HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-01-14, Page 11SDAY, JAN.. 14th, 1959 THE LU'CKNOR!.. SENTINEL, , LijQKNOW, 'ONTARIO EFFECTIVE MONDAY, FEBRUARY. 2nd . 1959 so-b*cripoot.l. • ' .• '(also to other points outside Canada) SINGLE COPIES , • All renewals,,new subscriptions and arrears'receiv- _January 31st, 1959, will be accepted aypresent 'TN/. 0 -YEAR LIMIT ADVANCE:PAYMENT. • .This increase -is dictated by' ever Increasing costs,• and we have long delayed- in taking this step,. Which :now becomes- imPerative a we are to fnaintain an.4 inv.; DISCUSS. .FIRE pR9TEcipoN., PL.AN (DuNoAmoN .NEWS). A public Meeting .of commun- . interest , was,, hem .en, Thurs,; day evening .in the "United Chtirch basement. Since a .recent,' attention has been focused on.the , insufficient .means of fire conz trot: While .verirbod)r; .iS attract - slit* of Willingneis in' help, bid or a Prearranged plan . mapped out, much time is: lost. and the / iesult can be disastrous. g• '..cussion on the projeet, they .gathered- in groupg to talk. oyer the. situation: •It, -was decided to call another Meeting in" Z weeks . and bring in outside , speakers °Could lend, inforniation ,on. mr. and' Mrs, Ilaivey Culbert and fainily . on Sunday with her parents, Mr: apa Mrs. James Beaton, LucknoW. at the 6nd of the *reek -after spending the 'Christrnas- sea§on ivith his sister, Mrs; Duncan Ma- .thieson„, Sarnia. He hai also been visiting' with neighbour's and.. Mr., , and Alit .Gordon Congrain since :returning the later Part of th:e Mrs,. Horb Finnigan yisitedller great aunt,'Mrs: Catherine: Shep- herd. at. the home of Mrs. Alice the occasion being'. 'Mrs., Shep- herd's Dist birthday. " Mr., James: Thorne Spent the week -end 'Nrk/i th relatives at Port And Jeanie of Goderich were Sun- day visitot.s with Mi. and' 1NIrs'. culbert and family, a, and•fainily . on Sunday attended the piamond Wedding of Mr, arid Mr, and. Mrs.4eacc±„c Dunford, She lies learned since then that Iter Mrt. Dunford and ul a London Hospital. •• Q, L. held a successful day evening, High score. Winners euchre party a't 'the hall last, Fri, were Jack trririgtbn.`tind 'Ernest tornin:,41ow, Arthur 'Elliott and • Mrs, Herb' Finnigan. .and Mrs.. Glenn Huston- of, Pipe. River were ,...StindaY guests Nelson: Culbert.; Jirri Wilson. is a patient at Winghamjtospital fiir X-ray midi Mrs. D urn in IS on the Migs 'Myrtle. Phillips .of London is' remaining longer reri.L. on. Thuriday afternoon for' St. Mole Presided after the oPenint., A': diSciii,esion took. place on' plafis for the Centennial...this year: .Ari ed arid„reSulted as folloWs:. pres., Mrs. Ben 'Mole; . vice -Pres., Mtg. Paul Caesar. 'trea.stirer M-rs. Wm. Caegar;' flower fund .converier, Mrs, Tom 'Park;. WorIc cornmittee• .Mts: llobei't Mole, Mrs, Billy. Gladys Rivett• and -Mrs; these parts was twelve years agtt, when' he attended the funeral of .a • sister. • 'Miss" Barbara Wilson R. N. is at .hone this week; with a "few days off • duty, flom, the, staff • of . Victoria Htspital� London. BACK T(. SCHOOL_ Ronnie S,tanley,...7-year-old son of Mr, and .Mrs, George ;Stanley,,. • fortunately escaped with a shake ..Notre Mr, and sister 'ter and. yatil." on ed to Cloderieli Thafints t( ;41; at the bolilc;. or his datighter, Cilit.-employ,ei". 'and had: been' LIONS .1WEE•I'ING (Continfied from page:" 1) mended that, everyone. take a 'complete household inyentory, al value; in 'the choosing and control of words, the willingnesS to 'co-operatei. to" consider the Other ' fellow's.' view point and ga areng With. the Majority.' Lionisni. , can school' one for leaf,lership and develop 'a sense, of confidence. 5: E. Robertson reported on. the sheep 'tlub organization. and Pz-.esident Charlie • ''expressed spine # clisappointthent, with the suit raffle proceeds, and stressect • that the Penny -bank be pot over looked: . Won the% Suit, • The dta* was Made Rip a :suit of. elegies, with.Tail TwiSter, Bill • Hubter holding the 'winning tic-, .1ce.0 About $.276:00 will be Made ` The raffle' prize at the meeting" - was Wori.' by Bob MacKenzie. • KINI...OSS. NEWS Seconcl,., Fourth and' Sixth Mrs.. John MacDOugall., cele- brated her -eighty4irst 'birthday on Saturday, January 10th. Her daughter 'Mrs.'. Leonard .1VlacIn- dinner. Mrs. Percy. Crosier- of Brantford and •Mr: and Mrs: Ken Miller'. or Hamilton were home for this oecasion. 411 'The Faith . and' • Fellowship Group; of South', Kinloss ,.Churchs met Sunday evening at the mansd in Whitechurch. Another film • PAGE ELEVEN ' :3;000 true 'miles, A Chry's.ter' exectitive s car, new car warranty, Save a . year's depreciation. 'Can't ' 1956 PLYMOU.TH .-Belveclere" V-8 Sedan. Just in motor, a clean one.. .1955 METEOR "Niagara" Sedan, top condition, 1'9'55 ,PLYMOUTH. 'Belvedere" 1,--larcitop V-8, auto - .1 ?5 2 CHEY -Deluxe Sedan, completely overhauled, rings, valves, etc.,' '1952, DODGE "Regent" Sedan. This ,orie is in the pro- , cess of 13,eing overhauled. • . before 'buy:kg' ink: small Car, Holds 14 world's reCords • • • :our Chrysler, PlYiittouti, Fargo p!aler", on: the 'growth of .the Christian with. her. sister Mrs. Geo. "Jock - Church waS'. ShoWn. and. narrated hart and Mr. LoCkhart. ' by 'Rev. M Marshall., SyMPathy .exterided: to Mrs.' ' Mr:. and Mrs. Lloyd MacDou- gall, Allen ."and Grace were Sun- day guests with Mr: and . Mts.. Mrs eimie Mills is visiting Alex Sutherland, and. other mem- ' Sutherland was a highly esteem- ed former reSident of, the Six•th resident of the Vvei:t tor man> / Ontario, and' car; as a Tittle. lad 'with his parents • tir Ashfield daughter, Ilazel and! :a"son Alfred of Calg'ary„ also three 'Sisters, :Mrs. ladyS Dungannon, John t M)pri.iel Knight. Goderidi .and: ;a brother. of Calgazt„ word of. horLkothprs tioutit 11Y, muck te fret 11,0 v,4it to • • • a e A I ercen Winter Stock also , S.PEClAL CLEARANCE of 'RUBBER FOOT. .WEAR and 4HOES •