HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-01-28, Page 6rf
WilWN DAY, 'JAN. -29th, 195%
Bruce Count..;- Council Approve
$900,000 County Horne Adition
George . W. Doyne Reeve of it:`Messrs. Dietz. •. WOner, 'Math%
Lucknow, . was elected Brace. and *Muir; County. J leene*' Ma`+.
• }. County's: 87th warden,, •polling 22 Percy, Joynt, Mora -1a, , ' OUltg
• votes to 9 for Mr, Dietz and' five and Maxwell; Chad. Wella' ez
. fox Mr. Palmateer, his opponents, ly ssr s.., Aiken, C, Caudle ' dle 'and
and chalking Mg a clear majority Emmerto a; P r o p e r'• t d`:.Mtn:
on the first ballot, as. Bruce Co. Lobsinger, Frook and. Balshe ll;
Council 'opened its January sess- Consultative; Messrs, IfrLay, Via'*
3on,, mont and . . Smith; ,Museuatat
• ; The' Warden appointed a Strik-;"Messrs, .Palniateer, Laatndut• °and
�p :.
ing committee , composed • of. MacKenzie; T o u r i s t: Mes,,r ,
Reeves.. Muir, Galloway, Aiken, Wyonch, Crag, Smith, A. Walden.
Wolfe, ;`'Frock; Bushell,. Atkinson, and Mahon; ; Wardens Messrs,
".Emmertton. and Smith,arid the Muir, .Galloway,' Vance.; ' Count,,,
_following • standing ommnittees Library: Messrs, 'Joynt, *air,
. o ... tog" an g
were struck:for the , year: . Fin-- Kreutzweiser, T. ••Stevenson,;
' ance,, _Messrs. Muir, Frook, ;Per- Hougham,, W. - Hahn ,and • C. -Mei-
cy, C. Cantle, . Craig, M acKenzie hood; Equalization and Salaries
and Mahood; Education and Prin Messrs. Moran; W. Warden, Dietz,
ting: Messrs' Elgin Young, Max- ,Shewfelt,• Palmateer, Leifso and
well and Kreutzweiser; '.Agricul- Reeye of Carrick; Trees :Conser-
:ture: Messrs. Wolfe, Bushell, Leif- vation: Messrs. Atkinson, Max-
- so, - 'W::, Caudle- •-and'—Emmerton;� --wen 'and Reeve of Carrick; High -
Reforestation: Messrs. Atkinson, ways: Messrs.. Fischer,: Galloway
Caudle,' Wyonch,'Siegrist and and Vance and the Warden; • •
•Other appointments made:dur-
MeLay; Legislative,••:;Messrs. Alk-. pP
' en, • Shewfelt, .'W.. W a 1 de n, • M. ing the session were: T. H.: Alton
bell;• Un and Carl Frock, Auditors •of
Young ,and CamiP , Health . ;
tttinni J`t.isti A<N'Onnta, *Old
0,140 Illy I i 1 • Yont1g *MI
IWO' tkzw1'4.At tit t1'n .SeitnO.1
ackNTtia, •• .
Iti dtli hilt the a s1ttx , t ate
,t� Av a Noor ilte 40,0 ,0im 001. 0km,,
it,\, tN`taati;wo. to ttroeeerl . forthwith.
to r \ttst a akc t t t\eW : 103 I etl. W in*
lit the -Couttt:SY 1101en‘ at an t ria
An att4 vwast or. 060,000,00 half of
whi `ld wilt kw, • orkw by. the, pro.
vinci;ail tiiovet'ttktte#tt,
Connell ihso a tttitt'n i t'd the
'Property Committee to proceed
to . construet • an as lititan to the..
'oauitty Buildings to provide more
spade • for, the r�cxuitl 1'11' itacOP
and his staff,. Estimated teo t.,of.
this.addition is • :$20,000,00:
County. treasurer -T, H; AItt.n,'
Cm his report` to ' Council, stated
that the Cettntta had finished the
year. just envied with its aecour is
Practically in baalatnce. The .debit
balar;ce was only $345.17; He also
disclosed that, of the .21, tagged
:foxes 'set loose last fall, only 5..
have so• far :been shot --the $100;
pl ze fu1 and , 4 ofw the 450, • ones,.
Xt might be, , of inter est to note.
where these foes were released
and . where they. Were killed'.
