HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-01-28, Page 12o N PAGE` TWEL' VE THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, ' :hUCKNOW, ONTARIO FREE! New issue here today! I 1OEREWBABY 1, it BUSHEL) in POPE.VTS A1¢,;uine 1 PUBLISHED BY• ' PARENTS' MAGAZINE I..a 1 1. COME IN FOR YOUR FREE GIFT COPY JANUARY .:CONTINUES Ladies, and ',Men's Wear 9 ' Agent for ' Kincardine Cleaners ST. HELENS The. February : meeting of the St. Helens. Womens' Institute will be held Thursday, February 5th at 230 .p.m. at the home of Mrs, WILLING4TO BEAUTIFY TOWN ...It must have been the antici- • pation of spring gardening ...and floriculture, that enticed some twenty. "hardy souls" to brave. the snow and cold on Friday ev- ening,' to vening,'to attend the .first 'regular meeting '.of the newly organized ISEE* BY THE • Lucknow and District Hortic'ul- 'turaT Societ. SENTINEL ' A delegation./was named =to• approach the Village Council' re -i �' • ueTHAT Mrs. Nellie Scott of R.R. 3 questing' a .grant, and' ,to ask Brussels, aril lo rly of Luck - Council • for .. suggestions. as to ow•, : in su6scribi to The how ,sand where they might wish Sentinel says: "L eto keep. the . Society to undertake • pro in touch with 'wha; isgoing ,on jects for the beautification of°the in the town and surrounding'I municipality. • community." • ° wEplesDAY, .JAN. 28th, •1955} Mr. Chas: Bristow, secretary of the Society, and who was ' active , THAT Ted • Sinith .'of Ottawa in horticulture work• in Fergus, writes: "Announci g an in - showed lovely coloured slides on crease in rates is a :good way. the Oakville Gardens Tour, which to get all theScotsmen send - was most interesting. He also big, in .renewals. The. Centen- showw•ed how tuberous begonias ,vial ` Was an outstanding suc- are used very effectively in • flow ,• • cess. 'I join with., ttie' many'1. er beds at Harrison Parkin Owen others•;who have already writ Sound.: The. concluding picture ten -in congratulating •the coin- 'feature omfeature was a preview of the Pa- •mittee:' saderia Tournament , of ' ' Roses, • which will shown in color at' THAT Sheila Irwin of R R. 2 a later • ' date. i ,Lucknow, was one of a class • Mr Bristow explained how of 21 nursing assistants who re we could effectively use tuber- ous begonias locally and ' • these • bulbs In 8 'Colours, are available through the Society at 12 cents each: Rose. bushes can be obtain-' ed at'', 75c and ,85c and ' either • or both of these should be ordered from the Secretary by Feb. ;7. Charles McDonald The R4ll.Call is anexchange of valentines. The topic will be . taken. by Miss Mary Murray and the motto by' Mrs. W A. Miller. Lunch hostesses ' will be' Mrs: W. Rutherford and : Mrs. Harvey Webb. ...as our guest on JOHN DEERE DAY ' You'll get all the answers to "What's. `New -for 1959" in. the . big John Deere Day . Program we have lined/up for you.. There's plenty of fine entertainment for you and al your family, too Another :wonderful. Gordon Family. film, Oddities in Farming, the John Deere Singers and Dancers .. all return with a host of other colorful new acts made famous in vaudeville and TV. HOLYROOD TOWNSHIP :: HALL • 8.00 p.m. sharp Ttijesday; .,Februar Lunch. • Served Sponsored by , - :WALTER ;'BRECKLES, ' KINLOUGH FREE to Farmers and Their•. Families The MAR ET Satre SEW NOW and take off when the fine weather comes!.: FIGURED KRISKAY-=ideal for..•skirts, blouses, dresses and • pyjamas,, only yard .. ... • . $9c•. DRIP DRY COTTON, regular 75c.and ,Aonly.. •59c. Also Prints, Pyjama Cloth and Shirting, all at ` REDUCED PRICES FOAM RUBBER PACKING, -= ideal for cushions and pillows, . , ... '/2 Ib, bag; 69c, 1 1b. bag 98c BLANKETS •lovely shades of. pastel plaid satin -bound VrayoLE AnN.. and TINEn yDkn 'Y'blaWInkeLts, aargeSOON Bsize E 72xHE84RE $6:951 AL ,• Buy' while our stock is . good. They 'Go Faster MENS PYJAMAS--sanforized flannelette, sizes Ato E, pair rX, . , . . r •. ; . r :, ., .. it ..• , ;. , .• . $4.50 WORK SHIRTS --.plaid' and check, sad nfprizecotton' , flannel, sizes 14 • to 171/2 " $2.�75":. BOYS' JEANS. --=•lined Ivy. League stripe,. aizes 8 to 14 iyears,• ... • .ti4...•Y'•wy •.,••.Y;• .,1.'$3.