HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-12-21, Page 6PAGE six; THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL,, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ■.r• .. ■■ .■11.■,.■■■■.■■■■■■■■■■■uuuaua■■. NAME OFFICERS FOR FAST, C T ,OVERNIGHT ak■ •. BFFI• _.IEIY:... 1 OF PRECEPTORYrei rvice • (' MBE ;LEY NEWS) The Pine River W.MS. held A • • FF • To..or., FROM . ' ., •LUCKNOW -- TORONTO' LUCKNOW. r or en: LONDON e .. All- Loads. Insured New Wingham War' ehouse .Serving Wingham. and District. a% ; Household Moving Service to,any: Ontario points. No .Load Too Big, :- ,No Load Too ` Small • All Receive Care, When You Ship' By WALDEN BROTHERS PHONE COLLECT: SUPERTFST GARAGE PHONE. 248 %mita, 15 Kincardine 530 • • a their Christmas meetinghi the A .church..:on Tuesday, December 13 ■ with Mrs. Ross Shiells and ` Mrs. ■�. Georglowing • e Withghtemansinging preof sidithe, ng. FFol 11Vacarol, "0 ;little :town • of Bethle- el. ' .hem''*, the scripture readings a • were given by Mrs. Kelvin :Hen= • Berson and Mrs. Donald Court: ney. gave the scripture medita- N tion followed with ,prayer by • • Mrs; Leonard Courtney. A .musi ■ cal selection "0 Holy, Night" by ■ Mrs. Ernie Gibson was enjoyed, as was, the Christmas reading by • •. Mrs. Sam Gibson.. Mrs, Mervin. : Eckm ser, and .Mrs: B.obert Court,- o- ney . sang • he Christmas carol] ■ "Silent Nig t" after 'which. Mrs, aJohn C. annpbell introduced * the guest . speaker, Miss Dean a McLeodof : YLucknow whose • o ; Christmas message stressed.the ■ need of - prayer for our •mision- ■ Aries and ,.as. we •need light in • darkness; so' as , the gospel 'is ■ ; :. spread it . gives light ,in, other lands.' In ; speaking of Christmas giving she, said; we 'should. teach our • Children ' `it is more . 'blessed to give. than ` to, receive and .that 1 a ; small remembrance given., in ■• .the right spirit is more appreci- ■ ated 'than an expensive>gift with • ■ ■ out a loving thought. Miss Grace LUCKNOW ■ Cameron in. a few gracious re Ripley 193 • i marks • presented a' life member ■ ship to . Mrs: John Blue from the . W.M:S. Mrs. Robert Court ■ Tell :Your Traveller, or When' Ordering, ,To ' ■. , ney.' was convener for . the prog- i .. ■ SHIP' : BY • WALDEN BROS. • TRANSPORT '` , . a a. ram . and : the installation ' of the `I '■ new off icers . was conducted by ■� 'By Phonii>e RU 7-6541 Toronto .Or .GE 8-675.3. LondoA, i • ■ • ; e • Rev. ,Mr. ''';Button. Boxes for ion■oioo■■conA■inn■i■on■'■■annaa'an■on■■us■!,a■•■■■ : shut-ins were brought. to „"the !use had no Lib/m.7 Roll eau meeting- ' After singing the. was answered- by each member Christmas ' Carol, "While Shop-. • i • u St.: `Peter's W.A. • The December.: meetthg . of: St. Peter's : W.A. was held at the home o . Mrs.; • Bert , Ward on Tuesday. evening,' Deceinber 13: Tile . meeting opened : with.. the W.A. Prayer,' Prayer Partners ••. prayer and the Lord's Prayer The scripture was -read by. M.S. W. E. • Hodgkinson. The treasur- er's report was given ' It was de-: cided, to .purchase 15 little' fold- ing old -int: stools for the ..Primary • class . All the . officers were returned. again for another year.: Presid- ent, Dorothy Cooke; . Vice Presi- dent, Mrs Fred McQuillin; Sec- retary, Mrs: W. • E. Hodgkinson; Treasurer, Mrs. Fred. McQuillan; Flower. and Sick Secretary, Mrs. Etta Roberts- Living Message' wE. SDAY : DEC 21st,. 