HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1959-01-14, Page 14 e , ) $2;50 'A' Year In Advance— .$.1.00 Extra To U.S,A LUCKNQ.W ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, AY',, JAN, ' 14th, 1959 TWELVE PAGES. AtAhe�' concIusion ;of, the. Maug' .ural meeting .of °Lucknow Muni- • cipal. Council :,on Monday even. ing, Reeve George " Joynt , razsum recomrnendatons for zna � .; . . a planned" works' program in 1959.. Some items are definite action • Projects, others are . matters' for consideration, and . action If and When feasible, , • A continued . progrart►� of road Paving and . preparations for pav ingagenda. a. 1VIr •> is on the. agecl Joynt 'Outlined work . to , be done ° on; Lug d and : St:, • East, . Rase 'Harlin; ton; Gough, Clyde, .Ford Garage Hill and .Palmerston. Sts.:; .Methods" of• santitation.•.at' the Municipal'D'ump to eliminate, the •,rat" nuisance' '*ill be considered~ The Hydro tree pruning pro- gra m .will: be continued, with work ; in this respect being cur- rently. 'underway. A few extra street lights will ' be installed to complete the work +done last year and eliminate a 'low : °dark"''spots.' A .parking lot :is.; a matter that will be " up ,for discussion, and along :which. fines :.Reeves •Joyit ,,felt "something should be done". Rental fron : the Community shed, is eai(iarked for • shed• up- keep, and. it ; was felt an . anti- corrode:.base and ' a coat of `paint. • was in order: Main Street' 'sidewalks need, - attention, and Mr .'•.• Joynt" said : a -new. ` asphalt mix. is .now• being !used for sueh,. work. Re had been. it touch' with a - constructtion . Company, and felt the Werk •could u 'be done for a ,teas,amount.nab e indedi' . this matter to He r.ecom ..ne be looked into. Another • project due, for con `sideration is. 'a municipal` build- ing in to house municipal. •equip,; • meet 'such as;, the. grader, road ' patching ,machine, etc Forsees' Industrial: Expansion ...Reeve : Joynt stated: that we couldn''t hope .to acquire more industry .until we can. gethous ing. He . •said he "felt : sure" we 'can ' : get another '. industry with suitable -'10 g, in and le -this end he recommended looking. into -•the matter of a .government low ren- tal housing • development,'` which is jointly sponsored by. the Dorni-. nion . and Provincial Govern-• •merits: , . But, he added•, we can't let the Village look '`like a hick .town.. We ,must continue.". to improve .our roads and clean up,, level and seed the: ditches. • • Pass By -Laws 'At :'the beginning of ' the; meet- ing. Council passed a transient traders' by=-law,. setting a $.150:, • fee. , for opening up' a business, •• which will b'e' applied On bust-, . • ness tax,• until the ;fee is recov-- ered. ' •A . pedlars' by-law • to restrict .and license door-to-door pedlars was passed, the • fee being $25.00. Council ;authorized borrowing .KINLOSS "COW ,PRQDUVES TIIIEtp SET' OF TWINS Perry Hodgins of the`Kin-' lough, district has a prolific Holstein ;cow . by the .name ' of '.'Margaret". She's. 10 years old ,and :hast week gave birth:; tea. her, third setof twins,. Margaret's mriother;,• • sy probably a little jealous'. of her daughter's`record, pro vided'h•er owner with twin r. calves last August. • Perry. :purchased "Betsy"'. 14 ' years ago from E w a r•t ' Taylor .He: bought the ''calf for $10.00 and took her home in the'back seat of a Model .A Ford. Margaret.' has produced her three sets -of twins in ;conse- 'cutive order.'She is• bred .by artificial insemination by the, Waterloo`.Catt'le BreedingUn- it: DESTROYS "DOG AFTER SEEN W:ITI•I•W,O FOXES Roy Gibson: of 'the ;Aniberley district in Ashfield destroyed, the family '• .dog, a' few daysago as a precautionary measure; after it. had been seen, with: two foxes: .Mrs. Gibson. saw the threesome at sctnie distance before the two reynards disappeared, When Roy returned home it. was :decided' as 'a ' safety measure with , small children, : the dog, would have to be 'destroyed in case the foxes., were diseased.' Reports of rabid foxes. are .not so . numerous at present. At . the -last meeting of. .Kinloss Council, the. $5.00 bounty .