HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-01-28, Page 8?AGE EIGrIT• Y.. w . i•'1. • • THE LUCKNOW SMTI STEL, LUCKNOW, QNTARIO :FILE RESOLUTION ON DAYLIGHT TIME j; VO JRCII • BuNuTEs .West, Wawanosh. Township Council 'held. their ,inaugural meeting :for 1959 on January 12, 1959. All members present. Af- ter the declaration of office had 'been subscribed to, Council pro- ceeded. with the business of the year. By -Law To. 1:, 1959,. nam - Mg the• •township••officials for 1959 and 'stating their salaries was passed on a motion by Coups. Culbert • and McPhee, .Some re- vision was made in salaries. ` •Qn a., motion Eby Couns. ¥fi and' Durann,' by=law No. • 2, ,1959ller Was passed. Phis :by-law authori- zes theReeveF:arid Treasurer, to borrow It necessary; •up to ° $20,000. k . forcurrent expenditures: In the r Announcing: the. New .Porter -C411: :able Electric MODEL 66 a'' withkick proof , clutch PRICED at $49',95 • DEALER hes Shelton • F.' ,.F irq _Phone 8D,--Luckn.o_w gnew.s'. INSURANC� Agency; GENERAL INSURANCE' Established ::Over :Thirty Years Ago Telehones: HOWARD AGNEW ;. Residence 138 ' KINL�OUGI-L The February , meeting ':of' the tolyrood. Women's ;Institute ,will be "held on ,Thursday, Februarys 5th . at the •home of Edna and ::May Boyle. -Roll Call -A • Valen, tine exchange draw . 25c. Topic— Tea,; 'Motto-Laughter'is • good:'to- .clic but never bottle it.Contest- • Supper Casserole Directors Mrs.: Sam' Farmer, Miss Edna ,Boyle. ' • Mr: Harold Percy was in Wal,' • kerton during," the week ,attend- ing the "County. Council' • School .'was closed. for. several days, owing ,to the stormy weath- er and bad road condition's., We :are pleased to.• reort that Pp. Mrs. William 'Wall who has been a patient •: in Wingham :hospital for the past Month was able to: return ,to the borne. Of {Mr. and Mrs:, Jack. .Schumacher, eon..)10. We. extend • our sympathy to Mrs. Charles Hodgins ,of Wing- ham` and the :other mnenlbers of the Anderson• family in (the sud .den,; passing. of ;the late,' Harvey <Anderson. During the month of Febru- ary' the Anglican .service will, be held at 11 a.m. PLEA TO 'YOUTH • . - ' EDmSDAY,' JAN„ 29th, 1959 . (A recent headline in a •Tor'-. onto 'paper) • Sub -title, "Jean Needs No Li quer to Live'`: •In spite of the reporter's "rath- li er facetious treatment- of: Cont- *"roller Jean. Newman's ••talk, to a •youth group, her plea' was.. very forceful and arresting.. She.. was• addressing young, people,:." who shad gathered during the Christ-• mas• holidays to study the alco- hol problem • "• As far. ,' as •I am' .".concerned," 'she declared, "I have .,chosen to be a total : abstainer. for .the simple reason: that to rine..; life ,'is' interesting and • exciting Viand . h .want to enjoy it to the full` with- out. having any of my 'perceptive abilities slightly : dulled "I . have never •been ridiculed for, my stand, for after all It is a Personalmatter: If you young people make the personal decis- ion to remain total • abstainers, you will never regret it and• you will never succumb to an illness. which• is very much . on, the . in- crease •in Canada and. the United States -that is alcoholism y'' Advt. • iminediate 'past, no borowing of money •has been necessary thus reducing operating" expenses, On . a.. motion by CouncillorMil ler` and Durnin, the clerk was instructed to order three sub- scriptions to "The..Municipal. Norio A'copy 'of a Resolution dealing. with Daylight' `Saving Time :from the St. Helens Women's Institute Was. tabled • and discussed. ' This resolution was ordered ` filed'. for future reference. Township Coun- cil •are, in sympathy withmany points •in this' resolution' It was generally felt that :a definite de cisiori concerning this ,problem. should be made by a ` higher form or government. . On .a motion by 'Coun. Durnin and McPhee, . the following • ac- counts° were passed for payment: • Ontario Good Roads•.°Assoc. membership fee; $15.00; Ontario Assoc. of Rural Municipalities =- .membership fee, 15.00; Salvation Ariny, London. -- grant 30.00; Wm. Rivett . • 1 fox bounty; 4.00; Jahn •Kuik• 1. fox 'bounty, 4.00;. Philip MacMillan 1 fox bounty, i 4.00;. Robert . E.: Irvin -=- caretak- ing, Dungannon St.., lights, '1958,.. 