• `1 ''released. in .Brant 'Pwp4. Was
killed : in Brant Twp.; • 1 released
in Greenock, was .killed:.'m.'.I-iol-'
land `i'ow1*tship 1 'released •in E1
. derslie, was. ' killed in 'Culross; 1
released' in Albemarle, was killed
:in. Albemarle •' 1, released. in' Bruce,;
was killed' in Bruce:.. •
•According, to the report of the
:Superintendent, , Mr. R. I. Wiles,
the number - of. " residents in :• the
County',Home is 36, of whom. 25
are •:men •and ..11, women. Four
residents died, in the ` hospital
where they 'were transferred of
:,ter becoming ill in the Home: .
` At; the request' of the inunici-
panties' involved, ',ancd on recoin•-
•mendation. of the `• Consultative
Corrirnittee; the .Village .:of' Ilep •.
worth and fthe ' portion of Aina
bel Township tformerly;' in the
Hepworth Continuation School.
District were attached: to the,
Wiarton High School District as
.of January lst, 1959.
A .provisional county rate of
..123/4• mills was adopted,, an in-
crease of 1% mills over last year.
The • Agricultural , , Committee
recommended that Bruce County
continue the campaign for the
eradication of the co`m mon bar-
berry; buckthorn and leafy spur-
ge, and that $50.0 be ,granted
from : the . County •Council •to' bei
matched ', by an :equal -,amount
fromthe various 2nunicipalities
. wishing to eradicate any of• these
.weeds `or' weed . trees, f rom. por-;
'tions of; their land area,. this mon
ey to be 'pent' with whatever
grant may .be 'forthcoming: from
the OProvtnce to purchase chemi-
cal weed killer necessary .for the
eradication of these weeds • .
Payment of 904 claims. for fox
bounties :.amounting, to $2,712.00'
was recommended: • '.-_,
'The following grants were u-
thorized.during the' session: $25,
000. to the : Walkerton Hospital;
$4,0000.• to the Bruce County Mus-
eum; ' $75; to, the Grey ' County
Festival • of .Music, • $500. „to`, the
',Salvation. Army;:. $600.. to the
Walkerton and . . District Associa-
tion for retarded. Children; $75..
to, the > Walkerton Boy ' Scouts
Group Committee for Canip Mar
tynt $500. for the Canadian' Nat-
ional Institute for ,the Blind;
$500: to • • the . Tobermory Tourist
Association; $1,150. to the Bruce.
:Peninsula . Resort Association;
$200. for • Tourist information
booths at Kincardine; Port Elgin;.
Southampton, Sauble Beach 'and
Amberley; $200. 'towards Scholar-
ships at the O.A.C: for two, Bruce
County students; $100. to the
Soil and "Crop • Improvement Ass-
ociation; $750 to the, Junior Ex-;
tension Fund; $150: to the Bruce
County Plowmen' ,Association,•
$4,900, to cover $100: grant to
each Class C. Agricultural' Socie-
ty with $3,500. to be 4 prorated
. according to the prize money
paid for , various , agricultural
prejects; $1,200 each to, Walker-
ton. and Teeswater Agricultural
Societies;' '$1,000. to' the Bruce'
County Federation of Agricul
tures $100, to the Bruce County
Holstein 'Club; $100. to the Bruce
CountyShortlhorn' Club $100:. to
the Grey --Bruce Hereford Club;'
$59. to, the Bruce County Sheep
Breeders; $40, to the Grey -Bruce
For sound counsel and a fair price on a monument
correctly designed from quality material,
rely on
Pat O'Hagan, Prop.
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Established Over Sixty Y Years
Phone,.638 w' Ontario
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'hitechurch, Ontario Phone Wing
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Be Sure . ta. Visit
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Winter. _Tires
$20.95 Installed
e New 'Tires
' Until Further Notice
Wheel A:Ii.gnn ent and :Baia,nCi.flg
Motorcade Dealer w --' Phone. 3, Lucknow
Januar. 2829-30-31,
n.m. to 6.. cru ,.mi.:daily) - p . M:
Bldg, C.N.E , Toronto.
