HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-01-21, Page 8PAGE' ZIG THE •LUCKNOW SENTINEL, TUCKNOW ONTARIO 1958 Pontiac Stratocbief, standard *transmission, fully, equipped :. , . ... 52,595; 1958 Chev Biscayne, Special V''-8 motor, power brakes, „fully equipped , •'- ; ...,$2,850 1958 P,Qntiac S tratochief Sedan,automatic transmission fully equipped', 1 52,750 1958 ,Chkv. Biscayzie Sedan, automatic, fully equipped ',..:..L., . 52,750 . Two 1958 Chev. Biscayne.: Sedans . $2,595 1957 Chev. Deluxe Sedan, fully equipped ..,51,995 Two 1957 Pontiac Deluxe Sedans, automatic y' $2,195 1956 Chev Deluxe Sedan $12,795 1956 Chev Standard Sedan, fully 'equipped$1,6.95 1956 Chev Coach, fully' equipped ,.$1,695 ` 1955 Chev Sedan; with radio 51,450 1955 Chev Deluxe •Sedan, ` with automatictrans;nissiOn, fully equipped 1954 Ford Coach valve `in -Bead motor 51,650 $1,095 1954 Chev, Deluxe Sedan , 51,095 1954 Ford . Customline, with radio 51,095 1954: Meteor Hardtop,: automatic, fully equipped 51,095 1953,.Dodge. Sedan s. 4895• 1953 Chev Sedan 5895 -' TRUCKS! TRUCKS', 1955 GMC 1/2 -ton . Pickup with long box 1095 1955. Chev' 1/2 -tots Pick-up .:; 51,095 rL4 r is a, • "t brussels Motors.' Huron County's. Foremost 'Used Car Dealers CASH, TRADE, TERMS Open. Evenings Until 10 Cities Service Dealer -- Phone 173, . Brussels" FORMER HURON AGR.' REP.. mow) TO NEW • POST " ' G. W. Monag omery former Hu ron' representative, has been ap- pointed to district superintendent. of colonization and agriculture for the. Canadian National Rail- ways with headquarters at. Tor- onto. In his new office Mr; Mont- goo'fiery, in co-operation.+with the CNR's European offices, will dir ect in TYfilar.io settlement and de- velopment of ' farm lands' by 'aid=. .ing- in the placement: of immi- grant and experienced farm help .and: assisting • farmers: and live- stock producers with production 'and marketing.'fie will alsorep- resent, the railway at 'exhibitions, fairs,' livestock - sales, and agri- cultural and immigration • meet- ings, and encourage the 'develop- ment • of diversifiedand. more productive farming methods. KINGSBRIDGE •;(Too• . Late ,For • Last Week) Mr. Thos. Wallace spent 'a ''few, days. with relatives in :Flint, re- cently: Mrs .Bernardine Kinney spent a ` few days with friends heave, during the. past week, • prior to leaving ,;for ' a two-month visit with,:. her brother Rev. Ralph O'Loughlin,, C.S.B. of .Angleton,. Texas, who -is pastor of the Mexi- can Basilian •Mission Mrs. Reynolds is convalescing at the. :Alexandra Marine Hospi- tal, Goderich; from the after ef- fects of a fall on the stair steps at her home here. Mrs. "Martha O'Neill and Mrs. Kinney visited with relatives ,and friends, in 'London during •the past week. Mr. and Mrs... Wilfred Austin and babe of Goderich,: •are ;taking up • residence at Kingsbridge, in -the Win: Hogan'house. Mrs. Nora' Sinnett is visiting at the home of. Mr, and Mrs. J Austin. We are pleased ;to hear that Mrs.'. Austinis convalescing in Victoria Hosspital, London, fol- lowing surgery ' performed dur-' ing the past week, and her friends wish •her a speedy • recovery. • OBITUARY. MRS. WESLEY',HAINES Mrs. " Wesley Haines passed away •,at. her home in 'Wingharn ' on Thursday, January 7th in her 75th year. 'She was the fanner • Margery Ethel Harris, Mildmay. Mr, and 1Virs, Haines farmed in East'Wawanosh, until a year 'ago, -when 'they moved to Winghamn. Surviving are her husband, who 'formerly resided. on Con,. 6, Kinloss, . and . whom she married in 1920, and three daughters, Mrs.: Bert •(Elva) Wylie, Howick Twp.; 'Mrs, . Jack (Edna) , M c L e a n, Wroxeter;. Mrs. Harvey • (Betty)' Ritchie, Lucknow;.• one sister; Mrs. Joseph (Annie) Vogan of Wing - ham. Two brothers and •'a sister predeceased her. She is also sur- •' vived by imine garndc ldren.. Mrs. Haines was a member of the Wingharn 'United 'Church. • Service was. held; at. the Walker funeral home• on. Saturday with. Rev. .: W. D. dark officiating.: The pallbearers were Lawrence Tay- lor, . George .Carter, John Currie, DPhil. Dawson, Elmer Ireland and Harold Pocock. Interment `was:.in .the Wingham. cemetery... By-law No.. 1, 1959 was: pre- ` -pared -ana passed - making -app pointment of Officials for «1959. • By-law No., 2, •1959 was' prepar- ed and passed. appointing Mr. and Mrs. Gerald "Gibson as caretakers •of Township Hall.' . The Road Supt. Was instructed to notify all snowplow operators, to .;have road open .,by 8:00. a.m.. By-law : No.. 2, 1959 was. pre- pared and re-pared:.and passed" for the borrow: NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR: PLOW DAMAGE • I,. 