(was paid .on, 12, foites, a decrease from•..the' pre:- vious month... With.: unusual snowfall, and an evident : scarcity of •rabbits, there has been Some concern that food • !foralging • • rabid : foxes may • ap- proach closer and .closer, to.farm homes,: �Qnatrons: Jp Perpetual Care During the past summer a pro= feet to. restore and` improve the north side• of.;. the Lochalsh Ce rnetei y was "• promoted by -Rev,. Duncan McTavish 'oL London.. Dohations;'• exiceeded .$1.000. .plus the Huron Township grant, which . 'provides `a • perpetual • care; fund; that: permits arrangements in ` this respect .`with 'the* Ashfield Cemetery Board: ' 'A work ' bee accomplished a- good deal and a f and . was 'start- ed to : provide' a for perpetual •care. Huron Township Council promis ed $500: it. individual' ,donations Were,.: such as • tow:ar%ant this grant•The, north `side of the ce- metery has not been.' under ' the administration of the ;Ashfield' ,Board: Rev. .McTavish: writes as fol- lows to 'The..Sentinel, r'Mr.: Editor: Dea, � This , letter is to express 'my deep appreciation to you for the ,publicity you gave to. the work undertaken by me, in the matter of the old Lochalsh 'Cemetery. ' stet, reported on 'welfare k, You will' be happy ao , knolk `a.nd :asked the.,anembers' to ;report TO' SETY' U P L. P,S. PATROL SAFETY A At the: Lions:meeting on Mon day evening :.Stuart •-Collyer' re- ported: that' Murray K. , Rowe, Safety Co-ordinator for. the.. De partment of.Transport,'would'be in • Lucknow on January 26th,;' to Organize .and .explain• a', student - operated ,safety ;patrol. • RENEW. .THIS. MONTH" AND• YOU SAV 50c ' As • announced 1st weep .-T he Sentinel' subscription rate • will be. $3.00 a year in •C•anada f$4,0@. to the. United States). effective' Mon d a y, February ' 2nd,, , k ' .Until arid' including; Satur- ▪ day, , January 31st,:..th'e", old rate will.prevail, with; a two- year lira' an advance payer • • u r. 1, euntil' 'Jan " 3 �xn. nt•,.S.., , ,. , a y:... ,, ` y..ou• will save 50c .a year on • renewal payments or. arrears. "I forgot",:' or. `fI • couldn't, get in" ' Will • be • to no avail atter January ;31st. Do'it :now. • L. S. ATTENDANCE KEEPS GOING:' UP • . At the.- inaugural meeting of. the Luc k 'n o w Public School Board, -Principal ,' Stuart • Collyer reported a further increase in •at- 'tendance Enrolment' at the. start of the New Year.. was. 243,'. -an. increase of . eight over •the • Sep- tember' ,figure of..235.. With. use of the school being:; sought':; for various purposes dur- ing' 'the year, the Board. had to draw' the line 'and' decided that in future the building': be rear -fe- ted to educational'purpose ..only.; A total of 58 students have beenreceivinng, . soup ..:or; a . hot ura h drink with. their noon ho uric at • the` school. Mention 'of the school fire in Chicago, -.caused " ' the Board to discuss 'fire `prevention. measures and precautions. .The local school .,is of construction to, minimize the fire ,hazard and • certainly;, to `prevent the possibility `of" a"flash fire".Fir e: extinguishers: are strategically located in• the buil- ® _ d The 'appointment of Committees' was' 'hick,over to the February meeting. ,. Lucknow Public :.-School .pio=: The Lions Club had`previously ' n:eered in providing free dental approved of financing ' the pur- service for. 'students, and Doctor chase bf patrol equipment to, the James 'E.:Little was : re engaged amount of $40.00:.' ; ` to continue:' this. service` during meeting:: • were the curtent year... . Guests at the'g • Kenzie 'Webb• :of Varicouver and Jack .Fa .. . -tell �•oi;:Ripley;' �. AT; BEAST :T'WO WINNERS' K. C. Murdie `gave the treasur. ON MONDAY'S .NUMBER en`s ' report, : and• E.. H: Agnew reg` plied that ..inforanation.