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' and Mrs. Malcolm, 'Formn�osa, and
Mrs. Ira: 1Dickie..read a Christmas
,.letter. from Rev. and Mrs. Alex
MacDonald, British Guiana, The
closing. , remarks. were by Mrs.
Harold Austin. "A social half-hour
:. Was enjoyed following the meet-
ing, ..
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'The . Afternoon Auxiliary of
the W.M.S. of the Presbyterian
churhh met • in' the Manse for the
J ' January Meeting. '„Mrs. Morgan
Henderson :presided. for 'thevpro.,
.gramme, :opening' the meeting.
with prayei• and scripture: ,read
ing; responsively, Mrs. Little, gave
an interesting 'Bible -Study on, the
"Woman. . of 'Canaan". The aim.
and purposeof the W.M.S. wash.
repeated' in unison. • Thankyou
notes •from those who had receiv-
ed Christmascheer :from the
:.auxiliary,, were ° read. Mrs.?: St ;-'
i : -
Mrs -J.: -.L til '
e..�.v_ re
pointed delegates to` the .annual,
Presbyterial in Wngham on
January I3th, Mrs,.. C. H. Mac-
Donald gave the Glad 1 Tiding''
review of Our workers. This was
followed; with a piano solo by
Margaret Malcolm. Mrs. H. ' Ag-'
new read . an interesting letter
from Rev.:A.lex MacDonald, ,Mis-
sionary inn British Guiana telling
:of his: work, there. Mrs: U. Mc- ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
WEDNESDAY, MN.. 14th, 1959
Clean introduced the new study Victor 'G. awley.
book on. Canada.. The first chap- Mr. ,and Mrs, Donald
ter dealt with the North -Allied- .Mary, Annie and ,Dickie were;
can‘ Indians and with other res.. dinner' guests of Mr,, and 'Mrs.
ponitSility t guards , this nusun- Howard Thompson on Sunday, •
derstood . a n d " underprivileged Visitors at the. home of Mr.
people: It• also told of the work .and. Mrs. Frank Currie for' New .
.the: church is doing, for the Indi- Year's were Mrs. Les Hartwick,
an children in mission schools' fn Wendy. and Paul of London. ,.
nth •,Pruyer I
son . Mrs. ' Andrew: Patter -
the west. 'Miss Dorothy Douglas � •.Mr, and�. Jim Good
closed the, meeting �l' 'Gordon,Mrs. H. Agnew and Mrs... Rayner /win, ori, � 4 of Rip -
assisted the hostess in serving ey spent Christmas tmmas at the home.
tea at' the close of the meeting. , of Mr, and Mrs. Burton Collins,.
• Mr. Cleve: Hill spent Friday
vat the home of Mr: Calvin Ro
(Too Late For Last Week)
Mr.s Jinn , Emerson , returned to' •
• Mr. and Mrs. 'Victor 'Gawley
and 'faintly, :Miss Margaret •�Re-
.:bertson and, Donald,. were N:ew
Year's, .visitors ° at ` they home
Mr: and Mrs,..:Goldie ,Huston. . ••
•'. Mr and Mrs. Walter .'Forster
and . family` and Robert 1VIcCosh
were New Year's guests •.of• Mr.
and Mrs.. Don .MoCosh,'
Mrs. . Gertie ' Bushell '
- Ch ist nus -with- Mr
Edbert Bushell.
'Guelph aftex.'••spending the
days at his home.
,iVfr.' 'and' Mrs Jerome Schmid
and family, of Mildhiay, ;Mr, and, - :
Mrs. Glen Young ofiKingarf,,Mr. .
•and Mrs.; -Claude Dore were visi-
torsat the Horner of Mr, and. Mrs.
Burton .Collins on Saturday..;
spent KEMpTOON_In Kincardine `Hos-
Mrs: ' %Lpn January 3rd, 1959 to Mr;
and Mrs.>.William Kempton,-R.R.
Mme, and Mrs. Isaac Nixon, Can. 3 Goderieh, o son. Thos.. William.
man and Miss Wilma Hatch of
Belmore,.• Ralph, Wayne and Del- .'Many people have a. great f u-
best` Nixon: of Belfast , s , .t New ture ,' ahead, - of . them, . •+but too
Year's sat the ,home ' ofand many allow it to stay there.
