HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-01-28, Page 3P; WEDNESDAY, JAN: 28th, 1959• •. • THE LUCKNOWSENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO LIB Y'S WHOLa`ERNEL CORN 'Bright's Choice Quality cherrieS • 1; 14 oz.. vacuum pack , , , 3, for 49c' • '15 •oz. tins '., , 3 for 49c. HEINZ TOMATO... SOUP . . Sarong Crushed or Sliced Pineapple ' 10 oz. tins . ... ..4 for 49c 20 'oz. tins . : , .. : 2 • . for 49c LIPTON'S 'CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP'. packages •.. .... ' ...4 " for 49c _U ,/H1TE TOILET TISSUE rolls . .4 for 49c KLEENEX TISSUE • Chubby or Regular packages:3 for. 49c King's Choice Dessert Pears 28 .oz. tins . . , 2 for 49c. Rose . Brand Margarine, lb. pkgs.. 2; for 49c Standard : Quality W Green Peas 15 oz. tins .. , ;:.. , 0.5 for 49c Assorted Chocolate Bars, 24110c, 6 for 49c Libby's Cooked Spaghetti 28 oz. ttin, Package ..: 4 for 49c KRAFT APPLE OR GRAPE JELLIES jars' .: , • .;2 for, 49c FRESH FRUITS '" AND . VEGETABLES Red .:& White Peanut Butter ` Florida,'See'dless Grapefruit 10: for 49c SPECIAL FACTORY BONUS OFFER Red &White Jelly Powders 'Heat -proof Cory' Coffee Servers. only.:99c. fi packages .?. for 49c with purchase„ of '1 'Ib. Red •8z White, Aunt .• Mary's or Early.; Riser toffee... Libby's Deep Brown, .Beans 15 oz. tins' : 3 for 49c ' . BONUS :OFFER, Heat Proof Dura . White right's Choice. Columbia. Raspberries 15 oz. tin:..2 for 49c ;Bowls Baking, Mixing,Serving, Steri ng, ...... :.;. ... ,:.. a . complete set of 4. regular 2.29. Now. Habitant Pear Soup 28 i 3 for oz. tins 49c only99c. with . 5 00 purchase. - � .. r COLWANASH LU B ELECTS OFFICERS. The Colwanash Junior . Farm- ers held their annual meeting in the Dungannon Parish • 14a11,. ' .on Tuesday, January 20.• The follow - my is the :slate of 'officers • for. the coming. year Past . President; Muri'ay.Gaunt;; President,, Craw-. ford • Me'Neil;• Vice Pres., Doug .Maynard; 2nd Vice Pres., Lorne Hackett; 3rd. Vice' Pres;, . Brute Rayanard; , Secretary -Treasurer,: • Ruth R,ibey; Assistant .Sec.-Treas.,. June Nivin; ,Recreation Commit- tee, Frarik•,Alton; Chester Haek :ett,, Leroy Rintoul.. .Directors, W. Wawanosh, Mur- . ray 'Gaunt, 'Neil. •Rintoul, Marg- aret.: Lyons; Ashfield,. George 1- bey, Frank Alton,Bruce :Riay- nard; Colborne, Don- Treble, John Clark, Reg Riel; Press Reporters, Lu cknow, George • Smith,. Gode- rich, 'George, Ribey. Directors, to Agriculture .Socie- ty, West .Wawanosh, Donnie Jo Gaunt, Crawford McNeil, •John Rutherfo$; Ashfield; Doug•'Ray- 4-nard; F r iiffAltom `Horne--1-%sek ett. There were several resolutions brought' forth .and:•adopted, 1. Every member must :answer the 'February roll call by intro- duc,ing -a new Member he • or she 'has.' .brought, preferably .a girl. The .member .:with the 'highest number .af anew: membersreceip es • an honourary membership for 1959: • 2. Directors from each :town ship, West Wawanosh, Ashfield and !Colborne,' are responsible for every third meeting. • 3. The penalty for being late is •onepenny for :every' minute late: .Maximum . of 25c.. Meetings are to start at 8.30 'sharp unless oth erwise stated in the • notice. 4 Every member must; take °a pledge when they become a Mem- ber of Junior' Farmers, '.to work to the• best .of their ability. to further the cause of. Junior Far- mer work in their .club .and .`in their county.' ski<'a�;:::.......� c•;::>:�>::;?�. 4.,"••••'• '4./4/ i✓ ✓te4 %viii -• vii ./ • 7./4." 'A/4. iii iii•• ilii SAFETY PATROL (Continued from page 1) til such • time as they can• safely cross the road. They wait for a "safe , gap". 'and then• motion students 'across. the . road.' .Lucknow. 'Presbyterian Church 1 .. Minister: „ : . Rev..' "Wallace McClean ` SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 1 11 00 '.Sacrament of Lord's 1 • Supper. $: 12:15 p.M. Sunday•' School 1 Preparatory "Service, Friday,1 •January ' .30th, '8:00 pan. a:00'.p.rn. Dungannon, Com- munion • 1 7:00' Am. Evening worship obedience and good' citizenship. In connect(on with the patrol.. system, a court is ''set up, with 'the Principal as•,the magistrate, the patrol ' members the arresting officers 'and other higher '..grade students as ° the ....jury, . "• defence. • lawyers,: 'etc. Safety „ rules'` must be learned .and obeyed. ,and .in - •fractions will result in :"tickets", and . an eventual, court session. The penalty could • be an essay on safety, or sonie` such • "punish- ment.'` .. •P.arental Teaching . Mr. ,Rowe. called on. 