HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-12-21, Page 9WEDNESDAY, DAY, DEC. 21st,1960
ro4arat4ri +t rl;
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In all its ancient
beauty;"Christmas i5 with
us once more. To every:
one, we extend our,
wishes that, this
season may be'
radiant with.
love and; joy.
'ar and Spice
' By W. ' S. T. Smiley
Another Christmas is "upon''
us," And we're acting though
it • were a f.arsome monster, ad-
vancing to engulf us. From. •all;
sides come :the annuai;''la3nei to-'
tions and L.chrytnations; of the
spoil -sports. Most -of them`'are in,
or , near, , rnid lle ; Age. At every
tutu' 'thea; • bewail the "pagaiiisin"
8i the "commercial ization" Of- our `.
modern, Christmas, and wonder
plaintively'what's happened to
the good, ,oid,-fast ioned Christ-
• Wiwi?„
3 can ten them.. 'The wine •
thing has happened' to the good:
i •old-fashioned ' Christmas that has +I
happened to ..the. good 'old horse'
t a'nd, buggy, and the good'• 'old';
Saturday night bath in a tin ''tub;
in the .kitchen 'and the good old
two-hour'. semen '•on Sunday;
: •
Most of the 'people whoda .the
wailing about our manner' of •
celebrating • the , . occasion today
Would 'have . to be , tied, baud' • &
foot; beforethey could' be drag-
rag ged back through the. years., to,.
their: good' old-fashioned Christ-
mas. Because it wasn't all l that!
* s' i.
What .they.. think ,they 'remea n
ber • as `good ..old- �hioneal
rChr tins" , is a• nostalgic u „p
they, have , concocted out • ' of 1.
vague ,and •rliSterted memories,‘
'stories they liave read and heard
and the tendency of humans' to
deplore today, . and see, yesterday
through . a rosy
wince thew children. '.that n� ; Phone "'Collect 22®W,
The trouble � th to ,can
phantasy they're. ,describing was ; •. i evt zv'irvits - • ..
infinitely Supenor..•to the crass,j , • ,
materialistic Oh �afl . of today 1:occa ion:: where we: were child even for a fairly tough :1O -yea:.
I know •'the Stn re °.
• r,3'' Pretty' well_ ; rtn.'' You lkid� ail .yam' � thnlz olii.::They were dew in
Perhaps because I have told it .of is what you're going ..to . beeanse tyre. was n,o'oney
quite . a few times: You don't .have' any real"fan gift.
, of -fin:dials: als: ''he ler ex •: i<'t' _._ - t -today's
:max -:_:
We're ; entering the
Holiday scene with 1/
sincere thanks and the
Season's best wishes to
all our patrons
whole' good will
and co nbdenoe
we value so highly.
Amt For '
ci'i'lES .SERVICE on.
Ford-Monarch'—Falcon.. Deafer.
Phone 40 Lw—know. 1 Yt goes somethlrg tike :this. ample. hTowadays we jest balk at 'ms . � a d` rn some
I r r uxr a t iot, Oqrp '"Chri s ` was a much bappiej � •Wh9, 9auug able features: too adv r—
•i•we'd all go out to the bush virath t sing, too ir•raa,,y • y �an,ta
I aaw-' 7.'. 1!-,eiifilob iiS a` t ^' 4t1 .c 10S 1 t iioiti ^�' �t it l ^ittOttiptt sra 'Dad and •
ua c
out' down our own•tree.. too many . fl "son, , ate .
And when we came home, Moim nod at us for too many hours -
We Thank You Sincrely.For Your.
and extend. our • ' '
Worn The Staff Of
'u Would have' bot soup and home- st=ag' 'day, too snitch eating ..
1 made ..bread . • for us,. _ and we'd drinking. • But it's e y true .
have a, jolly tune • decorating the that to-J[9`i'SYs. O ; pflf .r
tree." And so Ow. .
R' kill
the best things '.+of. thecold .sWrit -
x, - * • '.til' .chri strnz • . •
i' '.1.'his little story is typical of .. * - • •
the rest) Of it, f fact,. . ha . • Our ears, throb m..41 our
• fancy. My father,/ for. one had. maths heave ' at .such ' musical
'i more sense than to go flounder- abortions 'as Jingle Bel Rork,
1 ing, aroung; in the bush. up to but .Good" g WeneeS as is std
i his' waist in snt w. Be }iad a with;us, ,and I'in pre'atatog of a,
!much' better system lie simply , White • Chaistinas 'shows no siva
told. me . to • go. -and get- a ,'free. of Siler Night .:eb-.
l�;.nd I cut if and dragged. it three f viom
• miles borne and attired .haunt .i • •
1 ed and half fi zeai And my ' We sail ' far : too on
mother decorated it, as, mothers gifts . and 'Cards- But . we still
have began doing since' the Cust shop with the •idea that it is
i Chri: mas tree was cut-' , More . iblegcAti , as well :,as moot
Parents hof Say today they are . furl, to .give tan to rive. Ana .
• 3' -
appalled • at ,.the sophisticated every time we send a card, 'we
• greed of their children when it '.are 'sending a' Iittle piece of our-
. , -comes to" C—is-tma 'presents... selves, and there is a snbment .
' 'rhe. kids aren't as7tisfied with a of Warmth and pleasnxre for the
pair of .skates, • or a big doll. recipient - when/ he •.opens ' it
They . want a pottabl:e 11V sort,, . "1'0= dren are just as elk-
` or bongo drums, . ,or a transistor cited about . to Claus, and the
radio. Accord;'ng to the `good : Cliristmas tree, and to ' niyster-
' cold -f- shioned ' Christmas" . fair. ' lowly wrapped parcels, • as ever
. ' tale, when we were ,rh1ldren we we were. ' And they know Ond
accepted with shining eyes and leve the Stony of the ' Christ -
; •ulite squeals of .appreciation . +cind as 'well as even. • we dud
:anything that we found under And They, sing. and enjoy tian
the . tree. , , lovely old carols as m> . as :
* # ever . We did. • '
ani* • * * z
that this is piffle and pop- - I' or those crabs who •can't en-.
1 pyeoek.. Greed is relative. 1 co- j iv the Chi: ith nas of today be-
1 v'eted a. " pair , of rear bOC''kcy �ratase theyskates as fly i>'ezaer. stop ta"1 1n
as about be .. "`.good, o1 d-ashioned
c ►vets a tape mer And if Chtistrna t ,.ase a suggesti.nn:
rnv eyes were shining when the Wake up l`orget the 'dream. It
new skates turned out to be . never' was lib• that;. real.Tg ;Stt
new snit of long underwear, it throng cold :-,water, and start
was, because • there were tears in „Clispey)4inz warm love. For =-
• •
them. ' • dein oath the ballyhoo. and the
• * *. * . ,114• µere Christmas is 11] a
Another hallurintiott about time for joy. and Love,. for giv-
• the :good, old-fashioned Chris ing, for atnt tuJexntality, for re-
- o'aitii in . the Miracle
iin.as i$ that•• grft�gtving 'was =eh mewing ..ur
t mare simple for parents in those, at 11E413302m. ' •
1 rays, I disagree., One Christmas ' Out with glom and craving
I:'Vesdr.oPped;bin my paten's I'M .gam to 'do arty vim' bent to
asthey talk•.e). about prese, have . a 3.16377 • CittiSn ccs. And
for their' five children; It waS for all the readers of SuP-ar' and
t aiiritag The &ties=:ol anti the' spire, I want' the same: Bvta
Mitt conversation . wa,5 I'1 ' iit-br ' .' ;fir the crabs. . •