'Kinloss Council, Minutes, Kinloss Re-elected' Council met in . the .hall; . January 7th, ,1959, •After .taking • the Oath of ,Office;.' the members took their seats .at the ' table: •Harold Percy, Reeve; Wallace . Conn,. R. S McDonald, Eugene Conley and Edbert. Bush- ell Councillors. • The minutes of the • December .15th meeting as .read were ap- r provedand signed. Treasurer ,was instructed to is- sue cheques for the Governtnent Grant , on" the Rintoul, .Municipal; drain to those. entitled. , The Insurance Policy on gra- • der, : tractor and. Power mower 'was' changed from the Regal In= surance Company, to the Frank.• .Cowan *Insurance Agency, Wood-; stock Ontario. The Clerk was called toread the Engineer's Reporton, the. ' pro posed • Parrish Municipal Drain, After some discussion on the re- port, the report was accepted by • Council • and the ,Clerk 'instruct- ed to prepare the • necessary By- Law. • Council decided that . they would not be responsible : for damage to -cars or "trucks parked on township roads in the .winter months,. during . s n o w;.. plowing operations. Any such -vehicle will be moved at 'Owner's ' expense. Notice. to be inserted in Luck - now and Kincardine`. papers, The 'Road' Supt was instructed• to have a second .crew engaged• and ready to take over to keep' snowplows- going during • stormy ` Weather. gnaws' INSURANCE Agenty GENERAL INSURANCE Established Thirty y jiears• Ago P .• • ,Telehoiles: 18usittess 39. • :HOWARD AGNEW Residence US' .WEDNESDAY, JAN. 21st, 4959 MONUMENTS., For sound counsel' and a fair price on a: rnonunnent • correctly designed from quality material, rely on. SKELTO MEMORIA1S Pat • O'Hagan, • Prop; r • Established Over' Sixty Years Phone : 638-w • -' ' Ontario Walkerton real LucknoW for - the necessary' mon, 1958 Deb. Levy; 1.14 Robert Adarrms, refund' 1958.Deb. Levy,, ''1.58; St, • John, Ambulance; grant, 10..00 Fox-. Bounties,: 12 • at - 5.00 eaCh, 60 ;00; Mrs. • Smith, .earetal -' ing, 5:00;'Councillor ,Bushell, sal ary 1958, .16.00; Ontario Good Roads Assoc:, membership, 15.00. ' Highway` Cheques:'- Lorne'Bec king, snow plow, $470,00; County .of BriVe, Cement.bridge 'and..In spection,. 338.15; , Bud Hamilton, Deisel fuel, 372.46; R. E. Forster, rent. truck: and winch•; `1600;"'Do Minion Roads Mach,` Co., repairs grader, 97.02; Culross Township, Boundary accounts, 163.80; Huron, Township, grading 140.00,. culvert 98.20, 2.38.20; - E. Carruthers, tele- phone, 3.45; J. R. bane, unem- ployment stamps, 1..02;•Dorininion'•. Roads Company, repairs,:. 97.61. J. R. Lane, : Clerk. ing .from the Bank. of Mentreal, iesneeded to carry on business for 1959. a 'ourned to Meet ..Council thendJ `again on'''Monday, February 2, 1959 or at the call of the Reeve, Cheques issued:- Relief, $55.90;' ,Soloman's. ; Greenhouse, • flowers late Road ' Supt., 15..0; .Dr; E. F, Shaunessy, dental .care, 4,00; Dr, R. W. Blackwell, , dental care, 198.75; Dr. W. G. Bruce,• d'entaal care, 20.00; J. • S. • Craig, =share •nt-Ri-ntou.1 DTain__ _,_1 i_3 •42'_ Presbyterian Church, .share Govt. grant Rintoul Drain, ;3.55 . Mrs. Ruth Robinson, share :Govt: grant Rintoul Drain,..8.22 Edward Mc- Clenaghan, ' share ' Govt: ' grant Rintoul Drain,' 12..63r Township of:Kinloss, share -Govt. grant Rin- toul Drain, 6.87;r ' Mrs : George `McClenaghan; refund .,1958 Deb'. Levy, 8.67;' Charles Moore, refund • Smooth -top, hard-wearing cover, • Crush -proof; pre -built borders • Hundred; of firm -support coils '. ....Vented sides—strong handles. 'iece'Arrniversary Special_ 'Full Or tWin size Matching box spring' $49.95 •.Has many•,deluxe features ..of higher -priced: bedding • Reinforced with listened fibre through the" V'tTAt 4" ' fort oxtro support. MATTRESS & -. BOX SPRING• SET Both piecesat rode bottom price.' $ay. while they loaf ' ► v • •P,