`95• • �i,4rwHiewogrooli tl igi ir.ltiy�jjifw roil tlwriS.imodistt�lNrpirq NYorio s6wrliii ririO ekamiiM • ceived their caps last week at , the conclusion of a four-month probation period ,THAT Fred Webb suffered '•'a; coronary attack last Wednesday • and was • taken 'by. ambulance to Wingham. Hospital where he will be hospitalized • for, 'some • time. THAT Mrs Bill Johnstone's lath- er, Wm: T Brydges ofBelgrave:I has been critically ill in Wing -1 ham Hosp. following 2 stiokes:1 which he suffered • last Thurs- day ..and':Friday. 1 THAT. S. ' B. Stothers left :' the • first ,of the week for Edmonton'• to attend - the annual meeeting of the Canadian Swine geed- ers' Association of Which he is secretary -treasurer. He will visit at.Tisdale with his broth- er "Ike", and at Winnipeg with his son, Steve, Jr. He will be away a ' couple of weeks. THAT Glen Campbell of • Belfast'I -1-las been confined to Wingham Hospital .for four wee s. since.. •.suffering 'a .heart: attack it his • home.' THAT'• the combined Shoot and " Cribbage .:party at the Legion • Hall, each'' Monday evening hasn't been,meeting with much • . • success to date.' 'Probably ; it's the weather conditions; but, un less the attendance improves • this weekly.' event will be can- . 'celled. THAT' Miss • Dean . MacKenzie was found helpless on the floor at her .home on ,Monday morn.- ing and was, remdved by am- bulance • to Wingham Hospital. THAT° Mrs. Will MacCrostie. spent last week .in Toronto with her mother,' 'Mrs: John. Webster, Who' underwent sur- f ' gery in 'Western -Hospital: Mrs. 1• • Webster," who is in her • 86th. year,, ..is making ,a ;recovery. • THAT. at • the height of , last Thursday's stbrm• With visibili- ty nil, there was a three vehi cle rear -end collision series on Righway 86; west. 'Cars owned by Bob MacIntosh, Wm: Gra '' ham, and a • dry cleaning, panel truck were ,involved. No one , was ,injured . but the• grill ' of ` .Graham's new car was: c,onsi= de y".. g rabT dai`ria ed. THAT R. T. (Dick) Kilpatrick of Ashfield underwent • an ap- pendectomy ,, in p-pendec'tomy,,in Wingham Hos- pital at- the week -end. THAT. Bob Hamilton is' getting along remarkably well from injuries received ' a couple of. • weeks ago and was able to return hbzrie on Monday •He fortunately' escaped a fractur- ed neck, which had been fear r, ed. till Harris, the 'other crash victim has 'a Cast on his 'neck, •` and .may ttiidergo a hip opera - lion this week, He •is doing nicely and is bright and, cheer- . "Prices effective January 29, e reserve .the right to limit Quantities AYLMVM ER CHOICE` PEACHESfor • 15 . oz.. .., . Y... •. VAN 'CAMP BEANS : • ? f br With Pork,' 15 oz, ...�. , ';. WHOLE KERNEL.. CORN Garden "Patch,, 14 02. ....' ..., FRANKFORT '-STD. PEAS 15' az. $2.00 per case .. •.. , St. •'WILLIA•iV JAM assorted, . J . oz.: . . • IGA BEEF STEW 1 rJ oz. r • _ SOLO MARGARINE for °CHICKEN ..NOODLE SOUP MIX Lipton's . TOMATO, VEGETABLE SOUP MIX, Lipton's' :•• • • • . LICORICE ALLSORTS KLEENEX` Economy size IGA. DOG HOUSE' DOG FOOD 15. oz. ;' . , .;:. SOUTHERN CROSS TUNA WESTINGHOUSE• .LIGHT BULBS' 25, .40' or. 60 watt . ' .::,... •.. PLAN ,GIRLS'` GARDEN CLUBS IN HURON Y' • The h -H Home Garden Club will . be,' the ,project undertaken by 4-H Homemaking Club. Girls in Huron County this spring. The project consists of planting :and caring for a garden, attending four club meetings and Achieve- ment'Day,' Since the special topic to be considered :is. Home Beau,- 'fication the girls will he expect- ed to carry on a small project such as paintiing the mailiboxr, making a flower bed, or planting shrubs; etc, which •is . some way would add 'beauty to home ' sur- woundings • Twenty packages of vegetable seeds and six `;packages of flower seeds will be available from. the `. Ontario Department of Agricul ture °to club members • and leaders. A garden club may•,be organiz- ed in any community where there are four interested ,girls who are between ; the ages of twelve and twenty-six years. (Members must:. have •reached their twelfth birth- day by March 1st;.' 1959.) , 'Men who are' loud and rloisy seldom. are 'a howling success. : tt. 'boars Open at .8.15. •G' mes• start at 8:45 sharp LEGION HALL," LUCKNOW ursday,anuary JACKPOT' OF $1.15.00 58 . NUMBERS CAS. ED .r " 12 Games $1.00. - -»' Extra Cards. 25c SPONSORED 'by • LUCKNOW LEGION' BRANCI- 309 .rM',i�or.►otilriNiiil�i • . 41►1Yi.�oiirhi..ii•iwi,iaa.,ii4illiYi�►uiir��,w.Hieaiw+�Af'