•. received' The Legion's home bingo full •fro ii the Province was to the ef- •card winners have been : decided: feet that the arena' 'floor • grant .'this week. There were at least .would be forthcoming in about two winners on Monday's num- three weeks. ber, --I 26`, and there' could ,be The president, ;Charles. Web -others: The' $50.00' prize will be Mor' split among, the winners...; The .fu11-• week's list' -'.of num- that the financial appeal has been completed successfully, Coritribu tions from private individuals, in Canada and°the United States have ; corns- in •amounting • to. 06We wish ato publicly $1;062.00.: is •a ._ unt acknowledge this � . and say that. each donor has been given a ...receipt and: Complete statement of all monies received and disbursed. •• 'We should li{e ;to publicly thank the 1-iar ole• \Council for its �f generous donation: of $500.00• This•. has made possible a :• a rr. a ng- e •p• to $25,000to fanatce: current -Heats with the Ashfi ldBoarC expenditures. • '. to undertake perpetual .care, and W. B. o amed as .left sufficient• balance •to complete . Andersonwas.n ca_ Ltteknow's representative on the • the , work of further 'b'eautifi Wingham :,Hoital Board. Other tion in the spring. • Board a ointrrle ts'were'left to- Our; thanks also to those who the next . w,assisted is in the Fall' bees, and . ext meeting:.. •. • :- .Council C ` ees remain un- especially to My. Dan.. R. Mac: Committees chged from last year. an•Kenzie for. furnishing. us •names : . of many interested parties. With - Clerk, increases of, $100.00• to ; ;� � �,isrtion we would. Clerk, E. H. Agnew and $300,00 out this ea op oh'1�c1.151G4s to achieve . t .,VilIage Foreman, A. Mave beeir . Hay. ens, " were ` a� roved.• Norman such i�c:stiits and pP Again • thanking ,you° .one Stua'rt's 'hourly wage rate was ' • 4g , . , •• � � tlye •Com li-': set'.at $'1,00 'an inerease of"•pIOc all and wishing you p i e t •. - r, ll . :.- 'merits .of' the sc'aSOti.y (• auntil set.the Member's ` c41 . once at $100.00' each, an 'increase Y �trr5 intra , 'any• needy cases. . • ' •Llo •Yd •Ash4ton, Milton : • Rayner and:.: Brock. Cleland reported on hockey 'and, skating activities . at the Arena: Lien Bieck asked for volunteers to' supervise the week- ly free' skating :Periods. Gordon Montgomery stated, that some peanut money was still out- standing La, lies' night will be observed at the next meeting, marking the_ second anniversary. W. L. MacKenzie N introduced" his •nephew; District Deputy G•ov einor Rae.' J. Watson, who was the .guest; speaker. 'He •referred to him as a "big" . man" in -every way..ltae••;was•"'thanked by vice president, 'Cecil Blake, who pre- sented Rae with a gift on this ,his official visit.• • The District Governor. • sum- marized the , Lucknow Club's acti- vities vities and referred to their ret port as the best ofw the` 41••elubs in the district. • There • is. room for improve- ment in some of 'the individual money raising efforts,, but he pre- dicted ilii • is would improve with experience . and With .the .hall froththe~ revious figure of $5,00 °1)tmcan Me ave.; realization, of what was being ac - Per p figure ,. of• meeting for a maxinntri 1'? meetings, The Reeve prefer- - ' s by, th .e Vxilagr red the' same, basis Of 'rerounei'a- .tion as Council rriembers.