1960 Esso Oil Heat is your 'surest way to a warm, pleasant home. Andthere's a safe, dependable Esso fuel that's exactly right for your heating: unit. Whether you use a Lace heater, Boor furnace or automatic furnace; your Imperial Esso Agent can introduce you to a wonderful world of warmth. He'll help you spend a comfortable, :carefree winter. ALW/ S'1 0OK TO IMPERIAL FOR THE BEST Grant ChishOifli, LucknO.vv herds • Watched Their Flocks" the presenting their: White . Gift.. Mrs: ' Alex Hackett reported on how benediction was'' pronounced: ti `n' was as raised during urin Lunch ••was served•. by .the coin - the alloca o g ch of Pa the past • year. It'was decided. to mittee in.charge .and a social; Ketcli aw. . o -- -t ha1f, hour was" enjoyed. Officers Hutton- wh- send the . W rld Friends o- all: r g•for 1961. , are as. follows: Press- school age children in the coinCourtney wit :be worshipful nunrty. y The . Executive is . to ' dent, , `Mrs. John Blue; 1st `. Vice,:. Preceptor for 1961:.. Other offi . Recording Thorbtirn; 'D. ' plan .for. a: social .evening • to be Mrs. .carssire—\ Deputy .'Preceptor,.. held in • Hacketts ° Church some': 'Secretary, Mrs ;`Murray: Walden; William Houston;. Chaplain, Ar, receptor,' James Rev. John C: cceeds • Donald. time du'i ig,.the winter and in- Corresponding Secretary, .. Mrs. vice plaices and Zion; also est. 'Leonard.:Irwin, Treasurer,.: Mrs. Helens,. and have the film, John. McDonald, Organist, Mrs. `'Household of .Faith" shown. It Jr- Nesbitt . and Mrs. Bert Irwin; was voted to send $10:00 • as ':a Press Secretary,' Mrs. William J. Christmas gift ' to Marie Cups- :T Courtney.; C;G.I-T: Leaders,. Mrs. key Rev:" Kiser closed the , o Bell and Miss .Jean Geddes; meeting with .:prayer. Lunch Baby . Band Leader' Mrs- William followed by the 'hostesses in Ferguson; .Supply •Secretar"y, . Mrs.' charge, Mrs. Ralph .Cameron & Donald . Courtney and Mrs. Cecil Mrs. Alvin . Alton., . Fallowing Humphrey; Mission Band. Lead thur. Smeltzer; Treasurer,: ,James McNain; . Registrar, Charles Em merton; Lecturers, Lorne Reid, Alton-Smeltzer; Pursuivant, •Har - 'family dinner was held at the Windsor Hotel, `Kincardine with'' Mr. and Mrs- ;Robert Courtney, '• Mr and Mrs. Elwood Irwin and 'and Mrs. William Ke npton attending. Later inthe':. evening a social.' time was enjoyed at the Campbell . home; Huron Terrace St. We extendbest. wishes to: Mr. and Mrs. Campbell for many more happy . anniversaries: ry'Lernon; Censors, 'Charles Win .ey' and Albert, Tout. • The Christmas meeting of tChe Reids Corners ..Worneri's Inti- •tute was' held in the' community hall; Thursday ' afternoon: ; • The 12 Christmas boxes were ers,:. Mrs.: Wm. • Kempton and [ tin iwith the ode lunch, Meeting opened Mrs. Cao Hooe' Junior Choirs Mary Stewart Collect. and smug. packed and sent to shut ins: y,ung .carols while the origin of s'stazrt,, Mrs.. Ernie Gibson; th carols, "0 . Little • town of • e' Program: Committee, Mrs. Elden. As Bethlehem" and "As • :with glad LOCAL PLANT 1� ELD Lowry and Mrs Leonard Court • - • Secretary, Mrs: Bert. Ward, Dor- t nays' Visiting committee, Mrs. J. CHRISTMAS PARTY' i cas Secretary, Mrs: 'Etta Roberts; Nesbitt Community Friendship, ' '- Mrs, William Pace, Christian Little Helper,:Secretary, Mrs-; The Beatty Ladder Company Citizenship and Temperance, W. E. Hodgkinso Prayer Part- a held their , Christmas . Party . on Mrs. Eldon. 'Bradley; -: Steward- ner Secretary; orothy Cooke.; Tuesday night, December' 13th, .. • ship and Finance, Mrs. • Chester The meeting closed with • prayer r in the Legion hall. ampbell; <Mission ' . by the Rev. Wilfred ' Wright. A 1. Under. ' the capable direction • MrsAry , Monthly, ' social time followed.. The Nov- i of Clare Johnstone acting as Harvey Robb; Associate ember meeting., was held in the; chairman, the programme . ,got Helper, Mrs: Murdock McDonald; form of a. pot"link supper om:. underway with: a Literature, Secretary, Mrs.,. Ste- ycommunity xlc rt Shiells; Auditors, Mrs. Car - November• 10th at the home • of sing , of Christmas Carols with . , Coiling and Mrs. Cliff •Ged- Mr. ',and Mrs. Fred .