7.60; X. X. Dawson -welfare act, 50:02. Road, Accounts Howard Sproul snow 'fence, hauling,., 3.25; Delmar . Sproul Snow fence`. erecting,' 2.98; Lorne Ivers - salary; 156.23; Imp. Oil -. Anti Freeze, 20.00; Wm. Murdie and 'Son -black wire, 8.50; Imp. Oil Ltd. -Fuel oil to : tax 76.00;. Lorne Ivers Telephone calls, 41.6o; Pedlar, . People ,•Ltd.—guide trail cable, 36.32; •Gus Devereaux oil,- wire, •and fence, 21.61; Robt. Stothers—Tire repair, 6.65; Lorne Ivers .— salary, '.101.25; James Led dy -Erect. • snow ; fence, 3.50; Hilliard . Jeffer'son.,. : Erect snow fence, 3.50; Wes. Jefferson—erect snow fence, •3.50; Ed. Robinson — haul • snow, fence, ' 5.00; Albert.. Phillips'—Erect. snow. fence,, •-7.90;'. Lloyd ,Phillips—Erect' snow fence; Tt virilT ;pay you ,to have all maintenance, repair, :' •renovation• arid' redecoration jobs done around your home or place of business during the Winter lull in the building industry. " . HOME IMPROVEMENT LOANS 'under the National Housing Act, .are; available through your bank . up to $4,000 and ui*to' 10• years to 'repay. • FARM: IMPROVEMENT LOANS, , backed • by the government, are also available through your bank . up to $5,000 and up to 10 years to'. repay. • • Help yourself—and at the same time, your com- munity-by having jobs done 'nous.• Why wait for spring— DO1TNO ' . Issued' by. authority cif the Minister o,Labour,. Canada MSS 7,90; Thos. iMacGuffin, `- erect Snow, .fence, 4.90; Cairns Aitchi son -erect snow fence and :brush- ing, 18.20 George : Webster -erect snow fence; 2.10:, Earl, Jamieson' erect Snow fence;' :2.10 Donald Taylor: '— : erect snow fence, 2:10 John Phillips -=-erect snow fence; 2;10; ForanVBroas.—fencing, 105:)0; Nelson Culbert—ditching, 7.00; ' HaroldCulbert ditching, 7.00; Bert Moss—gravel, 78.90; Leslie $Schultz --weed, cutting, 1958, '7.00.. Council adjourned to meet On ''February 10th; 1959. Foran, Township' Clerk.; KINGSBRIhGE (To Late:, For Last Week) iSyrnpathy is extended to ,the family of late Edward Gilmore,. who died at his home' here dur- ing the past' week, .with the `bur- ial taking, place• on. Saturday morning' of 10:30' a.m.. at St. Jos- eph's church, where Rev, H. Van Vynckt 'sang the Requiem mass. The pallbearers were 'Lloyd Cline, Basil .Bogan, John Gilmore, Geo. Halloran, Rae Pearson. and D'arcy O'Hara. The late Mr. Gilmore' is, sur bitted .'by his :widow;, the former Theresa Kelly, four 'daughters, Mrs. Della Kratz of 'Kitchener, Miss• Frances Gilmed a of London, 1 Mrs.. Geo. Halloran of: Buffalo Mrs. 'Rae Pearson . of Eainilton, and .four . sons, Edward of Cat-. gary, Gerald of Cornwall, 'James and. Arthur at' home, also twelve • .Enjoy cooking More with ,CO -OF PROPANE. -,the fuel famous !or its fast,,clean and odor- less heat . . Economy ? -- Just• compare, it, : For the best ,in Propane Service and Quality— call your Co-op Serviceman. :• • • • • • P SEE''YOUIR LOCAL CO-OP one grandchildren .all of . whom were present; for the',funeral: . Congratulations'and Best Wish= • es` :to 'Mr. and: Mrs. Michael Dal-. ton who • are` celebrating' their -Golden, Wedding Anniversary to,: day,. January,, 19th.. A dinnerfor, the 'family and a few close friends `was .served on Sunday' et the Tiger Dunlop Inn,-:Goderich. R. 3, r with : their. son Gerald, of Toron to, Mrs.. Ella Bowler, Miss 'beth Bowler, Maurice Bowler two sons, of Toronto among the dinner guests: Congratulations also to Mr. and ' Mrs Reiss Miltenberg upon the arriva ;of a'.daughter, at Alexan- dra Marine Hospital, Goderich ori • January .17th,. 1959. • CCs • s, Doctor...Wednesday will be fine When it's time to have the • dentist ".check daughter's• teeth,' Mrs Smith. naturally reaches. for 'the telephone, that helpful !'Member -of -the.. • faMilyy' with the" habit .o'f getting things done. When you look back over your* day, it's some tithes surprising• to " realize in just flow many little ways (he telephone has helped you . , , how it adds' 'so- much ,convenience' and comfortto everyday frying THIN BELL TIILtPHON* COMPANY OP CANADA •