteW,;' and hope • it gets result's. ' \ • . • • SHOOT AND. CRIBBAGE The 'Legion Auxiliary *ill hold the usual Cribbage and 'Shoot party on Monday, February •9th at.PanA • • • -Prizes and -lunch served. Note,. Admission 35c, • . • . • . ' . , ' • • • 0.04:4•41"..."4"4"041,44W141•INNI•01144.;...0444144114.011•04"" .140ME BINGO 'NUMBERS For Week' Of February Znd Monday, February 2 ... .„, 0 75 Tuesday, February 3 ...`..... N 'Wednesday, February 4..... B Thursday, February 5 B Friday, February '6 Saturday, February 7 0 37 15 5 30 71 FATHER OF: LOCAL'. LADY; DRYDGES PASSES . • ••• . • • ' Mrs.,Williarn. Johnstone of town wasbereaved �n', Wednesday. .by the death of „her father,. William' Thorrias Brydges of J3elgraye, who, succumbed to, a stroke. ,in Wing.; ham Hospital; in his 66th year.. The funeral 'service 'was held' on Saturday at the •Walker Fun- eral H�me, Wingham with inter- ment. m Relgraye Cemetery. 1 Surviving -besides his: wife are three daughters, stone of- LucknoW;:' Mrs.. 'Ken . (Norma) Downie of ••:Wingliam; Mrs Eldon.'Pouselle :(Muriel) 'or -TororitO anct two •sons Harry home and • Tom of. London, : • •• ; .; • , • • a" FAVORABLE COMMENTS •ON ROSEMARY'S t.coLumN . , . The mails 'during the past week have .contained' several ;favorable. comments on Rosemary Thylnes. column, Such as: . • • Mrs. Ina- •Hailten, •St. Marys, `.`I enjoy the column by Roseirtary Thyrne„ andfin4 the recipes help- ful." ' •$ • • , Mary :Struthers, Toronto: I for one read Rosemary Thyrne's •column and enjoy itver)P much." yibla Kerry; Elmira: "Hive Rose/nary' Thyme .. continues her articles. Her .recipes and general remarks must . be .quite: helpful to a.full time house keeper?' Mrs. Lillian B. Barnby, Hamil- tox: ,do •read 'and use ideas .from coltutin?' Mrs. Lizzie E. Feagan, •Gode- •rich "Rosemary Thyme's column is of special interest and we are quite disappointed .if 'it is not.in- ;eluded?' The F,eagari's formerly •kept. storeat' Langside and Mrs. • Feagan says they especially en- joy items from Langsicle: • • • • Passed ,Away 'In Toronto The, death of Mrs.' Wm. 'Todd. occurred • in Toronto. Burial' was in Paris where the 'family form- erly resided. Mr, Todd was a na- tive of the St. Helens community, being a son of David Todd, Sr. • , " . TENDERS,. , •• , • TENDERS -4011 bereceived until . .February 25th for .the redecorat- ing.and sanding <:!f floors in the Science room of the Liicknoyv Public SChool. Work to be done during Easter 'vacation: • • .Lucknow• .Public School, • Donald Henderson; Sec. • •• • • • • ‘,..*• 41 • . '1%!: ..t.N.z.:4* .1.6.0","4,0 it. •".,t 1 :, . 'e c4 ,..i.N... •,••%ni„,,.1.:•jt _ t...,ds. .t, 4 • `1, LI . ' • , • . • , o.,. ( .•‘_.; • ,t.,, '...•• . --..`,"s".•••••••.::•••4:•..Z.‘,„'..t1,... .•••••••••••••• n4 ..• 44- • .1 .0 That, Completely .beautiful wedding can be Yours at a modest suni from our selected' assortment FtJLL and WALTZ' anct STREET LENGTH Latest fashions with . exclusive accessories. • Veils made to order-- Suits to measure'. • Millinery, Halos, Going -away Dresses, .. ,Lingerie, Crinolines, Blouses, Cottons. • Make, this *store Your headquarters • • for that.'really beautiful wedding. .4"A WEDDING TO REMEMBER' • • tidier' so Ladies' and Men's Wear Lucknow • 1 ' high lady, Brown Smyth; high' Man Thos. Webster; -low lady, Mrs: Robert McAllister; low mane George 'Smyth: Shoot winners Were, high 'lady, Jim ,Robinson; high man, Lorne. Durnin; low' lady, Mrs. 'Jahn • Finnigan; low • man Ward Sellars, • There was nine . tables , at the gathering. •Mr. and/Mrs. Victor Errington and Ward Sellars visited Wednes- day evening with Mr. and MPs4 , Ross Errington on the occasion 4 of Ross' birthday. • • ; • • • 444 . • , • . . .• • .• . ; • : • . • ". ' • " • • •••7-. .. • —777 • • RK:•••:'7 THEATRE Goderlch • . . • , . • , . • . ST. HELEN'S SS. No. 3 school sponsored a card party on Tuesday of last week with shoot and euchre being played. Euchre Winners Were, • 4 I) Now playing, "Mississippi Gambler", with Tyrone Power , and "Meet Me At The Fair" with Dan Dailey% (both in technicoror), : . , Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, February 9, 10, 11 • Audie 'Murphy; Keiko Shima and Keenan Wynn Filnied in Japan. T1 -ie hilarious' 'postWar adventUres of some, military newshawks, as, they prepare . their first "JOE'llUirTERFLY", in scope and Color' Thurs., Friday, Saturday, February 12, 13, 14 Anthony Perkins, Shirley Maclaine and Shirley Booth A -loveable, conniving - widow turns cupid, and Winds up with a new idea and a happier ending— 'THE MATCHMAKER", in Vistavision • I ,Coming,: Love and \Vat i; • s6ope and ‘ tolor Robert , Wagner . • , . mr.....eermai,Jevimtriffig I 1 , • . "•'• • . : " • ' ' • 1' •