• Satisfaction was',,t kpressed with the vi rk being done, .and what had -been acccs.rn the 'past two year Vereinanland hi: a pl,u nopd rcfrl plrs �r eomp'lished in the Cotnmunity by Lionism : Referring to his experience in r.f the recent London fire, he rec ass;t:estant unde.i f progr�arrr� I > CContinued on, page 1.1') bers are published, but the win- ners were - de id d b onda y's ci e Y M y number, so anyone'. with a full card 'after that date is :notin the money. - 'It is planned to. hold 'another home:. bingo, as soon as :it can be organized,. so watch • for •the ,announcement of 'cards' .going•. on sale, PERE •NI PIPED LN SMALL BARN 'A fire call 'to the home of Dan Thomson at ."Rapid City", . the 2nd'concession of Kinloss, could hive been .a serious one had it .nod' been for the .Thomson 'children. The children went to the barn to feed the kittens at the noon hour on Monday and found the small `.barn:. filled with ° smoke. A heat lamp . had been played in a pen in the'barn with a litter, Of pigs, The heat' had apparently' ignited: part of the framework of • the pen and created a smoulder- ing fire:' Help was immediately sunnoned from the Lucknow Fire' Department and •neighbenrs. A little water did the trick,but if the+.fire had burned for 'anoth- er few' minutes and burst into flames, the small barn and coni. siderable' stock would likely. have 'Oben . destroyed,' - HUGE. VOLUME THOU SALE BARN . In• • the six months that ..Bob MacIiatosh's .new .Com unity Sale Barn has been in oper ion, 10,000: head' of livestock have passed • through• the auction ring. • '1 his big volume included 6,540 .hogs, 3,275 cattle, .55. sheep and lambs' andmany miscellaneous ite ins. •. 4 Under the miscellaneous• . nate-` gory, was everything from 'coats to cars, and ,skates' to poultry. Emile, `MaoI;;ennan and,, Allan MacIntyre share ' the . hammer- .• wielding. duties.:' "• The capacity of` the huge new sale barn has been.. Qyertaxed on numerous occasions,. as this week- ly Wedirsday . auction grows ' in popularity, WAS HOSPITALIZED MONTH • ON TUESDAY' ' ' • It was four weeks ago • Tues- day that Peter Carter,' Con 6;.' Kinloss was admitted- to ` the hos pital :in London :for treatment of a serious reaction to anti -rabies serum. Pete-r•is getting along satisfac torily •.and has . regained full use of his feet arid': hand which were. affected by a- type of paralysis. . • `He is: able ,to *be ' up,- but is 'still receiving treatment . for.• another. complication which. prevents his.. return home.' None ofthe Carter N ne •. d n reacted to' the serum. Their cattle have been under quarantine for si, ty days,' Which period' will: be up = iri aboirt `ten, p days, :without any 'othersin; the•. herd •showing ;any symptoms . • pf the=.. disease : to date. TOP STUDENTS •A•, T' WESTERN .ST ER W N Two Luc/know District High S c h'o'o 1 aduates•- are, Bruce County scholarship winners • at •Western' University, London, as `. the 'top lady stuadents' from Bruce ''>' County- : They are 'Inge Suter, daughter of -Mrs. 'Elizabeth: Suter. of the ,L cknow District ' High • 'School staff, and;Ruth Treleaven, daugh ter .of Mr:• and Mrs. • Harold Tre- leaven. Inge was in first .'place, but is still holding a' major scholarship• of. 1958,` and „the "$100:00' award reverts to Ruth.'who • was next in Ine.: ; , Inge is taking . honouiklanguage in ` English and 'French, arid Ruth• Is. studyi•' g' secretarial" science B.A. PLOWRIGHT' NAMED GENERAL SALES MANAGER 13.A..Plowright of Toronto has been' named general• sales mana- ger of Fiberglas Canada Limited.. He ; joined the sales ' department' ` in,..1946; '.became merchandising manager ing' 1952, and for the past two years has served . as •assistant. general, sales manager. , Mr. Plowright •is the .son of Mr.nd -Mrs.Sidney, aSid y, Plowright'• (Ruby Nixon) of • Oshawa and former Lucknow residents. BADLY 1.NJ.UREQ` *HEN HIT: BY' 'CAR Mrs. Noble Johnston received word Saturday night that. her sister,' Sadie, Mrs: George Blue, of Detroit had been severely in-' jured "when. struck by a 'car in front of her home at . St. Clair Shores. Herinjuries included. • : a badly fractured; arm, head lacerations; • and a severely injured hip. Mrs. Blue is, in' Saratoga Hospital in • Detroit. The • mishap occurred about 5:30 Saturday` afternoon while Mrs. Blue . was : obtaining some bakery products, • from . d bake Matron in frnnt of their residence. •