'parents `to observe proper traffic regulations. Take. children across the street at,intersections. If you •don't, and ask them to cross in the middle of the street,. they will, be going, against 'thein teaching of what is right in this respect Mr. Bowe points out that •safe ty .patrols develop in the young' students a sense .of responsibility,, YO • We s rish to acknowledge • with sincere thanks and appreciation the patronage and pleasant business associations enjoyed since 'the establishment of THE' .SEPOY STORE o • To'. our successor,- Mr. Mel•' Bennett, we extend our. best wishes, and a bespea, k 'for him' a continuance of the good will and support w;th "which we were favored. MRS. R. D. TRENCH Local &Gefl�raI: Mrs: W. A Miller,, who has been in . Wingham Hospital for three weeks, is now 'able to : be .up. ;Mrs. Margaret Dudley took, ill at her home last week and was taken to` Greer's , 'Convalescent Home. Mrs. Dorothy MacKenzie ' of Toronto visited over the Week- end with her sister, Mrs. Will' • MaoCrostie. `. • Mrs. R. H. Thompson ,is con- valescing'':from .h severe case of bronchitis, which ,confined her to ,bed; for a 'couple of weeks. •. Mrs. W. J. •Douglas is a patient in W ingham Hospital with a . re - -current heart • condition. 'Mr. Douglas is at Greer's•.:Convales ` cent •1Tome. • Mrs tiny Allton has been a Patient in 'Wingham ,Hospital and was being taken to :London the first . of, the week , to undergo surgery. Mrs. Robert Shields, Miss Bev- erly Shields and:Mr. Skip .1#ren- nan from Port Colborne, visited ;Mrs. Russell Ritchie of R.R. 6, Liickpow. • Miss Dorothy' Cooke who has been ;hospitalized in London for a ' few weeks, . 'is progressing sat- isfactorily and : may soon return home. MisS $arbara Murray, Holy - rood, will be aguest on,,''M'Lady" QK:NX-TV on Monday, February' 2, to ':speak on her recent trip to Niagara Falls, Toronto and Otta- ,wa, *as a 4-11Homemaking 'Cub representative. . ,Time 2.30 p.m, OME . BINGO UMUMBERS S 'For. Week` Of' January' _ 26th `, Monday,`,' Jamlhry 26 N 39 Tuesday, January . 27 ..:• 0: 73, Wednesday, January 28_. • N• 35 Thursday; 'January 29 N 34 Friday, ..January . 30 G 47 Saturday,. January 31 • N 40 PAGE. SEWERAGE PI4NT' (Continued froxn. page 1) the stream at Lucknow. • He says, with 'reference to the objectionable ,conditions, it is ap- parent that one of two proced- ures is required. One • woiild be oto• put,in. sewers and proper sew- age treatment • plant.. The other • Would be to .have `all connections to. the .water course, or to storn7ie drains,, -.severed and . `individual treatment works- installed. This latter. might '"be difficult where 'there isnot sufficient land avail- able for building, these ' works, he •• said. , It will be appreciated if this Matter m,ay• be given . early Cori - sideration by the Council, and ., this office advised of the.'decision reached, ..Dr.• „Berty's letter;' said in conclusion.. • Plan Toronto Meeting • . When • ,Council met on Monday morning for their wind-up of the 1958' business; these letters came up for discussion.: It. was first .de • cided ' to. have Reeve Joyrt . and, Councillor:M..L. Sanderson,:'meet. with 'fir. Berry in Toronto, but when the'. delegates' stressed the magnitu•de of this; problem, it. was• • agreed ` that `Council • as ` a /whole should hear the matter elcplained. An, appointment '. will • be sought with Dr. Berry' for a. :meeting. in. late ;January or early February if . possible..; Some men• , 'night.' be' .called ,blisters; they . show up. after . the work •is done. Considering its , age might' fast old world. this;' is a :No roan is fully educated . un- til. lie: learns , tow read himself. ceum 1.heatre WINGHAM' Two shows each night First 'at 7.15 Thursday, ;Friday, ' Satuday Jam; 29;'"3o,. . 1.' Mob .,Hope Anita Ekberg • in PARIS HOLIDAY Paris : • is: the • setting for this' • 'picture which is filled with :the zany gags : of , Bob Hope. $2:50 RATE TE :POSITIVELY •EXPIRES. JANUARY list... mom Now Playing,; "(UANTEZ" In Cinernascope and .Tec'hnicol'or 'starring' Fred MacMurray• and Dorothy •• Malone Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday; February' 2,' ,3, 4 Lana Twiner, 'Barry :Sullivan and Glynis.. Johns h• . blitz -torn London" un. World War iI a star' war Cortes pondent is faced `With an involved ,problem.: "ANOTHER. TIME, ANOTHER PLACE 4),.. In Vistavision Thurs, Fri:, .Sat:; Feb. 5, 6, ,7 ,Double Feature; Program • Tyrone Power, Piper Laurie and Julia Adams Tell the ' story of a river -boat gambler and. : his .aristocratic. sweetheart,. Ih :Tecnicolor • • •• "MISSISSIPPI, GAMBLER" Dan Dailey; Ann, Sheridan and Carole Matthews ;A :medicine -show slicker romances a well-intentioned' wel- ' • . fare worker ` — in technicolor "MEET ME AT THE PAIR" Coming, "Joe Butterfly" with Audie Murphy & IKeiko;Sh.in a. i,.r►owl..�r..r�N�,�irii�er.iti�rh�Nr►,N�NH.r+r��iriMiw.iw . vAmvisivagatint