HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-01-21, Page 1$2:50 A Year. In Advance --$1;00 Extr"a *To U.S.A.,
Rewe J
Reeve^ George W.oynt off.
•Lucknow • was elected warden ,of
Bruce ''C o uV.n't y when 'County
Council- : convened 'in , Walkerton.
on Monday night: George polled
twenty-two of a possible thirty. -
six votes:to4ive him the 'Warden -
ship quite, tiecasiv;ely ori the first.
ballot. 'His opponents, iteeve • Ted
Dietz ;:of Mildmay. ` polled nine
votes .and Reeve Harvey. Palma
teem of Kincardine, five. •
The .forty-one year old warden
is serving his third term as Reeve
of Lucknow. Prior to that ) he
'served for 1Wo years on council:
,George is the son 'of Mr. and
---Mr-s — Wesley-:•�Joyn -his •-Mother�-
beir}g. the former Edith Freeman, •
and is;maried'tthe former Jes='
sie $earson of Ethel. They hav
two .daughters, 'Jane, age 10, and
Kathy;, age 3.
George's 'nomination for • 'war
den was. - Proposed .' by 'Gordon"
Galloway of A11 emarle arid
fred Vanee. of ,Chesley. Following.
the election . county clerk W. S.
Forester of !Paisley.: vacated the
chair yin favour of 'the new war
den: George • was carried to the:
chair by.; Mr:' Galloway sand Mr
Tance, and • was presented with
the. gavel, •'symbolic of the hon-
. Extends Gratitude
The new warden 'spoke' to the.
group; "It is with a great deal*
of .humility that ' I accept this
gavel symbolic of the 'horiour
conferred upon, me and .I would
like to express my sincere' grafi-
,to- you
l'ati-to-you for givingme this
mandate : ^
h / 2w/717. /iii' (' iii/ „04.. ,�
• 0/
Mr. Joynt .Spoke. of the great..
strides'that the county of 'Bruce
• had taken in: the past one h nd-
-red years, until presently it was
one of^ tilelbanner • countries in
Ontario.: He' pledged to work'. sin-
cerely. in the interest: of the coun-
ty and to give the,'ratepayers
good value. ;lie spoke• of . the pos-.
sibilities of ththetourists arid in
dustrial boom in Bruce with 'the
completion of.the St. Lawrence
Seaway. "Development of 'the
`.ports, from Kincardine to Tober=•
may would attain greater things,
. for Bruce,” he said.
In' concluding his remarks .the:,
'new warden 'stated that it would
Abe his earnest endeavour°to work
,with council for a• • better county
in a greater, Canada, "•
Many. ex wardens, county, and
municipal. officials were -called on
to,say •a few words,` Among them
was :Wm. Oswald Oswald of Chesley'
Ross Whither,' MLA for .Bruce;
Donald' Blue of. Ripley;• William
Walsh of Kincardine;: Win. Win
ter,` 'Walkerton; peter Lismer,
• Mildmay;'•Bill Shewfelt, Kincar-•
dine,•• Kenzie Foster; Don Lamont,
Sates -day, January -31st, is,
the deadline for paying Sen•
tinel arrears,. ' or-,- `renewing
subscriptions at .",the $2.50
rate ($3.50 •to. United States).
-Effective. Monday, Febru
ary:2nd..the rate�'will .b'e• $3.00 .:
and .$4.00 to the States. :There
will be ..no exceptions, and:
these reminders are -repeated
so that all will have 'theop-
• portunity to save 50c by .pay
ing .up not later -than a week
• . from. Saturday.,
AM U B � LA .WC_E •
CERVI .E A .M. ST ..
Wm: bunter;° operator of :the.
' Lucknow •Ambularice Service, at
tended the inaugural. meeting of
the,. Lucknow-•Village Council, in
support' of 'a .written request for
a•rant in ,. PP su p -ort of this ser-
vice ' .