Jersey:. Club; . $40. to the Banner
Counties Ayrshire Club; ` $75.= .to.
the Grey. -Bruce -Huron 4berdeen
'Angus •Club $20..to each, Horti-j:
cultural Society having • a suit-
able aahievemennt e, hibit dur-
ing, the year, and 435. to . each
'District'of the Womens' Institute. -
nstitute:The. :`'Highways ; program for
1959, as proposed by. the. High-
ways Committee and adopted •Eby'
Council, includes , replacements
of old .:bridges at the Mill Creek,
East • of Port „.Elgin Stark's, Brid-
ge, ,Paisley,.; Station ,Bridge,' Tara;
Fair Bridge, Con. 8, Huron; Col -
;pot's Bay Bridge;•, Mclnnes Brid-
ge, Con. 5-6, Cu'lross; Itibey Brid
age, Townline Bruce . and Saugeen;
and grading work on the follow-
••ng roads-tPaisley; east 3 miles;
Tara, east 1 mite; - between Black.
Barge and. Kingarf, 2 miles; the
hill at Lewis Bridge, Kincardine
Township, Scone south :1•1/4 miles;
the hill •at Ribey,. bridge; Tara
north 1 mile; Ripley, .1 mile east:
Huron Township;' Be'lmore, West
4%miles;' hot mix • 11 miles' to
connect Elora Development:. road
with •Highway. No. 9; and in -ad-
dition, work will proceed on th
Elora •Development Rd , with hot
'Mix. pavement :to be laid from;
Walkerton to Paisley in late Mek
and early. June; considerable
work will also be .done on. -the
Sauble Beach Development Road
from Southampton ' north. '
Recommend' Abolishing D.S.T.
The following Resolutions were
adopted during the ,Session:'•
Recofnmending • that • • daylight
saving time be. abolished; •
That . the .maximum , penaltY
chargeable on tax: arrears be in-
creased to. 1'%,
Urging the • Government to
take stringent safety measures to
prevent natural'. _gas., :explosions;
Recommending; • reinstatement
'of the provision' in the Hospital
Mt • which • ,enables' municipalities.
to ',recover • monies paid. ' on be
half of _ indigent patients : when •
the indigents' :are f ound , able t4-
Requesting compensation
animals' lost- as a result of rab
:ies epidemic to be borne as fol-
ol lows -A :by Federal' Government,.
by' Provincial Government and
A >by county council,.'.
Council adjourned at noOri on
,Saturday to meet* for • the. June .
Session •at,the Town Hall, South-
outh-ampton on 'Monday, 'June' lst at ' ;
8 p.m; •
Hospital, Goderich, on January
:17,• 1959; to' Mr. and Mrs. Maurice
Miltenburg,;. R.R. 7, Lucknow, a
Et 'the Wingham
General - Hospital, . on .. Tuesday,
January 20, 1959, ' to•Mr: and Mrs..
John . Treleaven, (Jane. Johnstone). '
. Lucknow, ' a son . William Craig..
ERRINGTON—;At' the . 'Wingharn
General Hospital, • , on Tuesday,
January 13, 1959; to' Mr. and Mrs. ' • •
Harold Errington; R.R. ;2,' Auburn,
• a daughter. „�
1958 Pontiac Stratochief, standard transmission,
fully equipped
1958 Chev Biscayne, special V-8 motor, power brakes,
fully equipped $2,850
1958 Pontiac Stratochief ,Sedan, ' automatic transmission
fully equipped r $2,750
1958 Chev. Biscayne Sedan, automatic,
' fully equipped' , $2,750
Two 1958 Chev. Biscayne Sedans, $2$1,,555695'
'Two 1957. Pontiac Deluxe Sedans,. autoniatie, $2,195
1956 Chev Standard:Sedan,y .equipped full '
1956 Chev Coach, fully equipped $1,695
1955 Chev. Deluxe Sedan ...• ,' $1,550
• 1955 Chev: Sedan,fully. equipped i$1,450'
1955 , Chev Sedan, with radio :y $1,450
1955 Chev 'Deluxe, Sedan, with automatic transmission,
fully ' equipped '
i $1;650
1954 Ford- Coach ' valve -in -head • motor .:...,.::.....:'.:..:;..:,$1,095
1954 Ford 't%ustomline with radio • ,.... $1,095
x954 1954 Dodge Hardtop,
rd op,dan automatic, fully equipped $1,095
. •
1956 Ford, ',4 --ton• Pick-up '; ,,, .,
1955 GMC i .toi:..rri r...... .$
l2 n Pick-up with long box $1095 ,'
i, ..Hila Ni'.i..,
*1955 Chev 1 -ton: 'Pick-up :........... . i .:.:..:.....:.H,i.:i.+:,.:,.$1,095•
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Huron County's 'Foremost Used Gar Dealers.
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