Mrs. John "Emerson:.
Mr. and' Mrs: Clark.. Needham • Those things that come . to the
and family visited ' Fri'dayabven- 'man who ,.waits seldom turn : out
to be the 'things he's waiting for.
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The following. officers of, the
Aft;ernoon';Andliary of: the
yV M.S. of the: . United. Church
were;:. installed by Rev. Gordon
Geiger at the January ' 6tY, Meet-
ing: President.; Mrs: P. °' W. Hoag;
1st Vice, Mrs: J. W. Joynt; . 2nd.
Vice, :;Mrs, R C.uinming; .Record=
ing . and press ec'y - Ada Web-
ster; Treasurer, '...Mrs..' W. B. An-
derson; Corres.. Sec'y., Mrs. A.
Freckles; ..ChristianStewardship;,
G Brooks; Christian:, Citi- I
zenship, 'Mrs:' . Ii: ii: ;Thompson
Supply,: Mrs W. E,' Anderson;.
;Associate ` Members,. Mrs. •G,'
Diarinid;. Community. Friendship,
Mrs. H. • Treleaven; ' Literattire,
Mrs. B.• ROuch; Missionary Moen-
thly, IHazel Webster Pianists,
Mrs. L. Hall, .Mrs.. R. Cumming;
• Supt's of Mission. Band, Mrs. G.
Mrs: Bruce ' McKenzie;
Supt's :of.Baby Band, Mrs.-S.:Col-
.Ayer •Mrs..' H D. Thompson;
. Following the installation =Firs.
R . • Thompson:, thanked the past
president, Mas. W. Drennan for
'her ;faithful. ' leadership 'during
her term, of office
Mrs. :Hoag. took the chair for,.
the prdgrar. Mrs J. Hall anal'
'Mrs. J. W. Joynt sang a pleasing •
duet. '.accompanied by :Mrs.:• Mc-
Diarmid. The scripture. ' lesson
was • read responsively with, Mrs.
Cumming as: leader,'. The „presi-
dent .
president. offered prayer and • Mrs.
Taylor gave the meditation. Mrs.'
McDiarrnid'':'gave' a splendid topic
on .Canada. Mrs:.Drennan"'gave areading . 'entitleda 'New,' Year's
Garden, Luneh ' was 'served by
the .Committee, .''Mrs. • Joynt, Mrs.. '..
Taylor. and Mrs.' Drennan.
South Kinloss W.D1.S:,
The monthly. meeting of South.
Kinloss W:M.S..' Auxiliary was
held'on Janw ry`'9'•at the home of
Mrs. Fraser MacKinnon.
.The .president, Mr`s. ` LloydMe.
Dougall, opened the Meeting '
with Scripture.' and prayer. %n :
the business period: ;Mrs. Currie
.Colwell and Mrs:. Ar'chie,. Macin
tyre were appointed "delegates to
attend • the`, Presbyterial. . Annual 2
meeting ' to be held ; m St. And-
nd:.rew's Church,' Wm ha . on .Tu
day, January 13th. The ladies,
decided . to' make. a''quilt:•for,
bale this year:..Mrs. Currie -7C -o1-
x�-ell had the. ,Bible Character:
`'The Virtuous Woman" A:•read-
ing..: • given .by Mrs. 'Harold,
Austin. . Tw:elhee membersand two
Visitors answered the .Roll. CaI1
with 'a Bible verse having' the •
word "Wisd'om'!' in 'it. The, offer-
ing Prayer •by- Mrs. Ira. 'Dickie
v -as followed by a reading • hyi
Mrs: Fraser . Mackinnon. Mrs.. F, '
MacKenzie, Mrs, Herb Buckton; i
Mrs Gib Hainilton.. took , part in ;
the Prayer ` Circle. C u r re n
E eats were, dealt WW=.ith. b.y .Miss
Dean .Mac,Leod...Mrs.'•W. F.' Mac.
Donald. read . a letter from • Rev:
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