Mr. Hunter purchased, an am-.
bulance, when the s e r. v i ,c ,e
was discontinued, last fall by:'Mc-
Lerman: and 'McKenzie and John-
stone and Son.. •
This, service will not be. self
.supporting, for the. ,line'. being • at
least, and Mr,`Hunter has asked
for. a $100. grant from Ashfield,
West Wawanosh and Kinloss and
$200, 'from. 'Lucknow, to aid: fin
ancially while ' the service ;is be-
:ing : established: •
Council .,agreed that .the ser
vice ,was, more, or less of a• "must"
:and expressed concern. of the
reaction if; without. such a ser-
vice locally, 'it• became a matter
Of '.life or death. ' . Council, Council, however, .felt they, pos-
sibly should be on the same basis
as the other ' municipalities: 1t
•wase' pointed. put 'that many mun
sr •'':e
(Continued 'on: page. '11)'
icipa 1iti'es now su b ,diz arn a bu 1-
ance - service, with provisions .for
such support. being , covered' in
the municipal statutes: •-
Ambulance .operators and dri-.
vers are.. required to take special
The first round of home,;,bingo, training, 'and ,"Buster" Whitby
sponsored by the Legion, •was who 'is employed by Mr. Hunter
concluded last week, with . four has completed his St. • Johns
winners . for the full card on course.
, •Monday's • number: • / • The matter was laid over for
The four, Who split the ` $50.00 ' further consideration..
prize, are; Mrs. Ted Collyer, R, 5 ,
Lucknow Mrs.,.Wn'►". Eadie. Holy- •
rood; .George .Cranston (Trelea-
ven's Mill) Miss Willa = Aiken,
Port •Colborne,,
The winning cards were check
ed by Bob Finlay. • .
• The next home bingo series
corrlinences *^.at once, with four
Prizes totalling $95.00. The rules
• and prizes are the same as'.the
first games, and will be found
in an advertisement in this Issue.
Cards are $1.00 each and can
be obtained at variotis places .in`
• ,The'
first week's numbers ap-
pear in, this issue,, but as there
will 'not, likely be ah •immediate
winder, cards can be purchased
at any ' time and 'numbers filled
• 'Froin time - to -time for the
past few years we have pub-
. ,lisheci articles ,primarily• .for •
` the ladies under the caption.',
`.`This ` `n'. That.'"
The author "Rosemary •
'Thyme" would like "to; 'know
if its., of sufficient,� interest „
to continue: it, By fiord, - or
letter let us know if you 'read
`• it, andif you don't. We
:would' appreciateyour. corgi..
' merits as to its dintents, • pro'
orcop, and an suggestions'•
as' -'to subjects which might
bo dealt with: ' .
Mr. and .Mrs. • "Bud" Orr ,and
family.:Will move to Belgrave on
Thursday, and .on, • Friday, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert MacDonald arid
family' will•• move from' Walker, -
'Ion . to :the : Orr -residence.
The-MacDonald.family are not
strangers here, , having formerly'
lived: 'at Holyrood..Their son Ken
is of. High School age, and they,
have. a daughter Peggy; age 10,
who ' will ,be ':, attending public
school; `. Another daughter Mary
I ou, is employed in -Campbell
Grant's office in Walkerton.
CAN'T. BE. •FAR.; - OFF'
This Thursday night ^ :•the • Le
gion's cash bingo' jackpot will be
up to:, $115:00; and• a winner' can't
be too far away; as 58 numbers
Will' be, called this week...
A young Liberal Association
for ••the riding. of :Huron' -Bruce.
carne 'into being at two separate
meetings last week. The •flew as-,
,sociation will ; work in ' support
`of Rae J.` Watson of Lucknow;
Liberal• candidate inthe ne, t•
• provincial election ''
Meetings. were' held on Tues-:
day and Wednesday rights 'at the
Watson, home in West Wawanosh
township.: Organizing, and speak
ing .to the ,group On' both nights`
wase David Greenspan :.of Toron-
to.; ,assistant .'secretary of:the.-61-
trio . Liberal Association.