•McQuillan. IMrs.. Thomas ,1VlacKenzie' at the s des • ' • i. piano . and Mrs. Clare Johnston 3 The sympath f Hackett. United Church W.1ALS leading the singing. r T'pf the commu- nity The December meeting . of: . The chairman then: introduced goes' to the family of the. late Roy Bradley who was fatal- Hackett$ W.Ni.S. was'held at the � 'the employees and their families ,.. • home of Mrs: Alvin Alton with! and guests. Yy •rnlured din an accident last ten members: present. ' The in- t .The program ' consisted of: $day: stalletion ,service for ° new offs- piano duet, Sharon and Linda kers of Joshua Preceptory vers' was : taken by Rev. Kaiser. ' O'Donnell;. film shown tinder .Ko 1. ,Black Knights were in- ' read .:the the capable • direction of Mr. ,stalled in' . a ceremony in .Am - Mrs. Ralph Cameron barley L.O.L. hall Wednesday ..and Mrs. sA in Alton read from JamesO'Do orchestra selection, :'ono,Irs: right The ceremony story from St Luke � Bristow; was in nnell at the, piano, St: Matthew. Mrs. Kaiser •gave" Mrs. Ivan Conley, banjo and a •reading entitled . ""What • we . M'arke 'Johnston and Jack Wraith l . _:.. am Mouth Organ Selection think Christmas is." Prayer fol- violinists, . greatly enjoyed; vocal e g by Charles Anderson, film, Mr. lowed ed Mrs. Bert Alton • and 0 o duet,Helen Johnstone Mrs. • ,Frank• Alton gave a story O'Donnell; recitation, Beth Ha Bristow. • Indian Legend, called the Loons Necklace, ness• men of Old,' Joy to .the .World was given by Mrs. Chester. Campbell, ...Mrs Mervin Funston gave. Christmas. readings and a selection "Star of the' East" was: given. Mrs. Eldon''Bradley gave a report on the '""Eat- to Live" 'f !program which'was interesting. p' A dtiet by Mrs. M. Ethmier. and •Mrs. W. J. Courtney, "A. White; Christmas ' was given and • • a Christmas contest by Mrs.' Kel a vin . Henderson was enjoyed: easy -to -get -to Hotel ....The Plans were • discussed . for a T /�� 1r euchre Party ear y in an a , LORD Sl LYlI� Articles for a bazaar were sold• . . r 900 roc ms and •su;tcs '� n�Ex with satisfactory results. Christ- • tub, sbower;'radio and TV. MONUMENTS For sound counsel and a fair price on a monument correctly' designed 'from quality material,. rely on , SKELTON MEMORIALS Pat O'I-Iagan, Prop. Established Over Sixty Years W iicerti ni ' . Phone . 638-w OiltatiO TO 0-.N1- N:TO' S Bagpipe Christ1 - nstone Or - r • n mas gifts were distributed to all.' Home of the Canadian ruimp members and the meeting closed , Room-Dandng ... no c;� las na by. singing a Christmas carol, ' minimum...Ample free orcn5 -c"i the closing ode , and grace. P °g F� Conren�tion F411.16; `Lunch was served by the host- F'" Y Pl'"0. ' esses and all enjoyed a social CANADA: The Lord Elgin, (wawa time. The Lord Sin coe,Toronto Former residents of the Am- r; CHICAGO: The Sherman. • The Hotels Ambassador quote ort, gag S".n=t , l Mire 2-111411—Telex C225$ berley district, Mr. and , Mrs: . William Campbell of Kincardine celebrated. their 30th Wedding. Anniversary, • December 13th, A Selections • John MacRae' mos 'solo, laugh Joh chestra selection, followed by a film on Victoria and„British Col- umbia. ' • Santa Claus paid a visit and all the children received beauti- ful gifts as 'well as candy and. :treats The ladies provided a bounteous luncheon that was topped Peed off by ice cream. Eveirlr-” one agreed that the first Christ - mat family party of the Beatty Ladder Company was a httge suecess and a grand start to the happy festive season . - Agnevs! INSURANCE Agency GENERAL iNstIRANct 1 3$ .w tailless 39 HOWARD AGNEW Residence 1: r