Tl e:first -Meeting Was for. those
from the. Bruce, side : of .the rid
•A ' committee ortwo, Jack
Blue and John :'D. 'MacKay of
Iiipley, was •set °up. An organiza-
tion. and membership . drive.. is•
planned for the near future.,
The 'following night -Jim Blake
of ' Dunig'annon arid' John (Ruther,
ford of West Wawanosh were ap-
poiited to organize . the Huron
portion of the riding in`the same.
Rev. . G.• :Geiger).
Approxi innately ; 95 members
and. adherents' enjoyed, a •' buffet"
dinner ' planned Vy members:, of
the Women's . Association in ..:the
Fellowship • Room of the, church
on Thursday, January :1.5th,' :on:
the occasion„of the annual meet- •
ing of L. ucknow United Church; •'
'Following a short worship .ser- •
Vice : conducted by the, minister,
reports for 1958 were received
`from -all Organizations
-g .
:Statistically . at ,least,. the year
1958 was an. advance over many
years past; Total' meinbersliip to
the end 'of December 1958 is. 443
(of . *horn 64f are non-resident)...
-Resident' . membership is Up. 30
over last, year, ,. Non-
Membership .is down 10• from
last ::year.' ‘There, ; were 16 bap-.
tisms,.l wedding, and 15 funerals. ••'
The .Financial reports of ;the •
'church likewise indicate advance
over past years,' The churchtrea7. •
Surer stated that the balance at
the end of the year -1958 • was the::
largest'in his 'memory, but .indi-
cated that expenses had likewise.;
risen. ' .
Missionary givings are: at
all-time,; high. • Givvings to.,the .
M. & M:. Fund of the' church
totalled • $2,800:00. • -arid increase -
of. .$100.00 oyetthe previous year.:
This `amount, together with $430.x..
given . to missions by 'the after -7- =
noon W.M S.:: missions
. and $420.; bey
the evening' W:MS.-: oti M eafis*'
that .over $3,650.00' was.' given:•' to
mission work by the :church as' •
a: whole: 'This does not ` include
^an additional $68:00 rased by : ;
the ':flourishing ,mission band,'
whose average ' attendance ,
26. '
Average attendance in the S; S. .
increased in two years from 104..3 • ,
to` `1i',/.7` At present there. are. 84•
children 4 years and tin'der' who'
.(Continued s. on .page 11)
A 'late • model pickup truck dri-
ven by. Bob Hamilton, 60, of R.R.
3, Lucknow,: and "'a car driven by
William• Harris, 39, :of Ripley
were corhpletely wrecked when
they ,collided on Highway.,86 last
Thursday about; three miles west
of Lucknow.,
:Bill'," was: , proceeding ••' east to.
.wards Lucknow..an+d .Bob. was.
coming onto the highway from
his farm when,"they, were in col.
lision. Both' Thenwere seriously
injured and 'removed to hospital
at once by 'passing motorists; Bill
Carter of Teeswater 'removed Mr:
Hamilton to•;Lucknow for medi-
cal., attention 'and. then 'proceeded
ta'Winghain .Hospital, Bill Irwin
'of Kin;cardine . took Mr, Harris
to Kincardine Hospital,
When the'extent.of Bi11,Harris'
injuries Was realized, he was'
rushed to St. Joseph's Hospital,
London, He is .suffering ' from :a
hip dislocation and chipped soo-
ket, -a broken vertebrae in his
neck. three broken ribs and. a
punctured lung. Itis ' expected
that an' operation. will be necess-
ary . to remove the pone ohips
from th'e hip.
At, time •of Writing, •the extent
Of, Bob Hathilton's injuries was.
not known although he was lace
rated about the , head, an ' ear
being, badly gashed. He has ' a
fractured Wrist and ribs,, and a
possible, neck., fracture,'
Among those first on the scene
were Jack .England and Angus
MaoDon'ald' of the ,Department of
Highways Who were just ahead
of the accident and noticed it in,
the' .k7eNv
ed• Bill Harris .out - of the window ' P,iatured are the Harris: car
of his car after finding Bob• Hai and. Hamilton truck; ,as they were
milton on 'the north bank• of the ,snapped by The Sentinel photo
road, apparently thrown ;from grapher• before. being towed froin
u k the Highway:. ..